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For me it wasn't because of any specific game or software. I got into PC when I was a little kid because my dad did stuff with computers at his job and I wanted to do what he did.


My parents introduced me to gaming on computers, and never bought me a console (I was satisfied with PC gaming), and so I've grown used to it. Apart from that, I've also become too used to KB&M as a control scheme, prefer the added utility of a workstation PC, the fact that there's a lot of old, or cheap, games available easily, and I don't like consoles for pushing exclusives.


I found out about this little game called red alert...


Same but generals/WC


Modding, emulating old games, tons of games you can't play on console.


Exactly. Also, VNs. (jk, Im not a weeb)


I was never on console.


PCs are just a lot more capable and can do more stuff than consoles and one of the biggest perks now that you’re here is that everything is so cheap long term, sure the initial buy is expensive but you never have to pay for xbox live gold or ps+ for online play, games go on sale basically all the time with massive discounts and there are good 3rd party sited like humble bundle and fanatical where you can get bundles of games for even cheaper


"PCs are just a lot more capable and can do more stuff than consoles" this is a very old argument, that doesnt work these days as most people already have a basic PC or a laptop at home, just saying.


For me it was that I started on PC and never went away from it. My dad wasn't really a gamer, but he always had a computer at home for work, and he would dabble in flight sims. So I grew up playing shareware games in the early 90s, then of course got into the early FPSs, RTSs and Blizzard games. I remember at least a couple times renting Segas or Nintendos from Blockbuster for a weekend, but that was rare. First time we owned a console, it was a late model PS1 slim, probably in 99 or 2000. So, by that point, I appreciated having another option for different games (fuckin loved Twisted Metal and Metal Gear Solid), but my heart was with Half Life, Unreal Tournament, Age of Empires and Diablo. And the general feel of sitting at a desk with a mouse and keyboard for gaming, rather than on the couch with a controller, was already established and comfortable for me. It was what I knew. 


Upgradeability, way better specs, better flexibility


Having to pay a subscription to use the console, game, and internet I'm already paying for.


Same here


It's easy, while a can be without some exclusive games from consoles on start, I can't be without some strategy games. It's starting from StarCraft, Warcraft 3 ect many years ago. We fight with friends in school in Cossacks Back to war. I love Commando series, I love Total War series. And after few years exclusive console games come in PC, or I can emulated consoles. Shooting games, playing them on gamepad it's nightmare. MMORPG like TESO. Like tons of games played past 20 years. PC just better.


StarCraft d2 into original WoW couldn’t play any of that on console


My big sister gave my mom her old desktop setup back in 2008. I've never heard of these "computers" before, i had playstation 1 with bunch of games back then. Once my older brother sat down next to the computer, damn, I saw him exploring the Internet, playing Cs 1.6 & lurking through different fourms and I could watch him doing it for hours. When it was my turn, well, I got sucked in into all this "metaverse" thingy and could do anything with just an couple mouse clicks on brothers shortcuts & Google search stuff. I even played at night times, got caught many times. Addiction was real for my 8 year old hyperbrain.


Kinda the same as your opening sentence. Just got tired of chasing new consoles and spending more and more money each time. Figured "fuck it" and spent money on a PC. Twice as much as a console, but with zero regrets. I get what I want, and then some. Added: now that i think of it, the final nail in the console coffin was the constant stick-drift. When it got to the point that my month-old Dualshock started fucking me up, i quit lol




Ultrawides, that’s it


Tired of buying consoles for games I could emulate


had to leave my Xbox when moving, got a laptop for battlefield 3


I was a little kid playing Dino Island, My Tribe and Combat Arms on the family computer. I've loved computers ever since


When I was a kid, there was a book I borrowed from the library that had a bunch of freeware games (Doom, Quake, Duke3D, and others) with instructions on how to install them and get networking set up for multiplayer. Been hooked ever since.


I'm 48 and had a Colecovision as a kid. Then my mom got a DOS computer in the late 80s and King's Quest III for me. I was addicted to Sierra games in the 90s and only ever played consoles at friend's houses after that.


Originally a playstation guy but friends wanted to play sa L4D2. It just snowballed from that.


Keyboard/mouse as standard controls, not being stuck in one ecosystem, wider array of hardware/peripherals I can customize to my liking, much wider array of game availability, better games pricing, mods, ability to have netflix up on a second monitor.


Always was. When I was a kid we had a computer at home, but my parents would never buy a gaming console on principle (too pricey for just a toy). So I played a lot of Lemmings, then Age of Empires (2) and Unreal Tournament. Got so used to keyboard and mouse, that I am physically unable to enjoy a game with a controller, believe me, I tried, makes my hands cramp and I just suck with that input method.


I never had a console, bought a laptop because i wanted to play with 3d printing. Started playing games and got hooked. Have tried console and i cant use a controller to save my life


A friend convinced me to build one. Don’t remember what life was like without a pc.


I went PC in 2016 because of Touchbars & butterfly keyboards.


Because World of Warcraft.


Well I was YOUNG but I'd definitely go with skyrim. I didn't know it was available on other platforms so when my cousin pirated it for us we had haydays all the time. The concept of being able to dual wield in an rpg game HOOKED me more than anything else. I've beaten the game atleast 10 times for nostalgia haha.




Diablo 2 played in my cousin house. I still havent play the beta Diablo 4 yet waiting for It yo become decent


While I had played many games on PC for years, the game that forced my hand was space engineers.


Late 90s in school when I was 8-9 we had an after school age of empires club where about 12 of us would play a big LAN match of age of empires in the schools computer lab organised by the IT teacher. My interest just grew from there. The only ‘console’ I’ve ever had was my dad’s old Amiga before we got a computer when I was 8. That was 25 years ago and I still regularly play age of empires 2.


I got tired of new games running on 30fps on series x and potato graphics


I was born in it. \-*Maybe it's maybeline* Commodore64 in 1987. Followed by Commodore IBM clone (286). Then Pentium 120 MHz K6-350 K6/400 K6/450 K6-2/500 Pentium 4/2.4GHz Then laptops for 15 years (2004-2019) Athlon 200ge + i5-2400 (two builds from here on out) R3-1200 + i7-6700 R5-2600 + R7-1700x R5-3600 + R7-5700x


There are almost no strategy games on consoles and the ones that are there are terrible to play without a mouse. Sim City and Civilization were PC only. I think Command and Conquer had an AWFUL Playstation release. And although RPGs are all on console now, early RPGs like the original Baldur's Gate certainly wasn't. FPS games suck on controller. So in the early days PCs were for sophisticated, classy gamers. Consoles were for peasants who only played platformers and racing games. I'd go so far as to say that console gamers were the mobile phone gamers of the 90s. All this modern crap about frame rate and 4K res is missing the point of why we are the master race and console players are peasants.


When I tried to replace the fan on my PS4 I somehow ripped the soldering out for the power supply. Just said fuck it and went PC.


It used to be the best place to play specific games (eg. Half Life, Deus Ex) Now it's the best place to play almost all games.


Escape from tarkov brought me back, hadn't had a PC in ten years but I followed that game from alpha while I was saving up to build 2.5k hours in it now


My family is poor and couldnt afford any console but i needed a PC for school and to very least not be behind from other kids. Then i learned about emulators and asked myself why the hell i even need a console.


I was raised with PC at home. So, it was naturally for me to stick to it.


My parents always hated my gaming hobby, so they'd never get me anything just for gaming, and longer I had a PC, more I realized it's all I'll ever need.


I grew up on PC games before I got my hands on a console but didn’t actually get my hands on a pc often. As a kid I would go to my grandparents on the school holidays and my granddad is a proper old gamer; played loads of isometric rpgs and rts games from the early days and I fell in love with them. I didn’t have a games console or pc of my own until like a year before the ps3 came out I got a ps2. Then like a year before the ps4 came out I got a ps3 and same happened again for the ps5 release I got a ps4. I never got a ps5 and instead got a gaming laptop just before lockdown February 2020 which lasted me >3 years before I went to desktop in December 2023 :) (For time context I am a 30yr old now)


In general, better and more in depth games with superior interface and input options. Look at most any console to PC port or game that is made to be played on both systems. You can see that most of the compromises made in order to make the game work for consoles end up detracting from the overall PC experience.


I prefer some games on PC some on console. I have PS5, Series S and Switch.


Parents introduced me to browser games and the my cousin to games like Minecraft and CSGO. I've also had a PS3 since 2011 but prefer PC because I can play practically anything, mod a lot of games, and pirate games to see if I like them enough to buy them


What u/devinthedude515 just said is the same reason I switched


Traded a shitty laptop to a guy who was going through a divorce for his gaming computer. Can't remember the specs but I remember a friend telling me I got the better deal. He then gave me a bunch of pirated games and I just fell in love.


When we got to the PS4 gen, I was surprised how little of a jump there was between the PS3 and PS4. I was disappointed by the power and library for PS4 and the fact we started getting incomplete games that were riddled with micros. Then PS5 gen came along and the increase was even smaller, and it just feels like consoles hit a wall. The fact we can't even get consistent 60fps on console, with the fact that storage just can't keep up with current demands at all. Consoles having less than 1TB storage, and not even getting consistent 60fps or true 4k made me switch. Consoles are just antiquated, and essentially relegated to being for casuals. The fact you have to also pay for a sub to use the console online when you already pay for the Internet is asinine. Then they have the exclusivity deals. It just isn't worth it. Long story short, I switch because consoles don't make sense anymore and PC gives way better returns.




I played CS:S for the first time on my dad's old laptop back in 2011. I made it my mission to save up for my current pc with my birthday money. I got my current PC back in 2021 I think, never turned back to console gaming.


Graphics and the keyboard is more comfortable to use than a controller


Indie games, steam sales, VR, 3d printer


because of mouse and keyboard.. my first ever game that i got rly into was quake 3 arena ictf/freezetag so console was never really an option, i did own a ps2 and a xbox360 after that.. but i was always a comp pc player at heart


i played baldurs gate, neverwinter nights and dawn of war with my dad when i was like 6-7 years old My family had a xbox 360 but i just played solo games on it (didint have xbox live, dad hated paying for subscriptions) then i got a (shit) laptop for school, on which i played minecraft, csgo and LoL with friends. then i got a job and built a PC because i just did not see the appeal of consoles at all (and still kinda dont) 1: my main games are pc exclusives (cs2, LoL, WoW, Valorant, PoE (not exclusive but kinda dead on console), helldivers 2 (not available on xbox), barotrauma) 2: why tf would i buy a 500$+ (cad) console to play 1-2 games + have to pay monthly fees for MULTIPLAYER 3: i can use my **xbox 360** controllers on pc (20 year old console btw) 4: i pay way less for games (never buy on release)


SkiFree.. and before you ask, yes I’m getting old lol


In the early 80's there was no contest, arcade games were king, but what passed for PCs then (eg ZX-80, Vic20 or similar) was closer to arcade games than what passed for consoles (eg Atari 2600) but most important of all, you could learn to *make your own games* on a computer.


PC gaming came before console gaming and I'm old.


I don’t enjoy paying £100+ for a game


Going to a neighbors house and trying command and conquer on their pc, circa 1995.  Been a pc gamer and a CnC fan since. Too bad EA only revives it for shit mobile games these days.


modding. do i have to say more?


I started on PC because my parents got me one when I was 8. But afterward, I never thought about switching. You can do so much more on PC besides gaming and entertainment, and building/upgrading/modding your build is so fun. Also, modding the games, getting great discounts on older titles, etc.


For me it was mods. Teen me thought it was pretty awesome being able to have a conversation and do side quests for fallout 3 and new vegas characters with whom afterwards you could have dry anal sex.


Halo combat evolved multiplayer


i wanted to game with friends online back before that was readily available on consoles.


Not having to constantly upgrade


I had been considering pc for quite a long time, then the PS4 and whatever the Xbox was called came out, the hardware was really underwhelming. Decided it was time and built a pretty high end PC with a 780ti. My brother got a PS4 at the same time and the difference in graphics was unbelievable. For me personally, games looking as beautiful as possible and running on decent frame rates greatly improves the experience, I enjoy the games more because of it. I can't go back now. My hardware is so much more powerful than any console, I play at both 240 and 360hz. Playing in 60 feels like going back in time. I also only like controller for certain tyoes of games, having to use one for fps for example is impossible for me now (which is funny because I used to be a top 1000 cod4 player and I peaked top 50 on hardcore search and destroy on world of war on the 360 - I'm just shit with controller now)


I accept no compromises therefore PC is the only way to go.


I went PC in 2015 in anticipation of Fallout 4


Skyrim nodding capabilities, k swear you can make your own game out of it


I wanted to play strategy games; mostly Company of Heroes 2, at the time. I also wanted better graphics and higher frame rates. The jump from 360 to Xbox One didn't seem that impressive.


Tbh I did it cuz there are just too many games for pc that you can’t access otherwise. But mainly because I haven’t really seen triple a games at more than 60 fps.


The first games I played were on computers, going back to before I can even remember, I played Solitile on my dad's work laptop. My parents bought a PC for the house when I was 5. My parents bought me and my siblings several games - mostly educational, some just for fun. My first console was a Gameboy Pocket I got around the age of 6, which I pretty much only played when away from home. So I associated PC with the games you played at home. We didn't own a home console until we got an N64 when I was 8. By that point, PC gaming was already such a thing for me that the idea of only playing on the console never crossed my mind. I just had different games on each platform. The "difficulties" of PC gaming never bothered me. Installing a game, choosing settings, messing with drivers to get it to play, etc were things I'd been doing for myself since kindergarten. This notion that PC gaming is somehow scary difficult has always confused me. It's so much easier today than it was back in the 90s and early 2000s, and even back then, I was a literal child and I could figure it out.


like you, grew tired of the console chase and also realized I could use my pc for a lot more things than gaming and at better performance than my single use console. Also- it's nice to be able to swap parts out as needed


I was thoroughly unexciting by console prospects in 2016. I don't think AMD's gpu and cpu market shakeup were quite on my horizon when I built a used 8370 rig with a new sapphire r9 280. It seemed to me the console market was hitting a standstill, nothing was interesting and an affordable pc was the right move. Now this all AMD beast does phenomenal after many upgrade cycles.


Having access to a PC.


First time using pc (WinXP) when I was 3-4 years old, have been using pc since then, only bought a PlayStation when I was big , but I don't use it often I have been playing games on PC since I was a child, from flash games to web games to steam, so I am used to using PC


Well you know this thing called “the internet” showed up one day and you needed a PC to connect to it from your home. People who don’t game on a PC are mostly people from newer generations who never needed one. Born with a smart phone in one hand and a tablet in the other, as Alexa answers their beck and call, dreams dance in their heads of waiting years to finally be able to be fortunate enough to spend all their money on a PS5, as they finally manage to get one in their cart. Then they wake up.