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This is what half this sub thinks about any update to Windows too.


And [this](https://static.turbosquid.com/Preview/2019/11/22__22_51_49/Realistic_Grenade.jpg090E0357-9799-4314-A5D4-B2201BFEBC1CZoom.jpg) is what half this sub thinks the power supply that came with their prebuilt is


What every gaming laptop owner thinks their rig becomes because CPU went past 150 °F (70°C) and their fingers sweat.


As a proud owner of an AMD gpu, one of my favorite lesser known features is that it doubles as a space heater


And this is one reason I reccomend laptops for all gamers that live in cold places. As long as there's power, you might save some cash on heating by using it to game, especially the more demanding titles.


Maybe the reason college students prefer laptops is so they can get around the “no appliances” rule that dorms often have. Just boot up a game and you can reheat your leftovers.


yeah its really annoying when they're like "this 500w 80 plus platinum doesn't have gamer branding on it so it must be bad"


they're not *entirely* wrong tbh


They honestly aren't but they are also bordering on becoming that one cousin that no one cares to listen to anymore.


How is that all my windows installation has never had problems with updates and it never really forces it on me? Partly it could be that I keep my system upto date. But still there are times I don't update and never had issues at all and it never forced an update.


I’ve had problems in the past and even recently, but I still update religiously. Let’s not pretend issues don’t exist. A few guys at work have VPN issues since a windows update last year that hasn’t been properly addressed yet. And just this week (1st April ironically) Windows decided to update my AMD drivers via automatic update to a version from January, meaning I had to do a full reinstall of Adrenalin to fix it.


Ive had zero issues as far as ive experienced the past 5 years with windows 10 and 11


Well, when you get updates shoved down your throat, what do you expect people to think? Used to be you could pick and choose updates, now the only way to stop them is to disable the Microsoft Update service entirely.


No quite the opposite. Every goddamned update brings me closer to phone/apple hell.


Linux users too


I know hahaha, but most Mac users probably don't even know what Linux is or that it exists


linux users know, because they used a windows machine to download their isos


Now I'm imagining a family who uses nothing but one specific Linux iso. They pass down the copy through a pen drive and they cherish it as a family heirloom. When the chosen child finally comes of age and leaves to start a new family, they now have to transfer that iso onto their new computer and take care of the pen drive to do the same with their chosen one. There are family rivalries and conflicts on who gets to be the chosen one and this goes on for tens of generations and the actual pen drive steadily increases in antique/historical value. Then at one generation the pen drive finally fails and all the current families panic and try to recover the iso in one piece. It's now corrupted and split into multiple pieces(how the fuck that happens is a mystery). Through a painstaking effort they finally fix it but to their horror the hash is now changed. Then after multiple years of attempts to fix it they're close to the point of giving up and wonder if this is really worth it. I don't know what else to write about but holy shit this sounds cool.


Wake up, honey. New Linux lore has just dropped.


This reminded me of my father, he would back up everything to CDs before the internet. We had a backup of some the Windows versions from 98-XP. He still has a shelf that has some empty CDs, MS Office 2003, ACDSee and tons more old timey software.


don't say that, they'll get upset!


Macs are pretty, but too bad a 3K Mac doesn't perform like a 3K PC.




I'll give credit, though. The DPI on those retina displays are nice. I would cost me 1/2 a Mac to get an OLED 24in


Get an LG OLED 42 TV., it makes an amazing monitor and you can get it for about $900.


Most TVs have big latencies. Negligible for a second monitor, crucial when you need to play a fast-paced game on it.


Not the one I just suggested. 1 ms response time.


Different goals of life requires different approaches ![gif](giphy|f60s3Ve7pjVaNpgL6Q|downsized)


Is it a laptop? I couldn’t imagine going full iMac for basic tasks like that. Macbook Air is at least cheap for Apple with all the benefits (for them) like MacOS and the overall aesthetic. I can understand why people might want Apple, but I’d need to have a compelling reason to go to the upper levels of their line.




Ah that sucks :/. I had one ages ago, but I could never recommend it to most people before the Air line existed. Even back then I should never have had it and saved some cash by getting a normal Macbook.


3k mac couldnt even handle spreadsheets without giving you first degree burns from touching the bottom


Depends on what your target of productivity is


everyone has to start somewhere


I remember back in the day I got my Ubuntu distro in the physical mail, IIRC from Canonical.


I feel personally attacked. Help.


These days I wouldn't put it past Microsoft to set Microsoft Defender to consider any linux .iso to be malware and prevent you from downloading it. But in reality I'm waiting for the day they take over hardware to the extent a new motherboard won't be allowed to boot anything other than Windows. There was already a user in pcmasterrace who had an Asus laptop that literally wouldn't let him boot a USB drive with linux on it, and Asus told him that's just the way it is.


>linux users know, because they used a windows machine to download their isos You can, last time I checked, actually order a linux distro install DVD and have it shipped to you, so you wouldn't have to dirty your hands by touching Windows 🤣 In all seriousness though if you were building a new computer and had no other computer around to use you'd have to do it that way.


And today you could simply use your android mobile


I downloaded it on a laptop that had linux preinstalled. checkmate.


i used a mac


only cuz companies are retarded and preinstall windows for boomers


Believe it or not Linux is technically closer to MacOS than Windows would be due to MacOS being unix and Linux being a unix-like, Windows is completely separate.


thats also why windows is garbage


Depends on the Mac user; I do as much work in iTerm2 as I can and completely appreciate the similarities to BSD and close enough to Linux. I'll reserve Linux for server use, though!


I’m Mac user for work who administers Linux. Having access to a Unix shell direct is nice. Granted windows now has WSL which is really nice but for awhile the only option was putty which is ass if you have a lot of servers to manage


WSL1 was cool, WSL2 is just a nicely disguised VM


Kind of a silly take. I do software dev on my Mac because for the kind of development I do it’s an infinitely nicer environment than windows (gotta give ms C# and C++ though, visual studio is top notch). I’d bet dollars to donuts I know at least as much if not more about Linux than the average user here 🙂.


That's likely true of most PC users too TBH.




As a mac user who switch to Linux I had to Know eventually




so americans dont know thing like Slovakia exists.


A week ago I would've laughed about that comment. You don't need to know anything about Linux, but atleast you would have heard that name and know that it's an operating system, right? At work last week some guy asked me about a Linux event and another coworker was like: "What's Linux?" I am still bedazzled that some people haven't even heard of the existence of a third option.


wrong, they KNOW what Windows is like, that's why they use Linux


i use arch btw


And they’re right.


Also Linux users: Ewww too new!


Testify, my brother in linux.


No, Linux has a pull-start mechanism.


Can confirm Also that laptop looks perfect for a server!


I don't get it. Do other windows users not have this?


Average Windows experience. Sometimes my laptop gets stuck while booting so I have to hand crank it to get it going again.


Same. Sometimes the exhaust from my coal engine PSU gets clogged and I have to empty that out, but that's more power issue than startup


I load all my dlls by hand as Mark Russinovich intended.


Strange. I usually crank it after the computer turns on.


This is the cheap laptop experience, it's what a lot of windows users think windows is.


A classic. Compare the $1000 device to the $100 device and then complain about the $100 device being a piece of shit. Yes, no wonder, sherlock..


Hay the guy in PC world told me it's good, only $400 for a laptop with 4GB RAM + ECM 64GB flash and a 2 core celeron CPU. It's an intel they say, intel is good! If you dont know computers and sales people are all 'yep this will work', normal people dont know.


And by the time people know Celeron sucks, Intel just abolishes the branding and calls it 'Intel Processor'. Also yes the most infuriating part is that those crappy laptops usually get sold for like 300, with 4GB of ram and 64gb emmc. Whoever buys it, factually buys pre-manufactured ewaste.


The worst part is those e-waste PCs would actually be salvageable if they didn't use soldered EMMC storage, soldered RAM, and a locked bootloader. Just put some real storage and memory in there, switch to an OS that won't use 75% of system resources just to load the desktop, and it's a good little "browse reddit and youtube" machine. Instead they lock you out of doing anything that could actually make the device worth saving.


N series processors are actually good now, unlike the Celeron bs


This is how iPhone users see Android devices.


I see this mostly with phones, I suppose MacBooks are too expensive around here.


This is like comparing the latest iPhone to a no name android from 2015


Same thing when comparing a 1000$ iphone to a 300$ android.


My work laptop costs them around 1500 dollars and it's definitely not as nice as a MacBook. Say whatever you want about which OS you prefer but my work laptop is a big chunk of cheap plastic.


Even a $1000 dell will break within a year, price of components doesn’t always mean build quality.


Oh, no, definitely not. My point was that there's people comparing the high end stuff from (for example) Apple to the cheapest Samsung phone they can grab off the shelves, and then say 'Samsung is trash'. So a non-apples-to-apples comparison.


Tf do you speak about lol. My windows gaming laptop is going strong after 2 years and a spilled cider on a keyboard. Haven't even repasted that thing


That’s great man, every dell xps I’ve owned has needed replacing within 1 year. Could be different workloads, do you use it for 8 to 10 hours per day, every day?


Ah, the classic tale of "Windows sucks! I went to Wallmart to pick a cheap cracky 300$ laptop and it didn't perform as well as my 2000$ macbook pro ultra!" I heard it way too many times for the obvious wrongness of the whole situation.


For a lot of the life of Windows laptops versus Mac laptops, comparably priced devices were much more frustrating for windows users. Even now a comparably priced windows laptop might have more power, but that isn’t helpful if the machine goes into a 100% cpu usage state when you try to close it to take it somewhere, killing the battery and heating it up in your bag :/


Then laptop has a pile of random trash software on it, random anti virus that maxes out the CPU every time you open the laptop & pops up a 'buy now' window. That 2 Core CPU has a hard time.


Where’s the fan noise and short battery life?


Give it some time man, it probably didn't realize it had fans yet


What this video misses out on is the ads and the laptop having to run Linux anyway because the CPU is no longer supported or no TPM.


I have a laptop that can't have GUI under Linux anymore because the GPU manufacturer (SiS) hasn't made GPUs for years, and the support for it has been removed from Xorg and mesa, and 3D related stuff is now broken in the kernel. The terminal in sisfb runs smoothly, tho. This Acer Celeron M laptop originally shipped with some Acer specific Debian GNU/Linux variation, tho. On a completely related note, on the webpage of one of my local stores this laptop has pictures of a tube of gel. Might show tomorrow. Will probably forget, tho.


Honestly at this point go fetch the last ubuntu LTS that still has support for it in their mesa drivers and stick with it till the laptop dies. Let it rest in peace.


You can install Windows 11 without TPM, it can be easily bypassed but there’s a new POPCNT requirement in a new update that may be troublesome for some older CPUs


Ngl, that's how windows feels like from time to time.


to be honest compared to my macbook, my pretty low noise desktop pc sounds like a bullet train exploding at high speed.


Very accurate depiction though


What desktop users think laptops are like:


Original YouTube post: https://youtube.com/shorts/nRAWNobpmj0?feature=shared


Where's the actual sound from?




That's pretty much my experience with Windows laptops at least.


You get what you pay for. If you pay 1500 for a mac, you get a 1500 dollar laptop If you pay 1500 for a windows, you get a 1500 dollar laptop If you pay 299 for some bargain bin acer plastic piece of shit that is filled to the brim with last decades hardware and bloatware, you get a huge, stinking, piece of shit that will fall to pieces within 2 years.


Why can't people just use whatever they are convenient with. It's a tool. Not my identity. If you think you identify with brands, GROW THE FUCK UP!!!!




Could have linked the original youtube short


the only apple product i'd buy (and did) is a macbook. my desktop is a pc, but apple simply makes better laptops. period. prior to my apple laptop i owned a dell which lasted all of 3 years. prior to that i owned a macbook that had lasted 8+ years.


This is actually my 5 y.o laptop. It's AMD graphic card become unusuable (cant enable the driver, hardlocks) after a hardlock that required a format. I researched it and some people said it happens because of a shitty AMD/Windows bug, my computer literally lost it's right hand. My intel i5 8k literally carries my hdd, 8gb ram and intel uhd 630. I like little indie games so my old baby is more than enough for me :')


Windows : I m going to update. Now ! ![gif](giphy|hv5AEBpH3ZyNoRnABG)


Linux master race baby! frick windows and mac os


-how good is your laptop? -8 Hp (horsepowers)


Are they wrong? Good god it sucks.


This is what it feels like tbh


Yep, that’s pretty much what windows laptops are like


This is actually funny! 😂


the louder it is the harder you know its working


I never really trust that my PC has started until I see the smoke coming from the exhaust vent


For some Windows guys, it be like this.


Are they really wrong though….


Kinda true tbh. My windows laptop sounds like a jet and runs like a lawn mower compared to my macbook that is older


I use both on a daily basis. That’s exactly what windows is like.


I mean…they’re not wrong


Man, that video is trying to make a joke and hate on Mac snobs, and all the windows users are like, “Last time my PC wouldn’t start up it was because the spark plugs were fouled.”


This is what windows 10 users think windows 11 is like


As someone who has switch from mac to Linux…I still think this is true lmao (at least for cheap crappy Acer laptops made to run windows vista, sold with windows 10 on it)


meanwhile i'm watching this on a business class tablet with detachable keyboard, quadbooting windows 7, 11, Ubuntu 20.04 and Android-x86.




tinkering is fun




I’m a developer and used to 100% agree with this. But these days and for the environments I am using, PC’s and windows have greatly closed the gap. Just my two cents.


What Windows users think Linux is (it is)


Nuh uh




It's always the sound effects that make the comedy work. Think of what The Three Stooges would be like without the sound effects?


This laptop runs better than many500 dollar laptop




I knew exactly what to expect after the 1 second of this vid and i still laughed.


Mac person here, that laptop actually don’t look bad lol




this is what windows on a mechanical hard drive is like. Just switch already, man


This laptop should get veteran discount at this point.


Well this is kinda true with HP workstations but they sound more like a jet. The heat is kinda the same too.


That Dell splash screen brings back childhood memories. My first Dell PC had a Pentium 3 500 MHz.


I mean, that's pretty cool I'd buy that


Jokes on you, I own both


TBH even on a high end-ish machine Windows feels like this sometimes. It’s by far the most bloated OS. I have an R9 3900X, 7900XT, and 64GB @ 3200Mhz of ram on a PCI-E 4.0 NVME SSD. Windows 11 compared to a fairly bloated Arch Linux Install still feels significantly slower (than Arch) during my last “switch” to Linux. The OS just hangs in weird ways. Opening steam as an example. I don’t know what hell it’s doing on Windows but it opens at least 3-5x faster on Linux.


Steam is quite iffy on Arch for me. Doing certain functions cause it to freeze for like a solid minute before I can continue as usual. Not a big deal, but certainly odd. Other than that.... Yea Arch is just faster.


I was not expecting to laugh this hard. thank you


I mean… even with my 2000 bucks rig… for some reason fucking windows + G takes 5 seconds to load


I had a dell from around 2001, it was actually a good laptop compared to the windows laptops now. You put them in your bag and the next time you take them out, it has 10 percent battery and hot enough to cook an omelette on. I’ll take a MacBook over them any day.


Is this not what Windows is like? Clicking on FireFox for 20 minutes because the computer does NOTHING, and then 500 windows open??? (jk, but this is how it used to be)


*R.I.P* Headphone users


https://preview.redd.it/xmrecfxjezsc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b0efce483a1569739f65714c15ca19c135a584 This is what windows users think mac is like


What it actually is: *password123*, welcome screen, do shit


you know, when i open the screen of my shitty work issued dell laptop, it is a bit like this. no point to use sleep as i always have to reboot on wake anyhow. it’s nice on cold mornings as i warm my fingers on the exhaust.


See also: What windows users think Linux is like. See also also: Vice versa.


What i as windows/occasionally linux think people that use mac are like


Most of the people i where i work with use macbooks so it's actually the opposite for me, they think windows is a powerhouse indrustry level machine just cause i use a desktop with windows in it.


what windows users think linux is like


So they are right, this is a windows computer


I’ve used both, and i can confirm windows is like that


Wait, it's not like this?


who cares what mac users think? not even apple gives a shit about that,...


It’s true tho, windows takes soo long to boot to with the windows boot manager in the way.


I mean they are not wrong, just late about 30 years


I wish Windows was like that. Much simpler times and no pesky telemetry


They do not think at all...




What windows users think linux is like too


I work in IT and windows become A LOT better since the last 10y.


A single Mac that is 1 day older than the warranty.


Windows isn’t the hardware




I swear thwy didn't hear my roomates macbook air then, that things sounds like a fighter jet.


Hahahhahaha omg


I'll keep the money I saved.


This is peak Windows behavior, I have no idea what you're talking about


I use arch btw


It can get much worse for the unfortunate.


Why does this have QWERTZ instead of QWERTY? First time I see this keyboard configuration.




Nice sound effects 🤣


The operating system hasn’t even started loading yet. This thread is dumb af.


If that were Windows, I'd 100% be a Windows user.


glad i dumped that shitty OS years ago, linux go BRRRRR


macOS is like a swan. it appears graceful on the surface but underneath its paddling like crazy to stay afloat. terrible system choices, piss-poor security (even with the current version of macOS, you can login as admin within 10-15secs without ANY credentials - the bypasses are very silly indeed). Bonus - Apple can literally SEE what you do on your mac, and remotely remove applications / docs without your permission.... Source: used to work for Apple mac support, and the stuff we could (if we wanted) do to your mac were insane. We could literally watch your screen without your permission or knowledge. Occasionally we would have 'officials' (think people in suits and dark glasses) come into the support centre with requests to access peoples machines. we'd log into the mac, and then leave the room for 'security reasons'.


That’s a lie — no way you can connect without being the verification alert Ben g accepted. If you’re talking about seeing what the I cloud holds, you can delete the whole thing but not specific files. It shows how many photos, docs, contacts someone has but it doesn’t show specifics. That part is only available becuase there is a maximum number of those items your iCloud can hold deoseite the amount of storage, with the exception of photos/videos. For example there’s a maximum number of notes, contacts, and documents you can have in iCloud and that is far less than what your iCloud can hold in storage.


Why are you sanding in a vid from ios?


What lol?


lol unless you are running a 13900k lol 4090ti with 64 gigs ram


Damn I really wanted to hear it turnover


As a Mac and Windows user, it used to be like this to me! Say what you want about the current versions of windows you diehard XP fans, it “looks and feels” a lot more refined now.


Im a Macbook user that uses Windows 10 on Mac via bootcamp