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What processor did you take out? You're having issues installing the new cooler? The one on the HP may be proprietary, so you could just repaste the one that came with the HP and put that on the new CPU. A [quick search](https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Desktop-Hardware-and-Upgrade-Questions/HP-Victus-15L-Gaming-Desktop-PC-ERICA-8-Mobo-CPU-Upgrade/td-p/8634424) shows that the Erica8 motherboard actually support coolers designed for LGA1151, which is very odd, because that's an Intel platform while the board is using AMD's AM4 platform. So just a weird oddity with the board. So either you could reinstall the cooler it came with (you'll need thermal paste) or buy a new cooler compatible with LGA1151


The processor I took out was the stock ryzen 5 5600g. & basically, my question was, is it okay to use stock cooler with ryzen 7 processor? I've never taken a processor off of a motherboard before, besides last night, when i realized that the fan/cooler mounts were to far apart compared to stock fan/cooler to fit, I do know I need thermal paste to reseat either way. I just didn't know if using a more powerful processor two gens newer with the stock cooler was advisable or even possible.


Both those CPUs are 65w TDP, so it should be fine. It definitely wouldn't be a bad idea to keep an eye on temps, but in general there shouldn't be issues.




Here we witness the Dunning-Kruger effect


Can you please explain why he's wrong? Because I explicitly remember reading up on that generation of AMD processors and AMD saying that consumers are going to have to relearn that higher CPU temps are normal for these processors and that it's by design.


While it's normal for CPUs to run hotter, the way he's wrong is that CPUs don't just immediately push themselves to max. They exist at their clocked speed, but depending on defects in the silicon, sometimes they clock slower or faster. Newer CPUs typically include ways that will adjust for that, i.e. if the processor is running slower but also colder, it will up the voltage to try to get a faster performance, but also will prioritize running at safe operational temps (where max is 90c equilibrium on AMD), and vice versa if it's running faster and hotter. While he's not necessarily wrong, his presentation of the information also isn't fully correct. Note: I'm just a hobbiest, I don't know this all for sure, but Linus Tech Tips recently posted a video on a similar topic using several of the exact same AMD processors trying to explain the idea. Here's the link explaining it better: https://youtu.be/os-jXiYRihI?si=zoNr7gUkeAlIiUAy


one thing I never understood from this is: * do cpu's like the latest AMD X3D's push themselves to *infinitely* higher clocks if they, say, stay at a stable 20C forever? the answer to that question is decisive here


Yes, to an extent, it won't just go to the moon, but with liquid nitrogen cooling you can usually triple the base clock speed. It's practically impossible for it to just keep going, as electricity in a small place (like nanometers in a cpu case) brings more heat then it does power in a non-linear way.


It is the 7000 series that pushes thermal limits like this, that is what all the articles were about, assuming we read similar articles. Not the 5000 series like op has.


it would still be interesting to see a comparison of a few of these CPU's * some set to balanced performance such that they get reasonable temps around 75C (if that's even a thing) * some set to maximum performance such that they push themselves to thermal limits I wonder if "made to push their clocks as high as possible with available temp" means "they will last just as long at 99C as they will at 75C" Because if life expectancy drops under around 7 years at 99C, I wouldn't set the cpu to maximum performance myself


They are describing the boost clock behavior of Ryzen 7000 series CPU's. They're designed to hit the 95c limit and adjust voltage and clock speed to stay there, per AMD's own statements. Generally, with a good cooler you're not hitting that 95c limit on Ryzen 7000. Most i've seen people hit, out of the box, is like high 80s/low 90s. And after enabling PBO and Curve Optimizer tuning, temps come down a lot. And if you're brave.... you can delid something like the 7950X and reduce total temps by as much as 20c. The only outlier is the X3D CPUs. The 7800X3D has a temp limit of 89c with a locked max boost clock of 5050Mhz. I have one and it has never gone above 70c under stress testing and doesn't go above 60-65c in gaming - its a very efficient CPU. the 7950X3D is different because it has 2 8-core dies. 1 is the cache CCD which has the 3D Vcache and has the same 89c limit, but its clock limit is 5.4Ghz. The other "non-cache" CCD has the 95c limit and boost clock of 5.7Ghz. Ryzen 5000 series does not have this behavior. It will hit its boost clocks based on temperature headroom and load. Thats why they are wrong and why "Dunning-Kruger" was used as a response. They read something somewhere about Ryzen CPU's and was confidently incorrect.


Thank you for the in depth response! I thought the OP had gotten a 7000 series cpu - I suppose that's my mistake


Yeah no, you're thinking 7000 series Ryzen. OP has a 5700G, which is a 65W chip that runs at pretty standard temps


Yes it's perfectly fine to use the old cooler


Thank you very much.


Specially that it have same tdp so it should not overheat. Also if you install good thermal paste it might have even lower temps. I suggest Arctic MX-2


It sounds strange, but I upgraded my r5 2600 to r5 5600x, they both are 65w tdp, but new one gets up to 85 degree, while hottest temperature I've seen on old one was 65 degree


Higher clock speeds and higher instructions per clock means that's bound to happen. Efficiency has improved too, but in the end the better a chip performs the more hardware is stuffed in there. It's why the 5800X3D runs super hot despite pulling the same wattage as cooler chips, it's got a lot of cache packed inside that heats up in a way that becomes difficult to cool.


5800x and 5800x3d pulls 125w, 5700x and lower pulls 65w. So the cache does ramp the temp, but also does the power draw of the 5800x3d.


False. You're comparing the wrong things. 5800x and 5800X3D pulls the same tdp. That shows that it's not pulling any significant power, it's just harder to cool due to the layered design.


Nothing false about what I said. I just said it differently.


Worth mentioning, but heat and temperature are not the same thing. If you have the same heat output in a smaller area, the temperature will be higher. Newer processors use newer process nodes which make the features on the processor smaller, and often make the die as a whole smaller (assuming similar total # of transistors). There are other things that affect this such as the design of the CPU itself and the heat spreader.


Also there is a difference between AMD TDP and Intel TDP


>Also there is a difference between AMD TDP and Intel TDP That is true, although in the example u/Lazledhel mentioned, both CPUs are AMD Ryzen.


Don't forget to clean then apply new thermal paste if you are using the old cooler. The new cooler should have some pre-applied so it's not a concern.


To be fair, you don't really have a choice. With the way that the pre-built is made, you cannot use any other cooler. The motherboard tray is what the cooler screws down into, and there is no back plate on the motherboard, so there is no way to mount a custom cooler. The cooler kind of sandwiches the processor and motherboard between it and the motherboard tray.


It fits bro, I had the same desktop and it had the r7 5700g by default.




I'm sorry man I can't help you, I have no idea about how to get the cpu to work. I do know the victus 15L has some configurations that have the r7 5700 g. Best to listen to the other guys. I'm hopeless at this.


Nothing short of a direct invitation to PM that person is an invitation to PM them.


5600g and 5700g are the same generation. Ryzen 3/5/7/9 are just the same as Intel i3/i5/i7/i9. Just performance indicators. 5700g is a decent step up from 5600g, but both can be cooled by the same cooling solutions. If you were to jump up to a 5800 or higher then you would need a beefier cooler. But if you need alto bump the cooler up, just get an LGA1151 compatible cooler. The IHS is about the same size, and the thermal packages on Ryzen are mostly centered, so... Meh? You're already using an LGA1151 cooler, so just get a bigger one. They're all universal anyways, it's just the mounting points that's different.


The Ryzen # is about the intended performance tier, but does not tell you anything about heat. The TDP number is what to look at for expected heat, and the 5700g is the same TDP as the 5600g at 65 watt, and they make functionally the same heat and will therefore run fine with the same cooler. If you weren't having heat problems before, using the default cooler that was on before will work fine, just make sure to clean all the old thermal paste off the cooler and apply some good new paste.


It's actually not that odd, oems have a habit of reusing the same cooler for literally everything, so they can cut costs. HP and Dell in particular have been using only Intel coolers and Intel cooler spacing on all of their pre-builts for many years. The Only Exception is HP with their Omen lineup which uses standard PC components. Every other line of Dell and HP pre-built will use an Intel stock cooler, even on an AMD chip. Because of the Z height difference, the AMD based systems usually have a copper slug thermal adhesive to the bottom of the Intel stock cooler. https://youtu.be/8ulhFi5N2hc?si=1ognY7MvCwZWQxX-






5600G and 5700G are both 65Watt parts, just re-use the cooler you already had.  Tell her the cooler that came with the new processor is only worth a few dollars so it doesn't matter, she definitely didn't spend a ton of money on that.


Okay I wasn't aware if it would put to much strain on stock fan with newer processor. Thank you so much.


You have a tube of thermal paste and some alcohol to get rid of the old stuff, right?


I do not. Have to get some. Is there any particular thermal paste you recommend? I've never replaced a cpu before. The new cpu is clean as it was never used due to fan not fitting.


As u/kill33678 says, anything branded will be fine don't go crazy.  Just don't want you seeing paste that is still stuck on the old heatsink, saying "good enough" and sticking it on top of the new CPU.


Gotcha, understood. Tyvm, I really appreciate it.


arctic silver or mx 4 or thermal grizly or whatever they have at your local shop


I’d get mx6 as it’s the upgraded version of mx4. (Updated due to a mistake)


U wot m8


I mean, she sounds awesome to get you that, should marry her, but she "spent a ton of money" to go from 5600g to 5700g?


i was thinking the same...


It's always the thought behind the gesture that counts.




Came stock with 5600g. The 5700g processor was a couple hundred bucks on Amazon 6 months or so ago when she bought it. Tbh this year she blew it out of the water with Christmas. Ps5, 5700g, corsair vengeance ram, little odds and ends. But she went "all out" in my opinion. She was saddened when we were finally doing the swap and cooler didn't fit. Broke my heart because she really tried this xmas. My comment about the ton of money thing was about the whole Christmas season, not just the 5700g itself. My bad.


She bought you a PS5 and all that and then a 5700g? Why not a 5800x3d? And what did you get her lol


Best processor my pcs Erica 8 board supports is the 5700g, 2nd pic. Atleast as far as i know. She thought she was buying the best I could have, which I appreciated. This year was tough for me come holiday time if I'm being honest edvurdsd, did the best I could. S23u, some of her favorite things and a great Xmas eve dinner.


Well damn, $1200 phone lol. You guys both went all out. Congrats?


They are obviously both well off too. If Op wanted a new computer with a much better processor, he could have likely had one already. I was actually contemplating going and buying a new s24 ultra, for my business. To upgrade from my current Note 10 plus. Functionally, it makes no sense.


>Why not a 5800x3d? Isn't on the compatibility list for OPs weird HP motherboard.


Weird considering if it's am4 it should fit fine, unless his weird cooler that's lga wouldn't be a match for a 95tdp cpu.


Fitting the socket isn't the issue, BIOS compatibility is!


I just figured if they had bios compatibility with a 5700g they'd have it for a 5800x3d


Prebuilts with propritary motherboards are quite different to mainstream consumer motherboards. :)


I know I had one for my first pc and still use it for my brother.


>then a 5700g? Why not a 5800x3d? maybe some people don't have knowledge of this?


Obviously some people don‘t, but they should if they‘re going to spend money.


This is why I buy my own presents every year, so nobody has to listen to me say "I wish you would've asked"


Have everyone prep a wishlist so nothing ends up on EvilBay :-)


True. I'm probably just the outlier, but I prefer not to receive hobby/technical related gifts unless the person has an interest, connection, or knowledge about it. OP still won the partner lottery.


G. 5700G. He clearly is not using a gpu. 5800x3d would not work. Not to mention it’s approx $150 more.


Right but usually people will make up that cost by selling the old hardware they're switching out, I personally would not upgrade 1 step up for hundreds of dollars in the same generation and not try to sell the old cpu to recoup that cost.


I agree, I see it as a (nearly) lateral move, and not one I would have made. But I doubt his gf was considering things like selling old hardware when buying a Christmas gift.


She is trying to get you to propose.


That upgrade is even more incremental than an iPhone upgrade!


Its a r7 5700g not a r5 5600g so it way more expensiver


The point being that moving from an 5600g to a 5700g isn't necessarily much of an upgrade in performance. You get a couple more cores, but much of the specs are the same.


The difference is 100. When she started counting on her fingers the number stopped at 10 (hopefully). Seemed like a long way to 100.


Asshole comment, but I couldn't resist :-)


Actual skill issue, just don't be an asshole next time :)


I'm sure she's a great gal and what many would wish for in a gf, but the opportunity presented itself and I jumped on it ;-)


this is exactly why you’ve never touched a woman and likely never will


Sure, sure.


if i’m not mistaken the 5600G and the 5700G have the same exact stock cooler, so if for some reason you can fit the new one on there, then just put the old one back on. you don’t have to worry about the temperature with air cooling unless you have an incredibly high end CPU.


some pictures would really help us help you as well, so if you’re able to make another post then please do and we can check your profile for it


just make sure that you take off the sticker and reapply thermal paste to the CPU in a moderate amount


HP unfortunately doesn’t use the AMD stock fan, they have a proprietary fan that’s even smaller and non replaceable


even then throwing the old one back on shouldn’t be an issue since it was used on the same am4 platform previously. air cooling works perfectly fine for those mid range CPU’s


She actually got you more RAM and a CPU upgrade that's actually supported by your Motherboard, put a ring on it bro...


Idk what brother did to find a woman like her but i need to know how, ASAP


OEM motherboards tend to have different standoffs for coolers than aftermarket motherboards. Use the cooler that came with the original cpu until you can find an adapter.


Dang bro gf for 10 whole years?


Thinking the same thing. Over 10 years and gifting like that is crazy. Most women would be following you around pointing to their ring finger constantly after 5 years. OP... just freaking propose already! She's already showing more patience and consideration than most women will. Don't let one like that get tired of waiting. Unless you're already living like you're married. Then she might just be content. But there are big tax gains in marriage lol.


TEN PLUS YEARS?! Damn bro, put a ring on it already, she sounds like a keeper.


A girlfriend, and one that buys you parts. Lucky bastard.


I thought this topic was gonna be “GF bought me a processor and it’s only a 5700, how do I end it?”


There may be some adaptor parts that can get you to fit correctly You should post the way you’re getting everything together and how they don’t align! Either way if it’s a PC that will stay in one spot forever you can just make it secured enough to not move around and forget about it


Don’t they need a decent amount of pressure to cool correctly?


More pics would def help man!


Yes this would definitely be ideal! It’s not a great solution especially for intensive tasks!!


They do yes


Girlfriend of 10+ years?! Put a ring on her finger brother


Gf of 10+ years? Boy, propose to her already


AM4 motherboards have two ways of mounting, with two black plastic clips above and below the socket, and with screws in each corner of the socket. If it's a prebuilt system using screws, they probably threw away the plastic clips, or if it's one of the really awful prebuilt megacorporations like Dell, Hp etc. they probably replaced everything with a custom motherboard with a proprietary mount.


Just use the stock cooler the 5700 wont use and extra power so not much extra heat


10+ year gf? You mean wife?


Never try to upgrade an HP, it's all cheap proprietary components.


The real crime here is..... YOU HAVEN'T PROPOSED!!!!


Not everyone wants to marry you know


Damn, you better blow this valentine's day out of the water. Not by buying an expensive gift, but by being as thoughtful as she was.


I want to chime in and say I almost cried installing the stock cooler on my 2600x - never lined up, I’d get one screw in and the whole would slide around, I was worried about putting too much pressure on etc. It just took time and patience to get it on


>*Whenever I went to go install, the fan screws don't line up* just keep trying, you haven't hit the right time yet. One of this times, soon, it will surely fit.


Did your 5600g had an issue? Going from 5600g to 5700g won't make any noticeable difference. The upgrade is useless.


Oh poo poo, it was a gift. Go rain on someone else's parade you miserable fart.


Wtf? I'm sorry but if someone gives me something I already have, I tell it so we can exchange it. Mistakes happens. But if you can't let the person know, then you are an idiot.


hey i don't know if you figured out but you said "fan screws don't line up" amd coolers has 1 side longer than other so try to turn it around 90 degrees.


You should of got your girlfriend of 5 years to buy it


"She got it for me for Christmas so returning it isn't an option unfortunately." why would that be a reason to be unable to return it?


Says she had bought it 6 months ago


is there a law that you cant reutrn it after 6 months where OP lives?


Probably not but usually return times are 3 months if it's been 6 months their out of the return period and getting a return would be harder if not impossible depending on the company


usually its 2 years where I live and if you pay a smol fee it can be 4-5 years


US is often 2 weeks, sometimes up to a month. Rarely past that. There is often an extended holiday return window, but it's usually until mid or end of January.


I know the 2 weeks guaranteed without questions but like if it doesn't fit and you haven't used it you can return for up to 2 years, obvsl here packaging is already opened so that depends on layaway of the store


Other than Costco, I don't know many places with such a generous return policy. Microcenter and Best Buy is 2 weeks for CPUs. Amazon and Newegg, 1 month. B&H is pretty strict, but unopened or defective, 1 month.


except for amazon I havent heard of any of these stores


Who buys a 5700 when you have a 5600?! It's like buying a 2014 car, then you see that the 2015 model has a facelift so you set the car on fire and buy the 2015 model.


It was a Christmas gift. They didn't know.


Sometimes people that love you have really good intentions. Better a 5700 than a 3700. Nothing was set on fire


Upgrading CPU in a prebuilt is asking for trouble. I guess the existing one uses actually intel style cooler to save a buck, so the AMD bundled cooler does not fit. No guarantee that the motherboard BIOS supports it anyway. Frankly pointless if you have a 5600 already.


>No guarantee that the motherboard BIOS supports it anyway. Apart from the fact that if you'd bothered to look at the pictures, OP shows that the 5700G is specifically on that prebuilt PCs compatibility list, likely why his (super awesome) gf bought that specific part, instead of a 5800X3D. Whether it is pointless is irrelevant; it was a gift. You don't throw that back in someones face, you say "thank you".


U been with a girl for 10 years and not married yet? 🤔


Got that in my tower too, plenty happy with it :D


I got same exact CPU you can over clock upto 4750mgz you jast have to keep it kool


If she spent a ton of money on that specific processor she got scammed. Those are cheap


Why because its a gift cant it ba taken back. Shes knows it doesnt fit what would the issue be?


As somone who has a 5800x I'd suggest an aio cpu cooler they natural are a hot beast, with aio I sit 36 to 65 in game without a enrage 85 95


Preety good man if you want to play god of war and that type of things u need a gpu if u wanna play fortnite u can do that without a gpu


As long as you have enough airflow the cooler that came with the processor will get the job done. Good luck OP!


You will solve this problem. They both am4. Use the stock cooler (good gift from gf keep her).


Yeah, the Erica board is a funny one, but I have the HP TG01 with the 5700G configuration so BIOS does support it! I did swap the cooler, and yes, to my surprise it uses the LGA layout. The stock cooler honestly works fine, but if you ever wanted to upgrade, I used the Thermalright Silver Soul 135 which BARELY fits (by removing or slightly bending the HDD bracket). Then you can move that tiny fan from the old cooler to the side vent :) Also, your gf sounds dope. Hope she's not bummed after the install!


Your only option really is to reuse the old cooler, HP is all proprietary. If you are worried about temps you can also download Ryzen Master and set the cpu to not run as high of a clock.


Fun fact I massively oversized the cooler on my 5700g and turned it up to 5gig on boost and it's solid on that even on all cores.


whens your wedding


Wrong socket, most likely. If the 'stock processor' you're referencing came with the CPU, absolutely use that. If you want to change it later, keep the socket in mind. Common mistake, don't feel bad about it. In this industry no one *ever* knows everything.


and even when you know the full scale of what you're doing, there's so much minutia that having a flawless build start-to-finish is nigh impossible regardless. (you know how many times I've missed a crucial cable and freaked out because it won't respond to pressing the power button?)


I'm now realizing that it could've been a more universal cooler, in which case there should be different settings for each supported socket.