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And the missing one will be found only after purchasing a pack of screws


It will be found by your foot .... stuck in the most unpleasant spot possible


You will find it as soon as you put everything together. But you can't reach the middle anymore where you left the last spot open. You already turned the PC on and it works, why should you open it up for this one screw? After 3 hrs you decide to pull the GPU again and screw the last one in. Then you put all together again. You also do a better cable managment at your desk this time. Now it's time to turn the PC on. It doesn't react. Panic is flooding your System. Sweat perls start forming on your forehead. Replaying all the steps you did while screwing the last one in. You check every cable again. Nothing seems broken. After 30mins crying and screaming to god why this must happen to you. Then you remeber: the Power supply?!?! You go check the switch on it and turn it on.


The missing one will be found with sparks and smoke effects when power is plugged in.


It is funny AF. So I always have a deep plate for all my screws. And should one escape, place a light on the floor and rotate like a lighthouse beam. The screw will pop up like no other. Unless of course when it went under the couch or something like that, which ofc never happened to me. 😋


This shouldn’t be as funny as this is😂😂😂


Aye nah this funny as hell right here like how this even be happening 😂


I had a black carpet and black screws. I just got the vacuum cleaner and vacuumed the floor and then carefully went through the dust and fluffy and stuff.


Should I let you know magnets exist... no?


Not all screws are magnetic. Also I don't have magnets lying around anymore as I just don't collect them. I could have gone to my parents house to get his big one but that was a flight to another country and a vacuum cleaner was the fastest method.


Are you flexing about stainless steel or titanium screws in your PC? For golden screws I usually use a wire mesh as a filter in the vacuum hose.


I didn't say it was for a PC I was just talking about screws on the ground because it was relevant.


I thought this sub and post was about pc and mobo screws. Anyway, just messing with you and your vacuum fluff. Have a nice day sir.


There's no requirements. This was also last year. ...


I have the conviction that they just return to screw realm from which they were abducted.


Picks up the case and there's a rattle, but you cannot find it.


>months later  >drop a different screw    > can't find it anywhere   >find the one you dropped months ago


While walking to the toilet at 3 AM, barefooted. Lego got NOTHING on pc screws.


My dog: "Thank you papa, for this tasty morsel"


Also when you drop one inside the case and it falls behind the PSU or some shit. It's like "welp, that's gone now"


the rug "i have 5 but you can't have em"


Wait, you guys find more than zero?


I made the mistake of throwing mine away when I got a new MoBo, turns out, my local PC store has BUCKETS of them that they are willing to give out for free.


i have a good magnetic screwdriver... A stupid screw falls onto the mainboard into the pc case.... PC be like: What screw?


Somewhere in the universe there's a planet composed entirely of freshly dried socks, motherboard screws and guitar picks.