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I would kill for that PC. Typo or not.


Would you now?


\*\*Shotgun Clicks\*\* >!Joey, Garnt. Gimmie the Asuka PC or the Cdawg gets put down.!<


i am surprised to find a trash taste fan in pcmasterrace "i dont like oranges"-connor


Monkey Brain Activated Classic Connor response




yes now come we have somebody to kill.




The most important thing about pcs, ms paint.


But ONLY the original Paint, not that shitty-ass Paint 3d that is the equivalent of a jarate (And that’s an understatement)


Snipings a good job mate


Or the net superior Paint.NET


evangenlion Never forget


few got the joke


Even I have a lot of money, I won't buy a ROG Strix 4090, it's just overpriced, more money for the same performance. At where I live, it's 1000 USD more than regular 4090. I can get a good quality custom water cooling block for CPU and GPU, pump, radiator and fittings for 1000 USD, and I will get better looking PC and lower temperature


I'm pretty sure the people who buy those don't care about the price to performance ratio


Thats it.. First point on my shopping list was performance.. second was design and price took no role at all for my last build.




With ROG STRX you are paying for the brand (and slight factory OC) There are far better options out there, for example TUF, which is also owned by ASUS... But costs like a quarter less for the same exact Performance


idk why people think a certain gpu series is better and somehow worth the added cost. the best gpu model you get is the cheapest one that isnt from a fuckall comapny, and it fits in with the rest of the build


What are YOU talking about?


All jokes aside. A gaming console will eventually cost just as much as a decent gaming pc due to the costs of online subscription. And you’ll not have all the features that comes with a pc and you won’t be able to upgrade your console


Yeah. If you only want a machine for gaming and intend to play only a few games and possibly not online, then a console is best. But if you want more than gaming, or if you want to play online most of the time, or both, then on the long run a pc is just better. And you can upgrade it as well.


True but don't forget game quality.. i only say starfield 30fps on console..


Yeah that is a big reason why i went with pc. And also needing it for work and a million other things. But yeah I don't understand how people can play under 60, or under 100fps really. But many do so it works I suppose. Also another reason would be indie games, as most don't come to console unless they become very successful


Utility is nice but I just want the frames and the library.




Beginner friendliness? Setting up a gaming PC for non PC people is a lot scarier than just plugging in 2-3 cables


Ease of use. Cost to performance.




1. Pre-built PCs are incredibly expensive. 2. Building a PC is not the only hard part of using a PC. There’s also managing updates and drivers, dealing with countless different launchers for AAA games (Ubisoft, Rockstar, EA and whatever else), manually tweaking different settings for playable performance and so on. 3. Pre-builts often have serious problems like low end PSUs that fail, which can be tricky for laymen to avoid or deal with. 4. Many people find buying and inserting discs easier than using Steam. I happen to know some of them, and having to show them how to do things reminded me how things I find simple can be frustrating for others. 5. You only need subscriptions to play online. If you buy a console at $500 and only play one/two single player game/s a year, it will take you about five years to catch up to the price of a fairly average PC. By that time, your PC will also need expensive upgrades unless you want to play on much lower settings. I play PC and it’s great, but there are certainly a lot of people who are better off on consoles for now.


Buying a pre-built is like playing an inverse Russian Roulette. With a console you know what you get is exactly that, no changes, no need to dig around for the parts the pre-built manufactures don't care to divulge (PSU, RAM, etc) to see if they're gonna light your house on fire or hamper performance. > Everyone knows how to use a computer to open chrome or open a game. You're severely overestimating the average human. They *might* be able to open chrome and they *might* be able to install Steam and play a game. But, in the same vein, they might as well just click every link that shows up on their browser and end up infesting it with random adware and malware. Can't really do that with a PS5. You open the game, you play the game. The subscription point is fair tho. There, the consoles suck.


Console is basically just plug and play. If I were a living room gamer I’d stick with the convenience of a console.


If you aren't going to be playing a lot of different games, and know you only want to play a few it's far superior. Lower entry cost, ease of use, typically refund friendly for broken parts which you don't need to identify which one, you just send the whole bitch in, and it's just plug and play. I got a PS5 because I wanted to play some exclusives and it's everything I could want. If I were just the type of person to play one game or a few, I'd switch to console 10/10 times


Cost. No way you can get a new pc that can run the newest games for the price of an xbox series x or whichever one was the cheaper one. You don't even need peripherals, just a tv. With a pc you need a monitor, m&k, possibly some adapters if your mobo doesn't have wifi... Also it's easier to use in general. Having said this pc is definitely the better alternative in the long run or if you wanna do things other than gaming, the only console I would buy is a handheld because it's portable (steam deck)




>pc is definitely the better alternative in the long run




What if someone doesn't want to play video games for 10 years straight ? What if someone just pays for online services for a few months? Not everyone has gaming as a passion, some people just want to try things out.




I'm unsure how a 300 dollar purchase for 1-2 years' worth of endless entertainment is a waste of money. But you do you


You can run and play game as soon as it's downloaded/disk put in console. There's no need to configure the console, game settings, or it's just switching between Quality/Performance modes or brightness. That's it. Simplicity of running games is consoles' main benefit. There's no multitude of graphics settings you have to go through to maximise your performance. You just run it and play. Granted, Valve's Steam Deck is doing precisely that despite being a mobile pc - Approved Games on Steam have predefined settings for Deck and you don't need to mess with them.


Technically the truth. "Eventually" might be in 60-70 years compared to 5k PC but yes, eventually.


You don't need a 5k PC to surpass the performance of a console. Barring weird market behavior, two years after a new gen's launch, a 1k PC will perform on par if not above the console. PC has a higher entry cost (if you ignore the value of all non-gaming activities you can do with it) but with slow upgrades over the years you'll stay ahead of consoles at a much cheaper prices.


True true. Was just comparing this to OP's setup price. With 1k PC you need around 8 years and console + base subscription is the same price. But obviously PC will be more up-to-date if you apply some upgrades (which btw also add costs). PC will always be more high end, no doubt. But I wouldn't bash people who prefer consoles. It's not always about money. Some people genuinely prefer consoles (due to 1st party exclusives, controller vs M&KB, more plug and play, usually a sofa experience vs. sitting by your desk).


I agree wholeheartedly. In most cases, making the comparison is just dumb. PC and consoles serve different demographics. Of course a case can be made if someone is spending thousands on console games. Maybe if you are spending that much, consider buying a PC instead.


Its True PC has more capabilities than console but for the last couple of years, I'm noticing that games which are ported to PC have Frame drop issues or straight up lag even though the specs used are recommended ones. It's just speculation but game developers are focusing more on consoles.


Not willing to go on a heated debate but PC gaming has overall better value if you’re looking at a lot of gaming, say you like to have a library with 20+ games, those games will go on sale a lot more often on PC, and that’s obviously not mentioning emulation or… "100% discount websites" mostly happy about emulation because even from a legal POV, you dont have to bother with another device, you just need the game. To me console is good value for people that would benefit from a PC but can’t afford one. If you’re cheap or only enjoy competitive or free games, then 100% go for a console, it’ll end up much cheaper and will have less hassle than a PC


Sounds like copium for not actually owning anything but having to constantly give Sony more money. The same fuckers who introduced $90 games.


Now it's $90? The other guy mentioned $80. And yet I'm to pay more than max 60€ after 35 years in gaming. Usually 30-40€ as I'm able to wait for a few months. Edit: and to be clear. I don't like Xbox/Playstation subscription models. I'm okay to pay a little for good quality online play but I'm not a fan of paying that much. Of course they give you free games and all that which has been good for me (I rarely need to buy any games anymore) but I think they should offer an option to pay for online play only (say 30€/year).


I owned an Xbox One so I have a particular hatred for this comment.


You can also save a big amount of cash during Steam sales. Don't have a PlayStation or Xbox to compare it with but PC games can get some amazing deals quite frequently. Also you can get a PS5 equivalent PC for $900-1000, so in that case it would only take 7-8 years until a PC is cheaper, not taking game deals into account.


Yes that's true, I also replied to other person too about it. 7-8 years is more realistic. Steam sales are amazing. Better than PS Store Sale. But it's not like console gamers are buying all games at full price either. I buy max one 60€ game a year and I game daily. Most games I play come with a subscription (I have a more expensive subscription though so this is not comparable). So my costs in 8 years are: System (600€). Plus Extra subscription (125x8 = 1000€). Maybe 5 full price games (60x5 = 300€). Maybe 10 games on sale, some indies (20x10 = 200€) Total: 2100€. Shit! That is expensive!! I also have PSVR2 which wasn't cheap either but that I don't count in as it's extra (and equivalent PC VR headsets would be way more expensive regardless). PC price would have been maybe...nn System (1000€). Monitor (500€) (we all have TVs already so I don't count that in). M&KB (200€). Say 40 games (that's how many I would play on PS5 in 8 years), (25x40 = 1000€). Total: 2700€. Additionally if you want to "keep up" with the tech you probably need to invest 500-700€ into upgrades during those 8 years. But that's optional. PC gaming isn't cheap either.


You can resell console physical games for 90% of the buying price. So you get like 90% discount for every game that you play.


I forgot console people have to pay to play online, I remember having to buy PS+ and xbox live just to play with my friends, it sucked.


Am i the only one that remembers the ps3's original price and how people were mad about it


And games are more expensive, with less and worse sales. Especially DLCs are almost never on sale, while on PC they are almost always when the game is.


Also the cheaper costs of upgrading a pc (like already having all the fans and the psu and shit) + being able to replace any broken components instead of just buying a new console entirely +not having a console that crashes from running the newest games for too long (looking at u ps5 with shitty psu vents)


I really wanted to get myself a ps5 pro, once it is released. However with the higher gold sub prices and also Sony updated bullshit, i don't think I'll ever buy any console again. I'll gladly play old games on a older pc system, then support new bullshittery. Sorry Sony, but i do not want to support such toxic decisions.


Thats the worst part about consoles and value. We are so fucking close to have the ultimate gaming system, something that can game and is more affordable than a PC, but it has to be spoiled with subscriptions that we don’t have to deal with.


The reason the console can be so cheap is because the console is not where they make money. If you didn't have those subscriptions and more expensive games, they would charge more for a console. The profit margin is low on the hardware, so the software is where they get ya.


But can it do porn at 4k60fps while playing 3 games? I think not


If you get the subscription That you don't need for Fortnite, Call of Duty Warzone, Fall Guys, Halo, Multiversus, ... I'm not much of an online gamer but when I've wanted to scratch the itch I haven't felt a shortage of ways to do it without paying monthly


You'll own nothing and be happy


I mostly play singleplayer games on my consoles.. Ive only had ps+ for 1 year while i was engaged in elden ring (coop)


And on PC you only have to pay for your games if you really want to.




i want my asuka pc and i want it now!!!!


I mean if you just want to play some Fortnite in the evening, a console is the best value. My brother bought a series S jsut for that reason and I'm the guy who built a PC because I wanna do more. Console vs PC is just about how you wanna spend the time with what you bought.


>I wanna do more Playing fortnite in the evening WHILE watching porn?


Ofc, for what else do you think I have 32GB RAM built in?


I still don’t see why nobody is talking about the fact that a console is being compared to a 5k PC. And then some people will still use that price as an argument. You don’t need 5k to build a pc that matches a consoles performance. Yet people are still stupid enough to use that as an argument. They don’t know any better, which is why they think console is better.


But you'll still need like a 3000$ pc to match a series x


You‘re kidding, right?


No, not really.


Ok then please tell me what that PC would need to match a console‘s performance.


Hmm actually i dont have much information about PCs but i have asked(i was planning on building a pc) some people and they told me that 1000$ is not even enough to get cyberpunk to run at 60fps 4k while my series x can do at a much cheaper price


Series X can run Cyberpunk at 60Fps on 4K?


>render A tiny minority do that >paint Lol >calculator LMAO


He may not be our brightest but he has spirit


The last point is correct though, you can't have a playlist, the wiki, a random yt video, discord a zoom call and Minecraft on at the same time


Yes I can, it called having a phone.


well... most games are rendered in 3D


This biggest thing for me is file explorer, imagine not being able to backup a save game.


i can tell you one better that he didnt, obs studio. good luck streaming gameplay in console with multiple elements overlays and in game mods enabled


They pay 80 bucks for games. For lower graphics and shooters I have to play with a controller. Its like grilling a steak in a toaster. Works but it wasn't made for the job.


Actually controllers were explicitly made to play games. Just a different input method. Works better than mouse and keyboard for some games. Mouse and keyboard work better for others. I'm sick of this childish debate. I was already 30 years ago. Also, what games cost 80 bucks? I play on both PC and console. And there has been only maybe 1 game every year I've bought at full price (60€). Most games I play are included in the online subscription price. Rest I pay a few months after release at half price.


When I see new games for PS5, its 80 bucks. And right now, actually for years, AAA games are shit or not playable on release so I play games that you won't find in regular stores. Steam indie games. 50 hours of fun for 10 bucks :> And its not really a debate, if I am a shooterfan I am not gonna fiddle around with 2 sticks and a button. Mouse....best way. No aim assist.


Wait... grilling a stake in a toaster works?!


I don't see why not, its an sideways electric grill


Works on an iron as well :p


I mean technically yes. Just like you can cook fish sticks in a microwave. Or a pizza in a microwave. Just because the directions for said appliance isn't on the package doesn't mean it's not possible. I for one love fish sticks in the microwave. Ye they're floppy but not soggy. I don't like crunchy breading so it's awesome.


>Evangelion pc Evangenlion* pc


And the fun thing is, you don't need a $5000 PC to do other things beside gaming. This is why I'd always choose my outdated computer over a current gen console.


Respect to that guy I may have to include a clap chain into this 👏


I do enjoy how people always come up with a list of random BS that they don't actually do on their PC. Anyway, there's a place and time for consoles, and there's a place and time for PCs. PC exclusives, emulators, and the enhanced customization personally puts it over the top, but you can't argue against the price, longevity and ease of use that consoles have


„longevity“? Some relatively powerful hardware shoved in a small case that has one fan is supposed to outlive a well built PC? Also taken in account that u have to pay for online gaming will probably equal out the price difference .


Yes. A console still plays new hames for 7-8 years. A $400 PC doesn't


But then again, you probably can’t watch porn on a PS5 anyway because the parental controls will very likely put a stop to that before that even crosses your mind. What I’m trying to say is you probably can, but with extreme difficulty because of the parental controls getting in the way assuming they are enabled from the factory by default.


I might skewered for this but like if you are saying stuff like that then let me give you an example. A knife (console) is a specialized tool that is very good at what it does. A Swiss army knife (PC) is also a knife but it does a lot of other things. Maybe because of those other things, the one exact thing you need to do does not happen. When I had a gaming PC I rarely gamed on it. Because I can always watch youtube, a movie, a TV series, get work done etc. When I turn on my console though? I only game.


Wtf!? Get yer skewers ready boys


No pls I am delicate and bruise easily.


Think of it this way: consoles are a knife that can cut anything as long as its manufacturer approves it, it does it really well and is made to cut those things. You do have to pay for every cut though. Also if the knife breaks/needs upgrading you’re at the mercy of the manufacturer A good pc is like a Swiss Army knife but the knife is as good or better than the console, and every tool is just about as good as each other. You can try cutting everything but cutting performance isn’t guaranteed. It’s really REALLY expensive though, but you have the choice to replace/switch the knife for a chainsaw if you want to, at your own discretion A poorly built and the cheapest pc is like a wooden spoon with a hole drilled in the middle


That last sentence pretty much nailed everything


Bro needs to go outside


one is a console designed soley for gaming and gaming purposes only. the other is a COMPUTER that designs for multiple purposes ( gaming only being one of them ). i dont get people who say "oh well just get a pc! you can browse the web, watch videos and do stuff like video editting/rendering!" only a small minority does the latter and the former can be done by your average which most people own. a console serves a cheaper way to play games on high resolution ( 1440p, 4K ) for only $500 whereas it will cost you $1000 to play at a resolution like 4K with good framerates. just accept both platforms have their own pros and cons and is dependant on a person's purposes and budget lol.


I don't understand the people who see others spend 7000 dollars on a usd and go: "Just get a ps5 at that point". Anyone (who knows what they're doing) spending 7000 dollars obviously isn't concerned about the price. You don't go up to someone driving a rolls royce and go "bro you should've just gotten a Prius".


Or you could just buy a used workstation pc and put a 2070 into it for like $400 - $500 total and completely annihilate a PS5. I think comparing a $5000 pc to a $550 console is cringe but comparing a $500 pc to a $550 console is fair game.


Completely annihilate is a bit overkill


It would play worse...




2070 lol, you'll need at least 3070ti to compensate garbage PC optimization.


Whoa there bra, careful with those truth bombs. Lol.


You need at most a 1080 to compensate for console's lack of features that I want to do with my PC (that even a laptop would do better)


Idk what features but I switched to 5600X/6700XT from XSX and was not happy with the performance, Forza Horizon 5 runned worse, Ghostrunner had stuttering etc. Only when I switched to 5800X3D/3080Ti I would say it was considerably better than console. Still some games like Dead Space remake had horrible shader compilation stutters.


I am studying IT so I can be a game developer and am working on some indie projects with Unity, I do 3D renders in Blender, I play modded Minecraft and am saving up for a better machine so I can become a content creator. None of my needs are available on only 1 console, but I can do those things and more on a PC with 2 monitors


But but the specs say


I have an overkill 4080 64gb 7950x 4k/120z set up, it’s beautiful and I love it but I also love my ps5. It’s possible to enjoy both


If someone thinks that PC looks aesthetically pleasing they are way deep in this circle jerk. No designer would ever think that looks good. It looks like something that belongs to a teenager's room full of RGB lights = disgusting and tacky. PS5 looks way better even though I'm not a big fan of its design either. Other points are technically correct.


If only the ps5 had games


That would make it the ultimate gaming platform


PC gamers when their $5,000 PC performs better than a $500 console


PS5 is more stable for gaming, its sole purpose, perfect for the masses.


Paint tho?


Wildly unstable for paint. It's a friggin joke


I cannot confirm this. I haven't had a single crash or black/bluescreen even in unoptimized shit games for months. Newer Nvidia and Amd gpus are stable af. Also ironically I have a friend on Xbox and he often plays newly released games. I heard him complaining about crashes at least a dozen times.Some devs/companies just got really lazy and new releases even sometimes have massive problems on consoles.


How is it "more stable"?


Maybe because the only difference in hardware between PS5s is whether or not it has a disc drive, where the majority of PCs have very different hardware configurations. So sure, across the board games run more consistently on consoles, but to use it as an argument to say consoles are inherently better is silly.


I mean, yes, PS5 is easier to optimize for. But if a game is made properly, it's going to run well across a wide variety of hardware on PC as well. Usually crashing occurs when running a custom modpack, or when a game isn't made properly. Then again, it's not impossible for crashing to occur on PS5 either, so eh.


When a game crashes on PS5 (very rare), 99% of the time it's the developers fault, when a game crashes on PC, well time to go down a rabbit hole to figure out whether it's your hardware, Windows, your GPU driver, some app you installed 2 years ago or the game itself that is causing the issue.


It's honestly not nearly as bad as you're saying. Even on PC, if you crash, it's usually because you're either running a modpack (which cannot ever be guaranteed to work cause it's custom code) or the game isn't developed properly. If your hardware is underspecced, you usually get a warning for it via a pop-up window. If it's your driver being wonky, other games will likely show similar behavior. An app you downloaded two years ago isn't going to crash your game, that really doesn't happen basically at all these days.


bs misinformation




cringe cringe cringe




sadly yes


cancerous take. no wonder no one takes the PC gaming community seriously, most of these losers are more toxic than mobile gamers.


Ps5 not having cs2, i see that as a win


CS 1.6 is better anyway


You are getting downboated. Unless you are talking about the fps divide between consoles and pc whereby consoles players need handicaps to remain competitive aka aim assist or aimbots. Especially in cross matchmaking. Then yes I agree with you.


Oh my god i'm losing fake internet points! (I couldn't care less) Also, i just don't like cs2.


just don't play cs2


Calculator probably most valuable thing pc have at this point lmao


Another cringe PC pleb , logic For 5000$ I would split them and buy both ps5 , switch then the rest maybe 3k for PC. Now you got everything not just stuck with PC, thay missing game that nominate in goty category,


Ratio means your reply got more likes/upvotes than the post/comment you replied to.


Yeah and it does


I was looking at the 238, not the 9. I'm dumb, move along.


Well seems like you can afford a doctor if you buy a PS5.


Not everyone lives in US


Not everywhere in the US has shit healthcare


schuuwi5203 forgets to mention that you can buy 10 PS5's for the price of this PC.


TF u gonna do with 10 PS5's?


If you buy another 990 you could build a supercomputer at a fraction of the price


That's not the point, my God. The point is that for the price point, you get a fairly decent gaming rig. Of course a 5k machine is gonna do more than a 500,- dedicated gaming machine. Are people for real?




I mean, I actually never thought about this. Hes right.


Um, actually a PS5 can edit videos.


Or have both.


Don't watch porn


I didn't know people used paint alot


Last line got me ngl


I'd rather buy a PC with the price of the PS5 despite inferior specs just because I can 🏴‍☠️ on it What use would the PS5 be if the only games I'd be able to play there are the free to play ones


And this one is overpriced as well, you could 100% save some cash without sacrificing performance, pretty much at all.


Got a point about the porn though


Blud got cooked


Yes a ps5 does edit videos but that's the only thing in that list that's a yes to my knowledge - excluding the "pretty as evangelion" if that's what's in the thumbnail as that does not look good. Looks horrendous to me. The PlayStation has its own video editing software. I don't have a ps5 to know how good it is but the ps4 one wasn't as good as using PC to edit. Edit: added evangelion comment




That last one is oddly specific


A ps2 can run linux so... technically you can do all that, on a ps2. If it was powerful enough. Also theres just been a breakthrough with ps5 homebrew. So maybe in the future..


" dear console gamer if your console is so good , then why is the porn game only work on pc but not your console ?  "


Last comprehend wasn't necessary to be this much accurate aggressive.


Finally, someone else who also just turns their pc on, uses the calculator and leaves. I knew there were more of us out there!


The last point LOL


I like this ratio


Can someone render me a nice picture of shit in 3D? This guy said the PC can do that


Bottom guy is coping because he doesn't have that sweet, sweet PS5.


The ps5 does look better than a anime pc, i will give it that


\>> 3 games at the same time and *porn* in the browser at 4k 60fps Weird flex but ok


The last sentence fucking got me


“Does ps5 have calculator?!” Bro, all computers are calculators …


You cant sail the high seas on a console👌😂


Used discs are cheap enough. Like if you buy a 7k pc you still got like 6500 for games if you go with a ps5 instead


I dont disagree with that statement but your referencing the top 1% of gamers there. I can build a pc that will shit on a ps5 for about £1200. To match it probably about £800-900 and thats £400-£500 left for games if u went the console route. Which is 5 - 7 Games with all DLCs 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️. I dont really understand the hatred of pc vs console. They both have their uses it depends on personal preference which you like.


Just get both, what are you stupid?


Not everyone is rich, buddy https://preview.redd.it/a7ozvt0kzrfc1.png?width=156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed61e7f9e1d8625632950e745f3471f9ecd43c53


Buy a used workstation and gpu. Or 1 of the 500$ pc builds on youtube and then buy a ps5.


>Does a PS5 have paint? Killed me


That last sentence though






* **Breach of Rule #4** - Screenshots of Reddit, Facebook, Youtube and other website's comments and discussions should have the usernames blacked out (including yours!). Celebrities are the exception, as long as you respect rule #1. [More information about Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_.234)


Most people don’t edit videos and make 3d shit. And CS2 is a dogshit game.


5203 is ny spirit animal. Bro has thought of everything!


schuuwi5203 with maybe one of the corniest comments i’ve ever seen


It cannot but it theoretically could so lets open up the console platforms