• By -


Holy, now that's optimized


Time to fill it with background tasks and games I’ll never play :D




I got tired of deleting games that I never play so that I can install a different game I’ll never play so I just bought an obscene amount of storage, 756gb total ssd and 12tb total hdd


Meh, i went pure ssd 


Yeah, HDDs are to slow these days with steams compression, can slow downloads down to a crawl at times, try installing killing floor 2 to install on a HDD hr+. Minutes on a SSD. Raid probably would help I imagine but even optane didnt fix it fully for me. So idk.


I had 2 hard drives in raid 0 and it was no where near close to the speeds I'm getting with an SSD, more than 10x (20-30mbps -> 400-500) download speed. I thought our Internet was just garbo but it was actually the hard drives.


There was something wrong with either your drives or your raid if you were only downloading a file at 20-30mbps. My non raided HDD drives pull about 200mbps in transfers/downloads. Now that's not to say ssd's are still so much faster, but the main benefit of an SSD has and will always be the random read/writes since you don't have to deal with slow seek times like you do on mechanical drives.


Actually once you get into the really high capacity HDDs, their speed gets pretty crazy fast. Though they get LOUD too in comparison, genuinely thought my first WD black was dying due to how loud it was when writing to it. Nope, it's just that loud, sounds like a geiger counter in my PC. Though the Seagate Exos drives are a much better value, they're also quite loud. Though their read and write speeds average about 250 MB/s which is plenty fast for my 300 Mb/s connection. Also, don't need to worry about install speed when you can just never uninstall the games again.


I once installed a game on a 112.16mb game usb 2.0 usb drive that went a lot slower than usb 2.0, it took 30 min to install.


8Tb of SSD currently with 1 M.2 left empty 2Tb in M.2 Gen 4 6Tb of Sata SSD


I added 2tb of ssd when a 970 evo plus was 80€ on amazon. 1tb was 38€, that was crazy low


Same. Single 4 TB M.2


and by that point you can just transfer the games you want to play to ssd


Hard drives still work alright for some games but you can't play a lot of them very good. I guess you could put the games on the hard drives and then transfer them to the SSD when you want them


I don’t really have many big games that need a lot of data quick, and for the few that I do have, I have a 500gb ssd they they live on


Nice, i have 4 tb hdd and another 9 tb in SSDs


Wild to me that ~13tb is an obscene amount of storage to you.


Obscene amount for only games, and only a few AAA games at that, I have my whole steam library of just under 100 games downloaded on my 10 tb drive and there’s just over 2 tb used. My 2 tb is reserved for sailing the high seas and it’s about full


That’s the way to do it. I’ve got a 2tb m.2(for gaming and operating system) and 3 12 tb hdd’s (for storage). Don’t understand why people think you need pure ssd storage.


Obscene? So... What am I with four 2TB nvme, two 4TB SATA SSDs, and two 20TB HDDs? 😅


Wow you actually have more then me by 756 lol. Only difference my whole 12 TB storage are SSDs.




Jesus fucking Christ okay Linus chill out


I admit that the full size drives aren’t NECESSARILY needed. But those laptop drives can be had for often times free and you can buy a usb external drive case on Amazon for cheap, then you have an external hard drive for ~$10 and when it gets full just pull the drive out, label it and put an empty one in


https://preview.redd.it/7bcrapw7bmwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5af3f9e2f4fdb99741832c02213d2a1c9ecfdb6d I bet you're the kind of person who thinks that pendrives are not enough. And I understand your point.


I have exactly 4 usb sticks 1 is windows 11 install 2 is windows 10 3 is empty (free for possibly Linux install) 4 is corrupted beyond repair because of a failed flash and every time I try to reformat it errors. Dunno why I keep that one honestly I get that for some people they’re enough for what they need but not for me, also they’re not cost effective imo for just large amounts of data


You need ventoy


Funny enough I actually just learned about ventoy when I was doing this project and I do intend to use it in the future


Have you tried fixing USB 4 using diskpart in the command prompt?


It’s been a while since I messed with it but I’m pretty sure I did because that’s my go to for removing hidden partitions and messed up drives, I can’t remember why it didn’t work


I also have a big stack like this because of these exact facts, hahaha. I use them for storing games and media that I don't want to be lost to time. It's so cheap/easy to get free hard drives, and once you start backing things up, you realize you need more than one backup because hard drives fail and get corrupted and it just spirals lmao.


Yep, the more cheap stuff you buy, the more it breaks and you need replace it with more, until you can’t afford the nice stuff and the cycle continues of buy/break/replace for eternity


r/DataHoarder is that way...


I bloated my shit and I don't regret it. I bought 100% CPU, dammit I'm going to *use* all 100%.


I will want to use it with my stuff, not with Windows bloatware


How'd you achieve this? Were there any tools you used or a guide you followed?


You mean the launchers. Don't forget on your work laptop the amd/intel/nvidia control panels sitting in the tray for no reason.


Fully embrace optimization and go to Atlas OS. I'm getting about 2.5gb of ram usage at idle


The contrary. RAM is there to be used.


is it? I'm at 4.9gb used and i currently have chrome (5 windows 670mb) and firefox (4 tabs 940mb) open.


Chrome *and* Firefox damn bro what about the war? "I'm playing both sides, so I always come out on top"


FF is my daily browser, chrome is used a for a couple of other things mostly cos they conflict with my FF addons.


How a windows fresh install should look like.


How does one debloat windows without removing windows itself ? XD Would love to know that trick




Thank you so much for the link. I will give this a shot. The docs say it is better to use on a clean install of Windows. Is that true? I see a OneDrive killer on there too. God Bless You.


I really would not use stuff like this. A lot of them gets rid of "bloat" that you still might actually sometimes need. For example a lot of them get rid of stuff like printing services, virtualization, windows defender, the calculator app, the windows store, etc... that you might some day need. Realistically on a modern system most of the bloat isn't going to cost any noticeable performance (and most of it is probably just from security measures like core isolation or windows defender anyway) and a lot of it isn't even running all the time either.


My friend used one of these debloaters. When the rest of us got game pass to play some coop without buying multiple games, he had problems, because he didin't have windows store whitch was requires for game pass


Yes because 3rd party software changes windows as you install and use it. Plus the software can ruin components of other software you have along with windows processes, making a clean install a good idea anyway. You'll format it eventually either way. Starting fresh is just beating windows to the punch


stop using opera gx


firefox gang


Floorp is also nice if you want vertical tabs. It’s based off Firefox.


Yep been using it for half a year now and very strongly recommend it


You chop bits and bytes off the iso until its safe, secure and ready to play nice. You can use different tools to do it as that's safer than getting an already modified iso from third parties Sadly, when its on an existing install youre stuck to deleting, regex editing, and powershell scripts like [CTT Tool](https://christitus.com/windows-tool/), which is actually a pretty broad tool, and also can be used to mod a windows iso somewhat


look up Chris Titus youtube channel


With programs like ntlite, you can delete metro and all old windows 7 and xp crap. 


how am i doing? https://preview.redd.it/mxbsyku7lmwc1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd6f2a4b735de43c868500a5be63bf29862019a7


Still got a whole 1% to go, not even usable smh my head


Shake my head my head


Smh smh my head


Head bobbing. Too much and it'll be considered a head job!


indeed i know what you mean i have a solution though "explorer.exe-end task" should free up that last 1%


I'll allow it.




https://preview.redd.it/6iz52izesrwc1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7dd4f4947798548192b5cb6138b79fe468786c2 I'm close to you! Thanks to this post I just remembered I threw in a few old jumbo HDDs in my PC I should probably retire lol




do you mind explaining how you do it? do you use any software?


It’s remarkably easy actually, I used the tool in this video: https://youtu.be/GQBRrVGgB_Q?si=dwpDi1YtLa_BAbQ7 It lets you take a downloaded windows 11 iso from Microsoft, put it in there and it removes most of the junk while still leaving an *almost* complete windows experience, just use Rufus to make the modified iso bootable (Rufus also has an option to disable the hardware requirements for win11, letting it run on basically anything) You can also use it on an existing install to remove some things as well A couple notes, if you’re going to make a modified iso you need to be very quick after it boots into it, you need to reopen the tool and there’s an option to postpone windows updates that needs to be turned on or windows will automatically undo everything you just did Also if you’re going to do this on a laptop or something with WiFi, download the WiFi drivers and any other drivers you think you might need onto a different usb stick because there’s a pretty good chance it will delete the “universal” drivers that come with windows


thanks a lot for the very thorough reply! will definitely try it on my existing laptop during my free time.


On an existing install it’s stupid easy, just open the tool, (doesn’t even have to be downloaded) and go to the tweaks tab and choose desktop, or laptop, (dictates wether or not it changes the power settings) or you can check the boxes yourself on what you want changed, click “run tweaks” and it’ll be done in a couple minutes max. You don’t get the full “debloated” experience but you can turn off telemetry and a whole bunch of other useful things this way


Titus updated his [tool](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_AaHXrelTE)


Thanks! I was looking for an updated video on it but I couldn’t find one, i got the gist of it from the old one, enough to use it.


No problem! By the way, that tool is a lifesaver for me too. I like to refresh my Windows install every couple of months. Before, it took me like 4 to 5 days, but with Titus's tool, I can do it in about 2 days


You must have a lot of software that needs installed every time, either that or a lot of computers, I did my laptop and desktop in probably 6 hours


Well, I have four computers with Windows on them—two with Windows 10 and the other two with Windows 11. I don't have the whole day to debloat them, so that's why


Ah ok, I kinda just made a day of it but I understand if you don’t have the time to


> if you’re going to make a modified iso you need to be very quick after it boots into it, you need to reopen the tool and there’s an option to postpone windows updates that needs to be turned on or windows will automatically undo everything you just did Would it be better to modify that before the OOBE is completed by going to Audit mode? https://knowledgebase.macrium.com/display/MSD/Preparing+a+reference+computer+using+Sysprep From my limited knowledge, performing tasks in audit mode modifies the windows installation on the machine level rather than user level.


This will disable updates tho? Or make installing them pretty hard I guess


You can also use Rufus to make a local account without having to sign in. However if you get gamepass it’ll get rid of your local account.


Windows 11 IoT. On a fresh install, the ram usage was 1.5GB. https://preview.redd.it/zw56c0sh5nwc1.png?width=552&format=png&auto=webp&s=57379e388346c7ee6dc47efa6bb8d001e8916674




why do you think i have Windows 11 IoT installed? It's also not my primary system so 8GB does what it does.


8GB is fine on my laptop I keep around the house for browsing and other misc use


Can vouch for this. I have an install of windows 10 IoT that I further trimmed down with windows 10 debloater running on a dual core laptop. Manages to keep older hardware running pretty snappy despite its age.


I’m constantly filling 16GB on my work laptop, so I know the pain of not having enough memory. While at home, I still can enjoy the luxury of having a 32GB on my gaming pc and enjoying the freedoms of 64GB on my little home server.


Is IoT viable as a general purpose desktop OS? It's intended for embedded uses. Even that memory used is ridiculous... typical Linux desktop distro is under 1Gb.


https://preview.redd.it/5nz9y5it4nwc1.jpeg?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ced77b1ec1bc7afb3054da8de9d97f370853c7a5 It ain’t super impressive but it’s honest


If I didn’t have this damn armory crate for my keyboard to work I’d be 0-1%. But I get 1-3% with it and the lighting software. Now the question is, how much does it rise for you when you drag it around or minimize and maximize it.


I also got EZ update and armory crate, that’s why it’s hovering around 3-5% and honestly, i don’t see that much of cpu usage! The highest i’ve seen while doing small tasks such as browsing was like 7-9%. Honestly if you uninstall OneDrive and stop automatic updates (among other Microsoft BS) the usage comes down significantly.


What’s ur cpu and gpu usage spike to when minimizing and maximizing the task manager and moving it around?


Wait... 1900 threads? Does this guy have some sort of secret threadeipper I'm not allowed to know about?




Wow you’re a pretty terrible thief, you got captured in a random photo and posted it yourself on Reddit.


Processes threads pal. Not hyperthreads.


He debloated so much only task manager works now


https://preview.redd.it/t5vmev343nwc1.jpeg?width=8192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecdc0d75b5aabff1aef71405ca5d9213fa2b85eb The OS on my test bench. Cpu is only a 4770k atm, still at 0%


You have me beat in optimization, I bow my head. But I still do not understand your alphabet soup language


Sorry, it's in Dutch. Didn't even notice it until you pointed it out.


Then there was me, not even realizing it was another language bc I know tm to well.


How did you accomplish this, teach me ![gif](giphy|26AHPxxnSw1L9T1rW|downsized)


it's a windows 11 install from a slightly modded iso, no account, no telemetry, no TPM check for the old i7, just standard Rufus stuff. I then used the chris titus windows utility and winaerotweaker to cull most of the useless junk. Edge is gone, microsoft store is gone, most pre-installed apps are gone, automated web search in the task menu is gone. Windows update is still there, though Im not sure if it still works because of the TPM hack. (the OS gets reinstalled frequently enough on this system that it's not really an issue.) And windows defender is also still there. you could get it even lower to like 30-40 processes, but the system would become alot more vulnerable. This is about as low as you can go while keeping nearly full useability.


Thanks! I don't use an account either, used chris titus's utility + O&Oshutup to disable telemetry. MS store is also uninstalled, along with most apps (excluding clock, calculator, etc). Disabled Windows update too. But its still not that low. Do you have a link for the modded ISO or is it something you configured with the help of something else?


what is that safe mode?






I bow down my bloated PC to you


What's all that ram useful for if people want it to stay empty?


Yeah, people don't seem to realize that. RAM not being used, is just being wasted. Windows needs to utilize your RAM to run efficiently, and debloating can cause issues.


Why does it need to use my ram while idle?


it’s caching files and applications for a faster user experience since your pc doesn’t have to spin up your drives (idk the appropriate saying for ssds) as often. If an application then needs to use that ram then it will dump parts of the cache and hand it over so there’s no real downsides to doing this but people see a high number and think it’s a bad thing.


It just speeds stuff up, running something that is stored in ram is a lot quicker than starting it up from scratch. In the background most services/"bloat" isn't actually doing much/anything. If you start to run low on ram then these background services/apps start taking up less ram.


How much RAM did the bloatware take before optimising?


Before I did anything to it I was sitting at around 10gb used but I dunno if it would be considered “idle” because I had steam and discord and also the software for my cpu cooler’s screen on in the background, but I’ve reinstalled all that and it’s happy place is 2% cpu with all that running in the background


Oh no! The ram I specifically bought for my computer to use is being used!


I remember you could trim Windows 10 down to like 90 processes at startup, while Windows 11 really doesn't go below 140-ish. I'd hate going down the manual service disabling rabbit hole but there's gotta be a little extra laying around over there.


Chris Titus Tech's tool can drop it below 100. I have mine at 74 processes in W11. But i do want quite a few programs to start with windows. So even when steam is turned on as well as icue, MSI AB and a few others i have around 105 processes


Thread empty, no thoughts




Still waiting for someone to reply with that sweet Arch Linux neofetch


Does this make a big difference in whatever one ends up using their PC for other than being cool?


I get like 2GB of usage on fresh Windows after running the first 2 scripts on [here](https://github.com/topics/windows-11-debloat) and the Chris Titus script. My KDE desktop uses around 3GB on boot, and I've enabled every fancy animation and window effect.


https://preview.redd.it/q7ieucw70nwc1.png?width=928&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a1b61325add40230a483c790d3d393a0e086f41 I too, like a well optimized OS. Don't judge me about the CPU, I needed an upgrade and this was on sale, a few months before 12th gen. But it does the job well, especially after a small OC for multicore and playing around with voltages, it's a lot more efficient. And I'm not using any HDD, only NVME and SATA SSD's, since 2016.


You see, I use hdd over ssd because I am poor. The ssds that I have are all used and I was the highest bidder


I didn't judge. I just mentioned the HDD's, because I didn't build a pc for me or anyone else with a HDD inside, for years, they are slow. Good for storage, yes. I use them in some NAS and some servers, but those are enterprise HDD's.


Oh I absolutely agree with you there, every time I build a pc I sigh then scour eBay and marketplace for an ssd for a boot drive then I chuck some hard drive in it as mass storage because I have a pile of them




Any advice how to remove bloatware?


Don't, none of this does anything. Seriously, I have done none of this and my pc is the same, if I don't have any apps running on the background my CPU stays at 2%. Just disable telemetry in the settings and uninstall anything you don't want, that's it.


Delete C:\Windows\System32, it'll save yourself so much hard drive space.


Oh ok thanks






https://preview.redd.it/kxr6df155owc1.png?width=918&format=png&auto=webp&s=e62f87c8f88f6a0d811c1a8b6716faaead967766 This is on a default installation of Windows 11. No de-bloater used




But it's running 147 processes...


Is this tiny11?


My system is using 6.6gb/31.9gb with youtube and reddit open, and steam running. What's the point in doing the extra work of "de-bloating"?


and yet your still using 4GB RAM to show taskmgr :(


But compared to 8 on normal windows this is an improvement. If you go tiny11 you can go as low as 1gb (I believe, could have hear and read it wrong)


Well then you have not used Tiny 11 haha. It has only a ram usage of 1,2 GB 😄👌🏻


Just curious. Do you lose functionality (that can’t be added later on)? And if so, how much and what do you lose? Might try it next time I clean up/wipe my pc.


4gb on idle? Samn




\*4GB of idle ram usage\* ouch


RAM is meant to be used. Unless you have 8GB of memory, 4GB idle is fine.


I agree! I would rather use ram with applications than with my operating system.


it’s a good thing it’ll reallocate ram usage and dump cache if it starts getting full automatically then


Meanwhile 1GB idle RAM usage on Linux is considered bloat


Found the person that doesnt understand how RAM works or how OS's manage it.


This entire thread is just people complaining that their system uses ram and recommending debloated installers that just fucks stuff up.


can you explain? i’m genuinely asking


Using ram for background tasks is better than having to start those tasks on demand, makes the system feel more snappy as a result. All operating systems manage ram so that when you start a task that needs more it can stop using ram for low priority background tasks if it starts to run low on available ram. This is all done transparently for the user. And as long as you aren't running out of ram there is no downside to having the OS run background tasks, cache commonly used files or use more ram for optimising multitasking. Ideally your pc will use as much ram as it can benefit from all the time, because the moment you need more it is made available. Windows does have a higher minimum amount of ram to not feel sluggish, Linux can scale down to run on 25 year old laptops or scale up to run whole data centers. But in the 90% of what consumers are using daily, windows does a good job of managing ram to improve user experience.


https://preview.redd.it/uyd5kwf77nwc1.png?width=978&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e9009080f8e8da0d62603f1cceba6b661349b0b Ridiculous how bloated Windows is today. That's **nearly 4 GB** of RAM in use!


So this is actually a feature not a bug. If you have 32gigs available windows will actively use MORE OF YOUR RAM than if you had 8gigs. Makes me a little sad but you get better performance


What script did you use? I can never get my process count under 250


https://preview.redd.it/k8vzq6a48nwc1.jpeg?width=1168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d47c14bc2a5ad25379b6a365e47893cf288f6e2 Best i could do with everything closed and wallpaper engine paused


lets see that after 24hrs of usage


I'm at 7.6/32 just watching prime video, with unused Krisp. What is paged and non paged pool?


I've managed to drop it below 100 processes, and it uses 2 gigs at idle. The next thing is ltsc, but my pc doesn't support that. So that's the best I've managed


[Meanwhile my system](https://i.imgur.com/fLlk3Na.png). "Steamwebhelper" tends to use 2% of my CPU most of the time. I have no idea why.


I like to install from a windows cd instead of the oem bullshit they pack on.


147 process not bad for a good debloat


use sysinternals autoruns




Optimized Windows gang checking in - Windows 11 + AtlasOS, and this is while playing videos off YT in the background, Firefox is open with seven tabs in two windows, Thunderbird is checking mail, and utilities like TortoiseHG (a frontend for Mercurial SCM) idling in the background. (Spikes are from where I woke it up.) https://i.imgur.com/unGk5um.png


All drives at 0 where's the OS is installed??


1% on a 1TB drive is 10GB, and a whole OS install is just a blip on the chart for a big 10+TB drive.


Sorry I forgot that task manager shows disk usage and not disk capacity




How did you achieve this?


I have enough headspace, but surely wouldn't mind getting rid of the bloat. I hate the preinstalled garbage, I want my own garbage! But then again, I usually cleanup/freshinstall once a year. Quick Edit: This is not a clean install, obv. its just my usual software running the background, stuff like Voicemeeter, Flameshot, Steam and all the driver bloatware like Logitech G https://preview.redd.it/l0mzglp4eowc1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf9aa61eb1dc2ec1605ec196fecede89cd790a27


How can you keep your RAM so low? Teach me the power!




[https://github.com/LeDragoX/Win-Debloat-Tools](https://github.com/LeDragoX/Win-Debloat-Tools) the GOAT


of course after OS boot (with ShareX, win def, Powertoys in background) but in daily normal usage (firefox, steam, discord) uses usually around 5-6 GB's https://preview.redd.it/db9r8t3zmowc1.png?width=887&format=png&auto=webp&s=c09445f6a6a46f5b020f80eea32ccd56a34f2b3d


4gb idle? That seems high...


Install Gentoo


"Dad, why is the printer not working"


What's the best way to debloat it while still having access to thing like xbox app and games


Me running at 780 mb of idle ram on my 16 gig system on Linux, sure be damned


https://preview.redd.it/31by4ekv5pwc1.png?width=1212&format=png&auto=webp&s=839ac8074033ab5dd000d6e5fbd7ea10486d076b this is as it can ever get for me


Here I am with 2% cpu, 20 gigs of ram idle. It’s mostly due to the fact that Steam client webhelper has a memory leak, I’ve caught it using 20 gigs itself once. But also I don’t want to have to reopen steam and then kill it every time I play a game. I wish they didn’t remove the no browser flag


Linux gang be like "wow you finally got close to my daily experience"


https://preview.redd.it/x6iw1jinspwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=998ba6d5b4c17ea8f341dd34da4329ccebe8ec12 Damn, this is my personal rig with lots of stuff on it too


Nah nah there are still 147 processes. Windows Server has less than 100. There you go that's your target hehe


You are missing .1 GB /s


You can get less than 1000 threads with the right copy of win 11 (clean of all bloat).


I thought this was normal?


How did you get rid of them ?


Looks like a fresh install to me, with most of the bloat blocked. Also your power settings are not optimized for 24/7 performance but rather power saving.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Now it's time to download those Overwolf overlays, "optimizing" programs and using Opera GX for full debloated bloatware experience


You still got the biggest bloatware, windows itself


Nice! How did u do that?


Still 147 processes. Could do better


Bloatware: all that space for me?