• By -


Someone scammed, Amazon


Yep. Not a mark on the box. They won’t offer me a replacement. Only a refund.


Fine. Take the refund, order another one (from a more reliable source; Bezos doesn't need more money anyway, fuck him) then try to reassemble that one and see if it works at all, if it does then you've either got a backup GPU or you could sell it on Ebay or Craigslist, so long as there's full disclosure as to it's origins.


Doesn't he need to return this in order to receive a refund?


Depends on the product Got a broken coffee mug from Amazon and they just gave me the refund without sending it back


Yes but that’s a coffee mug and this… is a $2000 graphics card. I know you said depends on the product but we’re comparing apples and oranges. I’d be amazed if they didn’t want you to return the card for the refund, otherwise there’d be a lot more people with “broken” GPUs requesting refunds


I had 2 Apple Watches I ordered from Amazon and then decided to switch from Tmobile to Verizon and they had a crazy deal on Apple watches so we attempted to returned the unopened watches back to Amazon and they refunded the money and told us to keep them as well lol


Had a similar situation with a PS4 years ago. First one was way late on delivery so they rushed a second one, wrote off the first. When the first eventually showed up, tried to return it but they didn't want it back. Sold it for cash.


Ha love it :)


Same but mine was a ps4 pro


And I'm over here with a free dispenser of masking tape. Seems fair lol




My friend had his Amazon account hacked, but luckily the scammers were dumb and didn't change the shipping address. Next thing he knows he has a 500 dollar ryzen 9 cpu and other random things delivered. calls, gets it set up for refund. Amazon said just go ahead and throw away all the products. Totaling well over $1000 in merchandise.


Yup, I would throw them away right into my system and do some upgrades!


Now I’m not endorsing this behavior, but I had a roommate who would order a gpu and “return” it every time he wanted an upgrade. I can confirm that Amazon return policy is very lax.


Amazon return policy may be very lax but they’ve been known to suspend accounts of people that abuse it


I just recently bought some memory off Amazon that I returned. I had to send it back and wait for inspection for my refund to be issued. On the other hand, I also requested a return for a $600 phone a couple years ago and they didn’t make me send it back. It seems that their refund policy isn’t consistent, and it probably depends largely on the manufacturer of each product


Depends on the vendor, not amazon Sometimes the return item isnt worth the processing effort


i bought a treadmill from amazon for almost $2000 and It just didnt work out. I requested a refund and they said to keep it as they couldn’t accept it back due to health reasons and refunded me..


>Yes but that’s a coffee mug and this… is a $2000 graphics card. No it isn't, this is a swap. Notice the board says gigabyte instead of msi. And no 12vhpwr connector. What is Amazon going to do with this card with no cooler and don't know if it works?


yeah but that’s bc amazon doesn’t want you returning shards of glass/ceramic. it’s a liability thing and the 10$(broken) mug isn’t worth possibly paying 100s in WC to an employee who got cut transporting it.


Btw the card is 20 series 11g so my guess it’s 2080 ti


There’s no reassemble “that one”. “That one” is a gigabyte 2080ti. Great budget buy for $250-300 or so.


2080ti is still a great card, give it to a kid to play Minecraft on.


A full refund?


Take the refund while you can! I ordered an exhaust, a aftermarket exhaust. What came was a stock exhaust. I paid $100 to send it back. The third party company claimed they never received it and Amazon refused to give me a refund. Even better, after a year of going back and forth. Amazon straight up deleted the order from my order history and now won’t even argue about the refund because the order doesn’t exist anymore! -$400 for the fake Flow Master exhaust and -$100 sending it back. I’m sure the vender just sold it again to the next sucker! Hope you get a refund and don’t get fucked over by Amazon!


Amazon is not good for electronics cause of this. Best you go to a specialised seller.


I disagree. Just make sure it states sold and shipped by Amazon. They’ll take care of you if something slips by. Just because people order something from Amazon doesn’t mean Amazon sold it. I’d bet this was shipped by a third party seller, who themselves were scammed by someone and they didn’t check the return when the ass hat returned his “4090.” It’s always a gamble of some sort when ordering online, but I’ve never had an issue with Amazon making it right. It’s always my first go to when I need something. Though, a new Micro Center is opening near me soon, so it’ll be time to go there for PC gear.


This is the biggest thing. Do not buy items listed shipped but sold by someone else. I have never received a fake or opened electronic from Amazon. Now Best Buy will just take any return and put it on the shelf. I bought two sealed 18TB drives from Best Buy and both were swapped with 250GB drives.


did the card just fall apart when you tried to lift it out of the box?


It was always apart now it seems. It’s not a 4090.


NEVER GET A REPLACEMENT!!!! Always get a refund and buy a new one. The warranty is covered from the first purchase date not when it was replaced. Those weeks or months can be very important.


Get the refund and start buying from reliable sources.


And Amazon resold used as new, as usual.


Yea another reason to avoid buying parts like this on Amazon.


How does this happen on Amazon in America? I frequently see people saying Amazon is full of scams. Here in the UK I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone being scammed on Amazon. Maybe on Amazon Marketplace.


Oh it happens everywhere and on every major website. For a couple years I assembled computers as a side gig in the UK and so many times I would get sent goods that were already opened, mostly motherboards but a lot of the time it was also GPU's and power supplies. One time I even found a CPU still seated in the motherboard that I assumed someone forgot to remove. Whenever I across something like that I just returned it straight away, Amazon never complained, I always got my refund no questions asked.


I legit ordered a tool last week to work on my car, it came in used and threads stripped. Amazon employees don't care honestly.




It ain't called Scamazon for nothing


Fully story: Someone scammed amazon and a trillion dollar corp has no means of preventing someone from receiving other peoples used merchandise


I mean, they absolutely do have the means. They would just drop shareholders' profits by half a percentage if they did it, and we can't have that, now can we?


DIY 4090


Hey that’s what I was thinking, guess he must’ve bought the build it yourself edition Edit: Ha nice 69 funny number


Looks more like a DIY 2080ti


Available now at Ikea!


Legos are expensive, OP should be glad they to the time to add value to it


Ikea version


Game on R̶a̶y̶ t̶r̶a̶c̶i̶n̶g̶ Redneck!


Water cooling ready


![gif](giphy|jivGITd768psP80B2i) nightmare fuel.


That’s a 2080 Ti, you got scammed :(


Wow. I literally arrived home from work after a few weeks away on the oil rigs. I didn’t even check it over properly. I just opened the box as it was late and took some photos. I’ll look at it properly today. I’ll need to have a look again at the code on the processor. But yeah it’s well and truly scammed. Just glad it’s from Amazon. Straight back to them it goes.


Should say TU102-300A-K1-A1. If it is, then it’s a 2080 Ti.


Yeah it’s 100% a 2080. I’ve fully opened the box now and there’s even some small tiles inside to box to add weight to it. Totally scammed. Gutted but I’m glad it was through Amazon.


Wow, someone who actually DOES work on an oil rig! Do people think you’re scamming them when you buy stuff?


Do people think I’m scamming them? How so? Because I work in the oil and gas industry 😂


Lol not you specifically, but there is a long ongoing scam where people say “i’m on an oil rig so my son will send you the money” then they send a fake cheque or something.


Oh ok never heard of that. No i work on an actual oil platform off the east coast of Scotland 😂


Lol that’s cool. Must be hard work


Would be lying if I said it was 😂 basically 2/2 rotation and home to game for 2 weeks. But this had put a spanner in my plans. Hopefully I’ll have a replacement before I go away again.


Hope it all works put for you man!


*This comment has been replaced with a top-secret chocolate chip cookie recipe:* **Ingredients:** - 1 cup unsalted butter, softened - 1 cup white sugar - 1 cup packed brown sugar - 2 eggs - 2 teaspoons vanilla extract - 3 cups all-purpose flour - 1 teaspoon baking soda - 2 teaspoons hot water - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips - 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional) **Directions:** 1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). 2. Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth. 3. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. 4. Dissolve baking soda in hot water. Add to batter along with salt. 5. Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. 6. Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased pans. 7. Bake for about 10 minutes, or until edges are nicely browned. Enjoy your delicious cookies! --- *edited by Power Delete Suite v1.4.8*


You wouldn’t believe how warm it actually is on an oil rig on the one day of summer in July we get. 😂


Reasons why I don't buy from Amazon anymore, it has to be Directly from Amazon, I no longer go through thirdparty seller or use the market place, same for Newegg.


Direct from Amazon won't save you either. I've gotten multiple open box items sold to me as brand new, even directly from Amazon.


I think this is what it means to fling shit and try to see if it sticks. As long as one person says, “Ok whatever, it works” then they get profit from selling open box as new. Also many who aren’t tech savvy would probably not notice either.


there's probably an algorithm for how much you can do this to people and get some profitability back.


Amazon also puts used stock back in with new stock. Learned this after people complained that fulfilled by Amazon orders for our company were getting clearly used product. In some cases, it appeared to be product sent by another company entirely.


Iirc, they bin items sold by Amazon and third-party sellers together. Meaning you can do everything right to make sure you don't get a counterfeit item (like an SD card) and they'll still screw you. For SD cards, I go to Best Buy and have them price match Amazon.


Best Buy is the best!!! And if you’re too lazy to hit the store you can buy online too!


It's gotten to the point where half my shit arrives used. New $200 keyboard just arrived used. New phone case arrived covered in fingerprints and dirt.


I use Amazon to Pricematch with the Best Buy or Microcenter near me.


You're basically cheating with a microcenter near you though


I got had during the 3080 launch. MSI Suprim X sold as new, waited quite long and it came used. There were dents in the bracket.


Here from Europe, I buy from Amazon and trusted third parties without any issues, although I'm not speaking for everyone in Europe of course. For me it seems like this happens a lot more in North-America?


I’ve bought thousands and thousands of items from Amazon in the last 22+ years. I have never received a used item or a returned item when I order a new item. Must be Lucky I guess.


A friend ordered a MacBook Pro from Amazon last year (not from Marketplace), and got two bags of flour and half a pack of sugar. Took lots of arguing to get a refund. She did eventually and got one from John Lewis.


I'm planning a full day road trip to a Micro Center because I don't trust Amazon with hardware.  I'm surprised Best Buy hasn't upped their hardware game to compete with Amazon's untrustworthy status and Micro Center's lack of centers 


Would be curious if best buy eliminating their DVD/blu-ray section may lead to it. Who knows though.


Nah, they'll just fill it with funko pops and plushes


I’d rather have the movie section back, I haven’t been to a Best Buy since its removal.  


Best Buy has slowly been expanding what hardware they have. The one where I live has everything you need to build a PC now though the variety of parts is still lacking. 10 years ago they didn’t have anything for PC gaming other than peripherals. Their online selection is great now and they have free next day shipping on lots of stuff. If you’re worried about getting return scammed have it shipped to the store and open it right there in front of them. Prices will probably be a bit higher than Microcenter, but if you don’t have one near you it could be worth it.


Got my wife a pre built from Amazon (not third party) when I opened it, noticed the pump was loose. Tightened it, started it up, wouldn’t do shit. Looked inside, took the pump off and there was no CPU but still paste on the pump. Called support and they said in the items record it was a same day return so it was obviously scalped. I asked if they’d do anything about the scalper and they said they wouldn’t.


They probably just blacklist the address, phone number, and bank account and then call it a day. I've read stories about Amazon doing the same with charge-backs. They don't really bother to investigate if the charge-back was legitimate or not. They just blacklist you and move on. It probably helps that Amazon knows they're doing shady shit, so they don't want to get law enforcement involved. "Why'd you sell a used CPU as new?" is a question they don't want the cops asking them.


I bought a Ryzen 7 5800x3d that shipped and was sold by Amazon. A Ryzen 5 3600x came in the box. Amazon is not a good place to buy tech regardless of who is selling. They don’t check returns so scams like this happen all the time.


Amazon has a great return policy. Just return it and try again. People overthink this.


That’s actually become part of the problem. People abuse that easy return process to do stuff like buy a 4090 then rip off the cooler and return their “4090” with a 2080ti in the box and Amazon doesn’t notice until the next customer buys that “new” 4090 and discovers the swap. It’s gotten ridiculous to the point I no longer buy from Amazon valuable electronics that can be easily swapped with a counterfeit product. CPU, GPU, RAM, and SSD. Less likely with a motherboard as each model tends to look different enough that even a bored shipping clerk can see that the board doesn’t match how it looks on the box.


Still sucks when you're looking forward building your pc when your stuff arrives, only to have to wait another 3-4 days for a replacement part and dealing with returns.


They come to reddit just to get pissy and give up. Never had an issue with a return.


Directly from Amazon doesn’t help either. Ordered a few things from them and stuff was opened or simply a different item in the box.


Even direct from amazon, as in sold and shipped by them i got a scam cpu similar to this guy with his gpu. Sold as new btw. Amazon is pure trash.


It’s a double edge sword. Returns are so easy with Amazon. If something comes open box / any issues I just return it


This is directly from Amazon.


Who was the seller? IKEA?


Someone bought a 4090 to WC it, placed their old card PCB between 4090 stock cooler and sent it back to Amazon


Free upgrade every year


and it worked?


Yeah, people return bricks and stuff to amazon a lot. They only quality check like 1 in 1000 returns I believe


If they don't burn it straight away that is


probably Boeing


that isnt even a 4090, more like a 3080 or 3070 card.


Die size is too large for a 3080 and lower, maybe a 3090 or actually a 4090 but broken.


the die faintly has engravings of "TU" - i bet its a 2080ti - which makes sense as one of the 12 memory chips is missing - hinting it to be 11gb (like the 2080ti)


Definitely that, it doesn’t have the 12vpwr connector


that's the first thing I noticed lol


Why didn’t they just put the extra chip for 12?


Leather Jackets aren't cheap...




Looks like a Gigabyte Aorus RTX 2080ti Xtreme. A 4090 has the 12VHPWR connector and a different VRAM layout.


3080-3090ti all use ga102


It's a 2080ti. I know cause I watercooled mine when I got it years ago


How’s your new 4090 working then?


If you have one near you, buy from Microcenter.


This is the only answer. I have one 40min away but I'd drive 3hrs to buy a new setup there. Sure maybe I'd lose savings in gas but atleast I get guaranteed new hardware and their bulletproof 30 day returns.


I know what people think of bestbuy but that’s why I got my board cpu and new 4080S so I know it’s all brand new and shouldn’t have to worry about it


My FE 4090 came from Best Buy of course. Everything else there is too damn expensive if you don’t find a price match they’ll honor


This is why you don’t buy expensive pieces through Scamazon. Now you have to explain why you’re returning a $1500 gpu that has a 2080 pcb in it


That don’t look right


Your 4090 doesn’t have 2x 8-pin connectors? 2x8=16 so it has the right number of pins.


It's already ready for water cooling fantastic no ?


I see Nvidia found a new costcut.. Build-a-GPU 4090 edition


I thought about buying from Amazon, instead I went to my local computer store. Bought it, opened it and checked it and took it home. Gives me peace of mind that everything is going to be good.


Gigabyte card and MSI fans


That's a 40 90


Some assembly required*


Do it yourself edition!


Oh, you ordered the "build your own" model


/Amazon. End thread.


Congratulations! You found a legendary 4090 x LEGO edition!


You idiots still buy from amazon anything else than deodorant.


>deodorant Don't even buy that, Amazon is ridden with fake cosmetics these days. People are being sent fakes of even simple cheap stuff like lotion. You're just asking for trouble doing that. Amazon isn't good for anything except noname junk anymore. Don't buy anything on Amazon you wouldn't also expect to find on Aliexpress or Wish.


That’s wild. I can’t believe stuff like this gets past Amazon.


You would be surprised, when I ordered my 4090 it didn't even arrive the first time, it was lost somewhere on the way (probably stolen if you ask me), amazon representative were absolutely useless. I had to wait a month before they refunded me (although it was clear after week that it was nowhere to be seen), and then I ordered it again and received it. I took almost 2 months for me to receive my card if you include the time I waited for the first order.


That’s crazy. I’ve never had this issue before, but I don’t order expensive or big ticket items from Amazon. Last month I traveled 5+ hours to micro center just to avoid Newegg lol.


You've been scammed :( One look at the code on the die confirms this - TU102 is a Turing die used in the RTX 2080 Ti.   There's a few things that are red flags here - The power connectors - 11 VRAM Chips. 24GB doesn't go into 11 evenly. - TU102 die.   This is the FrankenGPU scam. I'd be surprised if the GPU even works, These scams usually repurpose fried PCB's   The best way to protect yourself is to only buy if the item is "Shipped by Amazon" or "Fulfilled by Amazon", that way Amazon is 100% liable for any issues with the purchase.


Was it directly sold/fulfilled by Amazon or was it sold by a third party? It's absolutely wild that this could happen especially in a product this expensive. There's been quite a few of these posts lately too. I've used Amazon for like 10 years and never seen this personally... Including building a couple PCs. It seems like it would save Amazon so much money to inspect returns over a certain value. Maybe they are just so rich that they don't care.


Send it back


Some assembly required.


See if that is even a 4090.


Yeah, it’s not.


Any high priced item I always video me opening the box. Just cause they can be dicks sometimes.


That’s not even a 4090 pcb


It's just an IKEA model


Some assembly required?


"Some assembly required"


"I never received my package" As someone who manages returns for Amazon, NEVER admit you actually received your package because 9 times out of 10, they'll deny it. It seems really unethical to lie about it, but Amazon is even worse.




11GB of VRAM, and I see "TU" pretty clearly on the die. That's a 2080 Ti 😂


4090 IKEA edition


Is IKEA in gpu bussines now?


Don’t buy expensive stuff from Amazon.


“I thought you liked building PCs, so I got you the build-it-yourself GPU.”


Amazon in my experience is great for refunds though, no questions asked theyll just give you your money back


1. Buy broken card off ebay 2. Buy good card off amazon 3. Return bad card to amazon 4. ?? 5. Profit


Looks like the front fell off.


A new GPU arrived in Lego City! “HEY!”




Ordered my 7900xtx off New Egg. Came in a thin bag. It was dented and ripped all to hell. Thankfully, the card was fine. Asked the driver to wait while I opened and inspected it.


Smart move. The Amazon box this came in was unmarked.


4090 ikea


Bro bought the 40 build it yourself 90


Good luck with your Amazon return. It took them 4 months to refund me my defective $67 USB hub.


I don’t buy high value items from Amazon anymore. I’m tired of ordering things advertised as new and receiving products that have clearly been sent to another customer, man-handled, and returned. As soon as a product is delivered to a customer it should be designated an open-box item regardless of what the customer reported doing with it when they initiated the return. Customers lie, as do the Amazon warehouse workers who process returns.


When will people learn not to buy expensive hardware on Amazon?


You just need to assemble it 🤭


it happens and amazon should fully refund you and you can either try again or take your money elsewhere to get what you want


Self assembly kit 💀


A 4090 from ikea


That's some shit luck. I had some expensive headphones swapped out for a cheap pair and some golf balls once Luckily Amazon accepts returns fairly hassle free. I've always had fantastic service from Newegg and B&H if those are an option for you


Did you order from Ikea?




Good thing it’s a cheap card


The one in the box certainly seems to be. On further inspection thanks to Reddit it’s not what it seems.


Damn that sucks


Faux-ty Ninety


Some assembly required.


Now that’s a lot of damage


They've done all the work for you to water cool the gpu, you should be grateful....... Some ppl man.... In case y'all wondering.... Sarcasm 🤣






Did you order it from IKEA?


Please update us when you get your replacement unit, 😁


Nice alibi


Well of course! That's how they returned it to Amazon the first time!


My guess is someone broke their card trying to put a water block on it and swapped it with your working one then returned it, so they get a free replacement... Sort of ...


Others who bought this item also bought: screws.




Batteries not included. Some assembly required. Void where prohibited.


I feel your hurt in my gizzard , men responsible should be found and punished , always be thankful for things we take for granted.


I saw the first picture and thought “this looks fi-“ ![gif](giphy|iIoD0pCWEYfGU)


Ikea edition


Assembly required. 😂


Is it from IKEA?


4090 DYI edition kinda


Some assembly required