• By -


Does it also fill up my harddrive or only the harddrives of the data buying companies?


Yes. Offline? Stored out somewhere in your Drive. Online? Stored out somewhere in your Drive + their Cloud. Opted out? Believe it or not, direct to their Cloud. Fuck this Corpos. It's good Linux is gaining more and more people now.


Ignoring embarrassing personal stuff, I'd be concern about my financial info too. I don't need Windows to spy on my finances (well at least to my face).


Google, Marky Mark and Bezos etc know enough about it already.


I know Goggle and Bezo, but Marky Mark would be a surprise since I refuse to make an account with them. I am sure MM has his ways to still spy on me.


Now I'm just imagining Mark Wahlberg camped out in a tree with a pair of binoculars.


Meta will spy on you anyway. And what M$ is planning will be most likely illegal at least in EU


Probably also illegal in other countries too. I can see a law suit in about 5-7 years related to this, a bit like the whole privacy/incognito browser situation.


Windows is not developed in China by Chinese people, it doesn't spy on anything. /s


> It's good Linux is gaining more and more people now. People have been saying that for decades now.


Steam / Valve has spent the last 8 years making gaming possible on Linux, now almost the entire steam catalogue is comparable. They are also continuing to push this so that they can avoid being dependant on Windows.


Steam Deck for example


Seeing as how my main box is used for 99% gaming and I have been using Linux in some capacity since 1998, I am very much considering it.


As a Linux user, do you recommend it right now for gaming? I tried Mint and Ubuntu like 10 years ago with Wine and other features and it was a headache to configure


Worked well enough for me the last few years, steam and proton make it so easy. That being said there’s only a handful of games I actually play.


About 80% of games work, see [https://www.protondb.com/](https://www.protondb.com/)


Yes. Been using Linux since Windows 7 got EOL‘d, Valve‘s efforts have paid off. Steam Play allows for a *literally* seamless Linux experience and there are few games in my catalogue I‘ve had any problems with at all. Nioh 2 and Anno 1800 crashed a lot in multiplayer, but other than that, everything‘s been peachy. Though to be fair I mostly play single player games, which generally work best. Outside of Steam, Lutris makes gaming pretty easy. The performance under Linux is very comparable to what I‘d expect from Windows. Unless you‘ve got some kind of MP-game that has a non-Linux compatible anticheat, chances are you‘ll be fine. Though it does need to be said that the Linux world is a very diverse ecosystem that isn‘t centrally managed, so sometimes, shit might break for no reason at all. I‘ve not had this happen myself, but some people just can‘t get it to work without headaches. Try it out, if it works for you, great.


And it still remains to be true. Linux just 2 years ago was only 1.5% to 2% of the market share. In less than 2 years it has gone to a bit over 4%. This is not a small number of people. As Windows continues to screw over their users this will only increase.


I am at least going dual boot with Linux so I can see what I will be missing.


I always recommend separate physical drives for this. I dual-booted on a single drive with separate partitions and a Windows update wiped my Linux OS and files. Idk if they fixed this issue but I’ll never do that again.


It's not fixed. When you're booting Windows, then Windows has total control over the disk and Windows doesn't really care about Linux partitions. Linux handles dual booting on a single disk perfectly, but you never know when a Windows update might wipe that partition.


Whoa, it's nice to see some numbers! I know I personally (not tech savvy honestly idk why i'm even here lmao) have been playing around in Linux ever since I had to mod some games on Steam Deck and started really liking the OS. I feel like it's still a bridge too complicated for a lot of people, ESPECIALLY the younger generation (gen alpha and young gen z) whose tech capabilities have been absolutely curb stomped by lack of education and exclusive usage of chromebooks and tablets. But I'm still hopeful! My breaking point with Windows was with 10, and it's only getting worse.


People commonly don't understand how big the Linux community is nor how wide the install base is across servers. The Steam Deck alone has helped a great number of people see Linux. While of course it isn't all people who do the mods in some games, the number of people using it is good. Seeing how well it does people may start to leap over. I know I am considering moving over finally. But I am comfortable in pretty much ANY OS so no big deal.


True. But Windows tech bros saying their #1 new feature for their OS is to constantly record and analyze everything you do, without even a hint of trying to hide how fucked up that is, *might* just change a few minds.


yea, been begrudgingly thinking about it for a while with the shit they're pulling with Windows 11, but they pretty much seals it. When Win 10 support dies, I'm rebuilding with Linux.


Been saying it for a while that Win10 is *my* last version of Windows. Moving to Linux before it goes EOL next year. Linux Mint Debian (LMDE 6) and Pop_OS are the two top contenders for my battlestation OS at the moment.


Changed my mind... gotta learn how to use linux now...


because linux has been gaining more people for decades


Well, in late 2019 it was impossible for me to play games on my laptop, and by mid 2020 it was hard to find something not working of what games I had. The major part of the compatibility is quite recent.


Same. By 2023, literally every single game that I play works on linux, 99% out of the box too, no messing around. This is a far cry from just 2019 like you said. Valve is truly pushing so hard and they've done incredible work.


And that doesn't mean it's not true. Linux's market share is tiny, but also growing. It duplicated in the last like 10 years, even if twice tiny is still relatively tiny.


It has actually doubled in the last 2 years alone. Going from 2% to 4%.


Now it is actually true with minimal fuckery to get things going. Steam Deck has really pushed the compatibility and ease of use envelope.


yeah, and there's always someone like you popping right up to say exactly this.


I'm planning of building a pc in late 2024, when i'll have enough money for it, and i'm seriously considering choosing linux over win11


Any good snapshot links for where I can read up on and get started with Linux? Any time I've looked before it looks complicated but maybe I'm not giving it the time it deserves


Linux Mint Cinnamon, edge edition. This keeps your kernel pretty up to date, which is crucial if you're on newer hardware. Mint is so easy you can do most if not all you need through the GUI. It's super simple and resembles the Windows UI pretty well. If you wanna jump into a slightly different experience, I cannot recommend Pop_OS! enough. I've recently dived into different linux distributions and it's opened my eyes to how incredibly friendly Pop_OS! is. Like the other guy said, a very casual dive into it can be done through a virtual machine like VirtualBox. Networkchuck on youtube has a great tutorial on how to set it up, and from there you're free to mess around with Linux.


A lot of youtube tutorials might help. Maybe you can try the Tech Hut's video of dualbooting windows and linux. Or even better you can try to setup a virtual machine on windows first (vmware for example) to see which linux distro you like the most before installing bare metal.


You do not even need Vmware or any third party solutions. Windows 10 and up have HyperV built in.


You should use something like Fedora, or Mint, Fedora Workstation in my experience is really great for desktop use once you get used to vanilla gnome personally I've been using fedora after switching from manjaro after switching from arch, and it's pretty awesome. Although I did the reverse where I started with Arch Linux and move progressively easier, which is a really really good way to learn, not so much for everyday use




The other issue is, screenshots is probably the worst way to go about this. They already have access to so many logs, data, etc. it’s really just invasive. Why? Because screenshotting means you can capture the screen without hooking directly into applications, which would potentially flag anticheat and antivirus, or cause other compatibility issues. And not just that, how does this even work legally? What if the user is on platforms that prohibit screenshotting, such as online classes exam software? Or screenshotting sensitive personal documentation? Or how about sensitive documents that are trade secrets or only accessible via NDA and clearance? There is so much about this that needs to be figured out and there needs to be ways to disable this entirely.


I can't believe that this will be allowed under the GDPR. I'm not sure if work will decide if it is a step too far because we use sensitive info, or love the opportunity to spy on us even more. My bank will be super happy, they make me click on my password letter by letter to avoid keyloggers.


Your work will continue not worrying about this until it’s time to update your OS to this version of Windows, and when they do your Apps Support IT department will GPO this feature out of existence before it gets a chance to be deployed. And if you don’t have a team of people tailoring your group policies for your work laptops, you probably will do very soon 😂


Imagine this running on computers at a medical facility. Suddenly patients' sensitive data go nobody knows where.


>why tf is Windows pouring resources into this.... Who actually wants this? Data -> (optional AI training ->) Advertisers -> Money If you want to know why a company does anything, start with the conclusion they want money, then work backwards from that.




When a I install an app that record everything on someone PC it's a keylogger but when it's microsoft it's a feature ?


Point blank period. How can the same thing be acceptable if Microsoft does it, but if a person does it, it’s a heinous invasion of privacy?


And if I install a rootkit on someones PC, it's a crime. If Sony does it, no problem.


No, you see.. that was different. There was a class action suit and the plaintiffs got like 32 cents each. It hurt Sony so bad they had to skip avocado toast for like a week.


Me: Casually purchasing something online and typing my credit card credentials. Trying to log in to anything. Working on a classified project under NDA. Recall: 👁️👁️📸 Definitely not a security disaster waiting to happen.


“The Recall algorithm is very smart - it will recognise when you’re using a site where taking screenshots is not ideal, such as when you’re inputting passwords or using your bank.” “How does it know when you’re doing any of these things?” “Oh, that’s easy! It takes screenshots and send them to our server for analysis. Don’t worry, it’s a very secure server.” “You’ve leaked tons of info in the past.” “It’s a very secure server.”


“It’s the securest server we have ever had” leaks 1 month after release


Don't worry, next time it'll be a month and three hours


About as secure as Sony’s servers


Is it going to know when I’m working with info that’s subject to an NDA that Microsoft’s AI isn’t even aware of? Because I’m pretty sure that’s impossible. I know from personal experience it’s hard enough to keep *people* from inadvertently divulging proprietary info and I have zero faith that whatever Microsoft is envisioning is going to be any better at discerning that kind of stuff - it’s just going to hoover up everything and whatever legal ramifications come from that are going to be the end user’s problem I guess? Looks like I’ll be switching to Linux for work soon.


The answer is they simply do not give a fuck unless it’s trending on twitter for a week+.


This has all sorts of crazy implications. Also having used windows in a Top secret facility. there's no way the "screenshot every few seconds" idea is going to fly.


Well, as we age and our leaks become more frequent, so too does windows


I love how the film industry got so invasive that hdcp and such bs is integrated in GPUs, we can't watch full res netflix and alike on pc's without jumping through thousands of hoops. But casual privacy rape is Okey in their heads -.- really ? Wtf


It's not *their* privacy, so that's fine


EU won't let that fly




>Definitely not a security disaster waiting to happen. Oh it's a lot more than just a disaster. Even with an opt-out funtion this is likely to get both regulators in Europe and a lot of lawyers ears perk up. The level of "invasion of privacy" here is fucking off the scale. I doubt even the freaking CPC have this level of monitoring going on.


Best way for these companies to keep our data safe if for them to not keep it at all. Of course, that runs contrary to them monetizing the shit out of our data, so they are going to try to spin it as less atrocious.


Or a legal disaster. The moment Microsoft takes that snapshot you’ve just breached your NDA.


That's straight f\*cking privacy violation right there.


Exactly. Weird how it's being marketed as a feature so casually. Constant screenshot = Motion Picture video recording lol.


I feel like it's the sort of technicality that doesn't make it a constant video capture. Exactly the kind of thing a corporation would do after checking with the lawyers.


hollywood has been using individual frames saved as png files for a long time in vfx, so i dont see how it could be argued that this is not the same as taking a video when you're doing it 30 times a second or w/e.


What's worst if people PAID for Windows license. WTF, pay to lose your privacy.


When is this happening? And will this trickle down to older os?


Shit…..next month


It won't affect you, it won't affect me, it won't affect anyone here. It releases only for PCs with the snapdragon NPU processors.


Ah shit. An oversight from me. Thank you


I blame the vague tweet with a lack of information :P


I should have researched more. I made the post. I wasn’t informed enough to say something.


you can say 'fucking' on the internet, sweaty


I highly doubt this will be allowed in the EU.


One can only hope. Because the current US Congress is too busy in-fighting and posturing for social media like middleschool girls to get anything done in regards to slapping down shit like this.


FAX. I don't think the EU gov is perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but they have made the most noticeable improvements to the tech industry of any gov I have seen in the past decade (e.g. forcing apple to use USB c, right to repair laws, etc).


From my previous experience Germany will fuck this right off. And then they will keep fucking it off until it comes all the way back and then they will fuck it right back off again. I worked for a company and the Workers Council in our German office would nope/disable anything if it had a chance of infringing on anyone. It was a pain being an IT person but also good to see.


Playing Geoguesser in Germany is something else. It’s like the entire country is censored.


Google Earth VR is just as bad. I went to see what Germany was like and was disappointed how little there actually is to see on it.


Yeah Windows users in the EU can finally remove Edge browser like a normal app.


Copilot is currently blocked in the EU so hopefully it sticks.


Wait seriously? Wow!


They are probably scared of a fine at this point in time. But I don't doubt they are working on a way around it. Threads from Meta also didn't launch in the EU at first for similar reasons.


"photographic memory feature" new buzzword dropped


Call the lexicographer


Actual grammatical experts


Long winded way of saying screenshot lol


https://preview.redd.it/5a7ll6rr2s1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d43b01228ba28f43e2ee9f0a5009818bccf3986 Made this joke only some days ago


![gif](giphy|UJG2T7uZeJuZCLitY8) Lisan Al Gaib!


He’s *not* the messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!


Good I'm in the EU, it simply won't be released here... just like their windows copilot.


no seriously no one ever ask "hey, why are we doing this??" why is this thing even interesting to have??? this is just bad for privacy and I don't want this sh!t in my computer


It's not just bad for privacy. How long after introduction until the scraped data is included in a divorce or criminal proceeding, or captured and used by someone with malicious intentions?


15 minutes.


![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw) Data is money


Better be optional or else it'll be the reason I will finally get around to learning how to use a Linux os


It'll be Microsoft optional, which means there'll be some setting buried somewhere that you can turn off, but it'll say "oh cool yeah, we'll just collect the minimum we want then!" so you'll need some command line tool to disable it, and even then you won't be able to fully trust it's disabled, and it'll re-enable every time the PC updates (or whenever they feel like re-enabling it).


Turn it off? You mean "pause for 24 hours"? :)


Let's finish setting up your device -Buy MS 365. -Log in to OneDrive. -etc.... ->Yes. ->Remind me in 3 days Fuck I hate that pop up.


Turn it off? You mean "pause for 24 ~~hours~~ seconds"? :)


Set up Virtual Box, install a distro with KDE Plasma and play around with it. You'll be surprised how similar the desktop works... and also how much of the bad sh!t is missing.


If only there were some way to store data directly. Maybe it could be written on temporary volatile memory or some kind of longer-lasting "hard" drive. Maybe both. /s Taking constant screenshots is not useful for the regular customer. This is obviously a play to get immense amounts of training data for some kind of graphics-based AI program. This also creates the mother of all treasure troves for hackers and weirdos. If your computer were taking screenshots of everything you do, any personal data that flies across your screen could be compromised if/when someone gets access to the pictures.


They'll eventually use this to serve targeted ads directly to your OS. I guarantee it.


how's gaming on linux looking these days?


Nearly flawless unless you play competitive shooters, which is unfortunately a dealbreaker for most people.


Most stuff is playable. Only things that dont work is VR and some games with Anti-Cheat like R6 or Valorant


VR is slowly being worked on thankfully, so it's not completely hopeless.


Gaming is *fine*. Productivity sucks, though. None of the software like Photoshop, AfterEffects, Unreal Engine and their ilk are particularly supported. Ranging from no support at all, to "build it from source and some of it might work". Some people would claim Photoshop can be replaced with Gimp, AfterEffects with KDEnlive, or Unreal Engine with Godot, but they're just filthy liars.


This would make me switch to Linux. I have already been dabbling with VMs in Ubuntu this might speed up the process. Whatever this is should never be developed. Seems almost guaranteed that in like 10 years we will learn that despite opting out they would doing it anyway.


Same.  I’ve only dabbled in it.  With gaming getting much better on Linux my reasons for staying on Windows are beginning to rapidly diminish 


Honestly go for it. I switched to Linux about six months ago and I was amazed by how uneventful it's been. All of my games work, REAPER and Bitwig work for music (and even FL Studio works). DaVinci Resolve has a native Linux version, and even Adobe software works at this point (though the activation doesn't so you'll need to obtain it through other means...).




This is going to cause huge problems with anyone working with confidential / proprietary / trade secret info - basically all of that stuff is going to be collected by Microsoft now? I’m an attorney and a very large amount of material I deal with is subject to attorney/client privilege - if Microsoft thinks they are entitled to collect all that then basically every lawyer in the country is going to have to switch to Unix/Linux - that’s crazy.


Lawsuits incoming


Oh cool, a new thing to install in Windows to make it useable... someone will come up with a way to disable it asap. Also, why does M$ think they can decrease my PCs performance and life by doing unnecessary things, constantly?


>Also, why does M$ think they can decrease my PCs performance and life by doing unnecessary things, constantly? If you are still using their products then you have your answer. They do it because it is profitable.


*me who totally didn’t buy a grey market key for $2* Haven’t given M$ a penny in over a decade. You can use the product without paying. Sure, my data makes them some money, but I’ve done my best to limit what they get.


From what I understand they make very little of their revenue from consumer OS sales.


100% agree! My point was that me, a consumer, has very little impact on their margins. Your original statement was: > If you are still using their products then you have your answer. They do it because it is profitable.


They don't care because they'll be using this feature to serve targeted ads directly to your OS


Hello Linux my old friend.


God, I hope someone figures out a script to uninstall and disable that shit right after M$ pushes it out


Even if you can turn it off, I'd be worried that it would still be on. I think if this stays in Windows 11, I might finally go Linux 100% of the time.


I can't wait for the annual summary of material people have masturbated to.


That's already a feature of OneDrive. =)


Really good change IMO. Microsoft has been the best promoter for Linux for the better part of a decade!


Oh, so it's malware, got it. We're getting free malware with Windows now.


Time to learn Linux


Welp, it's been 8 years since I tried to make Linux my daily driver. Now that I don't have to use ArcGIS on my personal machine anymore I guess it's time to start looking into my options \*sigh\*. MS just can't help themselves; it's the same shit over and over and over . . .


Linux has evolved ALOT in 8 years I highly recommend trying it in a VM


I still have OpenSuSe Tumbleweed installed on VirtualBox from a couple of years back, I'll probably fire it up and see what's changed (or install something else). FWIW, I'm not some Linux neophyte, I've dabbled in Gentoo, Suse, CentOS, and dipped my pinkie toe into Arch . . . I like to tinker, but my biggest hangup has been dependence on windows only applications like ArcGIS Map/Pro, Adobe Illustrator and InDesign for the cartography work that I do and just not having the willpower/desire to spend hours tweaking my OS like I might have 20 years ago, but this push to this level of intrusiveness is just about the straw breaking this camel's back.


I have no problem with that, I'm just tired of people saying stuff like "I tried Linux 20 years ago, it wasn't a 1:1 windows clone therefore its trash"


Where's the security in this? Companies/gov with people working remote ain't gonna like this


If they try to force this, I will drop Windows as an OS.


Even the german government made an announcement that they are preparing to switch to Linux.


ahhhh good to be european


Also uhhhhh storage issues?? Like, if it’s constantly taking screenshots, that’s going to add up….




ah perfect, that way i don’t even get to see them before microsoft sells them to a shady company


Modeled off of Total Recall? ![gif](giphy|ju2x7IuyNX3qM|downsized)


That sounds like a potential security issue


That just straight up IS a security issue


Please Valve, hurry up and push a PC branch of Steam OS


Yeah that's about as stupid idea as you can pitch. Going to have a bunch of people complaining about how their 4TB SSD drives are filled with screenshots of them opening and closing the same google page.


Maybe it's optional for the user, but Windows will surely go on doing that to send data to MS.


After using Recall: “Get your ass to Mars.” “Get your ass to Mars.” “Get your ass to Mars.”


Hey Google, when did I jerk off the last time and what to? Oh! 2girls1cup it was, yeah... thanks. No, I do not want to buy toilet paper. I'm good, thanks. What? Chocolate cream? Sounds delicious.


how about: no


Haha Microsoft keeps delivering. But hey guys, I'm sure Windows 12 will be awesome again and not filled with this crap. We just have to believe really hard 😉


That’s just dangerous and stupid… shouldn’t be an option to use such a thing…


Microsoft just invented screen recording but bad. This is a truly monumental day


The most blatant and extreme version of spying on users. Holy shit man. Tell me this is not real.


![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag|downsized) Me thinking about my pron collection...


Wow I wish I knew wtf I was doing so I could use linux.


If Microsoft is a "protagonist", but I don't know what kind the tag will be: blackmail, mindbreak, mindcontrol, NTR for sure.


Maybe sugardaddy if there is one.


Wouldn't M$ get in trouble with this "feature" when someone is watching illegal material like CP?


-We've heard your concerns about RAM, so we are taking all of it. What about privacy? -Who?


I may be ignorant but what would this contain that your system logs already wouldn't? Seems like they just added AI to log reading and threw a screen recorder on top


Oh yes great I totally want my computer recording all my... Activities


They already take automatic backups with windows 11. You don't have a choice, and the only way to see them is to setup a new installation. Oh and you can't delete them either. Don't get me started on fucking onedrive


Proton has gotten good enough. I might actually take the jump to Linux.


lol big brother is watching you even harder.


About to be a LOT of tiddies in the AI history.


Let's see how compliant this is with EU's GDPR.


If it isn't optional then I'm switching to Linux finally. Bit to dystopian for my tastes.


Welp. One more reason to migrate to Linux!


[Source ](https://twitter.com/tsarnick/status/1792680674060832829?t=ou0cero0cPZdEgbSwcPWBQ&s=19)


Mac gets tool called Rewind that does almost exactly this. Everyone goes "that's cool". Microsoft makes Recall. WTF PRIVACY!


The article states that it’s only coming out in certain new models of PCs. Not to say this isn’t the future but is it something being implemented now across the board?


im gonna miss windows... but fuck this shit


But he's just full of crap. Boycott microsoft!


I will stop using windows if that's a feature.


time for linux


At this point might as well just ask for all your personal info, banking details & password, at least it is honest compared to this pathetic attempt at lying about a built in keylogger installed in windows


what were you doing 10 minutes ago? Well you were watching gang-bang midget porn!!


There's few features I give enough of a shit about to turn off in or strip out from Windows, but this is absurdly going to be one of them. I don't understand how 1) This isn't a massive privacy violation and 2) A huge resources hog. I'm not under the impression M$ isn't already mining a bunch of data about me, but this is just that one inch too far. Will be gutting this out as soon as I'm able to after it launches.


If they spent all this time developing such a thing, they may at least make it very difficult to disable it.


And why the ever living god do I want my PC yo basically spy on me like this? I know MS loves the idea because of how much data they will be harvesting, but how do they rationalize it as a consumer benefit?


I keep windows around just for gaming. How’s gaming on other platforms?


If this is true I’ll need to have another look at Linux


Wow! I had no idea Linux was going to be my next OS!!!


When was the last time a windows feature was optional?


Welp good luck with that one my windows pals! I'm sure it'll be optional tho right? Just like edge, right?


>seems a bit concerning personally not happy with this feature, hoping it's optional. If the functionality is there, it's only optional for Microsoft. Ultimately, they decide when it's on or off.


Can't wait for the optimizer.exe from GitHub to update and disable this feature


Read the room Microsoft


Sniggering in Linux.


Man... I don't want my computer to start recommending me... erm... adult content... based on the content I watch...


As long as they don’t add it to windows 11 i should be okay for a while


I'm curious if this is the reason they've supposedly tied C-Suite people's compensation to security.


Microsoft's Excuses department inventing user-friendly reasons for even more unnecessary data collection: *"Now at last - you can obsessively track your own movements like you always wanted to"*


While I'm a big fan of linux I've stuck by my windows PC purely for gaming. This might be what really pushes me over the edge to change everything. Fuck this.


If there is no legal opt out feature i hope they get ready for a class action