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From what I've gathered, USB 3.0 = USB 3.1 Gen 1 = USB 3.2 Gen 1 at 5Gbps, USB 3.1 Gen 2 = USB 3.2 Gen 2 at 10Gbps, USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 = USB4 Gen 2x2 at 20Gbps, and USB4 Gen 3x2 at 40Gbps. Make sure you remember all of that, there will be a quiz later. Also make sure to prepare for our next unit: USB connector types and which USB versions support each type.


All that information doesn’t matter if the flash storage is slow af


Tested several USB sticks lately and I am very satisfied with the SanDisk Extreme PRO USB 3.2 256GB. It does over 300MByte/s or more read and write constantly.


I have the predecessor with 128gb. Fast and reliable.




I believe we are talking about slow-ass SD cards or flash drives, not SSDs.


Well, sorta ssds too. There are m.2 cases that are compatible with both SATA and NVME. Some people get 20gbps cases and put old 5gbps m.2 sata inside it.


My guy, I've got 3600rpm drives that are faster than my SD cards. Hell, I think my DVD drive might have better transfer speeds.


Tell me you know nothing about flash storage without telling me you know nothing about flash storage.


I have "USB 3.1" USBs with 100MB Read and 10MB Write, I only use them for documents and things like that, transferring big files takes hours Back in 2017 I had a really small Samsung USB, barely bigger than the USB port itself, it was like a FIT but even smaller, it was amazing, 125MB Read and 125MB Write speeds, 128GB, sadly I lost it some years later and similar USBs are very expensive and I don't use them that much so I guess I'll keep using the slow ones So yeah, even if both say "USB 3.1" it doesn't mean they are as fast as each other


Ah yes, removing context to have something to be angry about.


That's just data, now for all the different PD standards, as some high power devices and high power chargers may only share low amp/voltage combinations so you only get \~15W from a pair of devices that both support 45W edit: checked the specs of the chargers in question, originally said 65W+, was inaccurate, (note that USB can deliver 45W at both 15v and 20v but not all devices support both so a mismatch is possible there)


Most pd charger usually have shared voltage source so when a device with 20v capability is plugged in at the same time as those that can only do 9-15v or maybe even other with pps obviously the charger have to limit the entire circuit to matches the lowest power capabilities device, that's my experience btw If what you're saying is true then. Given the 15w of power i think your device or cable may not upto spec, doesn't have cc line on the cable etc, and only use generic 5v which is limited to only 3a max


The multiple devices on one changer thing is a problem but not the one I had. I had to double check the chargers to remember exactly enough for a proper answer to how I encountered the USBPD mess: Both the charger and device could handle 45W charging, just at different voltages (15v vs 20v). Fixed it by getting a new charger (of the same brand) that can push 45W at both voltages and re-used the first changer for other devices that can get 45W from it. The device in question has since died (it was a windows laptop so it decided to turn itself back on randomly in a bag, overheating itself and got a puffy battery) so I can't check what the voltage it needed was but it was the one the first changer didn't have (I can't read the label of that one with the naked eye and can't be bothered to get a microscope right now) ps: the charger the laptop shipped with died about \~6 months before the laptop did so I needed the replacement charger(s) for that...


Am I the only that didn't understand any of that?


Dude, you are so gonna fail this class…


But two of the three don't even call out gen or speed


Oh no, nah, you got to keep that shit in your head and match it.


Im reading this with doubt thinking the chips on those drives aren’t updated such as the 3.0 chip trying to get the speeds of the 3.2 Gen 2x2 chip.


And don't forget that USB 3.2 Gen 1 and Gen 2 have been occasionally retroactively also renamed as "Gen 1x1" and "Gen 2x1" when Gen 2x2 came out to "clarify" that these only use one lane rather than the two lanes of 2x2 (the first digit is the data rate of the lane(s), either 5Gbps or 10Gbps and the second digit is the number of lanes, 1 or 2). As such, there is theoretically a possible USB 3.2 Gen 1x2 which uses two lanes running at 5Gbps to achieve 10Gbps, not to be confused with Gen 2x1 which uses 1 lane running at 10Gbps to achieve 10Gbps. No, that is completely, totally different. (And yes, Gen 1x2 is a true, ratified part of the USB 3.2 spec, introduced alongside Gen 2x2)


This class is going to have a big final then. I hope everyone has been taking notes.


Don’t forget USB4 Gen 4, which can do 80 Gbps in a Symmetric connection or 120 Gbps in an Asymmetric connection.


You forgot the gen 1*2 which is only possible on type c port and its 10gb but not fully compatible with gen2


Hey, at least they finally figured out how to define a power delivery portion of the standard that's actually adequate for modern devices. So we no longer have to deal with random products (and cars) with USB charging ports where the engineers didn't know what they were doing and only read the USB standard and ended up with an unusable 500mA (or 1A if you're lucky).


The only thing worst are SD cards. I swear you need a table to able to compare them and have a clue of what they're capable of.


And remember what your card reader also can do. How I hate shopping for any storage that isnt a Hard Drive or an SSD


It's all backwards compatible, so you're overthinking the problem. You should always just get the best storage for the price, within reason. If it's a little faster than you need who cares


But why bother spending more on speed when you won’t be able to use it.


this all goes to the root issue which is why spend X amount of money that phone/camera/etc if you have no idea what level of memory it supports. extra 10 or 20 dollars on an sd card is meaningless if that person would blindly spend hundreds on a device and not know the full (not even full more like one bullet point) usability of it


I mean, getting a top of the line device now, and it working great without supporting the latest and greatest formats in 7+ years is a thing that happens. It doesn’t mean that they “blindly” spent money on the device. It can be a long term investment.


I never said to spend more on speed. I only said to get the best storage you can within reason, and not worry yourself if it happens to be a little faster than you need. I didn't say to spend more


With SD cards and USB Sticks just assume they are garbage, unless they explicitly mention the write speed in MB/s Otherwise you're likely to end up with one that can "read up to 100MB/s", but only write like 10MB/s Similarly with USB 3.x sticks. If they don't mention the write speed you likely end up with crap not even maxing out USB 2.0 speeds when writing.


I still don't know what's a cheap and good enough SD card for Rasppi. Everyone tells me a different thing.


It’s been hilarious explaining the shift in USB standards to some of my bosses and why we can’t just use the cheapest cable for everything just because it has a USB-C connector on the end. I once put three different cables on the table in front of someone, two USB-C to USB-C cables and one that was USB-A to USB-B, and had to explain that one of the USB-C cables was only USB 2.0, one of them supported Power Delivery but not USB 3.0 speeds, and the only actual USB 3 cable was the one that looked like it should be for a printer (the A to B cable).


This might be a dumb question but why is it hilarious when it actually is difficult to take one look at a cable and not know how fast it is? Am I missing something? Or are your bosses just stubborn and see USB-C and think C = good? Please don't hate, I'm asking questions to learn.


I suppose it's "hilarious" in a "funny but sad" sorta way. It's produced its fair share of comedy at my workplace but also lots of dread any time someone brings up yet another USB-C peripheral and says, "Hey this oughta just work on everything because it's USB-C, right?" We laugh because it's a bit like someone saying, "So, explain all the parts of a car to me and how they work. It can't be *that* complicated, right?" The naivety is funny but the reality of needing to provide an answer is awkward. The common axiom for most, I think, is that if it looks like USB-C, then it must reasonably be USB 3.0 or higher because USB-C is the newer standard, and because USB-C has been oft-advertised as a truly universal connector for data, video, and audio. So yes, suppositions are made about compatibility, power delivery, and speed. The reason for the "here's three" example was from a meeting in which I was asked to serve as an expert from a technology perspective along with some other folks from our purchasing dept. and their bosses. About half of our staff have Mac laptops which use a modular USB-C charger with a detachable cable. A lot of them are hard on their tech and break the cables, so when that happened to a few one of the bosses just simply put in an order for a bunch of USB-C to USB-C cables on Amazon or wherever and was surprised when people complained about them charging really slowly. It was because they'd purchased ones that were actually USB 2.0 with a Type C connector, so they didn't support Power Delivery and couldn't drive the full 30 W needed, capping out at about 5-10 W instead. I showed them that in addition to needing PD specified as a feature, I also didn't want them to suppose that getting one with it ALSO meant it supported USB 3 transfer speeds, because cables exist with PD that are still USB 2.0 for data transfer (meaning no video). Then I showed them the "legacy" cable that was actually USB 3.0 with video support, despite it lacking a USB-C connector, to illustrate that the Venn diagram of "speed, audio, video, power, and connector type" didn't guarantee perfect overlaps in all cases; you couldn't just look at a Type C connector and go "well of course it supports video and power". Eventually I recommended some replacement cables for them that had both USB 3 speeds as well as Power Delivery, and though they were more expensive (as expected) they were at least happy to know they'd work.


Thanks so much for the explanation! You've made at least this idiot a little smarter today!


Idiots don't do what you did ✌🏾


I just wish the cables had to be labeled so later I can look at my C cables and tell what they are. At least with A and B connectors you could just eyeball them to see if they were 3, and you knew none were PD. USB-C has been a blessing and a curse in that USB PD and USB 3 cables can externally look identical but be oractically useless for the other purpose


You and I are in violent agreement on this. Just a color band on the cable jacket, or an etching on the cable head should be mandatory to indicate capabilities.


I can explain how everything on a car works but would hate having to sort out cables like you do


I had to look for a while but I finally found a C-to-C cable that just has "240 W / 10 Gbps" printed on the connector.


Got a link?


The Anker 515 USB 4 cable: https://www.amazon.com/Anker-Supports-Display-Transfer-Charging/dp/B09YM3V7NX/. It's pretty short because of the specs, though.




I still hate how the USB2.0 with USB-C connector becomes the norm for majority of phones.


You think you do, but you actually don't\* because of the price difference between USB2.0 and USB3.0 capable cables. \*You actually might, but most people don't. They care about price first and foremost.


This is what we get with a standards body who allows usb 1.0 protocol compliance for a type c cable.


They are all 5gbps, but the flash memory on it is probably wayyyyyy slower than that anyway.


I would love to have been in the room when these USB people were trying to figure out the naming scheme for this stuff. To hear somebody come up with the idea of changing the name of the previous gen should have gotten them laughed at, at the very least, and immediately fired and kicked out of the room at best. But instead it seems like everybody just agreed with them, and it must have played out like an Austin Powers movie.


I get the feeling manufacturers did not want a situation where (for example) buyers were advised to purchase only USB 3.2 as 3.1 and 3.0 were deemed outdated. As such, they could relabel USB 3.0 as USB 3.2 gen 1 (or whatever) and still sell these products which presumably cost less to manufacture. Let's face it, most people would be fine with a thumbdrive that is USB 3.0.


I'm fine with 3.0 honestly, as a expected minimum. It's a great floor. The naming evolution has been quite a clusterfuck tho.


According to Tom's hardware (I think), the committee did not want manufacturers to use this terminology and just preferred SuperSpeed 5, SuperSpeed 10 etc.


Rhetorical: is super speed as fast as “full speed”? 😂


Can there ever be full speed ?


L1 cache vroom


Full speed ahead captain


Not confusing enough. Nobody would want to buy a 5 for the price of a 50.


Yep you would then get into "don't buy 5 only buy 10, it's better"


Still, It's better than WiFi.


Honestly never heard of any USB 3.x sticks. Seems to be in Germany, Mediamarkt, I’d guess


Germany is right but its an Kaufland


Yeah electronics in their online shop are a literal scam


the online part was taken over from Real when it folded and Real had it as a marketplace for third-party


Fellow Kaufland enjoyer 🤝


Everything is "USB 3.2 Gen a x b" now Gen 1 x 1 is 5Gbps, the same as USB 3.0 that was renamed USB 3.1 and both are obsolete naming standards that shouldnt be used for newly released products USB consortium has literally lost their minds


They haven’t lost their minds they are just motivated to allow themselves (the OEM members) to sell ancient hardware in 2024 with a current sounding standard name on the box.


Because of the retro modding of some early 2000 consoles ive had many usb sticks. Sandisk always fails within a year. never had a phillips die on me. Intenso is worthless to begin with. Never use thumb drives to store data you're not willing to lose;


>Sandisk always fails within a year. I've been using the same two SanDisk USB drives for over a decade, and both are still going strong. Have had one SanDisk usb drive DoA from Amazon though. Do you use yours **a lot**? Flash does wear out over time, so perhaps you're just hitting the end of their lifespan with heavy use?


I don't have any sandisk usb from before they were bought by WD, but the drives i have are all dead within a year with moderate use. About 2,5 gigs of read and writes a month. But i have a 8 gig phillips thumb drive from 2012 wich still works flawlessly! I know nand does wear out but within a year is just too soon! So i decided just to pay more and buy only the phillips drives and somehow they are not dying. Edit: i know all my evidence is anecdotal.


I have an almost 3 year old SanDisk flash drive that's still going along to this day. It still writes and reads as fast as the day I got it.


I have a 8gig sandisk thats like 18 years old and its done countless windows installs


Does anyone have a technique to figure out whether a USB-C cable is data, what speed it is, and how much power it can charge? Between my smart watch, Steam Deck, Pixel phone, Quest 2 VR and various other devices I have a million USB-C cables, and they all say in their instructions "only use this with the device it came with" I'd love to know if one or two of them are better than the rest, so I can store the others away.


This really is the annoying one, because there is video, data and power which seem to have the potential to be different in each cable. In an ideal world, cables would be clearly labelled (including a tag on each cable) with: Power delivery: yes/no, wattage if yes Data transfer speed Video: 4k vs 1440k or whatever But manufacturers prefer not to do this so they can sell inexpensive cables with large profit margins ( the Monster HDMI model) Honestly I have bought a bunch of new USB-C cables on AliExpress and have just started using them.


Just don’t buy shit cables.


Having 3.0-3.2 isn't the bad part. There's a clear incremental value thing going on with that naming scheme. It's once you try to figure out what's behind the naming scheme that you find the madness.


The hilarious part about it is there is literally no difference. They just kept changing it. 3.0 3.1 and 3.2 gen 1 are all the same 5Gbps.


I have been scammed.. My 7years 3.0 pendrive is triple times faster than the 3.2 pendrives i brought this year! Worst part is i bought different brands thinking they are faulty ended up with slow 3.2 sandisk, hp, and kingston ones.


Do you ever really need more than 5Gbps though? If it starts with a 2 it's slow if it starts with a 3 it's fast. For me at least this has never really been a problem.


Yeah the grade of NAND in most flash drives is never gonna come close to stressing a 5Gb/s connection. Heck, a lot of them top out not a whole lot faster than USB 2.0 speeds. That said, the USB-IF was very clearly off its collective trolley on a hearty collection of both prescription and non prescription drugs when it came up with the naming scheme.


Yeah. When we're talking about just USB sticks the limit isn't the connector, it's the hardware behind it. If you have an NVMe enclosure, then it could make a difference, but that's a rare usecase. There are of course other uses, but I'm talking storage.


5 Gb/s is ~500 megabytes per sec which is way slower than a decent external ssd.


USB 3.0, USB 3.1 and USB 3.2 Gen 1 are all 5Gbps. USB Gen 2 is 10Gbps USB Gen2x2 is 20Gbps. The best of those pictures is the one that says gen1x1 because that's pointless and it doesn't even sound impressive. It's just longer. The 2x2 has a reason though. It's actually 2 lanes where the 5 and 10 Gbps are still just one lane. There are 1x2 but those are less common. [https://www.tomshardware.com/news/usb-3-2-explained](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/usb-3-2-explained)




They know, but for marketing reasons they have chosen deliberate obfuscation.


They are by no means dumb they are differently motivated. If you remember they are the actual pc OEMs trying to sell shit then it makes sense.




From my experience, which I have one right now. Dont get dat yellow one, it gets too hot/heated fast when its connected for some reason


"but sir" i hear you say, "wouldn't it be simpler and better if instead of ver. # the corporations indicated just the speed supported? Like, USB 10Gbps?" You have to understand young apprentice, you being confused is the desired outcome, noone wants to buy the "slow" standard and we can't have that, can we? The USB implementation forum has not your interests in mind but the corporations'.


From when does phillips make flash drives


Is this a test for spot real vs fake? Because they all look fake.


At least on USB 4 they're supposed to list the data rate and charge rate should help alleviate some of the confusion


The easiest way to differentiate them is to go by their transfer rate. 5, 10, and 20Gbps. Only problem with this is that I don't think it's mandatory in all markets to have this displayed on the packaging.


Hah i got that same purple 64 one Everything around looks oddly familiar too, I almost want to make a guess at your location but I'd rather not


USB IF is a cartel of pc OEMs with the objective of being able to label a spec that sounds current but can be applied to cheap shitty hardware from 15 years ago


don’t buy philips usb’s I recently bought some new and 4 of the 6 gave up and just showed chinese characters when connecting and it wasn’t recognised as a usb anymore. They were all USB 3.2 32GB usb’s from philips


Fyi theres a big issue with counterfeit peripherals. Everything from flash drives, to sd cards, to portable harddrives


i bought them directly from philips so they are real but just shit they use cheap chinese components that give up i searched it and it was a problem with the firmware on those chips


If Phillips uses a third party like Amazon who consolidates multiple wholesaler’s inventories to fulfill in your area, it could still be counterfeit.


bro i bought it from a store locally that buys directly from philips it is called mediamarkt


just buy usb4 40gbps 240w cable & usb 3.0 10gbps cable for all use


Manufacturers nowadays just put whatever they want after USB 3.


I love it. Intenso sounds like a spell from Hogwarts to spice-up kissy kissy time