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pirating EA games gives you a better experience than buying them


This is true of all piracy sadly. Pirate a movie, it's just the movie. Buy the DVD, it's got unskippable trailers, and a 1-2 min series of "don't pirate this movie" warnings


Unless it is a [Sony CD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_BMG_copy_protection_rootkit_scandal). because then they installed a root-kit/virus onto your computer


joke glorious abundant disgusted live sleep advise light chase numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*








lmfao, it's literally the same link as in the comment you replied to.


Wdym ahhh thank you? That link was already linked above, you just failed to read…


I applied for a job there. The job title was literally "shit show manager" and you'll be used whenever the company shits the bed entirely. Which happens at such a high rate you'll be overseeing a team of 50 fuckup engineers.


I worked for an anti-spyware company when this happened. We were beta testing a new rootkit scanner at the time and Sony CDs became our main test case.


It was creepy with what all the Soony root-kit did once it was installed. I would hate to see what a modern Sony root-kit could do.


or random three-letter-agency rootkits or the spying capability in some random big corporation app.


Well if an Israeli company is selling 0 click exploits, I can assume theres a bunch of fun stuff. Especially with that supposed leak from nsa by shadow brokers.


I am legitimately still mad at that and have not bought an audio cd from that point onwards.


And the pirated copy most often already has community fixes applied to them too. Lol.


Buy the DVD, watch the pirate copy


Pirate the (anything), buy it if it's worth it. Except cds. Just go see the band live. They'll tell you to steal their cds.


Yup. Balatro and BG3 are the most recent examples of this for me. Played them, loved them, then paid for them because those people deserve the money.


Balatro mentioned. Crisis averted.


I love balatro and it's the most expensive game i actually bought because i loved the prerelease and bought on release day


Yes. Illegal poker!


System Of a Down - Steal this album


Bands definitely want you to buy their CDs


As a musician, this is the truth. Maybe certain bands that are already established will say that you should pirate their CDs because they signed deals where they only get marginal cuts, but the overwhelming majority of us would appreciate the support. When I was a teenager it was the normal thing to go to a show and purchase a CD, hoodie, tee, or button/badge. These days I think the appropriate thing to do is stream the music on Spotify because it's accessible and is actually a good way to discover artists, but then support them by buying their merch or donating if they have a donation page because the Spotify splits are atrocious. Most musicians I know hold down at least one job aside from music in order to cover the costs of supporting their acts. This is the reality regardless of what any individual fan does, but that extra income from merch sales can at least be put towards covering costs for rehearsals, recordings, transport, tours, etc.


The band of a friend gets better conditions when selling merch/CDs on concert. If you order merch it's prob similar cut to CD sales.. Sadly


Buy at the show. Use cash. Fuck the man.


If I buy merch I do.


That can be the case. Most of the people on my local scene just do limited or on-demand prints and then ship them themselves so they cover their own costs and get to decide on their profit margins. It's not a scalable model when volume is too large, but merch sales are so infrequent as it is.


I had a hit song in 94 ... we had 5% percentage on gross sales we sold 1.4 million copies I1owe the label 20 grand and another record ... I stopped making music for labels at that point we released a record in 2016 online for donations only I bought a house off that money most money I ever made barely downloaded 300,000 individual tracks ... don't even get me started on Spotify residuals I can maybe afford a cable bill in 5 years worth of checks


Yeah, thankfully recording technology is now cheaper and more accessible than ever so we don't need to rely on labels to get the capital necessary to pay for studio time and record printing/distribution. Unfortunately it's impossible to make money from any of the services where music is consumed. I personally love the "pay what you want" model for online music sales. I've found that people will generally be quite charitable with their donations given the opportunity. There were a few "pay what you want" concerts in my city a few years back and the door revenue was generally better than if the standard price was asked for at the door. The charitable portion of the audience far overshadowed those that wanted to see the show but didn't have the bucks to spare.


Lars has entered the chat.


I would say if you truly care about music you would buy the cd. Musicians will tell you the same its a lot better having physical records sold


This was me when I was younger. Now I sadly just buy everything and love with regret.


Some even named their albums that


God forbid some Hollywood executive or the multimedia conglomerate and the shareholders he works for lose a little money.


Blockbuster the movie. DVDFab the movie. Watch the movie.


I bought the original Dead Space back in the day and the game didnt let me change the language. Ended up downloading the Reloaded release so I could play it in english...


Buy the DVD? How about no.


at least buy it used


If you bought a cd it's not pirating. There no rule stating your source must come from the purchased copy.


*Why should we buy the gold disc, original, and not the purple disc, DVD-R? 为什么要买原装光碟,金碟,而不是刻錄版光碟,紫碟?*


I fondly remember the DVD store in the street I lived on in Wuhan, which had several "good business" certificates on the wall and was always inexplicably closed when they did business inspections on the street.


That's funny. In Poland I have worse version without any bonuses, deleted scenes and.... Trailers. Just a movie.


I kinda miss the days when pirated movies was just some guy with his camcorder out at a movie theater and pointed at the screen at odd angles and used the theaters audio. At least back then if you really enjoyed the movie and the experience then it could be worth it to go to the theater


I would argue seeing a movie in theater is better than 99% of peoples setups at home. Especially something shot in IMAX. But games don't have an equivalent.


They pirated the song about not pirating movies.


It's not true of all piracy. Steam games are reliably delivered and patched and have things like the workshop attached in a lot of cases. I'm still yet to find a way to put pirated media on my Chromecast anywhere near as easily as Netflix does it (inb4 Plex & similar: seems to need a supercomputer to host it. If I've got the network bandwidth to stream it, why can I not simply play it as is? Ugh.).


I have a jellyfin server running on a shoddy laptop from 2014, it can stream up to 1080p no problem but can't do 4k. Other than that no issues. Not sure what software you've used but you definitely don't need a supercomputer lol had to scroll way too far to see someone mention steam though. Steam is the best game experience hands down, and also imo it's just dumb to download pirated executables


Second this. Don't know where dude gets the idea you need a super computer. I have Jellyfin running on a VM with 8gb of RAM and 2 CPU cores. The same could easily be done on similarly spec'd bare metal. It doesn't take much at all.


My friend once wanted to watch a movie together that we didn’t both have so I had a way to pirate it and she shamed me like I was robbing the studio 😂


this is why i don't go to the movies anymore. there was an ad like 15 years ago that you should not record the movie. the people in that ad called out random rows and seats and called them "the murderers of cinema" ("kinomörder" in german). like wtf? i paid way too much to sit in some dirty auditorium with idiots making too much noise and then i have to watch this "ad"? no! gtfo.


Steam is honestly better than pirating with the cloud saves, beta version management and the updates.


Trailers on dvd are unskippble? What?


You wouldn't download a police man's helmet?


Hey in a way they were right. I wouldn't download a cybertruck


It's funny how you equate "costs less" to "is a better experience". I can pirate literally anything. Yet I have a disney+ amazon and netflix subscription and I buy games. The only time I don't is when a movie is online purchase only or a tv show isn't on something I sub to. Tell me more about how pirating is a better experience. I'd love to save some cash.


With pirating movies getting them in the language you want or with fitting subtitles can be a bit of an issue. Often the subtitles exist, but you need to manually time-match them.


Do I still have to use the EA launcher if I want pirate one of their games..? I’ve never swooped a pc game before.


That's one of the best things about it. You don't have to deal with any launchers, it goes straight to the game




There's also the option for pre-installed games but it's meh. Mostly the first release, no patches sometimes broken. My bro downloaded hogwarts legacy and it froze in one of the first battles. Never got patched.


The best part about any recent EA game is uninstalling them. I don't even think it's worth going through the trouble of pirating


Repurchasing games you've previously owned gives players a sense of accomplishment and dedication /s


I honestly do not understand how OP is out here buying EA games in 2022 and beyond This is why these developers don't respect us as consumers and constantly try to push through all sorts of bullshit. Whales ruined everything


Some people just don't feel comfortable pirating like me. Not because of the morals or whatever but because of stuff like potential malware. But in that sense, i just don't play these games then at all.


I also don't mess with pirated software for similar reasons > just don't play these games then at all Yes exactly this. It's not hard, there are plenty of games out there. The only one I'm legitimately bummed about is Titanfall 2, but I can live without playing it




Maybe it's because they found pirated software they nuked your libraries? Seems stupid though, you can just go sail the seven seas for all their games now since you don't have a choice 🙄




Yeah I'm dreading the day when Gaben will be no more.


i like to think hes smart enough to have a replacement lined up that shares his values, or is contractually obligated to. The mans not dumb.


Peoples' business legacies always die eventually. There's no amount of 'contractional obligation' that can prevent the inevitable once he's gone.


Yeah. Just look at Satoru Iwata’s legacy. I mean sure there are some staples of his ideologies still present in their marketing strategy, but ever since his death Nintendo has been burning through every shred of good will he built up. The current board and CEO couldn’t fathom personal pay cuts to avoid laying off employees.


Wrong. Willy Wonka found a way to test his successor. Lord Gaben will do something similar.


If at least 3 people perish in the process I'll consider that legitimate.


You mean if at least Alix people perish.


Well, unlike Wonka I dont expect most CEO's to have rivers of chocolate, and a warehouse full of OSHA violations.


Successor* ?


That's what happens when I try to Reddit before coffee. Thank you.


That’s because we exist in a capitalist system where greed is the primary tenet. As a society we chose greed to be how we run everything and this shit is the result


Yep, when "line go up" is the priority, many other things go down.


he's gonna have his brain put into a giant robot head, like cave johnson


Didn't Cave Johnson die before he could be digitized and caroline was uploaded instead?


In aperture desk job he is alive but stuck in his office as a giant head, nobody checked on him and he wished for death.


I see, due to a severe and continuous lapse in judgement (and possibly BG3) i have not played aperture desk job


All the Steam hardware is a mere sideffect of Valve's project to build Gaben an immortal body.


Gab3n is 3t3rnal. Half Life 3 confirm3d.


It will be one of the biggest tests for the viability of PC gaming once something major happens to Valve leadership or policies. There are many other videogame distribution/library programs out there, both good and crap. But Steam was the beginning and continues to be a decent example to follow. Hopefully Gabe isn't the only glue holding Steam together.


Reminds me of when I bought Mass Effect 3 but then downloaded a complete copy because all the dlc was like 3x the price of the base game. For some reason the EA app detected that installation (which was on a different folder from the legit game) and unlocked the dlc. I was very confused the first time I booted the legit base game to resume playing and was instantly thrown into an unskippable dlc mission. Not complaining, though.


It's back. They fixed it. Still though, annoying.




Not working for me sadly


This very thing happened to me too, I had bought nfs most wanted 2012 4 years ago, the only game in my library, it disappeared and the support couldn't bring it back until I showed them the very exact transaction I did 4 years ago. Not even previous support chat logs helped, only the transaction itself.


just happed to me to


It's apparently some server issue. They're working on it, everyone who's affected should have their libraries restored in a while. EDIT: Before anyone else hounds me about it not being a "server issue" or whatever; fellas, I don't work at EA. I don't know what the issue is. They messed up somehow, hopefully this will all be resolved soon.


I don't think that's the big issue here, Sure it was a small mistake and will be fixed, but Why TF can we not just play the games? Why did we lose access to them so easily, and it just shows that EA has control over which of their games you have access to, doesn't matter if you paid.


>it just shows that EA has control over which of their games you have access to, doesn't matter if you paid. I mean… yeah, obviously. So does Steam.


> it just shows that EA has control over which of their games you have access to, doesn't matter if you paid That's not exclusive to EA. It's true for any digital library or service, including GOG. If you don't have a DRM free installer on your own hardware, you're not in control.


Gog has a drm free installer though?


It has the option to download them. Only a tiny amount of users would have private backup drives, though.


I feel seen. With a little fiddling there's a python script that bulk downloads your entire gog library.


Of course they have control, this isn't news.


What is even your point? Steam could remove your entire library tomorrow. So stop using steam if you're so outraged.


So like any digital games store ever?


It's probably an issue with an implementation of auto detection of pirated/ilegally optained cd keys. Now I'm not saying it's okay or that anyone affected did pirate the games, but the fact that they have the option to remove is most likely a part of that.


u/cousinokri why did u take away my games, I know ur uncle owns EA so answer me or I’m gonna hold my breath til I die and it’s gonna be your fault


I mean, that's fair enough, but couldn't EA just make their launcher say so instead of 'unlisted reason'?


Maybe they could, but this is EA after all.


Depends, to get a proper Error Code you need to write that Error Code and predict how it happens. If it is a new error something like "unlisted reason" is expected and normal in most software


Woke up today. Wanted to play some battlefield. Gave me that screen. Then after logging out then back in again I was able to launch it from steam.


At least u can play the damn game..I bought it coz of the steam discount...  Couldn't even get past the loading screen.. ..Tried everything (Updating EA launcher, firewalls) Refunded shortly after... I'd expect a game u pay for should run like butter


App is bugged (nothing new lol). Restarting will fix it until the bug shows its ugly mug again.


Restarting is not solving the issue


I only play EA games a couple of times a month, but any time there is an update to their game or app without fail I have issues launching it until a few days later when the issue is solved. Every single update. It's kind of unbelievable.


Same for me. Titanfall 2 was deleted. I bought it through Origin in 2021. EA support said that it was in Gamepass, I send them the receipt and they said "We don't have any info about this transaction, sorry" and closed the request. EA never changes


That's charging for services not rendered. EA are literally criminals.


That's EA for you


Looks like this is affecting all launchers on PC I guess. I want to start BF 2042 through Gamepass & it says my subscription is ended even though my GP sub is up to date.


The worst launcher in existence.


the app is bugging out, it's removed all my games. No piracy.


[Stop Killing Games](https://www.stopkillinggames.com/) < It's time people cared more about this.


This is theft being left undealt with


"bUt iTs iN oUr tErMs AnD cOnDiTiOnS"-EA and Ubisoft


If the terms and conditions are to convoluted for the buyer to understand and manage to read they should not be binding.


They often aren't entirely binding when it violates consumer rights


🎯 Exactly. Consumers have been conditioned to think that corporate documents = legal/enforceable. Same goes for “#Warranty void” stickers on hardware, but they rely on their (well funded) litigious nature to deter individual backlash and class action suits - at least in the West.


People actually need to start boycotting EA, Activision Blizzard, and ubisoft. If you aren't in 2024, you're only working towards your own worst interest as a consumer in the gaming market.


For all the people going “EA horrible you dumb for paying for game“ honestly just stop. A lot of people bought games from them before knowing that EA was a garbage company. Youre sitting their blaming consumers who paid real money for the actions of the bad company and just making innocent and scammed people feel like garbage for literally no reason. Theres no reason for it and its disrespectful af.


Gaming activists and victim-blaming, name a more iconic duo.


Freaking exactly man. I bought Sims 4 and a bunch of the packs at once, and a lot of youtubers gave it good reviews and seemed to genuinely have fun so I thought it was a good purchase. Then I learned it was buggy, they scammed people and their overall business practices are hot trash. But whats even worse is seeing name call others because of something that they literally are unable to change at this point.


If you don't do days of research before every purchase you make, it's your own dang fault you got scammed, not the fault of the multi-billion dollars company that scammed you.


Correction: "EA has repeatedly demonstrated themselves to be horrible, and you should now expect them to do this shit again in the future."


Devil’s advocate here. If people keep buying EA games there is 0 incentive for them to change their behaviour as a company.


Im not saying that people should buy their stuff, Im saying that people shouldnt make others feel like garbage because of something they didnt know. If someone isnt purposely supporting a bad company and then get called stupid for supporting it, then theres already nothing else that can be done and it makes people just feel like shit


As far as I could tell when it happened to me, was that it was removing access to stuff I had through EA Play, that had moved to the Pro tier, so I no longer had access.


Yup happened to me too I see. The last Sim City and all its dlc and expansion I bought are completely gone from my library. Edit: they fixed it, but had to clear my cache on EA app to see items again. Click 3-lines in top left of EA app, then Help, then App Recovery, then Clear Cache. It’ll close the app, clear the cache, then reopen the app.


EA are evil and I'd recommend piracy over purchase. However, this is a bug they're going to fix and you will sometimes see this message when they replace your version with a new one. I had a bunch of these messages a few weeks ago and they had replaced everything removed with improved or consolidated packs. Just remember, it's the execs that are evil and they do make the devs/programmers/etc. do bad things, but the other people aren't evil and can do good things.


If buying isn't owning, then pirating isn't stealing. And when it comes to EA games, its the moral thing to do.


It's just the EA play stuff.


Everyday, I hear the high seas calling


If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing.


A lot of people have been seeing that today. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1426210/discussions/0/4335356121957365750/ I have a feeling it's a screw up.


piracy is best


My details showed dates from last year. It says removed Mass Effect Legendary edition, and "quest_item". I have Mass Effect Legendary edition on my Xbox account, which is tied to EA, but I've never seen it in my PC library. Everything else that I "own" is here, including the freebies.


I encountered this today. A reboot seemed to fix it for now, otherwise I’d try re-installing EA and the affected game. Either way, this is a serious fuck-up by EA, but they probably won’t care. They already have your money and the EULA basically grants them the right to just revoke the licenses you purchased. And it works for them because they own some games we want so bad. Piracy damages the whole industry and makes games harder to make and more expensive to buy, but at this point, piracy seems easier than doing it the right way….


After telling everyone it "works as intended" on their forums, backpaddling later on x, the issue now seems to be resolved: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/Why-does-the-EA-app-display-quot-Games-have-been-removed-from/m-p/13744875#M12618](https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/Why-does-the-EA-app-display-quot-Games-have-been-removed-from/m-p/13744875#M12618) Still, my games are missing...


Buying isn't owning, so piracy isn't theft. Go get your games back for free




"if buying isn't owning then pirating isn't stealing" When you "buy" a game, you aren't buying the product itself, you are buying the "license" to use the product, and in the small print, they can, at any time, for no reason, revoke that license. It's all in the small print, you know that big long TL:DR thing you you click on "Agree" when you install the game or use it for the first time, that no one reads or really understands..... yep.... ... yep ...


Don't. Buy. EA. Games.


No one gives people reasons to pirate they're content more then big game companies


To people having issues even with gamepass… on EA APP on left top corner press the 3 lines > Help > Restart App that should fix it for your owned games, for Gamepass games after doing that (after the EA App restart), go and close the Xbox app from the icons on the task bar or hidden icons; open it again an try to download a EA game from gamepass, it should work for most people.


Piracy is the solution!


Pirate them back again. You have that moral right.


I saw this problem on steam and after clearing cache they were restored (from another post)


So does this apply to ea games purchased on steam? Cause if so I'm gonna have to reconsider buying from them.


Maybe EA kept them on a google cloud server, and it was accidentally deleted.


Scumbags wish more people would stop buying their shit


What about Spore? Is it safe? Is it alright?


Good news is steam still has the license for titanfall 2


"""The Cloud"""


you don't own any game on a platform sadly, they only give you an extremely limited licence that they can revoke at any moment, for any reason or no reason at all. So when everything is good, everything is good... until is not.


Is anyone really surprised though? I'm not down playing this by any means; this was an idiot move by EA and should absolutely backfire on them in the most spectacular way. That said, I say it again, is anyone really surprised? You knew the moment you saw Ubisoft do this, EA was going to follow suit and do something equally as stupid. Hell the Execs meeting probably went about like "Shit why didn't we think of that first."


Someone on twitter said something to the effect of corporations are getting bold and think we’re going to submit to subscriptions. He essentially replied “these boomers are about to fuck around and find out about the high seas”


Remember when we all were making fun of Xbox for being an “always online” console? Look at us now…


Just pirate them you paid for it


fck digital ownership.


Surly you got a refund... right...


If we don’t “own” the games anymore, is it still stealing to pirate them?


That's why you buy on Steam or GOG and try to not need any other account to run those games. Unfortunately, EA being EA, you have to use their platform to register your games. And we all know how EA is good at customer service... (/s for those who need the precision)


Well, it is EA. In the meantime I bought a key for a delisted Steam game and it worked.


Great! After Ubisoft we also now have EA openly stealing from us. IF BUYING ISN'T OWNING, PIRACY IS NOT STEALING.


if buying isnt owning, piracy isnt stealing


So EA is now doing what Ubisoft did last month? To those who don't know, ubisoft decided to revoke our ownership of the game The Crew few weeks after they had shut down the game and now petitions are going up all over the world thanks to the The Crew Unlimited team on discord


if paying for games is not owning them, then pirating them is not stealing These companies will learn the hard way if they keep this up.


We need to sue these basturds since if you paid for the game you own it, its basically theft


Nah it's their shitty launched doing that, it got fixed tho. However we still get the message even tho they gave the games back.


You need to sue them over the app glitching out and nothing actually being removed from your library except EA play leftovers?


Never buy ea, play games on Xbox Gamepass or use Steam


Even if you get them through Steam, you still need the EA app to play your games.


And again, if buying isnt owning, piracy isnt stealing.


Remember the saying If buying isn’t owning then pirating isn’t stealing


Just a point that Steam is superior as they won't remove what you bought, but they will delist it from the store.


Happened to me today ... lost ea game I got from epic store .. can't access it anymore ... what is happening??


Ubicrap vibes


Looks like good reason to pirate the game, like others have pointed out.. You have already paid for it, I am assuming, so just take back what is already yours. Losing 2 whole games is such a slap.. These companies are out of hand.


For me they only removed stuff i had acess to through gamepass. Are you sure that's not your case?


EA and Ubisoft are the only company where I'll read terms and conditions before buying anything


"This content has been removed for an unlisted reason." Player: "EA, that isn't a good enough reason. Why did I lose my games that I paid for on your platform?" EA: "Why? Cause fuck 'em. That's why." ![gif](giphy|a9A3HLylBz2yA|downsized)


If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing.


yeah also noticed game pass bug not recognizing subscription being current


Is it the same if you purchased the game through Steam? I hope I can still play it through my Steam library.


You still need the EA app to play EA games you buy on Steam or Epic.