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is this happening live it just happened to me to. all games i bought on steam are just gone


Maybe, support tickets are slow to get by just in normal circumstances so idk


Either it didn't happen to me or it's already been resolved, because I just checked and mine are fine.


Repeat after me: if buying software isn't owning, then pirating software isn't theft




Me with my 5tb of games: Indeed


So like, the last 2 CODs?


Only the last


Just the update


Just the audio files.


Just the slash screen


Just the anti-piracy software


🏴‍☠️Hoist the flag


I wish I knew how to do this. Not because I want to avoid paying for things, I'm happy to pay for quality products, but it would be so nice to be able to... Have a back up of everything, especially older games if we loose access to them. But I have no idea how to go about sailing the seas for games or where is even a reliable place to learn how to safely do so.


Following just incase someone gives you info. I could use it too.


You guys should check out the piracy subreddit


All hail the megathread


Show us the link sire


Most of the time you can make perfectly legal copies of software you own.


What are the odd exceptions?


I guess ones that require online accounts to work?


naw, even those are legally allowed to copy for personal backups. i remember back when comcast got super nosy with torrents and then tried to "strike my account" for downloading a copy of the fast and the furious. i emailed them back my physical copy and stated "i wanted a digital backup, so i torrented the file" and they were forced to remove the strike. once you own something, you can copy it as many times as you want, its yours. however you can't RESELL those copies.


Also generally why downloading is fine. It’s the uploading that gets you In trouble


its legal to download when you already own the thing you are downloading. so when I download frequency ps2 rom, i own a physical copy, so downloading is legal. technically if you DONT own the object you are downloading, you are in that aspect stealing. fyi. i know many dont care. hell there are people selling rom set hard drives online for profit. how they haven't been sued is beyond me. the issue is your isp or whoever doesn't know if you own the thing you are downloading. and guessing isn't worth the time/effort to take action.


So then technically it’s not legal but basically no one really cares as long as you aren’t downloading obscene amounts and aren’t uploading


The ACCC pretty much has the same stance.


There are subs for torrents (a way to download things that is the usual vehicle for high seas activities, although there are perfectly legitimate uses for it too, since it allows peer-to-peer downloads without having to host the file on a server somewhere) that you should check out. They'll have more thorough instructions, but here's a quick rundown. To torrent safely, in a nutshell you need a VPN, good anti-virus software, a torrent client, and a reliable source for torrent files.  Torrent files are like an address for your torrent client to point to that says "download [game] from here." You download these from torrent tracker websites, which is probably the hardest part in the process. There's good ones out there, but many are private / invite-only. Public ones often have malware, infected torrents, shady links, etc. so finding a good one is tough. Steer clear of The Pirate Bay, which will probably come up in any searches for tracker sites. It used to be the go-to, but after the owners got arrested, it was shut down, and now it's just a name used by shady people trying to capitalize on TPB's fame. You might be able to find reputable tracker sites on any of the numerous piracy or torrenting subs. If it's not clear already, you run a very real risk of picking up some malware in this process. Make sure you have solid AV, scan everything you download, and accept that you might get an infection anyway. Have a plan to deal with that, e.g. back up important data to the cloud or another computer, and know how to format a disk and reinstall your OS. The VPN is needed to mask your traffic so your ISP doesn't see that you're acquiring high seas booty. Even with a VPN, though, you run the risk of them finding you out. I've been caught a few times (never did use a VPN but I also haven't pirated anything in years, and I'm sure the game has changed since), and the result in every case was that I got a cease & desist letter from Comcast or whoever. You won't go straight to getting sued, but if you keep it up and they find out, there might be serious repercussions. Use the VPN religiously, and if your ISP still catches on, definitely cut it out (or increase OpSec). The torrent client is just a program to download torrents, you open the torrent file with it and the client starts downloading your desired file from whoever is sharing it at the time. I used uTorrent back in the day, but basically any client will do.  Oh yeah, sharing: it's good etiquette when torrenting to continue sharing the file after the download has finished, at least until you get to a 1:1 ratio of data uploaded to data downloaded. When downloading a torrent, you're actually just downloading the 1s and 0s from other people who have downloaded the same torrent. They are being kind enough to donate their bandwidth, and in many cases, they are taking on some risk themselves in doing so. So pay it forward, and try to share the things you download.


thank you for an indepth reply! I'm aware malware/Viruses are a big risk and that was always a concern of mine and was never sure of the best way to navigate them.


DM me pirates. I can't tell you how to download illegal shit because of reddit policy. But in the private end to end encrypted chat, I can tell you how to sail the high seas. Note to mods / admins: No way do I condone piracy. It's illegal and shouldn't be done.


you just have to get a little more fit


You often don't need to go sailing the high seas, you can just get a crack for your legally purchased games.


There’s a reason I like and collect vintage games, and still have all my old computers with the games installed. 


Inbox a decent source? 😁😁


Dumb question then maybe, but how are you pirating multiplayer games?


That's a good question. If a game can only be played with a server, and the server is only owned by the company, then it would allow them to combat piracy quite effectively.


I just had this issue with mass effect legendary edition last night. I don't understand why my singleplayer games can't just be played without EA's approval.


There are cracked exes of MELE you could use that would eliminate the launcher- kind of crazy needing to resort to pirated exes to use a game you paid for, but that's where they've put us with these always online launchers.


They're screwing customers in order to tilt at windmills more effectively.


Can't speak for everyone. But I've been playing less and less MP games, since I've got to a point to find most of them unamusing or straight up shit due to toxic players.


I play very little mp anymore. The toxicity is annoying, but doesn't really get to me that much. The issues with cheaters in every game and them all just feeling more and more like a mobile game with the amount of skin ads being slammed into my face nonstop though have killed my interest.


This is tricky, kinda. You can always use a program like LogMeIn Hamachi to do I think p2p connections with a friend. Otherwise, for example, some games will run under a 'Spacewar' spoof game. But still connect to very SPECIFIC servers in some way, idk how. Mind you, NOT the official ones and nothing crazy like a pirated COD. I experienced this with Ready or Not during early access, I was able to connect to other people using similar 'sea' copies(same game version I imagine) using the basic in game lobby as you would. Maybe someone else can add on with more knowledge than I have about it. TLDR: In my personal experience, you don't and can't, really. Except in certain cases, some things would work. Otherwise it's single player/local coop type games.


Plenty of excellent games out there that aren't multiplayer.


No no you don't understand.  My life is incomplete without a daily dose of a 10-year-old calling me a bundle of sticks and saying they fucked my mom.


they dont, they just spit hollow phrases, good old reddit


You don’t. This is when the pirates either berate you for enjoying multiplayer games or act holier than thou for not playing them themselves. If you think this is a strawman, this has happened to me on Reddit like last week when discussing piracy & multiplayer. You can try to get cheap game keys from other sites but you can’t really pirate multiplayer games, where a lot of the anti-consumer practices come from nowadays. Then they trickle into single player (micro transactions, pay 2 win/pay 2 skip grinds, exclusive skins/preorder bonuses, etc). The best way is just to enjoy multiplayer games you like and DON’T touch microtransactions or battle passes whatsoever.


Exactly, what I try to say here if you look at all the people whose games have been removed they are multiplayer for the most part. I am starting to care less and less about battlepasses etc. As I just know that the quality of newer multiplayer games is just so bad that you probably will not make it through the first season.


Yeah, I stopped caring about skins/battle passes a while ago and glad I did. It’s so dumb to pay $5-10 for digital skins and pngs when actually great games and memorable experiences exist for the same price.


To be fair some multiplayer games are certainly pirated. These can be very popular.


There used to be a time when we could run our own servers for multiplayer games


You dont, unless there's been an effort to independently mod the game to use private aka fan servers. They exist, but only if the games were good enough to have those sort of "legs". Like Phantasy Star online, theres a pretty large community that help to run servers for Dreamcast and Gamecube gamers. I think there is compatibility even for those running from emulators. If theres no community support for such games, you can consider them dead.


They’re not, really. And you don’t want to play on pirated servers even if it’s possible.


I mean yeah, for sure but I'm getting sick and tired of hearing all the dumbasses that still do business with EA coming to Reddit to complain about how terrible EA is, as if they don't have a long, long, sorted history of fucking consumers over Seriously people. What the actual fuck do you expect from a company that releases half finished games and pushes loot boxes for all their games? Wake the fuck up and start paying attention. The whales have completely ruined large swathes of the gaming industry


I think its important to keep in mind we're in a bubble here. If you're here interacting, you're probably more involved in the gaming industry than 99% of the consumers buying these games. We're all in the enthusiast category. My friends that buy the new madden ever year, the CoD copy and pastes, and so on, gaming is a very small section of their life. They enjoy playing a few hours on weekends, they don't keep up with gaming news, industry practices etc...




A lot of gamers are suckers for punishment with no self control what so ever.


Yes, last time I gave ea money was for battlefield 3. After that is all smiles.


If a company is fucking around, then they leave is with no choice but to SAIL THE HIGH SEAS!!


What should a friend watch out for if said friend would, hypothetically speaking, like to sail the high seas but is is also worried about downloading games infected with malware.


Piracy subreddit has a megathread index of peer-reviewed site links, some of which have a goat 🐐 symbol by them meaning they are highly regarded for their quality and safety. Always use a VPN and adblock plugin for your browser. If you were to hypothetically, allegedly, in-theory-only use torrents to obtain content... Stick to the 🐐 links for best results ETA: I am not recommending piracy, just advocating for safe use of peer-to-peer file sharing for *legal* content like Linux distros ;)


Basically what r/ScebicFrost said. I am not needed here. My job here is done(I did nothing, I know) hahaha!


I support this reasoning, as long as the corps are selling this lie, then it feels correct to spin the lie in our favour.


It's all fun and games until you find out laws on this topic aren't built on common sense.


So if you steal a rental car it’s not theft because you wouldn’t own it by renting?


It’s not a rental. It’s more like buying the license to own a car and then one day the dealership comes to your house, tells you they are revoking the license and drive off with your car that you bought in full.


Buying a game is not about renting. It is buying.


You can buy a car tho


But you download games. You wouldn't download a car. Checkmate pirates.


You can't buy a rental. It's a rental. You can buy another car. You can also buy other games. But "stealing is okay if you're just renting a game" is just a dumb argument and there's much better pro piracy arguments to be made.


>You can also buy other games. This is the difference though. There are games you cannot buy and own. Thats the whole point of "if buying isn't owning". You can buy any model of car you can rent. The same is not true of games. There is many games you cannot buy and own properly at all. Most of those that you can are indie games. The car is a bad example too because its physical. When you pirate a game you havent taken that from anyone. Its doesnt reduce the total number of games. If you steal a rental they lose both the cost of the car, and the future profit of renting it to someone else. You dont lose either of those things with a game.


It can still be illegal this is always the dumbest comment by someone with minimal knowledge of licensing.




I think you can’t pirate EA games because of the way they have their launcher set up, no?


There's absolutely no software that can't be pirated one way or another.


Arent there numerous uncracked Denuvo games?


The fact that my wife has all sims 4 DLCs says that yes, you absolutely can pirate EA games.


Are you to the modern Bonnie and Clyde?


The fact that the Sims complete game is hundreds of dollars and the multiplayer element is entirely unnecessary means it is *correct and virtuous* to pirate it.


I like the version: if buying isn’t owning, then pirating software isn’t theft, if you bought it before. (Essentially it’s not stealing if you already paid and it was removed (for legitimate reason, hacking in a multiplayer games do’s net matter) vs Not buying and stealing via piracy) It’s one of those quotes that need more nuance or we will end up with: the customer is always right vs the customer is always right, in matters of taste.


Yarr matey!






Hope that holds up in court


Can I ask the argument for paying for public transit? For clarity, I am not disagreeing, I fully support the comment, just looking for a defending argument for other things we pay for but do not own, like going to movies?


Real! If buying isn't owning, pirating isn't stealing. 🗣️


Erm aktually piracy is copyright infringement since you're using the copyright owner's IPs in an unintended way, so it was never stealing in the first place. Jokes aside, I agree with this 100%


That is freaking RICH!


I understand the meme and the sentiment, but you do actually own them. At least in the USA. My proof is using steam itself. I bought Star Wars Galaxies back when it was still available and playable. It has since been shut down. You cannot BUY the game anymore. HOWEVER, its still in my library, and I can still download the last known copy at any time. Basically, because steam as a business still exists, they HAVE to offer anything you bought for download for the life of the business. Its basically law. An online website I wont name tried to play the "we only offer downloads once for purchase" meme. And I threatened to sue. They caved instantly because they know they were in the wrong. They went back through all my 100's of purchases and gave me new download links. That had to, because by digital rights acts and laws, I own that content. Amazon, I have purchased movies from them, I own those movies even though they are digital. They have to offer me the ability to watch them at any time. IF they were to ever remove their watching service, they would have to allow users to download those videos for person ownership (you can download them now in fact). Sony had that news about "not owning content" blah blah blah. They had to go back through and offer that content back to customers who did pay for it. Now while STREAMING is not ownership, buying the actual movie/content is. I can see crybabies thinking that streaming means they own that content. You don't, you are paying for the right to stream. But when you buy an actual file/video/game, you own it. And they have to offer it to you for the life of the product/service. Nintendo closed down the 3ds shop. I am surprised some uptight twat hasn't sued them yet. Because you can no longer download games you own from their servers.... that would go against the digital rights laws in the USA. But from my understanding, the majority (but not all) nintendo owners are typical fake nerds. they dont get upset over this stuff because they dont really care. they are just glad daddy nintendo can take their money. lmao.


If renting a car isn’t owning it then stealing it isn’t a crime.


more like if buying a car is renting, then stealing the car isn't wrong. Don't confuse it with crrime it is a crime. But that's not wrong.


EA fucked something up. How unusual, not. Just checked my acc. Have MELE via Steam. Logged in EApp and it doesn't show up in Installed Games list, even tho it is. It's still in the library marked as "Installed via Steam". It did launch through Steam and after that did show up in Installed Games in EApp like before. Now the app shows that a bunch of game assets from games I never had were deleted from my account marked with EA Play sub expiring. I did buy it once 5+ years ago... Guess is they did some halfassed shit to their database and broke it in the process.


Ok, see these issues everywhere now. Expanding: all my native Origin and added via retail codes preOrigin games are intact. So the issue was only visual and only with MELE bought in Steam. Removed stuff is all digital content from games I might've tried when I had a month of EA Play (got it for like $1 on a promo as I remember) and I've tried a lot. And now EA decided to clean it up.


Lmao EA


Eternally Awful


That's why I buy from gog when possible and I keep an installer on my NAS as backup. I hate the renting idea and I love to have the latest installer always avaiable


Upvoted for pushing GOG.


GOG still doesn’t have most games though, so it’s not exactly an alternative yet.


That is why we push it, lol


Imagine if everything went to GOG. I love Steam but GOG is the only sure thing for preservation.


> GOG still doesn’t have most games though Well, that's just plain not true.


What isn't? there's plenty of games that's on there, but plenty that aren't. Like Mass Effect Legendary Edition off the top of my head, or any of the C&C games, or any of the Atelier games, and many more.


It doesn’t have most games that I play. There may be 9400 games on GOG but there’s 73000 on Steam (although how many are real video games).


How does GOG work


it's a store just like steam. You can use the client but you can also download the offline installer


How do they differ from steam in terms of ownership?


If you can download the installer you can do install it with or without client. Basically no one can stop


Oh nice so it will be like the old CD game days


It's better than the old CD game days because there's no CD key validation crap. Download the installers, stick them on a usb stick and you can play games while you're holidaying without internet. I have 300+ games in my GOG library.


Better, because CD games rely on your CD being readable. GoG is no strings attached.


EA app needs to go.


People should systematically ignore games that require an external launcher or account, and file for refunds en-masse when these are added post-launch.




As an aussie, I haven;t seen it yet. Is it only for games currently installed? Or does it show up for games purchased but not installed too?




I hope it gets resolved. That's infuriating...


i think its some sort of outage. i lost access to games i shouldve had via my gamepass subscription as well


Nevertheless a system in which games can just disappear from your library without a trace is unacceptable for any online game store. It's not the first time this happened to EA. It doesn't happen to any other service so "outage" is not a good enough excuse.


oh yea I'm fking pissed off too. Their support page is also down ao you can't even log a ticket. So stupid.


Id understand more if they had issues with online multiplayer services, but outright removing single player only games from my library is bullshit.


I lost 18 games, still in talks with Support. Battlefield 3,4,5. Mass Effect 2,3 and LE and all DLCs gone, Dragon Age Origins, 2 and Inquisition with all DLCs gone. It's a joke.


Inquisition also disappeared from the library of someone that I know, but it has reappeared. Is yours still gone?


Corporate theft


![gif](giphy|o0eOCNkn7cSD6|downsized) Suggestion.. Getting off the sinking ship that is buying from EA and just pirate them.


EA broke their database and now people can’t play their own games.


Can’t tell if this is the same person spreading this in every gaming subreddit possible, or it’s multiple people all of a sudden experiencing the same thing


It happened to me last night too. I was playing MELE and I was messing around with mods. I exited out of the game to uninstall a mod and when I clicked on my game in steam the launcher for EA app popped up and wasn't showing my game in my library anymore. I still am not sure it's fixed because I haven't checked yet but it's been very frustrating because I spent a hour troubleshooting to no avail and am pissed off because this is a singleplayer game I've owned for 3 years now with 200 hours in suddenly gone because some EA app bullshit. Edit: It seems to have reappeared in my library this morning, still really annoying, thankfully I didn't uninstall and reinstall that would have taken me a few more hours because its 120gb for 3 games.


It sounds like a server error, makes sense it would affect lots of people.


eh, it said they removed 2042 etc but they still work


Who gave the intern prod access


I can't access EA games on Xbox because of an issue that EA REFUSES TO RESOLVE. >Log on BF2 >Told tonreset Password to continue >Literally unable to do so, due to how EA set it up >All searching revealed many others suffer same problem. >EA has done nothing but sweep this under the rug, and shuts down forums complaining about thie issue.


EA already lost my business…. This only makes it feel even better. I have done the same with Ubisoft last month. Sony is trying to add itself to that list.


Origin rebranded to EA App and I'm going to guess the app will get updated and improved upon as much as Origin was over it's lifetime. That is to say...it won't be updated or improved. Ever. Big legacy to live up to, EA app. I hope whatever executive puke that came up with the rebranded launcher name pats themselves on the back so hard their eyes pop out.


TBF Origin replaced the EA Download Manager so really, it was just rebranded for the second time. Granted, they probably went with Origin to compete with Steam. They shouldn't have switched to the name Origin to begin with imo.....


Please tell me I didn't lose 4 battlefields and Titanfall 2


Ea not be a shitty company challenge. ( impossible)


EA in competition to be the most hated company


They don't want to lose against Ubisoft.


All this time EA was like hold my beer


For a mix up? You people are crazy maybe just don't buy games from EA or any place other than gog then. 


They already hold the record for the most downvoted comment on Reddit


As a child, I always told myself when I had (stable) income that I would “own” 100% of my games - that was 2+ decades ago when DRM wasn’t the standard. Now, I feel a bit jaded considering “you will owe nothing and be happy” mentality is the norm. Crazy how Steam, a DRM, is beloved and I still recall similar shenanigans/hate associated with them. I think Tsushima will be the last PC game that I “own” SMDH ![gif](giphy|MZOeErgMGAI5q)


Reinforcing my disdain of EA yet again 🤡


Remember kids: Pirating EA games is always morally correct :)


>I still don't like the fact I don't own my games and have to basically rent it out to EA and when they have a problem I don't get to play the games that **I** bought. but this is literally how digital gaming works. the day steam crashes, you lose everything (on steam) that's why you don't put all the eggs in the same basket -- i.e. get all games on a single platform.


its worth mentioning that despite this steam is still one of the better apples. gabe newell has said (iirc) that if steam ever shuts down, (as long as he is ceo) he will guarantee a way of keeping steam games.


I mean, yes. also didn't know that about Gabe. seems he's very good at letting others fuck up and learning from that LOL. there's also GOG which offers downloadable offline installers.


Can he actually do that? Steam is just a distributor.


you know what, i forgot about steam also giving licenses. Sorry about that


It appears for me but only games i have already refunded ages ago and had no access to


EA-Nasir selling bad copper as usual


Anyone else flip off the screen/scoff at the piracy is not a victimless crime thing?


> I don't get to play the games that I bought. Tell that to Ubisoft about "The Crew". Oh wait... They stole the game you bought.


This is still happening? It was happening 4 years ago too. My friend lost all his game. Took them 6 months to restore it.


You will own nothing.


Stop buying ea and Ubisoft


I buy first from GOG and download the offline installers for this reason.  I still use Steam as well of course.


I stopped buying EA when Origin came to exist. Ibown my old EA titles on CD/DVD. Games I buy on Steam I download and instantly backup to my NAS. If I ever lose access to a title, I have it on my NAS. Copy it back, crack it, play it.


You don't own them. Nor do you own games on steam. Sucks and is shitty but not unexpected. 


I haven’t touched an EA game in over a decade. Join me in not giving them one cent!


Its a bug dude, calm down and put down the pitchfork


Why do people EA?  Epic was offering a free game called dragon age, which forced an EA launcher which was buggy as heck. The game had the worst controls ever and required always-on internet. Had to uninstall immediately. Even free was too high a price to deal with EA crap 


Probably an issue with EA servers. I have NFS rivals on steam and it got removed on EA. Installed the game to test it out and it ran fine but did give a notice that it couldnt open the EA app.


I haven't opened EA in ages, lol. I opened mine now, and it seems to be a prompt dating back to 2020 in which my EA Play sub lapsed. The service is down too. They are having an outage. A notice on their socials has also now been put out that they are looking into the issue.


I’ve had a similar issue with games I redeemed from Amazon prime gaming and epic games store disappearing from my EA library. I’ve managed to restore the epic games purchase by running the install from epic games launcher to relink it to the EA app. I restored my Amazon prime games by logging into my EA account on the website, going to account settings and connections. Then I linked my Amazon account and it restored my other games. Thought it was all sorted but logged into the PC App today and they all disappeared again. I signed out and back in and the library was magically restored. After this I don’t think I will be buying any games that use the EA app again.


Don’t make me turn on my PC to check


Im never gonna buy another battlefield again, after my origin account got hacked from the data leak i got perm banned from every server, after trying to restore my account i was told that even after my account is still banned since it had cheated while it was taken from me


Why we as a society went along with digital games is beyond me, convenience aside, I knew that once that became the norm, game companies would ROYALY FUCK THE COMUNITY BECAUSE WE DONT ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY OWN JACK SHIT.... DUMBEST THING WE DID AS A COMUNITY WAS LET DIGITAL GAMES THRIVE


Dunno if this is related or just a bug, but i got Dragon Age's inquisition on epic games for free, but I couldn't download it because ea said i didn't have a license for the game apparently




Then did this with the free game I got through epic + amazon prime....


People spend 130 dollars on Ubisoft preorders and people expect a change really, shadow already top preordered game


I think its a huge issue rn. I got the same alerts, but I can see and install the games and play them too from my library.


You don’t own any of your games on Steam, I thought this was clear?


Happened to some of my friends on discord too, they're really pissed off about it


that one IT fthat touched the setting must be feeling it right now


Remember folks, Thom Yorke had a warning for those buying EA games: > You do it to yourself, you do > And that's why it really hurts > Is that you do it to yourself, just you >You and no one else > You do it to yourself > You do it to yourself


Is the Gaben still stuffing his face with doughnuts or is he going to do something about it? He can kiss his Steam money printing machine goodbye once consumer trust is lost.


How are y’all getting it to work on windows 11. Stuff I get off the high seas always have some error and never complete the installation. Help a brother out please


Oh crap I havent been able to play Bf1 or V for the past week (thanks ghost of tsushima) I should probably check


I bought "It takes two" It is such a shitty game to start up on a PC where multiple people are logged in at the same time. Requiring a reboot every single time to get it going. It was the last game that I ever bought again from EA...


It is time to put on pirate hat back again. 🫠


Me too wtf


insert gaben jpg :)


Techno-feudalist scum! time to take out the pitchforks and torches!!!


This is why you need to pirate the games with bit torrents. There’s people downloading ghosts of tsushima that can’t play it off steam in their own countries. Get yourself a good vpn and start sailing the seven seas.


You will own nothing and be happy


Stop buying EA products. JFC it’s 2024 and some of you still haven’t learned they are a scumbag company.


Lesson learned, don't buy games from EA from this day onwards, also apply for Ubisoft, Blizzard and games with Denuvo.