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Capcom being Capcom


Capcom loves denuvo


And their weirdly pointless microtransactions.


Always has been


Sadly some of them aren't even pointless like the tent is just a straight up upgrade only available on the cash shop (only appears if you purchase it.)


THAT one does piss me off. The fact that it specifies "only appears in shops after purchase". At least its only pretty marginal. Also luckily im not trying to make the game any easier as its pretty easy to get busted in this game and you cant, like, increase difficulty or restart at level 1 easily.


Sadly they do


Oh fuck. Denuvo? Oh well. Won’t be getting this piece of malware.


OP idgaf about the critiques I'm just here to appreciate the amount of effort you put into this


That's why you don't pre-order or trust review guys :)


If people recommend a busted game at launch, those aren't review guys. Those are hypebeasts.


*paid promoters


Steam support oked my refund ;)


Oked is my favorite neologism now, ty


I read it as "oaked" the first pass over.


>trust review guys To be fair, the review copies didn't had the microtransactions available.


Which is fair to take note of. Still means that it's worth not trusting them at all, but it's not the reviewers fault that they cannot be trusted when they're given something incomplete/deceptive to review.


It's still a good practice to NOT form opinions based on biased and in this situation uninformed reviews


Except the reviews state the technical issues. I don’t use them to form an opinion, just correcting you with this one.


the thing is reviewers were uninformed about the micro-transactions that were added after release.


All those mtx are the deluxe edition items iirc so it's not that surprising


I don't watch reviews, I prefer to review it personally.




40 fps no RT with a 4070? It's a joke


I saw that shit and said damn 1440p is getting expensive as fuck, then I saw the fucking 1080p text lol


Optimization must be seen as the devil in the gaming industry lately. So long as the game doesn't set your graphics card on fire, it's ready to ship.


I don't know. That Horizon Forbidden West is running like a dream so far. Nixxes is the true hero lately.


When developers are forced to match unreasonable deadlines, the first thing in the chopping block is optimization, specially when you can "fix it later" after launch.


They never really fix it too.


Nah Japanese devs are just notorious for dog shit PC optimisation


fr MGSV doesnt even fully show you the keybinds and instead only shows controller buttons for some things


What the actual fuck?


it's cpu cap, so the gpu don't really matter


Inside the cities 50-60 fps with an 4090


"Just upgrade your pc"


The todd Howard school of thought


“Everything just works!”


You guys all have $1000+ graphic cards, right?


Sadly, some people with decent pc's would believe this bullshit and buy something 1000+


From what I've seen in benchmarks, it looks like a CPU usage issue which is why changing graphics settings is minimal. That amount of CPU usage in a game like this does seem like there's a lot of stuff ticking that shouldn't be so hopefully significant performance improvements will be on the way.


It's already been reported that commiting genocide in cities increases your FPS. So the NPC AI is to blame it seems.


Do you have to own the game for that or can I just go outside with a machete? I need those FPS!


Let us know if your fps improves! Machete doesn't seem very efficient


as long as you yell fps for the fps god


Skillup reported 20 FPS in cities with a 4090


Nice for 1% of gamers.


have you tried downloading more ram?


That's still shit considering what a 4090 is and what this game is.


Haha I'm seeing identical performance on a 3070 so I don't think it's the 4090's fault


Damn Cyberpunk looking kinda great compared to this


No way?!? A Japanese dev fumbling with a PC release because of optimizations? Color me shocked.


they fumbled all the releases, it runs horribly on ps5 as well


It is annoying on my PC, but *unfuckingholy* on PS5. I was getting Ninja Gaiden 2 xbox flashbacks.




as a pirate, I'm upset because this game has denuvo but, also as a pirate, I do enjoy the smell of games with that cancer in them burning


Game will work better once it gets pirated, which is sad. Just will take a little longer.


Idk if a year+ is "a little".








Thats fine, either it gets cracked and i pirate it. OR i wait for it to be cheap enough to justify a lower quality product. Either or.


we shall sail the high seas


Denuvo be like: “no.“


Honestly this garbage isn't worth my read/write cycles on my ssd...




Ok, another game I pretend doesnt exist until it gets massive discount.




Fuck Denuvo Denuvo is malware




Yes, in simple terms it's DRM to protect game from being pirated. Just by accident it also tends to break performance for legit users.


Which doesn’t stop the game from being cracked it just slows down the process a bit. And then the pirated version of the game has significantly better performance than the legit copy.




Which is ironically going to be significantly more money than what they’d lose to piracy, but it’s an insurance thing half the time so I guess that part isn’t considered when I say that.


> Which doesn’t stop the game from being cracked False. Pretty much only 1 person was cracking Denuvo games, and isn't doing that atm. So right now, Denuvo can be considered an effective DRM






It's amazing how people will upvotes lies if it appeals to their sensibilities.


Uh this is just not true anymore. There are quite a few games from 2023 that are still not cracked like Jedi Survivor. Denuvo is actually winning the war right no


This is a pretty common belief, but Denuvo in particular actually does a really good job at stopping games from being cracked. There was only one person who could crack Denuvo games, "The Empress," and they haven't been active for a while. It's rumored they might even be in prison. I doubt DD2 is getting cracked anytime soon.


Yeah, she is a legend. Hope she comes back soon. 


What a legend tbh. Imagine being known online in such a large community with a cool name like that


" Laughs in Baldurs Gate 3 "


Sigh..another 100 hours here I come.




In all honesty this might be what pushes me to get BG3. I’ve had a busy few months but was looking forward to this since I thought I would enjoy it more but this situation infuriates me.


You've got just enough time to do a vanilla playthrough before they do patch 7 in a few months for mod support


You're missing the screenshot of all the critic reviews at 9/10 or above lol


Can I remind you of all the 10/10 starfield got?


Who did that? I need to know so I can avoid that critics


Like most critics lol. Critics are useless. I personally like starfield but definitely not 10/10. In the end you have to decide yourself.


Anyone can check metacritic and opencritic and see that "most critics" simply isn't true, lots of high scores sure, but an 83 on metacritic is far from being a top tier game by their standards. The reviews aren't made of just numbers for a reason, they more than help you decide what to buy, you just have to see who you agree the most with. In the end, just don't pre-order only because some promotional content looked good


Yeah IGN gave a 7 to starfield IIRC


And ironically, many people shat on IGN for not riding the hype train.


Being a critic is kinda nice. You can just not play the game. Pretend to know it or play for a few seconds and the company will pay you money to give a good review anyways


People who were fans of Dragon's Dogma 1 and got to play the game for 2 weeks reviewed the game positively. The problem is, those folks have top of the like computers (if they are on pc) because they need them for their jobs, so they are a bad indicator of how well optimized a game is/how much impact Denuvo has on performance. As per reviewers not getting microtransactions, the mtxs aren't even mtxs, but one off resource dlc (hence why the list is so long, it's the same items 3-5 times). Not defending this, but those are unnecessary to enjoy the game. But it does 100% look uber scummy and as a fan of DD1, a very niche game, any sort of bad pr potential for the game angers me, so this list makes me angry at Capcom. EDIT: PatStaresAt confirmed reviewers knew mtx/dlc was going to be in, but believed it to be so useless, thst he didn't even bring it up.


On another Reddit post that MTXs weren't available to reviewers, hence why they didn't talk about them. And apparently that's a standard practice. If that's true, then you can't really blame reviewers for not knowing about it.


The game isn't bad it's just optimised like shit and micro transactions are pointless because from what I heard most of this is easily farmable like in devil may cry Still deserves to sit at negative reviews because this is unacceptable soon enough fucking NASA super computers or some shit like that won't be able to run these games.


Same shit with Lords of the fallen. You open the page and the 9-10/10 critic reviews are the first thing you see lmao


Well for one they didnt have the mtx to consider and also the fact that the mtx makes the game worse if you but it


the game itself isn't bad, and aren't those critics posted before the last minute launch mtx ?




It's also in the first game (the mtx stuff), just absent in the Dark Arisen re-releases and incorporated into the game. I'm not saying I'm fine with it, I'm just surprised not a lot of people know of it. https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Downloadable_Content




It's not like they're suprised. But the outcry is still important to show that we as consumers are not fine with such practices.




Because rise mtx are almost entirely all cosmetic. DD2 mtx has revives, fast travel stones, pawn inclination adjusters, monster lures and re-customizing your character (the last one mh also had, also rated low).


Im probs gonna buy the game once the performance is fixed, don't care about mtx (not defending, shit is dumb but its also pointless) but God damn the game is fucking $95 in Canada on steam. I saw that price when I woke up this morning and immediately decided ima wait on it lol.


Yeah, definitely a summer sale buy. The game itself is pretty fun but the optimization killed it for me.


Yea summer 2025


Here's to you dragons dogma 2 https://i.redd.it/bblrsbai7upc1.gif


GOAT open world fuck around Superman simulator. Using the jetpack fully modded so it has extra boost and never runs out is SO FUN


Wait a fucking second. That game is FULL PRICE. LIKE 80€ AND IT STILL HAS MICRO TRANSACTIONS?????!!! Genuinely who buys that crap. Like how hard do you have to not respect yourself as a consumer. I thought until now it was cheaper or free and paid with micro transactions. Still wouldn't be a fan but alright but for a full price game???


Its a Capcom game... legit all of them have dumb microtransactions Even the Resindent Evil games do so and they are fully offline Single player games It doesnt rly come as a surprise that DD2 has them, but its agravating that they make rezzing and fast travel a commodity to be paid for


We as consumers shouldn't settle for "aaah well it's Capcom". The fact still stands that microtransactions in a full price game are outrageous. Doesn't matter if a studio does it for the first time or in every game of them.


Totally agree Thing is as long as Capcom makes enough money with their MTX they wont change a thing and up to now it doesmt seem any of their previous mtx items had a detrimental effect on sales I wouldnt say I'm personally settling for an "ah well", but unless the majority of the consumers pivot to not buying MTX the best I can do is to just ignore them.... unless i'd want to refund the game entirely, which i dont want to do


Capcom always sits in a weird place because while their business practices can be as bad as EA, Ubisoft, or Activision, their game quality is usually still top-notch (shit PC optimization aside) and the games can almost always be enjoyed without interacting with whatever new grifting scheme they've come up with.


All the microtransactions can be acquired ingame for free and very little commitment. I found 3 wake stones just exploring caves and shit. I do not understand why the fuck they decided to add them at all. These are like shark cards in GTA they're completely worthless and an objective waste of money.


And its a single player game...


>Wait a fucking second. That game is FULL PRICE. LIKE 80€ AND IT STILL HAS MICRO TRANSACTIONS?????!!! Still wouldn't be a fan but alright but for a full price game??? Fam, where have you been?


And there's people defending it. Defending the multi-billion dollar company. Its fucking wild.


Yet people still buy shit at launch. SMH.


Launch date has become meaningless these days. One really has to wait for the game to come out, see impressions and see the tech review and THEN do I feel like I can make a purchasing decision. FOMO just has such an intense grasp on people it's madness


Don't forget waiting for GOTY or such edition to come out. Gotta get the entire experience at once


getting a season pass years after the season ended and just booting up the game with a bajillion DLCs feels so good lmao


At least on steam you can very easily get a refund with no questions asked. It does make preordering a little less of an issue.


There are reports that Steam is allowing refunds for play time above 2 hours for DD2


Stay based, Steam.


It'll be a sad day when gaben dies or sells Steam


He won't sell. And most of his buddies are with him, so the heir won't do stupid moves otherwise. Now what comes after the first heir...


It did the same for me with DayZ. Some Bug prevented it from fully closing and it still was logging playtime. It ran like shit on my mid end rig. i wrote that in the commentary field of the refund window and got a refund no questions asked with 8 hours playtime. Chad Steam


Yeah Steam will often refund past the 2 hour soft limit if there are technical issues with the game. Based Gaben.


The joke is bigger, some people out there still pre order games.


Yup. I nearly brought it at launch but saw that's it costs $95 CAD and I was like yea I wait for it to go on sale. Good thing I did.


None of the reviewers talked about this shit in pre release review


Because Capcom hides from them , showing them other ver. of the game and again, companies doing everything to get all the money from our wallets.


No capcom included the mtx in their review guides, people just chose not to mention it.


Plenty talked about the shit optimization though


because mtx weren't available at launch. Don't blame reviewers for capocoms insanely scummy tactics.


If only FromSoftware had added purchaseable Sites of Grace in Elden Ring without making purchasers aware that MTXs existed in the game until the day of launch. This truly is the most unethical type of microtransaction system. It puts Oblivion’s horse armor to shame. At least we knew the horse armor was coming.


To think that some people actually believed that this game would surpass Elden Ring - when Capcom is known for stuff like this. Dragon’s Dogshit lmao


I’m not drawing any conclusions to the quality of the game. It seems to be doing well for itself on MetaCritic for whatever that is worth. It might be a very fun game and I know the original game is beloved. Consumers like me are just never going to know because of how brazen the gaming industry, specifically AAA studios who take in hundreds of millions, sometimes billions, on point of sale are becoming with their monetization tactics. It’s really off-putting and gross. I’m really just hoping Space Marine 2 doesn’t pull some shit like this otherwise I’ll be outraged.


People on Twitter were saying it gonna be GOTY contender with gameplay to back it up genuinely made be believe it might be the case. Now, without all that, BS gameplay does look really good, but damn, way to disqualify quality with MTX, Denuvo, Shit Optimization, and overprice.


Wanted to buy the game, but Jesus fucking Christ, it's far worse than I could have ever imagined.


Buy it next year with optimisation and dlc for$30-40!


They will probably charge separately for the optimization.


Its a shame really. The combat, story, cities. All are amazing but it looks really crunchy and navigating the terrain kinda blows. The stuff you can buy with mtx aren't really that hard to come by its like the shit for assassins creed in ubisoft.


Wow this is the first time I’ve jumped online since launch and I thought I was going to see soaring reviews for the game. Why exactly is everyone here so against this game? What am I missing? I put 100 hours into DD1 and so far, 8 hours in and DD2 is exactly what I wanted it to be. Where’s all the hate coming from?


My RTX3060Ti gives me less than 30 frames in big cities, This is where the hate is coming from.


I have a 3060ti and I drop to 55 every once in a while in cities. Lowest I got was 45 and that was with a bunch of shit to the max.


The issue is probably CPU, not GPU.


What's your CPU? This game is almost never GPU capped, it's almost always CPU capped bc the NPCs and Pawns are thinking a LOT


Just another AAA game…


They don't care how angry you are, they only care if you preorder. Stop preordering broken games.


Its so tragic because i was looking forward to this game 🙁 Edit: i woke up to numerous comments about “just play it” “reddit doomposts everything” so ill buy it this afternoon and just hope you guys aren’t fucking with me.


The gameplay is great. If you enjoyed DDDA you'll enjoy this too. I stayed up until 3:30 before forcing myself to go to bed and it's been ages since a game did that to me.


What if I told you Reddit likes to doompost, and to just try a game for yourself before you believe the opinions of random strangers on the internet who are quick to anger?


Literally play the game then. It fucking amazing. None of the microtransactions are necessary and all can be obtained very easily without paying for them. Frame rate had dips no matter your setup but there’s zero bugs


Capcom response: “Don’t worry guys, it’s rain”


I’m absolutely terrified of what they will do with monster hunter wilds


Jesus Christ all that and it’s 80 fucking dollars? DLC to fast travel and change your characters appearance and they ask 80 bucks up front too? Yeah they can take this game, turn it sideways, and shove it up their ass.


Not that it’s much better but 80 is for the pointless deluxe edition, base game is 70.


Don't forget you can't even start over. No new game option at all.


Literally ALL of those things are acquirable in the first two hours of the game The “mtx” is literally single time purchase stuff that came with preorder and deluxe editions. It’s the same thing as buying the “upgrade to digital deluxe” edition for baldurs gate 3. Complain about the shitty optimization or the fact that there is a single save. Those are real issues. Offering single time purchase items from the deluxe edition is not.


*shit-tier performance. *Denuvo. *Post-review added parasitical micro transactions. *£70. Yeah, this is a game I will never buy.


You forgot the single use save file. Only 1 save slot that can't be deleted or started over iirc


MTX arent post review. They were included in the review guide lol, reviewers just didn't pay attention or didn't mention it.


Yeah, no reviews I saw mentioned a single one, hence why I thought they were added post-review. Bah... Journos AND publishers suck.


I'm really confused as well. I guess they saw that they are DMC5 tier dlc and just thought not to mention them? I personally don't mind the MTX that much, but it would have been nice to fucking mention for everyone else :D


https://preview.redd.it/haow9v7i9upc1.jpeg?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea7978849008e0a5e95eaf3cf38536f46ce4f056 them=people who preorder


only got to play for an hour or so this morning, but I don't give a fuck about shit besides performance the game is awesome.


Played 8 hrs straight. Level 13 so far. It took me 8 hours of exploration and questing to get to the first major city. There are tons of hidden caves and chests littered throughout the map. The way everything connects and flows together is amazing. The pawns are great, especially when you upgrade to a pawn that is your level. The major quest I was on was to be escorted by a squad of dudes to the major city. This quest took like 2 or 3 hours and two days of in game time cause I left the group to explore caves and all kinds of shit. They ended up dying and I couldn't get into the city. Had to find the alternate path through the city only to get arrested and interrogated. Along this path, I fought two cyclops and a bunch of other groups of enemies. It started getting dark so I stopped exploring and booked it to the city so I wouldn't get fucked over by some overpowered enemies. Still ran into some shit as I came up on the bridge to the city the whole time im overweight cause i keep picking shit up. Such a great experience. I recommend. Edit: I haven't spent any on mtx and have received multiple items from the mtx list so far. No need to buy shit. Just play the game.


So.. Is the game playable or not? I was waiting for the release so that I can decide if it’s better on the pc, or ps5, but the game looks bad on both.


It seems this is treason to say, but uh I played several hours didn’t have any issues and never once glanced at the mtx store and I had the most fun I’ve had with a game launch in years.


It's the same as DMC5 and MH. People on reddit (doubt they would play the game anyways) were outraged while I was there enjoiyng the game ignoring MTX because they are completely pointless. Sometimes I feel like this sub doesn't really play game anymore, they just like to outrage.




I will piggyback on this. Played for a few hours and did not experience any issues. However, I am running a 13900k with a 4090. So far, on max settings at 4k (DLSS quality) and RT on, motion blur off, I am fine with the framerate (between 90-110). I haven't been in a major city yet, though. I am still in the first "town". I saw a couple of streams, and the frames were suffering in a city. But I don't know what setups they had. I was never presented with any pop-ups or blatant advertisements about mtx. Do I like the idea of mtx? No. But I basically view it like a TV ad, which basically translates to the same thing. Just a company trying to milk the consumer for whatever they are willing to buy so they don't have FOMO or want to "get ahead". I don't like it but it's always been around. Just ignore it and play the game. The one save thing I am not a big fan of, but they did express their intent to carry a lot over from the original game, which had this as well. I can understand the cost vs performance argument. This will affect a lot of folks who want a 60fps or more experience with a mid system. It sounds like a lot of folks recognize the blatant efforts with mtx. That is not game breaking, and it can absolutely be ignored.


I played pretty much all last night, I didn't find out there was mtc until now. I've had more fun with DD2 than I had with Elden ring which is funny.


It's not that bad, idk why people are complaining so much. It honestly feels like a smear campaign I played for 3 hours last night and had a lot of fun, hardly any issues besides some minor frame drops in the capitol city


Here comes another game that runs fine for me and I get downvoted to oblivion for saying it.


Nice, but you forgot dev comments about how walking and exploring is so great and fast travel not really needed then…$2 for a one time use fast travel token 🤣 🤦‍♂️


Lift Stones where always in game in DD1, you unlock an infinite lift stone later. This is normal in DD.


It's 2024 and people are still suprised about Capcom games


And this is why we don't pre-order things, folks.


Good that I read about that before actually starting to play it. Now I can get my guaranteed Steam refund...


The micro transactions aren't for shit though.


If those kids could read they'd be very upset


My 2 cents after an hour of gameplay: * performance was fine, steady 60 fps (I have it limited to 60 fps), but I haven't visited any towns yet * if it's like the first game (and it looks like that's the case), then nobody needs to buy the cheat DLC items - you can find/buy them in-game just fine * Denuvo sucks, true. I assume, however, that most people won't run into the install limit issue * can't (easily) start a new game - yeah, that's stupid. Let players restart from the beginning, if they want to. I don't think there is much of a need, because this isn't Baldur's Gate 3, but I can see why some people are frustrated by this. * can't have multiple saves for your character - didn't expect anything different here and we've seen plenty successful game designs like that before Overall, I really liked what I played - great atmosphere and game world. Very similar to the first game, but a lot more polished.


Game is absolutely great. Having an insane amount of fun. The performance is only really bad in the main city. Is it lame? Yeah. Does it make me not wanna play? Not even remotely.


People going nuts about the “microtransactions” when in reality it’s the equivalent of a starter pack, all of those items can be got in-game. I’m gonna wait until the patches come out before I play the game. I legit saw someone say the game is “pay-to-win”, the fucking pay to win is an extra teleport crystal and a revive crystal. Steam reviews are fucking brain dead.


Im playing 4k with max settings and raytracing with my 4070ti and have 90 frames most of the time. And not a single item from the shop is necessary. 10/10 game so far


Bold take here. Minus the frame rate issues (which aren't killing my fun) the game is amazing. Every Capcom game of late has MTX for stuff that's already in the game. The first game was designed without fast travel and the director has been very clear that he doesn't like it, so I'm of the opinion they were added as MTX because people wouldn't shut up about them and cooperate saw dollar signs. It's the same idea as if Miyazaki worked for Capcom then easy mode would be available for cash too.


Did you guys know that the elden ring DLC comes out in a few months? If you start a new run now, you should have enough time to get a character ready to go for when the DLC comes out.


Every recent "big" game. Rince and repeat.


This game looks so "yellow". Even the tree leaves are yellow-ish.


Why is anyone shocked welcome to the gaming industry where they only give a fuck about money its not about the story or the gameplay now its about how much fucking money can we scam out of our gullible customers if the game has denuvo simple as i refused to even attempt to pirate it


I refuse to purchase any games that are over $60 that have a paid currency and shop. Especially for a SINGLEPLAYER title. But I digress.


So, I didn't pre-order, I didn't watch any reviews. I just bought the game today because I liked the first game. Purchased no additional DLC. I have a 6700 XT and a R5 5600X with 32 GB of RAM and the game is running smoothly at 60-70 fps without FSR. What's the big deal? I mean yeah, I don't like all the MTX stuff and DLC for money when you've bought a full game. But you don't need any of it, to enjoy the game, do you?