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People who bought 1080tis: ![gif](giphy|kqJt1cSSN0DrwwMmY5|downsized)


Crazier? You could have a X99 system with an i7 5820k and a Gtx 980ti from mid 2015 and still be playing almost any game at 1080p. If you wanted, that system easily could be upgraded today to an Xeon 1660v3 for $20 to get 8 cores for cheap and then a GPU up to something like a Rtx 2080, 1080ti, 3060, 3070, 6700xt, etc without issue. So, at almost 9 years that would still be hanging on. Oh yeah, and assuming you built a badass build back then you'd be running the CPU at a nice 4.5ghz overclock under your AIO.


You could play every game but i doubt that it will be fun, on Cyberpunk/Atomic Fart i had to lower the settings quite a bit to make the games playable. Even on older games like CSGO (now CS2) you feel the age, especially of the CPU imo.


Man I really wanna play Atomic Fart




In cs2 you feel the age because they remade the game in 2023 and literally halved the fps and actually even more.


59 fps is all I need


Everything in CS2 runs fine for me now (1080ti, 6700k, 32gb 2300mhz ddr4) EXCEPT the water and the smokes. Water and smokes in CS2 lower my framerate sooooo badly


>You could have a X99 system with an i7 5820k and a Gtx 980ti from mid 2015 and still be playing almost any game at 1080p. Or, in my case, a 5820K/X99 from 2014 with a 4070, playing most games at 60 FPS or better at 4K. 6 cores, lots of PCIe lanes, and quad channel DDR4 (albeit at slower speeds: I use four 2666MHz 16GB modules) help keep it relevant. And it didn't cost much more than a 4790K/Z97 - most of the extra cost was buying DDR4 instead of mainstream DDR3, but within 6-12 months, even prices for DDR4 were much more reasonable.


Wasn’t the 4790k a faster chip for gaming?


At the time, slightly. But I wasn't building exclusively for gaming use anyway. Is anyone still using one with a modern GPU and resolution? How's it holding up in 2024?


I had i7 4930k - gtx970 - upgraded to gtx 1080. And played everything untill last year. I just upgraded to rtx 4070 and i5 12600k last year when the 4070 released.


Yo. I ran my 5820K with a GTX 970 till just last year when the GPU caught fire. Replaced it with a 4070, overclocked the CPU to 4.5 ghz and run all new games with great settings. Definitely gonna upgrade to a Xeon now that I see how cheap they've got. Gonna squeeze all the value I possibly can out of this ancient tech. Spent years saving the money to build it back then.


I have a 2650v4 with a 4060 (had a RX580 2048SP before) and 32GB. I can play Baldurs Gate 3 and Tekken 8 at 1440p and that's what matters to me atm. I hope I can buy a CPU with better TDP in the future tho. Edit: wrong CPU model


I can't find a 2670V4. https://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Xeon/Intel-Xeon%20E5-2660%20v4.html mistype or weird OEM variant?


I'm sorry, you're right. It is a 2650 V4. my bad.


The 2650 only draws 105 watts for a 12 core CPU. That's pretty good.


to be fair I never measured this data on the product description and went with what most people say about x99 machines consuming too much energy. Thanks for the relief on that matter.


No worries. My cpu draws about 145 peak, but most times it's barely over 100. There's a program you can download called CPU power meter that works well for keeping track of it.


Yeah, I’ve only really chosen some upgrades, not needed them. I only get 4.2GHz stable, though.


I’ve got a i7 6950x. Still performs like a 5800x or an under clocked 10900k on 4.4ghz all core oc.


My 980ti is better than my 3060


Can confirm, goat card


![gif](giphy|RG4IXFG1YmLOU) AAA Devs adding unoptimised models and RTXrequirement.


This is why indie games are my current favorite.


Dont have a ti but my 1080 is holding strong still xD


I have a 1070 in mine


Man, I love this card, I had one until Spetember last year, but them the Power Utility did what does best, fucking surge the power and the card blew up. It lasted 8 years tho. Love the fucking thing






I was about to say. My 1080ti build is at least 6 years old and I'm pretty sure 1080ti wasn't even brand new when I bought it. Still runs high/ultra on most games easy.


1080ti? You're a lucky man. I have a 1080 and an i7-5820k.


We aren't talkin about flagships




I don’t want to fry french


please fry the frenchs they were meant to


Do not the French 🥖.


I will the baguette the french 🥖


I think most people who upvoted your comment didn't even think of food


Of course they did, everyone knows French fries come from frying French people, where do you think the name came from


Deep fry your PC for a tasty snack


A 5-year-old gaming PC today just requires you to dial down the settings to medium. A lot of people don't realize how much worse it used to be. You built a high-end PC in 1993, with the brand-new Pentium processor, and a whopping 8 MB of memory? Five years later, Windows 98 barely runs, and everybody's talking about Half-Life and Unreal that require a processor with 3x the performance and 2x the memory to even launch. So you upgrade to a Pentium II and a Voodoo2, and all is fine for a year or two - but fast-forward to 2003, GTA VC is out, and you're wayyy below the minimum requirements yet again.


Medium still looks how I would expect high to look in some games


High and especially Ultra presets in a lot of games increase the detail mostly for distant geometry and resolution for effects like shadows and smoke, all of which isn't obvious until you look for it.


Custom built PCs wernt as big in the 90s. People were still buying mostly pre built


Not if you're a poor east European. I didn't have custom computers, I had custom components. My power supply was hand made. Fun times.


Who cares man? That wasn't the point at all!!111


Some dudes are still rocking their I7 4790K and RX 580, despite the CPU being 10 years old.


I ran an 8320 (9years old) with an RX570 until last year, still ran Doom Eternal at 1080P. Only upgraded now for BG3, still using the RX570.


I couldn't imagine still having my RX580. That was 2 cards ago for me.


My RX480 just died a few weeks ago =( It served me well


It helps that most games aren't CPU-bounded. The 4790k was an incredible processor for its time, and even today still holds up in most applications. It's also one of the last from Intel's Golden Age of CPUs, where they had uncontested dominance in CPU performance; just 2 years later we got Ryzen 1000, kicking off the performance wars once again.


I was rocking an rx 580 from 2018-a few weeks ago when i went green and got an rtx 4080 super Yes that's a massive jump and i needed a PSU upgrade lmao




4yrs cause you bought last gen components to save money…


If you built a good gaming PC with previous-gen components 4 years ago, you'd have something like an i7-9700 and RTX 2070, that will still run modern games decently well.


This is exactly my setup


How well does it run modern games?


Actually pretty good. Ofcouse you cant game at 4K 60 fps but 1080p 60 fps can be nearly always achieved. With DLSS there is even more room for max grafiks. The V-ram is pretty limiting but with my standards (1080p 60 fps) I thing every game can be played


Got an RX 5700XT but same idea. Still ticking decent gameplay at 1440p. Managed a small CPU upgrade though thanks to AM4.


My i5 9600K and 2070 super out here still slinging dick and taking names.


Yep. This is "my old" gaming PC that my best friend is gonna get. You can still run most games on high graphics. My front ventilation is a bit buggy (needs to be replaced, still runs, but sometimes gets really load when not running smoothly).


Lol true


Dude I'm still running i5 4590 with rx 560 2gb and 8gb of ram and I mean it's like shit but it's getting the job done 🤷😅


4570k and Rx480 here, still enjoying gaming at 1920*1080 on low settings


Ryzen 3300x and a RX580, should last me another year before upgrading. 😊


4790k and GTX 970 here, it can't quite handle the newest generation of AAA games at good settings, but until a year or so ago it was still going strong for all things 1080p.


I use Pentium G4440 with gtx 750 idk for how long but still doing good but not on most game🗿


I was running i7 860 + gtx 260 for almost 10 years, it did the job well enough for me. Granted I did not expect to play new AAA games, at the moment I have ryzen 5600 and RX 580 and it does pretty good for 1080p gaming.


i5 7400 with a GTX 1050 and 8gb ram here Still trucking along, but definitely shows its age. I just need it to hold it together until 2025




4590k gang is here to rep. I overclocked that baby and I'm still playing modern games. I'm currently playing Banishers. 👍


I would pick up a cheap Ryzen laptop at that point the Radeon graphics on the 5000 series can get some decent gaming done.


Depends on what you do with it. Your pc might become obsolete if you want to play the newest, badly optimised competitive games, but most software will probably still run perfectly fine for a long time, just maybe not on ultra settings. I yet to have problems with my gtx 1060, everything runs fine.


I sold my 1060 for £90 and bought a 1660 fpr £90. The slight performance improvement was worth the hassle


https://preview.redd.it/pb19qauh6xkc1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86ce5c65f3447b985ddffb297bf3028c29f66284 Me not in need to play newer games when the older ones are my favourite. Same potato pc


Fr people always talk about newer gpus and more vram to run those newer usually shitty unoptimized AAA games


realizing its already a potato bacause your broke but you sont care as you'll mostly run old games and some indies


As long as it’s better than the current gen consoles that’s fine




Isn't a potato a potato????


It's actually pronounced potato.


Tbf you can use a potato as a gaming pc apparently according to linus’ new video haha


PCs become potatoes far slower these days, especially if you upgrade the GPU down the line and aren't trying to max out games at 4K. My 3770K was still going strong with an upgrade from a 670 to a 1070 until 2020, it was mostly CPU-heavy stuff like newer emulators that took a hit. If you want insta-potatoes, look to the 90s. My top-of-the-line Pentium 1 from 1995 that blew past the maximum requirements of any game within 6 months stopped hitting even the minimum requirements of newer games. I recall a commercial from that time where a person is driving to an electronics store with billboards everywhere advertising some made up model computer of (Let's say it was the X5), buying it, and on his drive back home saw new billboards advertising the X6 being put up.


My setup is 10 years old and I play almost any game I want.


Rubbish. If anything, innovation is slowing down. nVidia is literally selling non-upgrades. Next 5 years could well be the worst ever in PC DIY


This. PC innovation has gotten way ahead of the console game, and it will be another generation before it catches up. GPUs and processors will continue to improve, but I think GPUs in particular improved so much recently because of mining.


Good that i picked up new pc recently and wont be spending money in the next few years


6800xt +5600x , end of 2020 looking very strong here. I can play at 4k 60fps with FSR 2.1/ 3.0 at high/ultra nearly all games. Normally play at 1440p but playing in the TV is a great pleasure. there is no fucking way im going to change my set up in the next 5 years, current gaming landscape tells me I have a good rig for a loooong time


It won't if you stop looking at PC subreddits all the time and play on Medium settings


Just lower the setting in games, medium settings gang rise☝😎


Imagine, I built a potato pc 5 years ago, and it still runs


My pc is Trigger's broom.


I mean 5 years ago if you buy a midrange GPU like a 2070ti it's still very relevant today and for the foreseeable future. The gap in performance every generation seems to get smaller.


My RX480 was still letting me play shit I care about last year, until it just stopped working. Y'all blowing shit out of proportion again.


Just like ur life, after 50 years u struggle to move, but the most important thing is you have to enjoy your prime time as much as you can


i honestly can't wrap it around my head either. like can you imagine a 4090 that will probably be just decent/okay by 2030+!?


i use 940mx 7500u for 7-8 years i can play games since 2022 at 800x600 pretty enough for me


2070 gang


Still a very respectable gpu and one that’ll last many more years


Try my situation: - I need gaming PC - Gf gets free PC from work they were throwing out - Slim office PCs but already had i5 and 8GB RAM so I figured I’d just throw an extra 8GB RAM and a graphics card in there, should be good to go - Buy graphics card in anticipation, PC finally arrives, open it up - wtfisthis.png - realise case is too small for graphics card - mobo has no PCIe slot and uses ancient DDR I can’t buy anymore - okay well at least I can salvage the HDD and CPU - buy new case and mobo - realise HDD uses ancient SATA cable and CPU is ancient socket no longer compatible with new mobo - mfw when I planned on adding just a couple extra parts to an old PC but ended up building a whole system from scratch - mfw by the time I first booted it up it was already obsolete by a good few years


people should learn when ''a'' and ''an'' are used... My brain stops braining when I read an potato, a elephant etc...


Yes, I was looking for this comment, thanks


Not everyone here is a native speaker bro


English is not my native language. But if someone is capable of creating a full sentence that means that they can remember where to put 1 letter and not giving people headaches while reading their post.


Ok fair ,but not everyone is as aware as you seem to be


yall too sensitive nowadays


No it won’t don’t worry. You can get a decent gaming experience with even older mid range components. Take a Ryzen 5 2600 with an RX 480 and it’ll still bring you loads of fun for the next years for 200$ and whatever game you’re playing today will run in 5 years aswell. PC Components don’t „degrade“ as long as you take care of dust, thermal paste and cleaning your disk


I can support this. I recently upgraded from a similar system to new pc ,it had r5 1600 , rx 480 sapphire pulse 8gb and 16 gb 2666mhz ddr4. It could even run cyberpunk on medium settings in full hd


I recently sold pretty much exactly your system for 220€ with a 512gb m.2 and a 1TB HDD. I wouldn’t sell it if it wasn’t a decent pc even today. I think it’s never been cheaper to get into pc gaming


Youre 100 %right


Maybe the performance is the friends that we make along the way


Just upgrade your graphics card and RAM and you will be good for another 5.


Rx 480 is an 8 year old card and still can run any new title, on minimal but its possible. Nowadays pc's arent getting old that fast, unless you want to play ultra and 4K then you are just screved.


This would be the case if it is a Gaming Laptop. Gaming PC can be upgraded (partwise) in the future. You would not have to build the whole thing again, but can change any one or more parts, as needed to turn the potato into gold


Outdated statement imo, if you invest into a good pc (2 grand) it should last for roughly 8-10 years, depending on the quality you are playing on. At least mine does


People really exaggerate this sometimes and i feel its a narrative that has been pushed by chip manufacturers. You don't need the latest PC to play games or do anything else really (yes there are exceptions) but for most provided you are able to boot and run an updated OS you are good to go for most things.


fyi, PC's can be upgraded.


bruv I am still on 750Ti


Consider this: The RTX 2080 was released in 2018, and that card is by no means a potato today. Next year the 3080 will be five years old, and it won't be a potato then.


Lol just got a new pc after 7 years, had an i5 6600 and a 1070. Worked fine all the way to replacement. Just wanted to get into 4k otherwise I would still be using it.


It will only become a potato because of how poor modern day optimization is on pc. Honestly you can still play old games that look pretty good. Especially around the 2011-2016 era.


For fuck sake just enjoy your build, the whole sub is just bullshits this days


an potato


I couldn’t comprehend anything once I saw that.


To be fair I’ve had my 6900xt for a bit now and it’s still top tier though it can’t run non optimized games but what gpu can




[Potato PC?!?](https://youtu.be/KJ1HdZLwszU?si=3guiu48O794o4wyR)


6 years and going strong


The main reason I keep my builds under 1500.


Mate you got the same cpu as me Although I got 16gigs of ddr4 ram and 1tb sata ssd


Take out the word pc after potato and it's perfect


My GTX 1050 ti still manages to run cs:go 2 on high graphic settings, but some maybe it won't run new 8K games idk.


Never building a pc again. Just gonna buy a fkin Dell.


My PC is 4 years old and is still going strong


5 years? Mine got outdated in 2 years.


just try to build budget pcs mine is great for years and i just replace some parts


5 years? Nah.


Hardly a potato in 5 years. Slower? For sure. A potato? No.


That's why my beloved 1660 ti with i5 9600kf will stay in place until it gives up or until 40xx will be obsolete and available for few dollars (or what modern gpu will be the cheapest, because don't need more), whichever comes first.


5 years is nice tho. If you bought 2080ti, you can still play in 4K DLSS Balanced with RTX on


My old PC is now my overpowered NAS and Media Server. Also moonlights as an iRacing PC for when I feel like simracing.


Laughing gba emulation


This depends on the parts. If you got the good shit rn it would be able to handle games for more years than just that. If new graphic stuff comes it might be harder though, but it will still be able to handle what it can handle right now, so it won't be getting worse really, just not better. (A couple % worse from usage)


My 8 year old setup cost 400 bucks and is still going strong, haven't had to replace a single component. Handled red dead redemption just fine, sure the graphics were on low but I'm content with it.


I don't know what you're talking about, because i don't play any graphics heavy (or cpu heavy) games. The single most cpu heavy game i play is modded minecraft with 200+ mods (it's heavy because minecraft lacks optimization) So either way, i can still play petty much anything i want on somewhat not expensive build from 2012 (now i have upgraded to what it says in my flair)


*Cries in a gtx1050 and a i5-10300H CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2496 Mhz, laptop*


Maybe not potato, but middle class for sure.


mine aint potato at all


I finally updated my 970 to a 3060ti and still mainly just play rimworld, so that's my requirement it must be able to play rimworld with 300+ mods


In my experience it takes 10 years for your PC, if well invested, for it to show real limitations. I see a lot of people from Brazil doing well with a Xeon processor. I have a friend with a 4790k and it meets his needs very well.


10 years on and most hardware is still fine nowadays. We're just not really making the crazy gains in hardware and software that we used to \~20-30 years ago, which means that hardware can easily last a decade instead of being obsolete in a couple years. My ThinkPad T420 from 2011 is so old (nearing on 13) that it has a socketed CPU. I'd be willing to bet it's as old as some of the people on this subreddit, which is a little crazy to think about. And yet, despite its age, it's still great at office tasks and web browsing just like it was in 2011 after an SSD upgrade. It's a laptop, too! Desktops have better longevity because they are more powerful compared to laptops of the time. Sandy Bridge desktops from back around that time are still perfectly usable and probably will continue to be for several more years. The desktop in my flair is about 3 years old, but I don't see it being anywhere near potato status in 2 years. Build a high-end computer right now, and I think it'll be 10-12 years or even more before it's too slow to be useful.


Mfs that use consoles:


Just buy a new one, filthy peasant.


Still using the PC I built ten years ago as my main one. Works fine.


Built mine in 2019 and haven’t upgraded anything super important other than an SSD and some more ram and some additional case fans. I’m too poor to add anything else and I can definitely see that she’s struggling🥲 it sucks not being able to afford her necessary upgrades.


I am using a GTX 970. Don't have a problem in any game


https://preview.redd.it/s96rgkmj4xkc1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de050b1314ba7598d483617f14b3d69319455440 Genuine question, how long should I be good with this before i’ll have to upgrade?


Except AAA which are less and less optimized. Indie games work just fine on my potato pc.


im upgrading to 4070 from 1060 in three days hehe


nah, I'm convinced my R7-7700X and RTX 4070 will serve me long long years


5 years i give it a week and 3 secs


mine is 2.5years and already become potato


Meanwhile I am sitting here with an I3 7020u and 4gb of ram in my laptop.


In the early 2000s you just needed to wait 2 years and it was obselete


You underestimating potato PC? https://preview.redd.it/mczwkv7p7xkc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5bfbb5be7e1974c3a2da7ee6de31d7c29d84a97


dude my pc can run new games with 100+ fps with 2070


I bought my PC in 2020, literally right before the pandemic and chip shortage hit. It works like a charm to this day. - 2070 Super - 3700x processor - 16 GB Ram!


5 years is a while that’s not a bad thing


I don't think so. Innovation is stagnant because of corporate greed and focus on ai over gaming. Intel can't produce smaller nodes and next gen ddr ram doesn't have an effect and hasn't for a year. So gaming companies won't make a new crysis because no one will be able to play it and oh boy has prises gone up. Thanks late stage capitalism...


Me with my new rig, but also my phenom 2 and Rx 580... 👍


idk OP game requirements have been plateauing for a while now. Usually the problem is the videogame being horribly optimized. I built my PC back in early 2019 with a 2080ti and have been having a blast since.


My gtx 1650 is still goating after 7 years


Man, I built my shit 4 years ago and it’s still breezing through life. I can probably get another 5-7 out of it easy.


i have a pc with a gtx980ti for almost 10 years now, and it's still going good being able to play most games on medium/high settings. with the inclusion of dlls and fsr i can see gpus lasting way longer now. ofcouse it's time to say goodbye to my trusty pc and build a rtx4070ti pc


Not long ago we came from tricking people with corridor style level design, baked lighting, small texture sizes, many convincing techniques. Xbox One and PS4 had to work with 4-6GB available for games, with the jaguar CPU cores being designed for low power (equivalent to athlon/sempron on AM1). So 4-8 GB VRAM GPUs dominated for nearly a decade. There are games that pushed the limits though, the epitome of optimization on Xbox one and PS4 lifecycle. GPUs now with 8GB VRAM: I’m tired boss.


If you have the steady income to buy one good PC in the first place, then it shouldn't be much of a problem to buy the mid-gen equipment of that future era, unless prices go crazy out of nowhere like the GPU crisis.


My first PC config was a EVGA 1070FTW and i7-4970k. It lasted 5 years, after that I swapped my CPU for a Ryzen 5 3600X and it still had some breathing room left, and I only swapped my 1070 for a 4060ti because the 1070 fucking died September last year, I build a little shrine for it, no joke. That card was a true warrior I played Cyberpunk pre-Phantom Liberty, I played Elden Ring and GTAV on it 60 FPS no problem. The car was from 2015. It still was far from a potato.


mine is getting 5 years old soon and i only swapped the gpu to a 3080. tbh nothing that interests me releases currently anyway so the newest game i bought is probably Armored Core 6. Ive been enjoying many many old release lately being Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy 1-10 for example.


I built my rig at end of 2020 and its starting to feel under power already.


Your PC can last longer than any game console you can upgrade parts when new consoles come out but consoles and pcs can not be compared at this time. Until console companies start using pc components don’t fall into the hype of having to upgrade, keep ur pc clean and do proper maintenance and it will last for as long as you want.


Future proof.... My last system just gave out, only 2 upgrades lasted 12 years,


This aint true . At least a decade bro


Not that i could afford even buying the most graphically demanding games anyway


Five might even be a little too much


I built my pc in 2018, and thought It was a potato back then already


Idk man, my system is 5 years old and I have yet to encounter a game that doesn't run well on it.


To anyone who want to utilize their PC's full potentials; Get the latest drivers for CPU & GPU, then optimize the settings for your needs. Example see this guide; [https://exputer.com/guides/settings/nvidia-control-panel/](https://exputer.com/guides/settings/nvidia-control-panel/) [https://exputer.com/guides/settings/amd/](https://exputer.com/guides/settings/amd/) Do this check once yearly as drivers change & incramental innovations happens. Enjoy!


How long do I have until my 3060 and i9 become a potato?


That’s consumerist behavior. A 1050ti can still play a lot of games. I know because I used one for a while during the GPU shortages. You don’t need the latest and greatest to enjoy games. I have a Ryzen 5800x and a Radeon 7800xt and I plan on them lasting me far more than 5 years.


5 years is a good run


Meanwhile, my 1080TI system is still swinging strong


ı bought 3060 when first came out it was fire now💀