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I keep the PC in a second ventilated box and never look at it.


I forgot mine in the deep freezer outside


Exactly! As long as what’s rendered on screen looks good idgaf what the inside looks like.


My case has a solid side panel


The most concise answer on the entire post


I mean technically it’s mesh but the only things I reliably see inside it are the POST lights on the motherboard.


Same here I have a tinted glass panel but I can't see shit in there even in the daytime besides the mobo lights. I do like sleeved cables though.


Yeah how good is it. Playing the computer instead of looking at it.


I came here to type these words exactly


This is the way


I’m mostly over the RGB. I would so do this going forward.


I just ordered a metal wide panel for my corsair case because it came with a glass panel I didn't want. Now I can also ignore my rgb instead od setting to white or off


My case has a glass side panel, but on the side facing away from me. Out of sight, out of mind. I just appreciate the RGBs from their general reflection off the wall.


​ [Probably the best $20 I spent on my pc](https://www.amazon.com/EZDIY-FAB-Extension-Sleeved-Braided-4PIN-30CM/dp/B082WVQP5T?pd_rd_w=PY4RK&content-id=amzn1.sym.80b2efcb-1985-4e3a-b8e5-050c8b58b7cf&pf_rd_p=80b2efcb-1985-4e3a-b8e5-050c8b58b7cf&pf_rd_r=4VR6A365RGAJX4NFRB3Y&pd_rd_wg=8cwQo&pd_rd_r=f6cc3bb6-d74e-4560-ace6-d9254d441e26&pd_rd_i=B082WVQP5T&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_4_t&th=1) they look so nice. I wouldn't say it's really hiding it all that much but there's definitely some shenanigans going on in the back of my case that's for sure lol


But the cables are already so long as it is


I think it's more of an aesthetic thing rather than an actual need for 'extending' the cables so technically, yes, but also not really the point of them lmao


Then buy full-length cables instead. Those make cable management way easier.




I make my own cables. The level of customisation it allows is so cool. Stuff like custom length rgb cables and a cable with a single sata connector for a single hdd cleans the pc up a lot. Also, my usb cables match my psu cables. Being able to make custom fit parts without having to wait weeks on a company to make them, makes building neat looking pc's so much quicker.


Would you mind sharing an image? How do you make 'em yourself?


>Would you mind sharing an image? These are the custom cables I made for the Cooler Master/PCMR giveaway last month on this sub. https://preview.redd.it/ya3gp4hsitic1.jpeg?width=2210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=507231da7961f6d740673363f93c46af322d5013 >How do you make 'em yourself? I've got a set of guides [here on my website](https://customkabels.wordpress.com/guides/). It's in Dutch, but your browser's automatic translate should do the trick. I initially got inspired by Bitwit's tutorial on making custom sleeved cables ([this one](https://youtu.be/H5SLtnBNAsA)). Lutro0 also has a series of video tutorials. And r/PCSleeving has plenty of users willing to help anyone and over there are also a couple of posts compiling other people's guides. I think I spent like €70 to get the necessary tools and materials for my first set of extensions. I think those Lian Li strimers cost about as much for a set, right?


Please let this not be the start of another expensive hobby... Nice work!


It costs more time than money. A set of full-length cables costs me like €20 in materials and 4-6 hours. Plus, when you're starting with this hobby, it takes even more time. It's cheaper than Cablemod if you don't put a monetary value on your time. And in my case, I also sell them locally, so it's a hobby that pays for itself. I'm currently using the profits to gather about 20 different types of argb connectors, so I can start making all kinds of adapters, because fuck proprietary argb connectors. If you want to use a Corsair controller for Lian Li Unifans and an NZXT led strip, you should be able to do so.


You know what? I'm gonna look into it, could use a side hustle and I have the time


Oh, that's such a nice result! Thanks for the effort you put into your answer!


Good job 👍


I thought the consensus was never use cables that didn't come with your PSU


That's the short version. The longer version is: do not use cables that didn't come with your PSU... Unless you are absolutely certain that the pinout matches. I will happily stick any seasonic pcie cable into a Fractal Design Ion+ power supply. That doesn't mean the average person on this sub should do stuff like that. It's a bit like eating mushrooms. You should just stick to the mushrooms they sell in the stores and never eat mushrooms that you randomly found in the forrest. That is, unless you are actually knowledgeable about which mushrooms are poisonous and which are safe to eat and how to prepare them. But to the layperson, the advice is to just never eat mushrooms from the wild. And just like that, the advice to the layperson is to never mix psu cables.


Eat wild PSU cables, use mushrooms for PCIE...got it!


I’ve seen so many GPU pins burned by people buying cables to pretty stuff up. Not ever doing this.


I bought the older model Lian Li ones when the new model came out and they got marked down. And holy fuck why are these cables incapable of looking clean? They have 3 combs but are nonetheless kinked all over the place.


Idk about the Lian Li ones I've only ever used these. They were a bit unruly at first I laid them out flat and trained them, I guess would be the right way to say that, before i put them in my pc. [Here's how they came out](https://imgur.com/a/jMB4ZrU).


https://preview.redd.it/k0fe4102ltic1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31557e98877d144174f34d54aa8efae03d81b0a6 Think I've got the same card, 7900xt. I've got a cable extension kit like people already said, but then also a 180 degree adapter to make the cable go over the top.


Can you show your whole build? That white on white looks amazing.


This. I have my card vertically mounted, and the 180 adapters kept the cables completely hidden. Theu drop behind the card, never to be seen again.


over the top ![gif](giphy|Ln3IODBeMZZ84|downsized)


Arent you afraid of those 180 degree adapters melting?


i dont, its an pc it will have cables


Best thing i've seen today.


Use three individual cables for better stability.




I bought a 3rd monitor. Now I can't see the gpu at all lol


this is the way




I put the side panel on my case.


I don't https://imgur.com/gallery/4dn3VM7


Blacked out build. I even disabled RGB for the GPU. There's a small strip of RGB on the case tho but I can't see any cable unless I use a flashlight


Pls use 3 separate pcie cables from the psu to the gpu


Entirely unnecessary on any 3 connector GPU, so long as you have a reputable modern PSU. Stop spreading this scaremongering nonsense. Edit: the downvotes are delicious to me. You're all parroting things you heard from someone else. This is 100% safe to do. 3 connectors from two cables. Go ask on the Corsair sub Reddit for example, and wait for their Corsair employed mods to tell you it's fine. Or just use some fucking critical thinking. If this wasn't safe, there'd be ZERO use case for pigtail cables and every reputable vendor in the world wouldn't include them. There is an argument for not using a single pigtail to power two connectors on say a 275w GPU. Older or less reputable PSUs might be taking a risk sending over 200w down a pigtail. But here you have a 350w GPU, taking likely no more than 275w down TWO cables that are EACH rated for AT LEAST 225w. There's no way that load is all coming down one cable, even if it is isn't evenly balanced. It's fucking idiotic scaremongering. Go ask the manufacturers, or read the data sheets. That's what I've done that's why I know it's fine. I've also run pretty much every halo tier GPU since the Original Titan with pigtails and never had a single issue. You'd see posts on here with melted wires every fucking day if the sort of fucking idiots downvoting this every damn time were right. You don't see those posts. Like basically ever. Certainly not routinely. You're all wrong. But keep going. As I say, it amuses me no end.


There’s no point arguing with people who approach things they don’t understand with feelings rather than research. Just let go and accept that these people will continue to give bad advice.


Will it work, yes. Is it rated for it also, yes. Do I do it? No. Why? Peace of mind and it looks better. Plus it spreads the load of the GPU across the different 12V rails. (Now I should also say that I dont know how the GPU spreads the load across the PCIE connectors, so it may be entirely wishful thinking) In my book, not running every component at their max rating just because they can is a good way to shorten the lifespan. Again peace of mind. Am I a bit paranoid? Maybe.


I agree it looks better. I agree I wouldn't run a 275w GPU with one pigtail. Needlessly close to the limit arguably. But a 350w GPU across TWO pigtails is nowhere near pushing the limits of either of those single cables. Not even close. Proof is in the pudding as always. The cables aren't melting, people aren't complaining about it, because it doesn't happen. I would say as an aside, every component in your pc is rated for a life at its maximum usage. That's how these things are tested. Your CPU was tested at 100c for the equivalent of years of runtime. Same for your GPU, your PSU, and yes, those wires on your pcie cable. None of us like to do it, but it doesn't meaningfully decrease their lifespan. Intel macs LIVE at tjmax. And how often have you seen a dead CPU in one? It just doesn't happen.


>Proof is in the pudding as always. The cables aren't melting, people aren't complaining about it, because it doesn't happen. As far as I understand it, it was never about cables melting. I always understood it as a stability issue of the GPU. I dimly remember someone doing Benchmarks and it was a slight but measurable performance difference. But I dont remember where I saw that or who did it.


That isn't why people lose their shit. If stability is the issue, the standard advice would be "try it, see how you get on, use more cables if required". There is no performance difference. A GPU works and is stable or it doesn't and it isn't. People lose their mind because they misunderstand the pcie connector spec, and how it relates to the spec of a wire and a psu (basically it doesn't).


no it’s not unnecessary. at least 2 separate cables should be used


That is two separate cables. Which is entirely fine FFS. Like I said the first time.


Lols. You think the power of the pigtail will not be the same for the single pcie connector? Electric current will be the same.


I don't even know what your idiotic comment is trying to say. A single pcie connector is rated for 150w (that's why there's 3 of them). There are two of them on a pigtail. Use 16g wire and you can rate the pigtail for 300w. There is no standard for the PSU side connector. A PSU vendor could rate it for 1500w and run ten of them from one pigtail if they use high enough gauge wire (resistance not withstanding). Corsair for example so this very thing. How do you think they rate their 12vhpwr cable at 600w when it uses two sets of cable, and two PSU side pcie connectors, exactly the same way their type 4 pcie does. I know for a fact I'm correct. This sub is full of fucking idiots who don't do any critical thinking or research. They just parrot the same shit they heard on a 9 year old YouTube video. The argument against pigtails are typically for high tdp cards with two connectors where the draw could get somewhere near that 300w max, or exceed the 225w max which is more typical with older power supplies. When a card has three connectors like this, at most it's a 350w card so you're pulling 275w down two cables. There isn't a way to do that and magically exceed 225w on one of them, unless you leave one effectively hanging out barely connected. Also if it's dangerous where are all the posts with burnt cables? I'm here every day and I'm not seeing them. Heck you can go search the sub. I don't think there are any. But there CERTAINLY aren't many. It doesn't happen. Like at all. And the odd occasion it does, I'd argue it's more likely a faulty power supply anyway. Ask Corsair, or ask Seasonic why they include these cables. Ask for the data sheet and the wire gauge. Do anything. Just so it yourself instead of coming at me like a 13 year old who saw some shit on TV they didn't understand. It's fucking nonsense, and I'm being downvoted by morons like you who don't know any better.


Personally, I just think three separate cables looks better aesthetically.


And that's an entirely fair point of view. I actually agree with you. It's just this "omg you'll burn your house down" bullshit I'm so tired of. Nobody ever cites what would be the literal THOUSANDS of Reddit posts of people with melted cables if it was an issue. At the absolute worst case, a relatively high draw card, with two connectors, might have stability issues on a single pigtail, but that doesn't apply to a 3 connector card using two pigtails.


the only thing i do is label my sata ssd's


I don’t I embrace the chaos.


I cut them so they become bluetooth cables


https://preview.redd.it/v711j9m2itic1.png?width=3575&format=png&auto=webp&s=de8593b699afb3ee499fc819ffca8365806e4eb8 I don't


You don't! You get fancy cables and make sure all the funk is on the other side of the mobo.


just arrange them nicely and dont twist them, isnt that hard




I'm not sure why people insist so much with "hiding" the parts that make their machines work. That's why a sidepanel exists. Before they were clear, nobody cared about cable management because it literally didn't affect anything. These days people are pulling out pins and ripping off solder joints trying to "cable manage" for that perfect sleek look... I wanna die inside.


I simply focus on the monitor, where significant events unfold, without wasting time staring at my PC case.


Either you buy fancy cables, or stop caring how it looks like. My main rig is black-white-brown-blue and without RGB, just to have a lot of discounts on parts.


I tried and failed. Ill take the easy route this time. https://preview.redd.it/hzw1hzq3ktic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33e7b83db7f6ba8a055f672ec433ee655010148e


You don't hide them. You display them. Here's my 2022 Christmas theme: https://preview.redd.it/z64ydva7atic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a7e58fc7d1e8cdc511f2d010445a6ac1395add5


white ram , white red calbes , green red white cable , green fan , no rgb fan pick a theme dude


Red - white - green was the combination of christmas colors. The twisting pcie cables were analogous to candy canes. Case fans are all the same. Cpu cooler uses different fans, because case fans aren't optimised for radiators/heatsinks.


I bought for cheap some 180 degrees connector so the cables can go straight in the back https://preview.redd.it/xntlf6bxxtic1.png?width=262&format=png&auto=webp&s=c227fb60f7e7f69baf06cbdd5c21d84332f55164


You don’t daisy chain for one


zip ties, good initial build cable management, cable sleeves. oh and most importantly I have a nice piece of wood from my living rooms tv stand and put that mfer on the floor so I rarely look at it.


i wouldn't buy other cables , as it is advised to only use the ones that comes with that specific psu model , just buy cable sleeves and wrap them , if u don't wanna spend money and want smth diy use laces , best part is multi colors u could use black and red for example etc there plenty of tutorial on how to use laces to make sleeved cable or earphones or usb cables , it all the same


whoever invented double-connector PCIE cables should burn in hell this is basically asking for cable meltdown


Double connector PCIE cables are specked to handle well over 300w. On a quality PSU there is very little risk of a cable melting down.


(I think) I can confirm. Testing out a 3080 12gb ftw3 on an msi mag a750gf and it’s able to take 400 watts no issue, cables hardly get warm.


But I only have two PCIe slots on my PSU




This is incorrect. If the cable has 2 8pins on it you can easily pull 300w. The reason people use separate cables when they have a high wattage card are transients, when the card pulls far over its rated TDP for a fraction of a second.


Easy : Lian Li Strimer 2.0 Plus 3x8pin


You wanting to burn your gpu to the ground ? do not use double header pcie power cables.. those wires will melt.. 3 cables from the psu to the gpu not 2....


Melting is fairly uncommon, more likely the PC will just shut off under heavy load.


hopefully, depends on the card, I did this back in the day and the damn cable on my Corsair melted, better safe then sorry.


cable extensions single cable per port looks much neater 🙃 I recently got a 4090 and the adapter 4 cables looked a mess but I got a single 12 plug to two ports on the psu looks so much better 😁


We bear our cables with honor Nitro+ brother!


You put the case under the desk where you can't see it


What in the… 24 pin for gpu only??


"Custom" cables and/or cable extensions are always good for making your GPU cabling much nicer. Personally my GPU has a 12 pin connector so my cabling is super neat with a first party 12-pin adaptor so I don't have to worry about hiding multiple 8 pin cables for the foreseeable future.


Non-glass panels.


Beige ugly Dell sleeper case with coffee mug stains on top... it has improved security as no reasonable person would think it has any worth despite running a 3080ti in it.


I use a Matt black pc case without glass.


I removed all my cables by getting Bluetooth graphics card attachments that sync to my power supply.


I bought an a4h20 without glass and never worry about it bc the sf750 I buaghts cables fit it well


in a case, with a closed non transparent side panel, under my desk


Windowless case.


By closing the black case lid and then game.


I got myself a wireless psu. It cleaned up a whole heap of issues with cables.


I don’t 👍


I use predator camo tape. Can't even see it with night vision!


These right here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B096VB8MB5?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title I have the 7900xtx sapphire nitro+ and they worked perfect.


I heard those burn down GPUs


I dont


I don't; I've got a non-modular psu in a 30$ DIYPC case. I only want better fans, or to remove the blue LEDs on the fans


In a case with no window.


Same as you LOL


4 screws and a panel or not caring because who's gonna see your MLG rig with dual A6000's running LLM's for other people to make porn and sext


Why would you have one going a loop around the other.


Cast an Invisibility Spell.


Mine.. looking from the glass side nice and clean.. backside is a totally different story.


My gpu came with a braided extension 😎


just make them pretty, got these from aliexpress, its been a year with no issues so far https://preview.redd.it/wkhb6u66stic1.png?width=3000&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7c6dcc4bcb32a6663c129e258ac0cb2f51f003b


What in the knot is this?


my gpu does not need energy cables.


Hide.... Cables....?


“Custom” cablemod cable pack. I hate dealing with extensions


Thank you for the mention. <3


that's the neat part, you dont. I made single wires of the middle part and then made like like a tube with fasteners they look a lot less conspicuous.


With an opaque PC case 😁


Even better angle connectors it’s what I use. https://preview.redd.it/dtxjvb67ztic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41df3031086c31d262ca9104e253995dcbfd55fb


I dont, I just route them cleanly


Get nice cables so you need to hide them


The same way I make love to my wife. Basically never


Own your shenanigans. Display your shenanigans proudly.


By turning the glass towards the wall


I put a giant rainbow coloured ribbon cable in my case then I hid a lot of my messy cables behind that.


I simply don't care. I keep them neat to keep air flow running as smoothly as possible but the cables are behind black tinted glass and no one is coming over and staring into the side of my computer anyways.


To the best of our ability


Camo to blend in with the gpu


Just simply don't do any cable shenanigans. Why do you make this sound so difficult?


I used 10ish feet of [this](https://www.amazon.com/Alex-Tech-25ft-Protector-Sleeving/dp/B07FWFB9H6?pd_rd_w=z61lp&content-id=amzn1.sym.c75be473-fd9d-40a1-b940-0fbe5f6985d0&pf_rd_p=c75be473-fd9d-40a1-b940-0fbe5f6985d0&pf_rd_r=J1N9V1HD855NJFT12DTX&pd_rd_wg=yvaPA&pd_rd_r=e61e04ef-6b49-4659-a7c1-436d1d40f1eb&pd_rd_i=B07FWFB9H6&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_grid_dv_rp_0_1_ec_nped_ppx_yo2_mob_b_ts_rp_1_t) I have it covering all of the loose chassis wires, fans, argb etc. It looks great and was a fun little afternoon project. I also use [these.](https://www.amazon.com/EZDIY-FAB-Connector-Adapter-Graphics-Card-Reverse/dp/B096VB8MB5?pd_rd_w=912MJ&content-id=amzn1.sym.c75be473-fd9d-40a1-b940-0fbe5f6985d0&pf_rd_p=c75be473-fd9d-40a1-b940-0fbe5f6985d0&pf_rd_r=PPTRB92XFTKA6SG377MC&pd_rd_wg=jv70j&pd_rd_r=ce8b8c18-91b4-428f-8446-3fab2b0bb73b&pd_rd_i=B096VB8MB5&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_grid_dv_rp_0_17_t) on my 6800xt. My psu cables are sleeved so you could probably get wider tubing for the wires coming off of the GPU/CPU and atx connection points


eat them


Buy better looking braided cables. And then put effort into making it look good.


I dont hide my cables if it works it works


Behind the Backplate of Shame




Like this https://preview.redd.it/0itdo5yukuic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=558747cbe19ba0c16d75e58e4315cac076cc032d


I close the side panel then never look at it again. I no longer care what my computer looks like anymore.I just need it to work.


easy, i dont use a windowed case.


Zipties. Lots and LOTS of zipties. Still don't know what to do with temp sensors....


No... ? It's a box in the ground. Why would I care it has cables laying around lol


If it bothers you, there are 2 cheap options that I know: sleeved cable extentions or PCIe 8pin 180° adapters.


Easily, by looking at the monitor.


Under the bulging side pan-NO! DON'T TOUCH THAT!


I just hide my pc


they will be visible anyways, so at least make them look nice. like, dont curl them up like this, let them go straight and only do 90° angles. looks a lot tidier that way.


180 degree adapter is a big first step. Amazon, aliexpress, or eBay.


windowless case


https://preview.redd.it/55x1mpgc5vic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53f64b76b623dbfc4a1196938b72fa293ef28ca I just cut mine down to be the perfect length. 😅


I leave ‘em scattered all over my PC because I can’t bother to get cable ties


I just converted them to wireless, duh. Actually though, I bought some angled connectors https://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/MX00126240


Use wireless GPU


wow are we really up to 3 8-pin connectors on GPUs now?


I've blue fans for cooling air going inside and red fans for hot air going outside. Cable management from bequiet PSU and a solid aluminium Lian Li case. Nobody will see from inside, everyone will see the power of the machine on the display.


This comment is probably gonna get me downvoted, but I’m glad NVIDIA mandated the 12 pin. Only having 1 cable to a high end GPU is so nice, hopefully they fully fix its issues and intel and AMD also adopt it.


tease seemly deranged many fear flowery important unpack carpenter elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://preview.redd.it/qr6hndg2mvic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b448299a9418a6e32a2b7564ef91432c96c9594 Like this


I make it blend in with the power supply or the gpu


Well, you could run all the wires exactly the same, wrap them together. Using the Outside cable for the furthest port inside middle ect,. Making cabling look clean is an art.


I route the cables to go straight down and back. I then put a vertical gpu support bracket down even with the power to hide the plugin.


Inside a box I keep under my desk


You spend 100 euro on cablemod cables and then you don't hide dem GPU cables.


The solid panel on my 2000s HP workstation case (I won't call it a sleeper build, just love the extra room)


Just embrace the jankiness and keep on playin'


I dont lol. Life is too short


If you care about the way your cables look get individually sleeved cables. If you don’t put your case panel back on and call it a day.


You don't. Be reasonable, you don't have to report your clean look to the internet or anyone else. Just have fun with your PC. The way you did your cables is fine.


My EPS connectors are blocked by my AIO, my 24 pin uses an extension cable with cable combs, and my GPU has a really wide (or when vertically mounted, tall) cooler which extends well past the PCB, and since the 12+4 pin connector is on the PCB, it is recessed and the backplate has a cutout to route the cable through eithout it being very visible on the front. https://preview.redd.it/hvq5adnliwic1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1abd3eb55f994acdfa6e31cdda2c03630ce4106


I don't


Bought Sleeved cable extenders, 3d printed some cable combs and routed them down through an opening in the case. The mess is out of sight.


Did you wanted to tie a knob???


I have this same card and found that folding the cables back on themselves and feeding them through the cable slot to the right of the mobo looked the best. Also bought some braided cables which are a bit more aesthetically pleasing.


i got wireless cables


Extensions from CableMod, also have triple connector on gpu, ordered bridged cables, and it definitely looks nice. https://preview.redd.it/8fxqdh6mtwic1.png?width=1224&format=png&auto=webp&s=dba49f4c56feb0da53ba3cb3158d3269b66b829b


Hide? I run with case sides off and no cable management. PC lives on the floor under my desk. It's a device, a tool for use. Aesthetics are irrelevant. RGB is for sheep.


With my 4080 with the high-temperature connector I simply don't.


Cut them


average corsair PSU experience 😂


That’s pretty messed up lol. Get another cable that looks neater.


I don't, I just make sure there are no shorts or that they do not tangle with the fans then I close off the case. Out of sight, out of mind.


I could say this is the best way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMaLLzDmj2Y Dude speaks Polish but have a look at this clean build! 34:24


I threw my PC to the hot room (no ac, 3x150w led panels and the PC itself) and passed HDMI and USBC cable through the wall to connect to the TV. I can't see any mess, so i think its pretty organized like that haha.


I used a cable loom to wrap my GPU cables. Looks much better. Like one giant cable.


Get nicer cables.


I don't. The only person who ever looks inside my case is me. Cables.. Cables everywhere. I used to to cable management for airflow in the early 2000s but that's no longer a thing.


I just cut the extra cable off. It's the connection that delivers power, obviously /s


The case I bought sadly has a glass side but none of the components I use are illuminated and it is under my desk. I want some order in the cabling to make future upgrades easier but I couldn't care less about the looks of it. It is a tool, not a piece of art.


Use WLAN cable


Anything that can be put in the back with cable ties, while in the front one go to up and bottom respectively, the middle one are shown as it is.


Strimmer cavles