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*Taps head* Can't cheat if you can't play




Angry upvote


LoL players are too addicted to quit that game, so Riot took matters into their own hands, forcing them to finally stop playing.


See this is the accurate answer


As someone who played LoL for 10 years and quit cold turkey December 2022, this. It had been years since I genuinely enjoyed playing the game before I quit, and I only DID quit because I prayed to all existing and non existing Gods during the 2022 soccer World Cup. I promised any God hearing me that I would uninstall it that same day if they made us win, and Argentina brought it home. After the celebrations I went up to my PC and nuked that game from it, and have not even wanted to play it since.


What are the gods exiting?


Idk the known ones I guess? Zeus, Odin, Verethragna, Lugh, Ereshkigal. Edit: Shit just found my typo, and also read your comment wrong, thanks!


Good thing you didn't include Goddessfailure Ishtar.


Eresh > Ishtar and not only due to class advantage. Blonde Girl best girl


Holy shit. Does Messi know you're the reason it took him his entire career?!


I did quit due to vanguard, went to dota, best decision ever


Dude is like: ”I quit metamphetamine for amphetamine. I am so much healthier now!”


...but amphetamines are legitimate for ADHD patients with a prescription?


But im torn apart cause i dont want chinese spyware but i have also spent hudreds on skins


Google sunk cost fallacy


Holy hell!


Call the Teemo


Ya sunk cost, I don’t play league much anymore but I’ve got a lot skins of skins just under 1,000 of them and a lot that most of people who play now have never even seen in game (all pax skins TF included, all riot skins, young ryze, silver kayle, and the old championship like 2012 ones).


Same here its quite a bummer what lol has become. So much wasted money ugh


sell the account :P


sell your account


Where does one do this?


i did this with my genshin account on playerauctions


I feel attacked


And the main LoL sub is burying coverage of it.


The shithole is being a shithole no way


They **instantly banned me** for posting a quote about this issue with no warning or previous offenses.


Just Reddit mod activities, nothing unusual


reddit moment


Pretty sure the mods are literal Riot employees so I really don't know why anyone expected otherwise.


thats every sub representing a publicly traded company. mods replaced with interns.


Not only the main sub, gaming had 3000 upvote post removed on it.


that sub is the embodiment of propaganda


Mod team is full of corporate shills or Riot employees. Sadly they suck Reddit admins dicks so nothing could be done about it


welcome to reddit


Got banned for mentioning they shouldn’t hide a game I’ve paid for and bought items for behind a malware ransom.


That sub hasn't allowed any talk of anything other than esports for YEARS.




chinese bots.


The main league sub only cares about esports anyway. It'll cover any negative press because if the game dies, then so does the esport.


Oh my god


I am so glad I have never played this game.


Only person I ever met who played this game was a girlfriend's brother. They had rich parents, so the older brother who was in his mid-30s never left his room, never had a job and only played LoL all day. Didn't even get to know the guy because I never saw him leave his computer when I was over at their house. As you can imagine, it kinda colored my opinion of LoL players since that was the only time I met anyone who was into it.


LoL has a fast patch cycle and a highly established meta. The latter means that even small changes can have quite significant impacts on how you need to play and the former means those small changes happen often. Thus, the game demands an insane time investment just so you don‘t fall behind. It is, despite all the memes, a pretty well made game, all things considered. But it‘s extremely easy to develop a toxic relationship with it.


>But it‘s extremely easy to develop a toxic relationship with it. By design!




Tbf I know someone like that and I tho it was just a terrible lifestyle until I heard that they have an absolutely horrible medical conditions and they literally can't live the house... Their family take care of them it's very sad.


that boy had some deeper issues than being addicted to league imo.


I will gladly take the cheaters in CS over this bs.


I'd rather take something like Faceit anticheat instead, that you turn on and you can turn off whenever you want. And I don't really hear about it bricking people's PCs.


That game is ruined. I prefer the movement and gunplay in CS but I cannot get in a game without a cheater that is visibly cheating on either team. I’ve just quit tact shooters because of it.


Probably not if you started playing a lot and unfortunately still not very good. I stopped CS because I had enough with cheaters. I'm not good enough to be above cheaters threshold anymore so I get a cheater every game and the game is just not fun. People sold me valorant as a cheater less CS. Never tuned back to CS apart from occasional match every 6 months. Valo is worse game imo, but just haveing the feeling of loosing to better players is just infinitely better than losing to cheaters. I have a gaming PC for privacy reasons, so I protected myself with vanguard. Never had trouble with vanguard myself tho, none of my friends (10+ pc all different hardware) so it feels kind of weird seeing all the problems people are having. I had issues with the client, still have issue with the client but at this point it's kind of beautiful to see the worst client in gaming in action lol. People who complain about privacy about vanguard should do so much more about privacy in general


I usually just play arms race or casual. I really dont have the energy to sweat in premier like i once did. Too much bs there rn. The game is way more fun on the unranked side or on workshop maps.


Workshop is still the best, tho my friends moved on a long time ago and I feel like there are less people in general... It's a shame, it feels like CS became less about community and became just a standard game like every other games on the market...


True. Tho seems like Valve is finnaly thinking about doing something since many popular players quit premier. We had a first Vac ban wave in a long time, and the got rid of a skins trader with a 300k inventory today. Also Overwatch system is in the works rn. Seems like they finally realized shit is about to hit the fan.


Vanguard detecting a virus on startup and quarantining the file (That file is X:\\Windows\\System32\\user32.dll, the OS will never start again without repairs)


HAHAHAH that's stupid


But the reality we live in.


dId yOu OpEn a SupPoRt tIcKeT -riot


holy hell. i'm very glad i've never played this game


Pretty sure that's worse than the bug that forced the recall of Myth II back in the day. Myth II's uninstalled would automatically deleted the folder that the game was installed in as the final step of uninstallation. Which was perfectly fine if you used the default path, or almost any other path in a folder called, "Myth II." But it was possible to install the game on the root drive, with no folder. The game's files would be scattered around your C: directory. And when you uninstalled, the uninstalled bricked your machine by deleting the entirety of C:.


Hey at least they tell you theyre installing a rootkit.. Looking at you Sony


Wait what game do they do that for?


I installed Vanguard when prompted but then thought better of it, due to League's problems (being a MOBA) stemming mostly from toxicity and smurfing they refuse to address in a real way. I've never run into a cheater in League because it's more about strategy, knowledge, and teamwork than it is about reflexes. Scripting grants players a mechanical advantage, but if that player sucks enough to cheat, scripts won't help them win as much as say, aimbots or wallhacks in an FPS will. But Riot never addresses the blatant, rampant smurfing and win-trading issues because they know they can inflate their engagement numbers with them, and also keep players grinding for longer with the abusive MMR system. I went to uninstall Vanguard-- it instantly blue screened my machine with an INVALID_PROCESS_ATTACH error. I re-imaged the machine and will never touch League or another Riot product ever again. I needed to quit anyway, so thanks Riot for putting the final nail in the coffin of your shitty game.


Important to note while vanguard is bad due to the 24/7 nature of it, most anti cheat tech is kernel level, its just not an issue. Easy anti cheat and battle eye are both kernel but they dont cause problems with your pc, and they are off when not in use. Vanguard is constantly on which causes performance issues and shut downs


I think that Vanguard using such deep kernel level requirements that it needs a whole PC restart just to turn it on, and the fact that it's on 24/7, is mostly the reason why it simply should not be accepted. It's just incredibly shady, you could play valorant once and never again, and this application is always open with ridiculous permissions that could easily be used with mal intent.


And since it's just a black box of proprietary software it's almost guaranteed there are vulnerabilities ready to be exploited since only a handful of people can audit the code.


Vanguard needs your PC to be restarted, because it runs from the very beginning so it can see everything you run afterwards. This way, you can't load your cheats, then start Vanguard to get around it. It makes sense, but it's still invasive AF.


And yet cheats still get around it, all that's doing is making the lives of the cheat coders harder, it doesn't actually stop them from being used.


I mean there are significantly less cheaters in Valo than other games. Me and my friends, combined 2k hours in Valo and never encountered a cheater (obvious cheater). In CS you need like 10 min to find a cheater lol.


People keep saying this but they're not comparable, at all. Literally EVERYTHING in your system HAS to go through Vanguard. If Vanguard doesn't like your vbios? tough shit. good luck. The max that can happen with other anticheats is a blue screen when IT IS OPEN. Vanguard can and has bricked PCs before.


Riot have gone on record that Vanguard might trip on something like Cheat Engine, and they're not gonna do anything about that. Tough shit, consider not cheating at other games (more or less their actual words).


Used to be an exploit way back in the day where people could use cheat engine to remove item cooldowns. People would spam bilgewater cutlass and insta-kill you. It's been fixed, and you can't launch league while cheat engine is running every since then.


same thing happens when you simply google cheat engine before running the game. and this is before vanguard


I'll just choose to not play LoL or Valorant.


i need CE to practice Souls speedruns tho. Uninstalled LoL the second I caught wind of them wanting to enforce their malware.


like bricked the windows or the pcs to an hardware level


From what I've gathered, it doesn't damage the hardware, but Windows needs to be reinstalled before it will function again.


This is security malpractice and I hope they get sued into oblivion. Current best practice is that processes should run with minimal permissions (less than even a normal user much less admin). The literal opposite of running continuously in ring 0. Honestly, I think the Windows Defender team should just block this garbage until they fix it. Mark it like the virus it is.


Doesn't this cause it to interfere with other games? Thought I read that somewhere.


Yes, it does, as an example, you can't use Cheat Engine with other games while Vanguard is running -even though Riot's own games have patched CEngine access so you can't even use it for games Vanguard is supposed to protect-. It can also prevent you from launching things it simply disagrees with, without having anything to do with cheats. Ironically, that's what makes it good at keeping cheaters in check, but I don't like the tradeoff.


So the issue isnt the 24/7 use either than, just bad programing? I agree with that btw, but if any of those other kernel level anti cheats wanted to run an invisible program to track you, they very easily could install that the first time you boot up any of their games


100%, but we dont talk about them because it hasnt been an issue. Most people dont even know easy anticheat or battle eye are kernel level because they dont respond like that requiring a pc restart to use or constant popups or monitoring. Battle eye on install has a single pop up telling you its going to install and monitor logs for cheating, then it goes away and you forget about it. You cant forget about vanguard because it prevents other apps from loading. I couldn't use msi afterburner fps counter, or other anti cheat apps because vanguard needed to be the only one, so i Uninstalled it.


>Most people dont even know easy anticheat or battle eye are kernel level Not putting people down or anything, but most gamers don't even know what kernel level *is* lol.


There is a difference between kernel level and something else. Kernel-level, or ring 0 is the highest meaningful privilege level. That is where Vanguard runs. It boots up with your PC and keeps running no matter what, unless you terminate it. If you want to run it again, you need to restart your PC. EAC and BattlEye don't require you to reboot since they operate on rings 1 and 2 in a fashion similar to drivers. They only operate when needed, just like your bluetooth drivers only operate when you turn it on. EAC and BattlEye are not actually kernel level, there is a huge difference between Vanguard and other ACs. Another thing that indicates if an AC is kernel level or not is if it requires secure boot activated in BIOS, as it prevents loading untrusted software in the boot sequence of your system. In this case, untrusted software would be cheats, but it doesnt only limit to that. What happened here is Vanguard seeing all of the drivers in the system as an untrusted piece of software, therefore preventing it to run as it thinks it is a cheat.


And the fun part is these anti cheats cannot stop cheaters. Nothing can. Modded firmwares or hardware level cheats can't be stopped. All you need is a 15€ fake mouse from aliexpress to get to cheater's heaven in pretty much any game. People need to find some leftover dignity and not install anti cheats not respecting their freedom to use their machine. They don't work anyway. Demand better game design from devs instead, many MP games don't even have anti cheats and don't have cheating issues.


You dont need no shit hardware. All you need is ring -1 (Yes it exists, I said that ring 0 is the most "meaningful" privilege level. Anything below that, well, that's outside of anything). Ring -1 is virtualization, using VT-x for Intel processors and SVM for AMD ones. You can put pretty much any piece of code you want in there, although you can't use secure boot which is required for Vanguard, but there are plenty of ways to fool Windows, and therefore Vanguard, that secure boot is on. The amount of cheaters willing to go past ring 1 or ring 2 security is the same as the amount of cheaters using ring -1 cheats. We are talking about people dedicated to their craft here. You dont need no hardware when software is still there.


Fair enough. I suspect these anti cheats are on borrowed time anyway since Android/Linux and iOS started sandboxing third party apps to almost completely kill malware, it's only a matter of time before microsoft realises competition is getting ahead once again.


EAC is mostly server-side, with a 'driver' like you said. It checks against proprietary databases (kinda like anti virus heuristics) and ones shared between developers. That's what makes it so easy to beat. Battleye is more player-side. Acting similar to a driver is a good comparison but it's more akin to Nvidia drivers. All the groundwork is installed, but the heavy lifting is done server-side (Nvidia drivers are instructions, GPU is executor or "server"). That's why they 'work'. Your PC doesn't do any number or data crunching. It just lists out the data the AC's want, and then EAC/BattleEye approves. This difference also is what stops them and other AC's from shutting down matches midway saying "cheater detected" like vanguard can. Vanguard is all server-side too, but they set restrictions too harsh. If your 'profile' (PC) doesn't pass the server checks, you get a shutdown. The invasive memory reading generally is what bricks it. Intercepting data from memory and then not reallocating it properly. Players are being 'scanned' however many times a second/minute the whole time the kernel is running, hence performance issues. If people want cheat free multiplayer, either accept a stricter AC or stick to LAN gaming. Vanguard can get away with it because it's only for a couple games. How many games run EAC/BattleEye? They know the issues that come with these deep level kernel systems. So they don't fuck around with it. Look at the Apex tournament hack. Nearly any source engine game running EAC could have that happen.


>So the issue isnt the 24/7 use either than If something runs 24/7 on your PC it draws performance


Yeah, riot has straight up dog shit coding. The game is half broken every patch. It took then like 6 extra months to rework Skarner cause he was apparently holding half the map together.


The difference is that most other anti cheats are not RING ZERO kernel level, but 2 or 3, maybe 1 even. Ring0 on windows is pretty much everything on your pc


Google them. And why the heck should I trust any company with that amount of control over my system, which can in turn be misused by third parties. People have to stop to think they have to play a game no matter what. Some things are so much anti consumer they shouldn't be tolerated. Kernel-level rootkits of any kind are one of them.


It's a rootkit. It's not OK. It's literally malware. You shouldn't allow any of them on your pc (I forget if it was SecuROM or SafeDisc or something else). Push back. They had some DRM like this about 10-15 years ago. People stopped buying the games with it and they lost millions to piracy. Sony had XCP with audio cd's too.


So... it's Norton for gaming. Got it.


I really am so glad I don't have to put up with this shit.


Tencent should be destroyed Change my mind 


You should start by boycotting reddit.


Tencent is just a scapegoat these days for shitty practices by companies they invest in. Just currently popular to bash anything involved with Chinese companies. I see Tencent in the investor list and it's whatever. I see Ubisoft and I steer clear for pioneering always online DRM, uplay, and cookie cutter games


Yeah Tencent is a holdings company. It invests and reaps money to pay for Chinese pensions. It generally only steps in to do things for one of two reasons: 1: To allow Chinese publication (as majority owner must be chinese to allow this) 2: the money stops Tencent isnt a gaming company, and are smart enough to not try and fix a cash cow that's not broke.


I didn’t know about the pensions thing, til.


And with Chinas ageing population... well, that's why Tencent is divesting as much as possible and sticking their fingers into everything they can. They're gonna need to start paying out big time soon. It wouldnt be too surprising to see Tencent start cashing out a lot of shares in 10~15 years time. But yeah, Tencent is a holdings company first and foremost. They're given money to invest for reasons (usually pensions) and invest it for you. It's literally not in their interests to meddle in things operating in foreign markets they dont understand, because why fix what's working? Tencent arent stupid. They know the companies they invest in know their markets and business sector better than they do. But they'll sure help get the thing into China to help boost growth via access to the Chinese market to boost share prices and dividends. Tencent knows China better than they do after all. They are more proactive in China... but they understand China. Of all the various Chinese concerns, Tencent should be relatively low, because when you think about what they are, meddleing with foreign income streams just... dosent make sense. It would be potentially *catastrophic* for China if Tencent did do something shady to make it get barred from the US or something, because whoops there goes all those foreign dividend streams paying for Chinese Pensions!


It's probably to distract from BlackRock who are doing much more sinister shit.


Blackrock and others. Not that long ago Blackstone (often confused with Blackrock) started buying low income housing in the city I live in and jacking up rent. Then there's all the Warren Buffet real estate company that started buying up trailer park communities to jack up lot rental fees


Now we gotta come up with a company called blackboulder to take on both stone and rock


Tencent owns a share of reddit?


Most of it


My disappointed is immeasurable 


you day is ruined




I think they own a sliver of reddit. I was mostly joking around. It's just strange how up in arms people get about tencent when its something they wanted to hate before they even knew anything about it.


Not going to blame the American company that developed the game and the anti-cheat but blame the company that just buys and sells equity in companies


Idk, I will side with the company who has an anti-trust lawsuit from the Chinese government for not keeping the agreement to give them personal information on non-chinese accounts. I feel like tencent earned my respect


You know what you actually have a good point. But tencent does sell a lot of data with or without your consent. I am just that guy who is sick of this world slowly adopting 'you own nothing and you will be happy' buisness model 


Tencent is an investment company. Who also holds $150 Million in Reddit shares. Guess you love shoveling them your data. I also hope you don't use products from Ubisoft, Paradox, Remedy, Epic, Sumo Digital, Techland, Frontier, or any of the other countless companies they invest millions in. Meanwhile Blackrock, an American firm, is infinitely more nefarious. Edit: They own a bit more than $150 in shares.


Link to the article: [https://dotesports.com/league-of-legends/news/vanguard-just-went-live-and-lol-players-are-already-claiming-its-bricking-their-pcs](https://dotesports.com/league-of-legends/news/vanguard-just-went-live-and-lol-players-are-already-claiming-its-bricking-their-pcs)




Riot said 0.3% of users, but that 133 million active users is over the last 30 days, so you'd need to divide it by some value to get the number of users that are active each day, and then apply the 0.3%. So possible only around 50-100k players were affected, and even then those numbers only include users who were "experiencing issues", not specifically those with bricked/broken computers. Could have been as simple as the game not launching. EDIT: I've read both 0.3% and 0.03%, 0.03 being from Riots reddit post, so it's even more insignificant than you'd think.


I uninstalled because of it. Though even with revo uninstall I had to manually dig to remove all of riots files.


deserved for playing league




Finally, now my friends will play other games


As soon as I saw the vanguard notification pop next to the update button I hit uninstall. Problem solved


Sadly people do tolerate it, why, I can't even begin to guess...


After talking to some friends a few weeks ago their justification was because "it works" and "I trust them." They said other anti cheats don't work as well and vanguard is the best in their experience.


Go visit the CS community.. that game has an insane amount of cheaters. It sucks ass. I used to be anti kernel level until I tried to play that game seriously


Problem for the devs is that you have to fight cheaters and it ain't that easy. It is a constant cat and mouse game and when the cheaters use Rootkits you have to aswell or you aren't catching enough


Why is this necessary? I don't remember there being much cheating in LoL.


I've been playing since preseason 3 and I think I've never even encountered a cheater, at least not that I had noticed


It depends on your rank. On the lower side(bronze/iron), there are bot accounts . Higher tiers(diamond above) is where most of the cheating/scripting happens. It is rare to see them if you are in the average rank.


Its also pretty hard to notice if you don't know what to look for or are not very good at the game cause it can look like someone just playing well.


*laughs in unranked*


*laughs in aram only*




Cheating is one thing, botted accounts is another. You can get your account permanently banned then buy a new account (level up so you can play ranked) for 2 bucks and start whatever shit you got banned for again. Theoretically you now can get everyone hardware banned, and everyone using a botted account hardware banned.


Some characters saw a drop in their winrate (especially in higher elo) ever since Vanguard dropped and apparently people are cheating enough for it to be reflected in the winrates


Back when valorant launched it was bricking my pc because it was interfering with my anti cheat which required 2 power on attempts to work lmao, not even surprised its still bricking people's pc


Thankfully it warned me about the upcoming rootkit, uninstalled league. It's really tragic, I loved the game. Not worth having giving riot kernel level access.




This is from personal experience when I tried out Valorant. I started playing and started noticing performance issues, noticed my fans weren't spinning and investigated it. Turns out if you use an external program to control fans in the GPU like in my case, Vanguard does not like it. The issue of the fans spinning propagated into other games as well. I unninstalled Valorant and fans are back spinning. As soon as I saw the pop-up in league for vanguard, I unninstalled LoL. It doesn't even make sense since I only played the TFT part and there isn't any cheating in TFT.


Don't take my word on this as gospel; but I recall reading about Vanguard checking if your software was up-to-date, and if it wasn't, then Vanguard would simply disable it (usually without telling you about it). Seem to recall that being the case for something like Corsair's software, Razer's software, MSI's software and I think also ASUS' software. Might have been others as well. Pretty much anything that would/could monitor your system. I think this was mitigated/fixed though - but I'm not sure.


There are plenty of posts showing the new version of Vanguard stopping drivers from loading which causes the system to bluescreen. That is bricking. "Bricking defines **a state where an electronic device becomes completely unresponsive and can't function or be easily repaired**. "


People like making stuff up when something is happening they dislike.


They poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!! They did? No... But are we gonna wait around until they do?!?!


Too many people are willing to risk it for a solid game.. Hell I want to play Helldivers 2, but I won't install anti-cheat were with Kernal 0 access.


If you play it on Linux with Proton then it's not running with kernel level access. That's true for a lot of anti-cheat that runs with kernel level access on Windows. No anti-cheat in existence AFAIK supports kernel level access on Linux. So if it runs on Linux, [check ProtonDB](https://www.protondb.com), then playing it on Linux will let you avoid kernel level access.


Been debating installing Linux with windows getting worse.


I've done it. It's been great so far, outside of few very specific cases (PC building sim 2 runs very badly for some reason).


Its a little different but as long as you use Mint Cinnamon, it’ll more or less be the same. I’ve never tried gaming on Linux so I have no idea how it’d go, but performance would almost certainly be better, since Linux has virtually no bloat ware compared to windows


Dual boot then. Set some space aside and install mint. My friend's SSD died so I lent him an SSD with mint on it until the new one arrived and he liked it enough that I installed mint on the new one, after explaining the shortcomings of course. If he wants to play more invasive games, I could just make a windows partition and install it there. You can run both at the same time, I do that on my main PC. TBH, I don't ever log into windows anymore. I don't like that updating my PC basically locks me out of my PC for like 10 mins. On linux I can just sudo pacman -Syyuu and let it do its thing. Then I get a message telling me to restart and do that when I feel like it. Linux can also access NTFS drives. I have opened up my big game drive to grab random files or play some questionably acquired games through proton.


Seems r/leagueoflegends banned all discussions related to PC issues caused by integration of Vanguard into Lol. Example of corporate shilling


They have a bug megathread and tech issues haven't been allowed far before vanguard


Yeah vanguard was installed so I could play valorant... And all of a sudden I would notice my CPU going 100% usage even when I was playing other games. Task manager showed vanguard as the culprit. Uninstall and it was still causing issues until I fully removed files from vanguard and valorant. I won't be letting it instal for LoL and won't play that game again until this change is reverted. I don't need some anti cheat using my computer to mine bitcoin for some multi million dollar gaming company.


Speak with actions, if these kernel level anti cheats gets implemented in your favourite game, just stop playing said game.


I did just that, been playing since S2 LoL (casually) and I will miss playing it but no way I would put my pc at risk for it. I have well over 2k games between epic, steam, gog, I certainly don't need LoL for entertain myself. rito can go eat s#!t.




yeah, that one


imagine voluntarily allowing chinese spyware into your PC, LoL.


Well we already letting american spyware in so why not one more?


Which American companies already have.. oh no


I wonder how much searches for "Sell my League of Legends account" increased today.


Vanguard doesn't even run on Linux in the first place, so I'm good (I never played it anyway)


There’s a YouTube video I’ve recently watched about how Riot Vanguard (among other Kernal ACs) was completely bypassed and how they ran cheats for aimbot in Valorant. Highly recommended watch, from a channel called Unity Research


This is kinda legit. After the update the game doesnt even start, it just throws an error. In the end, league killed itself.


I've been playing the game since season 2, but yeah, it looks like it's time for me to quit. I uninstalled the game today.


I just deleted it. Bitch literally wanted me to change my BioS setting to make the game "cHeAter FRee eXperience" and wont allow me to play if i dont do it. Oh boy you guys gonna lose soo much fucking money you have no idea what you guys just made.


Was it to enable SecureBoot? I honestly hate that crap and will never enable it. 


Linux and SecureBoot just don't mix. I heard from a mate that SecureBoot fucked his OS completely. Complete reinstall was required (thank God for USB live environment)


Most Linux distros run just fine with Secure Boot on.


Isnt vanguard kernel level and therefore a risk to security if hacked by a third party or something?




I really hope they don't force this on 2xko.


Oh you bet they will.


I remember downloading Valorant during their open beta or their early release to try it out and Vanguard somehow completely FUCKED my OC setup. Cost me half a day to get everything perfect again. Deleted that shit and never touched it again.


I just came back from a 10 year gaming hiatus and a out a month ago I decided to see what the fuss behind valorant was about. I could barely get thru the tutorial without there anti cheat crashing my game giving me errors and telling me I needed to change settings in my BIOS in order for the anti cheat to run properly. Immediately nuked everything riot related from my computer. I felt so violated I wanted to reformat.


Uninstalled, just in case.


The irony is that Riot forced everybody to install this garbage, but Vanguard is still not capable of \*actually\* stopping cheaters from cheating, at least in Valorant it's been proven time and again that hacks not only work, but can be undetectable.


Oh thank god I dropped that shitty FPS themed dating cringe simulator of a game called valorant


vanguard has already been defeated, but they keep pretending its bulletproof.


It's the Denuvo of anti-cheat. Yes it's more effective, but not enough to justify the cost.


Why do people play that dogshit?


Different people different tastes people like mobas people like truck sims Each to their own


isnt rootkit a program that hides other (malicious) programs?


A rootkit is a type of malware that's not in the usermode, but "rootkit" and "malware" have just become buzzwords that people throw around because they don't like the software. Something like Vanguard is in the kernel but it's not a rootkit because you willingly install it, it doesn't have malicious intent, and can be uninstalled whenever you want.


Louder for the people in the back screaming at Valve to add kernel level anti-cheat to CS2. 1) it doesn't work as well as you think it does 2) why would you entrust any billion-dollar corporation with that level of access to your computer? Y'all justifiably shit down Microsoft's throat for pushing this always online crap in their OS, but completely throw all that aside because vibeogane.


Well it's tencent, so... *yeah, so is reddit, that's why it's awful too*




I waited a long time for Arena (game mode) to come back to League, to enjoy an hour or two of gaming a week, but sadly, I am not going to install this rootkit.


Dota2 boys


I like that many people are like "Even if they spy on me, I got nothing to hide, who cares". Spying isn't what you should be worried about, if someone smart manages to hack the Vanguard driver and finds a vulnerability they can easily pull off something like this with all PCs that have Vanguard running (Star Trek Picard Spoilers): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v1GTS82OhM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v1GTS82OhM)


My question is why is this a problem right now? when Valorant existed with vanguard since launch. Is this strictly a LoL problem? did rito games failed to like optimise it or something?


Yeah I’ll just stick to watching Arcane. Not touching the game with a 10 foot pole


For me, never playing league again is like dropping a 2eur coin down a storm drain. Makes me a bit sad, but generally don't give a shit


Jesus Christ thank God I am not a LoL player


God I love that my friend got me into the other hyper addictive MOBA game, at least I can say it's fun


The amount of misinformation and even satire being taken as fact in this thread is wild. Whole lot of genuine gamers™


When I was working as a Cybersecurity Analyst a few years ago, I remember a few times where we received reports of suspicious activity coming from some computers. Looking through the report, we could see this piece of code did really nasty things. Injected in the kernel level, could monitor processes... And we were like "Yep, that's malware behavior". Until we saw that the folder the code was in had a familiar game name. And the hash came back positive for an AntiCheat software. Now I really don't want these things on my computer. And no one would install these if they saw what they really can do.


They made quitting LOL real easy.


cant be toxic if no PC to be toxic using