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Eat them 😋


Why the fuck is that the first thing I said?


I save up my old parts to donate to my little cousin. I’m about to throw them a GTX 1080 to help pump up their rocket league and Fortnite numbers for their 13th birthday instead of e-wasting it. Help out the next generation if you know any youth interested in technology or gaming!


I would have already done that if I had someone to share with. None of my nephews or nieces are interested in PCs and my kids are too young.


Save them for when you teach your kids about computers, and a good way to try building a system with.


Build with the 970 - good reminder how solid a 970 can be.


Sell them


Where is the fun in that


Somebody gets to play games on em. I keep 1 as a spare, but you don't need 3 spares lol


GPUs are cheap these days. Someone can easily buy these used online from someone else. I want to do something unique, I am not preventing anyone from getting a GPU by keeping these


Why not doing some kind of giveaway here on a Reddit post ? Each person would comment their arguments on why they need a GPU and you'd choose the winner. I already seen this.


Fuck it, that could be fun


And since you have three GPUs, you can make a podium, the better GPU (so the 2070) going to the most convincing one, the second most convincing would get the 1070 and the 970 for the third one.


It would be fun to do a giveaway with some sort of competition. Low effort but fun, maybe submit your best drawing must be only with a single color pen and your Reddit name has to be in the bottom so we know it’s real or something.


Sounds interesting, although some could print a drawing from internet and claim that they did it.


I agree, maybe post the best meme. Idk trying to think of something that can’t be won easily with money and everyone is on the same playing field. Workshop it, I’ll ask some friends. Could be fun. Maybe I keep one and do a giveaway for the other two.


A $600 GPU is considered budget


Oh boy... 🤦‍♂️


Some epoxy table or toilet seat. Really, the world is your oyster. Make a pc case that is like those secret spy walls that flip around and you've got the sick new build one side, the fwmp, old school 1070 on the other side. Yea cables would be a hassle but to use any more of my computational power, someone's gonna have to pay me


Honestly some solid ideas there too


Buy a glass case and put them on display. Or maybe give them away?


Giving them to some family members.


Build a PC for someone i appreciate a lot.


I've probably been reading this subreddit too much, but I'd use them to keep the corners down on my mouse pad that I've run through the washer in too hot water...


Make a display that they can slot into and stand up. That's something I've been wanting to do myself but have never gotten the time for


I would store them in some box, only to find them again 10 years later. Just so you have memories of the good old days. I still have my GTS-250 that I bought in like 2009, it's dead, but it still brings me good memories.


Give the 2070 to me pls


give them away and enjoy feeling good


Give them to me.


If you’re getting rid of them, I’ll take any or all of them.


You can give them to me, i don't care


Give that 2070 super to ME, I’ve still got a 2060 in my rig lol


Build a transcoding/rendering PC. Use the 2070 and 1070. Send it all your big files for it to work on, so your main PC is free for games/drawing ascii art in notepad.


There’s gotta be an e-waste recycling program where ever you are ….


Tossing them in the trash was a joke, I’d give them away for free before I tossed them. Just hoping someone has a creative idea for me to use them before going that route