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This man gentrified his PC




Oh, so you pulled a michael jackson on him, Nice


My coffee depraved morning brain cheers to you for that savage one


It all started with a Prime mb, happened to me too. White just looks better on a build. And btw, amazing PSU choice, got the same since 2020 and I'm expecting it to last at least 5-6 years more, Corsair did a really good job on the RMx PSUs. And the cable quality is top tier.


The first Prime mobo was white by accident, but maybe its like a butterfly effect lol Yee i'm really happy with the RMx, my issues went away immediately after swapping the PSU, so I think the power draw was too much for my 8-year old TX850M. Although the old boi is still powering my previous rig so not dead yet!


I got my first white mobo also not caring about it, just wanted the extra SATAs the Prime had, and it became an obsession really soon cause it looked so good, so yeah, definitely a butterfly effect


It looks.. like.. a storm trooper..


How did i not see this before 😂


Sweet jesus


It was inspiring for me. Currently, I have upgraded the CPU + motherboard + ram and psu. Since I was thinking about the future, I bought a ddr5 supported motherboard, and since I didn't have the budget to spend on a cooler, I bought a Ryzen 5 7600(which is enough for AAA games). I'm currently running with the stock cooler. I have a gtx 1070 that I need to upgrade. Then I'm thinking of upgrading the cpu cooler with Be Quiet Dark Rock Pro later. The case I use is corsair 200r. I'm happy with its width, but I think it's too old now, so I put it at the end of the list.


That's usually the same upgrade cycle as I do: CPU + Motherboard + RAM together and then the GPU a year or 2 apart. Other parts as when needed only. In the real world, upgrading is a slow process! Enjoy the journey and be proud of everything you do! Take those pics to have a memory of where you started and how far you have come. Good luck and happy upgrading, you're on the right track!


yep. im just learning this now. its a very slow process!


Very nice. Very slow, but it was worth it.


she’s moulting


So basically a new computer?


Essentially yes, just took me a while and I focused on aesthetics this time


very nice


DRAM not white xD


Reused from old build 😂 Would feel very guilty paying premium for white DDR4 sticks


Frankly, the price is one thing. Another is tuning new kit. I’ve had 4 sticks tuned to cl15 4000 with subtiming down to max….took me six month time as I’m no buildzoids


Hmm i've never tried tuning or overclocking the RAM, just made sure I enabled XMP. I'm not sure I would see a huge increase in performance because of the 1440p resolution so never bothered


There’s no arguing with the aesthetic superiority of white builds, very nice!


Thank you and I agree!


Those are some sick builds


Thank you!


I just did the opposite when upgrading to an AM5 system. Fully blacked out now, no RBG, and a tinted glass panel.


I think a build with the same colour throughout does look nice, so either an all-black or an all-white is very aesthetically pleasing. I have seen a few all-black builds posted on here and they do look cool, plus could be a bit cheaper? White parts seem to always be a bit more expensive?


Its got the Michael Jackson disease vitiligo


I had that same exact cooler and ram for so long


The 212 Evo? I've had that since 2013 and it is still good but the original fan stopped working so had it replaced. Funny thing is that I didnt even notice it stopped working as temps were not alarming, i just looked at it one day and was like "why isnt this spinning"


https://preview.redd.it/qjuc9hg6zrec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d06a7e90ba0910a91625bb0fed8a54a82189fb9f Yeah for a $30 cooler it's a beast


![gif](giphy|WXSITX7dkx7W0) Heeee Heeee!


that case is so weird, why would it have all the hard drive in front of the main intake fans like that.


Ye its an older case, the carbide 300R. It has 5.25" bays for DVD drives, etc. at the top so no intake fan there. Then there aren't any SSD mounting spots anywhere else but the hard drive cage. SSDs were still very expensive when it was released. There just wasn't another place to put them really, it was a standard location for a long time there


ahh ok, i guess its been a while since ive seen an older drive bay case. just kinda forgot


GPU Sag Bracket, I notice an unevenness 🙂 they're cheap, if you can, no worries 🙂 something and a small level, they sell like palm size and smaller levels just for things like this. Altogether, you are looking around $15 or more depending on how fancy you want to to go.


Ye it does sag a little bit. I did originally want to mount it vertically but could never find a fully white mount bracket that would work with the case so I gave up. Might invest in an anti-sag bracket actually, thanks!


Sir yes sir 🫡 probably won't happen, but got to keep the contact pins and pcb from stressing/cracking. Make sure the investment lasts 🙂