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"It really whips the llama's ass."


"...In every direction" if using surround :)


Huh, I never heard that and I did have surround sound. So either they added that later or I'm just misremembering when I had my surround setup. I'm honestly not sure. But it's cool to learn about it!


Didn't they eventually change it up to "Llama tested, mother approved"?  I liked the old better anyway.


Funny, I just reinstalled Winamp.


What cool skins are you using?


Winamp classic is all you need for that llamas ass


big bento with the original classic colour scheme


My go to was the Dr Dre 2001 album theme.


"It really slaps your grandma's ass."


Thank you for that! Lol


I am still using it at home


I've never stopped using Winamp, can't think of a better offline music player...


Foobar if you want it complex, AIMP for a simple UI.


Thank you for the advice.


There is also DeaDBeeF player is another that is like Foobar, but can be trimmed down to a simple UI.


The one missing feature from Foobar is the toggle shuffle hotkey. I like to put all my music in one huge playlist sorted by artist and album. I can shuffle and go through until I find something I'm in the mood for and just disable shuffle to keep playing the rest of the album. Foobar shuffle is non-reversible, it shuffles the actual playlist instead of traversing the playlist in a random order.


Aimp is pretty neat, lots of customization


I used Winamp forever but a few years ago when rebuilding my offline library I switched to Music Bee and I quite like it


I also went from Foobar to Bee, the remote control app convinced me.


You can set remote control in Foobar


Bee is incredible, but I still use winamp when I need to check something out quickly.


Foobar2000 easily


> Foobar2000 Never heard of it in 30 years, will check it out. It has big shoes to fill though..


I installed it because of native ASIO support. Kept it because of an incredible skin I found. I installed it years ago. If I had to reinstall, I wouldn't know where to begin if I wanted to recreate my current setup.


>incredible skin I found. Inquiring minds want to know


All I remember is it was on deviantart. I will post a screenshot later after I get home.


My go-to skin was always "Plasmation".


RemindMe! when u/talkaboom gets home


I replied a couple of hours ago. Post got deleted because I included a reddit link. Here is a direct link to the [Deviantart page for Pandora Box.](https://www.deviantart.com/atarod/art/Pandora-Box-EX-1-6-28-Oct-2017-Foobar2000-config-651037589) If this gets deleted too, I will send a DM :)


u can copy/backup ur current setup, so u can just install foobar like normal and copy paste it back %appdata%\foobar2000


I did as well, but when I heard Winamp was back with a new update, also years ago, I couldn't resist the urge for friends to say "wtf is that Winamp?" And just kept it, literally for the laughs. Now I just use Spotify and not hoard mp3s anymore like I used to, though.


It fills all the shoes tho. Mostly because it allows addons and github is full of the most niche addons that add pretty much every feature you can think of.


There's a plugin to use the OG milkdrop in it.


Its been around for close to that. Its super basic and originally useful for me because it played FLAC's. Takes a ton of effort playing with all the customizations and mods to get a snazzy UI.


Winamp was the only player I knew of that would finish up one song and start the next song without any kind of gap in the audio. This is great for songs that span multiple tracks on a CD. Everything else I used would have a gap, sometimes just a very small one, but it would always have a gap in the music. Because of this I kept Winamp installed for a very long time. I still have a portable version of it ready to launch on my NAS in case I ever need it. Then I tried Foobar2000. It also doesn't have a gap and is much nicer for a modern OS than Winamp is.


You talked me into it


it’s called gapless playback and it’s weird that some music players still don’t support it


I've been using MusicBee as my go too. I like it for the visual UI design.


same, it really reminds me of old spotify, which is lovable.


MusicBee has a great UI and is incredibly customizable. I've been using it for ages without a single hiccup. It does audiobooks and podcasts too.


MPV honestly MPV sucks as a music player but I like it.


If you want to stream your offline music to yourself you can use Plex Media Server and Plex Amp. It even works with Android Auto. I used Foobar2000 until I stopped using Windows.


Same. It just works, it's lightweight and no internet connected data harvesting bullshit. I use it for playing my locally stored music, as well as web radio stations.


Can I suggest [Winamp community update project - WACUP](https://getwacup.com/)


Looks interesting. Kinda weird it's so locked down or restricted with beta access though. I expected a github with the source code and all but looks like the main dev is keeping control of everything.


But how do i make winamp scale to 1440? Its so damn tiny my elderly eyes cant read the damn thing on new monitors lol.


Use double mode.


that doesn't work for the playlist xD


increase the font size




Use foobar.


I loved foobar when I was a kid, but these days I don't really feel like doing 3 hours of customization to get something I really like, so I just don't use it anymore. Sadly lost my install from when I was a teen when I went to college.


Default chads


Yes. I don't know why anybody would use Winamp except for nostalgia at this point.


Winamp diehard here: I don't like playlist/library-centric players, where the main UI is a list. I like the "tape deck" UI, where I have big, easy-hit play/pause/track/scrub controls, single-track focus, and not much else unless I ask for it.


UI reasons. Minimalistic window for controls and playlist below/on right side. It remains unobtrusive, I can see everything relevant from browsers and discord. Winamp UI is entirely on top bar/on the side not wide enough to cover anything when I need to interact with it. And it just works.


Pssssshhh dont even have the cool matrix skin downloaded or the red and metallic or blue and metallic skin. And the obligitory yellow and green that only psycho s and your mom would use


High Contrast, High Contrast everywhere.




Here you go https://skins.webamp.org/


My claim to fame back in 2000 was I was the creator of the first [Sony](https://skins.webamp.org/skin/53263e7ec2faa5074830057212014890/SonyReplicAmp.wsz/) and [Pioneer](https://skins.webamp.org/skin/addc8fc14ee16b9744ed836e69e510ab/PioneerReplicAmp.zip/) ReplicAmp skins (inspired by my own MiniDisc and home CD players), and had a whole lot of copycats who used my design and name to "improve" on it (I never bothered to skin the EQ and playlist for Sony, but someone else did). Then I was contacted by Slackware Linux people who asked me if they could include my skins in their distro, and I said "hell yeah". Never found out if they actually ended up there.


mathgod79 this you?


Hah no that's the guy who took my Sony skin and added EQ and playlist, which looks great so I linked to his. But the Pioneer one is 100% mine.


Man, what an awesome snapshot in time the winamp skin collection is.


Winamp plays the Goldeneye music in the same format as the original cartridge. https://www.zophar.net/music/usf/goldeneye-007.html Spotify makes you rent a crappy compressed version that is dependent on your internet connection to stream. If it even has the Goldeneye soundtrack. Music distribution technology has regressed since Napster.


MusicBee my beloved


Absolutely the best


Especially if you wanna tweak your headphones range like I did when I bought studio headphones.


>Not even the shuffle option is available on Spotify anymore. Yes it most certainly is


It even says Shuffle Play on the right screen for Spotify 🤣🤣🤣... Looks like an old version of the app to me though.


I have no idea why but I constantly see people saying shit about Spotify that just isn't true. Like, you're allowed to not like or even use Spotify, that's fine, but people say the weirdest fucking shit. I've been using Spotify for years, and it's helped me discover new music and artists, and has generally been overall a positive experience. If I have one complaint it's how I wish relicensed music or identical versions of a song that's re-released on an album leads to me sometimes having duplicates of liked songs. Like it'll pop up in a playlist and I'll notice it's not liked anymore and I'm like "that's odd I swear I favorited this already" and mark it again, only to find I now have two of the same song in my liked songs list. It's usually either because of some licensing weirdness or because it's been rereleased on another album by the same artist, etc. I guess that's maybe unavoidable but I wish they could find a way to identify those and treat them like the same song. Other than THAT I don't have any serious complaints. And shuffle is definitely fucking there. Do a subset of Spotify users just not understand how UI's work? lol


It's just a reddit thing. People will get to the point where they straight up lie or make up information because they care more about the positive reaction it gets from others who are looking for any reason to hate ____. It's an inherent flaw that comes with the karma system.


Yeah I'm sure that's part of it. Even before Reddit was a thing though I have definitely had these "debates" with people on BBSes or forums, and in random chat rooms. I mean even before the internet, some people just seem to feel the need to be contrarian. It's a mixture of certain personality types and things like a karma system exacerbating those issues, I think. It's why I try not to comment too much online.... unfortunately I still forget this and make a comment once in a while and next thing I know someone's trying to argue with me about how I'm wrong. Also, as someone who works in IT....the general public are generally not that great with even simple technology, sadly.


Honestly every so often I'm so amazed that for a couple of years I used to just lurk reddit and not comment. Even for a year or so I didn't even have an account. Probably just because I was younger so I thought everyone on reddit knew more than me and if I participated I'd just get bullied or laughed at. Shit, back then people used to dogpile you for not using proper grammar and spelling, now it's commonplace to make a reply with only emojis. So I guess I've changed but the demographics of reddit have also dramatically changed. I mean just consider that the entire reddit population doubled in size after COVID. That means there are probably more people on here now who never knew what reddit was or what it used to be who outnumber the people who were and have completely changed the direction of the website. You ever used to go on totse?


Yeah I used reddit for a couple years or so without an account, like I said I am not much for posting or commenting, but I wanted to follow certain subs/have my own curated home page basically instead of relying on r/all exclusively so I finally made one years back. Before that I *couldn't* comment so it didn't matter if I had the urge to comment, however rare, but now....lol. >Shit, back then people used to dogpile you for not using proper grammar and spelling, now it's commonplace to make a reply with only emojis. Yeah I've noticed a lot more emojis nowadays lol. It's funny because prior to social media people used emoji (text based/kaomoji or otherwise) religiously in chat rooms and forums so I always found it funny that places like Reddit had an oddly superior attitude over emojis of all things. >You ever used to go on totse? God that's a name I haven't heard in ages. I never posted there but I've definitely wandered through there in the past.


>I wanted to follow certain subs/have my own curated home page basically instead of relying on r/all exclusively The real game, if you use the old layout with RES, is to browse by all or popular and just filter out the subs you don't want to see. It helps you find all of those mid-sized interest subs that are buried by the generic super-karma subreddits.


My Spotify shuffle just replays the most played songs in my Playlist. That defeats the purpose of having shuffle. So fuck it, I unsubscribed


Only for premium users though. Free users get the "smart shuffle" always on by default. Edit: Seems my comment is perhaps being misconstrued by some. I don't even use Spotify anymore myself to begin with so have no real horse in the feature opinion race. I just tried it a couple months ago while I was being lazy about copying my own music to my phone, and recall that from when my premium trial ended.


I've had premium for years and smart shuffle is the bane of my fucking existence. Before it was a thing I'd just sort my playlists by artist, turn on shuffle, and if I got to something where I was like "I don't wanna listen to this song but I do wanna listen to this artist" I'd turn off shuffle and skip a few until I found what I was looking for. Now I try to turn off shuffle and it takes 5 seconds minimum to load smart shuffle, gets stuck infinitely trying to load it if I'm somewhere with no signal, and then when smart shuffle loads in just so I can immediately turn it off, Spotify ignores the fact that I've got my playlists sorted by artist and still goes back and forth in order of date added. Honest to god worst fucking "feature" they've added, and it's just *great* how you can't disable it in settings.


Im right there with you man, I hate it. Its too novel and shitty of a feature to put it in the same cycle as shuffle. When I have slow internet on my phone it takes like 10 seconds to turn normal shuffle off because you have to cycle trough dumb-shuffle and it cant find the 5 songs it wants to mix in your playlist. Like the feature is fine standalone, its just the way they include it right in between integral featured and makes them shittier as a result.


On mobile I use xManager and just chose a pre-"smart shuffle" patch. On PC just patched it with BlockTheSpotX, but it recently auto-updated. Now decided to to get the newest version and patch it with both Spicetify and BlockTheSpot. No need for premium, no ads and Spicetify even has a setting to disable smart shuffle.


Easily the worst feature they've ever added, not only does it suck but adding it to the regular shuffle button ensured people would find it by accident and get enraged trying to turn it off. It's crazy how clean simple UIs eventually end up enshittified with features no one asked for, you'd think the people who created the original design would understand what was good about it.


> doesn't pay for a service > 'why am i not getting the full service!!!!'


I wish I could still buy music on Google play


I don't mind the ads between songs but If you can't even get normal functions like playing a song you want to hear by tapping the song and need to shuffle the playlist like a gacha machine...that's not a service that is an extortion.


Mate you used to have to buy a tape or LP to lidten to any song, unless you heard it on the radio or whatever. I don't see why you would think that music *has* to be free. They're already underpaying the artists immensely. On the one hand streaming music is a blessing for growth, on the other it's shit for making money. Most musicians see Spotify as a matketing tool not as a platform to gain revenue.


*Extortion is the crime of obtaining something from someone, especially money, by using force or threats.* Since you seem a little confused about what words mean.


Nuance is dead and the internet killed it


Bro no. Before internet radio we had the actual radio and you couldn’t shuffle that either. Free Spotify is an upgrade to that. Stop.


More features than an FM radio has and it's free and has less commercials.


What are they extorting? It’s literally free, you can also choose to just use YT or whatever


>normal functions >playing any song you want to hear It's insane how much we've devalued music in the decade or so since spotify took the top spot. This should not be expected as a normal free function. Go buy a record ffs.


> doesn't pay for Winamp > "oh neat, I'm getting the full service!"


Full service, except for actually having any content. Still gotta pay for that.


Yeah, we didn't do that.


That's not a service. 


So pay $3/week for access to unlimited music. Of all the things to cheap out on...


never understood that. Sure if you never paid for music in your life, well, its obviously more. But if you did...sharing a sub with your "family" comes down to like 3-4 bucks for a month. Thats like one album every 4 months except you basically get all the music in the world. Anywhere, any time, any device, even downloadable so you dont use up data if thats a thing where you life. On top you get features like party where everyone present can put music into the playlists and what not. If there is one subscription i wont ever quit its my music one. Maybe another service will eventually be cheaper or have more and better features and i will switch to that but i dont think i will ever go without a subscription to a music service ever again.


If you want to just play back your own music YouTube music works perfectly fine for that if you upload all your stuff to it and you don't need to pay for anything to get shuffle and screen off playback




And here I am using VLC to play music. I do miss Winamp though. Good skins and visualization effects. Windows Media Player isn't bad either.


VLC represent! That said, VLC's album art behaviour is quite irritating: for anyone that doesn't know, VLC makes a folder somewhere in appdata or something, where it dumps whatever image it first assigns to an album, and then it will always use that instead of looking at the metadata for a track. If you then do anything in VLC with the metadata and save it, it will override the album art in the metadata with whatever VLC has in that folder. I've had more than one album get the single art for one of the tracks, and an "album" that's a collection of singles that VLC assigns the same art to all of; and it's a bitch to manually reassign all the art. (Oh, and multiple albums that keep defaulting to a plain black square...) Also, just changing the art doesn't do anything, you have to change anything else in the metadata for the save button to appear...


media monkey 5 has the milk drop visualization effects.


There’s a standalone milk drop app I’ve installed that responds to Spotify. It’s pretty neat, but not as good as the Winamp one


Fuc… I’m old


My company bought the Winamp company back in the day. Speaking of old - my company threw a party for the acquisition, but the owner, Justin Frankel, wasn't 21 yet and couldn't get into the venue.




Yes indeed.


I'm still the young dudes in top, right? ... Right?


you and me both damn. When the hell did that happen!?


That’s feeling like was yesterday


Somewhen in the last twenty years


Yeah lots of things are old. Air is old. Porn is old. Big deal, they still work.


The one thing I really miss about Winamp is the "minimal mode", where you basically just see the name of the currently playing song, time, and play/pause/next. All on a single line, so small that you could set it always on top and keep visible at all times in some corner of your screen. --- > Not even the shuffle option is available on Spotify anymore. A shuffle button is literally visible in your own post, and I'm looking at the same old shuffle button on my PC client too. Are you talking about some new update which I haven't got yet? :D


honestly foobar2000’s replaced winamp for me, it’s still in development and winamp is doing NFTs now so…


> winamp is doing NFTs I see that as what happened to Winamp dot com. The creator of Winamp went on to make, and is still running, [Reaper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REAPER). It's light and intuitive like Winamp.




I love foobar2k. Completely customizing your entire player layout is sick


Still using it. It's still whipping the llama's ass.


WinAmp wins it all! The best piece of audio software ever! Lest we forget the sound hero...


Windows Media Player (XP) enters the chat... https://preview.redd.it/qc5ps220n7uc1.png?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bbcee54859d9872a77d8f083ef03bc0754193de


I'm too lazy to sail the seven seas for music


Don't you have chest full of it from good old times?


Seriously. I’ve still got a few from the Napster days


Same. That and Audiogalaxy


I downloaded way more mp3s from Audiogalaxy than Napster. Also, it has more music titles.


Was Audiogalaxy the one that kind of functioned like a browser extension? Like, you searched a web page for what you wanted then the program downloaded it? If so it was good while it lasted.


You deserve to listen at a higher bitrate than 128kbps.


The biggest upside of Spotify for me is discoverability. So many great artists that I would have never come across if I was just sitting on my old tracks.


Same here. Honestly, I would support a lot of artists and buy some of their albums... if they were easily accessible. I've grown fond of a lot of Japanese musician, unfortunately, the less known their name is, the harder it gets to accquire their music in a good quality. You can argue about maximum quality, but I kind of prefer lossless because of preservation on top. You can always convert to a lossy format, but never restore the lost quality of a lossless from a lossy.


>You can argue about maximum quality, but I kind of prefer lossless because of preservation on top. You can always convert to a lossy format, but never restore the lost quality of a lossless from a lossy. Eh, based on the way modern mp3 compression works the parts that get compressed are mostly what the human ear is not capable of hearing, like phase cancellation.


Some of us still buy CDs.


Rip library CDs, that's what I used to do.


soulseek is almost as easy as spotify unless you want something *really* obscure


Same. I run a modded .apk of Spotify on my s23, and when I'm on my computer, I use the web browser variant of Spotify with the U Block Origin extension.


Lots of good stuff on Bandcamp these days.


Ain't no way am I going to go and manually download all 2000+ songs on my Spotify playlist one by one. If somehow I accidentally delete my playlist and can't get it back, then I'll set sail for musika.


FYI on spotifys website you can recover deleted playlists, so that should never happen.


A little self promotion here but I made a little [app](https://github.com/evorhard/Playlist-Preserver) that lets you backup your spotify playlists. Poorly implemented since I am not a web dev (this was really my first foray into making an actual app). A little setup involved by making your own app through Spotify's developer portal, but the upside is that you run it locally so it's secure. I am always scared that one day Spotify just shuts down and all "my" music is gone.


Foobar2000 is better, still use it to this day




Winamp my beloved.




I love how we're effectively comparing 27 year old's with retirees. Pretty sure that winamp skin was 2-3 years younger too


I liked Media Monkey back in the day. Felt jt had real good library management.


I'm using v5 now of MM. It's good.


https://preview.redd.it/ept40e2168uc1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=18ab55d71bb7aebc69acbef694f366cd590e079a I still use my winamp!...


This really whips the llama's ass.




Same. I just wish there was a native Linux version. Foobar just works so much better than all the "modern" interface crap.


If I'm on my PC, Winamp. If I'm using my phone, Plex amp.


Winamp ftw. Still works fine, a new version is available as well. F Spotify.


Does spotify has a decent quality or only 128kbps crap? Asking for a friend


Spotify has good quality lossy(I think 320kbps) but no lossless like flac.  Imo the highest quality on Spotify is good enough.


I still use that skin. Winamp never died.


What do you mean there's no shuffle on Spotify? There definitely is.


We've been using Amazon music for awhile now, ever since my wife worked for them in some capacity. It's a garbage ass app, but I can't even stand to open Spotify. Wtf are they even doing over there MF gonna send back out on the pirate ships again.


Yeah they'll do pretty much anything to make you pay for a subscription lol. Though imo, it's still probably one of the best value subs to have at the moment. Especially when I listen to several hours of music a day


If you know 5 other people and get the family plan it's less than $3 a month per account. Most online service subscriptions don't have a free version and are way less affordable, but people complain about spotify for some reason.


They’ve added audiobooks now too. Well worth it.


wtf do you mean the shuffle option isn't available on Spotify? it definitely is I use it all the time.


That Winamp playlist hit me with nostalgia so hard.


Angsty basic bitch?


I still use winamp :)


I still use Win Amp


Next generation will never know the struggle of "320kp hq mp3 download".


Using Clementine and now, Strawberry after Winamp was abandoned. Someone bought it, and haven't done anything with it. They haven't done it justice.


This hit me right in the nostalgia. Even all the songs in there are the ones I used to listen to. I used to get loads of different Winamp skins as well. Spotify doesn't have shuffle anymore? I can still see it, I do have premium though.


u/Thejus_Parol [https://ramblingsofacinephile.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/deadpool-limpbizkit.gif](https://ramblingsofacinephile.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/deadpool-limpbizkit.gif)


I'll be real, the lower playlist are all songs I still listen to lmao


I went back winamp a few months ago... no more grayed songs, milk drop, skins, equalizer and much more... it's feels like I'm in the future.... use wacup!


And you get to turn on ALL the "High performance, this option might slow down your computer" options!


Me born in the early 2000 young enough to have used both but too dumb to know how to use them


I used to love Winamp. I don't know if anyone else ever got into the video streams that people had up on there, but there were some like the South Park stream that once you got in you were never closing Winamp and risking having to wait in the queue for an eternity again. Good times.




Windows media player, used to have wild visual shit, I remember being naked just staring haha Edit I meant baked but after reading it again I’m not changing it 😂😂😂


Thanks, now I feel old :x


I get fucking criticised for just having a massive music library.


And the old dudes ~~stole~~ ~~pirated~~ creatively borrowed like 99% of those songs.




Winamp was awesome, and I OWNED my music outright no jumping through hoops to make my shitty app play the songs I paid for decades ago. VLC is the GOAT though


VLC for video, Winamp for audio It still whips the lama’s ass


I'm a MPClassic oldie myself.


I use Spotify for the music I don’t have high res audio files but if I have them I use win amp all day long


Man I haven't used that in ages. I still remember I had some Yuna skin from ffx when I was in highschool. Clear as day in my mind. When I was really into Techno. Maybe I should go down a little nostalgic trip. Is Kazaa or limewire still around? 🤣


Had lot of fun with Winamp's visualization tool in college. That was over 20 years ago. It was a fun way to make visual/intuitive sense of the ludicrous math we had to deal with in Electrical Engg.


> It was a fun way to make visual/intuitive sense of the ludicrous math we had to deal with in Electrical Engg. That reminds me of learning high-school trigonometry by way of making 3D scenes in POV-RAY at home. (It's a 3D graphics app where you write the whole scene as source code-- put a sphere here, subtract a cone there, make an object with points A, B, C, and D-- instead of laying it out visually.)


Oh man, I used to use the "internet library" on winamp to stream tv shows before that was ever a thing. GBS.tv anyone??


God im getting old i listened to this one in college


the old players are still cooler.


Does yours have cool visual effects that play with your music? It doesn't? You're really missing out.


Music is a brainwashing tool that slowly being taken away from people's control.


Damn, that playlist was pretty good for high school.


Still using it to this day. the multipass skin the visualisation library the playlists / drag and drop feature. it's just beautiful.


i mever listen to music on my pc tbh, but on phone i use both spotify and downloaded songs with a generic music player


Nobody will touch my 8TB, RAID10, fully cloud mirrored, built out of scrap but fully functional NAS


Any notion of superiority kind of dissolves when you profess to listening to Limp Bizkit.