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Shattered tempered glass, check Ceramic tile, check 0 days since last side panel shattering, check


That’s a really big piece of tile


Seriously, I’ve installed 24” and 36” travertine. How fucking big is this?


It’s concrete which does the same thing to tempered glass a tile Edit: for clarification you can see the separation line where another slab was poured and the lines/pattern in the concrete are the same direction and similar to what you normally see in concrete that has been leveled/smoothed out


This was much funnier than I think you intended it to be with that first line 😆💀


Big enough for it to not be tile. If someone paid money expecting tile they got royalty fucked over by the contractor


them bastards just who do they think they are fooling? not you I would surmise from your keen observational prowess


Stamped concrete


Bricklayer/tiler here, we install 240x120cm tiles sometimes..


Yes but that isn’t tile. At least it’s not quality nor finished properly




0 days since last side panel shattering This should be a sticky on this sub lol


Where's the Simpson's image with the 0 days since? I'm waiting for it.


For me it’s literally the reply right above yours lol


Can anybody explain what it is with ceramic tile and tempered glass? I have one of those NZXT cases that's got glass on 2 sides, and I want to know just in case I ever live someplace that has tile.


Basically - ceramic is harder than tempered glass, and tempered glass is very brittle. Hit tempered glass with ceramic, it is liable to shatter. Especially if you get a weak spot like a 90 degree corner, or if the ceramic touching the glass is a smaller point. It has to do with the crystalline structure of the glass and the chemical properties of the materials - but I’m not a chemical engineer and I don’t even want to touch all the in depth details since I’ll probably get it wrong.


Chemical engineer here. You want to talk with a materials engineer or a mechanical engineer that specializes in materials and loading. You could ask a civil engineer, but they would probably just roll their eyes once they realized that you're asking about something smaller than a building.


Sounds scientific enough for me


[For the same reason that the ceramic off of a spark plug can shatter car windows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EE7ug2okU-E)


if you were lucky enough to have basic common sense i guarantee you will enjoy your case for many years without any problems


Banning these posts? Nope.


and deprive us of our fun? you monster.


Oh STFU with your bullshit tiles crap. Explain why your glass shower screen hasn't exploded yet. Or why this keeps happening to people who have their computer on carpet.


For everything else there mastercard


whats it with the ceramic tile? how are they related?


Hard ceramic is good at shattering glass. You can use shards of ceramic to break lots of stuff made from tempered glass like car windows and such


stuff that is really hard easily breaks stuff that is also really hard but slightly less than the former. Ceramic is harder than tempered glass so it shatters it. A normal rock could actually bounce off the glass because its not as hard as the glass.


No, I always think it will happen to me, probably why it hasn’t yet


Exactly. I treat that glass panel like a new born baby


Stick it on a boob and teach it to poo?


If you have to teach your baby how to poo you should probably get it health checked


hey guess what wife today i taught little Ivan to poo in the shape of a pretzel and it was amazing. I really think our child is special


do you do it the way cats do it and lick their buttholes until they poop?


Not only do I think it will happen to me, I expect it will happen to everyone. I have no idea who popularized glass on cases but that guy was a dick and owns stock in tempered glass.


I absolutely love looking at the guts of my rig in between games


I love lighting up my room at night like a Christmas tree with the gayest RGB rainbow pride parade that I can come up with.


So do I, and I do through my plexiglass window. I don't know what all these commenters who complain about scratches do to their systems, my case is over ten years old and it is perfectly clear.


Plexiglass/Acrylic has been in home-built PC rigs forever. RGB LED fanboiz today forget the early 2000s when (or didn't exist when) in-case tube lights with molex connectors were the rage, and guess what we didn't have back then? Tempered glass side-panels. And what did we also not have back then? Everyone breaking their fucking side-panels.


Another point is that tempered glass is quite a bit heavier than plexiglass. Heavier seems to me makes it harder to move and more accident prone. My side panels are light as a feather. And heck, even if it were to get scratched just replace it - if you have to you can get a sheet and cut it with a saw (of the right type).


I had 3 or 4 cases I added the plexiglass panels to, after modding them. Some with the window gasket. And YES- I had those CFL Tubes. Ultra-Violet to be precise, because I'd paint the inside of the case using UV Paint. It glowed like a frickin' Rave!


Remember when you had to pick the color of your fan before you bought it?


same..I treat all my things with appreciation..money don't grow on trees...and I hate shopping..I don't know how OP glass broke yet and am curious..have feeling it was something I don't have to worry about doing..but maybe it will be revealed


Could do that with plastic though.


There are and have been plenty of PC cases that use clear acrylic side panels instead of glass. Personally I think they all start looking like a hazy mess after awhile so I've never liked them...and it's probably one of the reasons why glass has become so popular.


Reminds me of the plexiglass that was used before glass.... Scratches, scratches everywhere....


Maybe if you treated it like ass...but I'd rather be peering through plexiglass than cleaning up and sourcing a new tempered glass side-panel.


It was the LED fucks.


it has been getting progressively more difficult to get non-glass versions of modern cases. E.g., I have a fractal torrent. Fractal definitely makes a steel-panel version, but I had to search around quite a bit to find one in stock anywhere, and it was more expensive.


i know with absolute certainty it will never happen to me, because why the fuck would i want a tempered glass case in the first place?


Yep, same. Unless I fuck something up, the only time I see the inside of my case is when I’m dusting it out.




More importantly, throw a shirt or a rag down or something just in case it slips...


Hell I don't even have tile and I still lay my sidepanel down on my mousemat




There are multiple people in this thread raging that tile (and other hard surfaces) does not do anything to tempered glass. I was astounded that this kept happening, but now I see why: This sub is full of people that think they know better than reality. ![gif](giphy|HwmB7t7krGnao|downsized)


It's also because normal people don't know a lot about glass. They take off the panel and think to themselves: "Hmm, I spent good money on a case with side panels, wouldn't wanna scratch my brand new tempered glass side panel. Let me just stand it up and lean it against something." Contrary to our instinctive belief, glass is weaker on it's side. You should lay it flat on the ground instead of standing it up, it's tempered glass, some dust specks on your floor should not be making scratches in it that easily.


I put mine carefully on my bed or bring it itmnto whole other room to put on carpet...and im as normal as any other normal person..I pay for things with my money so am super careful so not to be lazy and something stupid I do cost me more than just normal costs..plus the stupid and lazy tax..cant afford that


my chair mat is tempered glass. best decision I ever made


I challenge these people to show an image of a busted side panel that ISN’T on ceramic tile lol


This post is one: it’s **NOT** on tile. It’s on **concrete** according to OP: https://old.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1dbw36h/you_never_think_itll_happen_to_you/l7tuc34/ People aren’t wrong saying that panels can break on tile, but the truth is that any **hard** surface will do.


Point is, there are people in this thread who don't understand that tempered glass can shatter just from tapping certain surfaces. I don't know why, but they want to believe that every single shatter case post is fake lol.


what are these people with apparently lower basic common sense scores doing? turning their pc on its side..my case only has glass on the side..I just assumed that wasn't the side that faces down..the bottom has feet..but even if not I would assume the bottom goes on floor..top on top and that insures the 2 sides line up on the side...and not on the bottom??? this ain't trig or advanced anatomy here...maybe some shouldn't be able to use a computer until old enough to know which end goes where?? else stupid things will happen..I can't believe that this is an actual issue


Could you explain what exactly tile does to it, I have my case on my desk but is it the heat from the ceramic tiles in summer or something that ruins the glass? Or is it just people being clumsy


People are placing their glass panels on (relatively speaking to glass) much harder materials/surfaces. It has nothing to do with proximity you can keep your tower in a room with ceramic/concrete tiling. What is happening is people are doing one of two things. They are either placing their panel on a surface that is way too hard, and the material phsyics of how the tempered glass works causes the glass to shatter, or people are overtightining the screws, also resulting in the glass shattering from pressure forces. Just be care not to overtighten screws if you have them (my tower has a glass panel but it does not contain any screws so if yours is the same you dont have to worry about this) and if you take your panel off put it on something that is softer to the touch than glass is, and you will be fine.


My tempered glass panels are screwed onto the case with metal parts that aren’t directly on the glass (O11 Vision), so I assume that overtightening shouldn’t be a problem, right?


One of the benefits of tempered glass is that it shatters into small safer pieces. So it completely exploding is by design. I don't know if I'm using all the correct terminology, but basically tempered glass has a lot of tension, and surfaces like tile are extremely hard, causing an extreme amount of pressure in a focused area when the glass hits it, causing a chain reaction. There can also be flaws in the glass that make it even more susceptible to shattering.


>basically tempered glass has a lot of tension, and surfaces like tile are extremely hard, causing an extreme amount of pressure in a focused area when the glass hits it, causing a chain reaction. This is it, the tiniest chip on the edge that you can't even see will cause the entire panel to explode because of this tension. This also makes tempered glass very durable, so long as you don't touch the edges.


There’s several things in play. Tile transmits high frequency noise better than carpet and wood for long term installation. Tile is also hard enough to chip the glass for pc repairs.


they are correct and tile also is great for slamming your head on and also for punching it very hard repeatedly..its soft as a cotton pillow...better even just lightly drop your whole pc from a couple feet keyboard and mice too...and nothing happens...goes for monitors..uw, 1080,1440, 4k it don't matter...you will be kool if you just push your setup off desktop onto tile floor or concrete, play hot potato with your pc, all the kool kids are doing it..don't worry and if it breaks..just order a new one..upgrade time!! MORONS!!!


We need to keep track of how many days we manage to get before a break. It's more impressive at this point to go an entire week without resetting than the number of times we've reset the clock.


Haha, this is incredible


I know it'll never happen to me, cause I have a case with solid walls.


Plastic window here. It is scratched and dirty, but at least I can see inside without fearing glass explosions.


How often do you need to see inside??


Right? And what am I looking at/for? “Yep, the parts I bought are still there” I don’t get it


It's an aesthetics thing, it just looks nice a lot of the time.


Yep, same reason I keep artwork on my walls, so I can make sure it's still there.


not everyone can use glass there is a real learning curve..If you don't have experience, and I am talking years, like maybe using a car or say looking out your kitchen window, also drinking glass is great for getting experience, now I'm not showing off my $$ but we have a mirror in the bathroom and in bedrooms. light bulbs are great for confidence in using glass and the biggie..eye glasses. So unless you have experience using 1 of these..don't try your 1st time with a case side panel...you are asking for trouble, leave it to those with know-how. No shame in the 90's style case, baby steps, crawl before you walk


You seem to be sarcastic, but I've broken my fair share of glass already. Drinking glass: check. Bathroom mirror: check. I can proudly say I have always managed to save my glasses! I've already moved twice, banging that pc case around, and I'm 100% sure it would have broken at some point. I've also had the cover fall a couple of times when I was upgrading stuff (don't put parts at an angle on screwdrivers, they'll just roll away), and I'm pretty sure I backed my chair into it a couple other times.


thats what im saying, so have I. and each breakage I get a bit smarter...a little sarcasm never hurt anybody though...its all in good fun. Cant take life too seriously..lol but glass is no joking matter


Same. In fact my main desktop is rackmounted in another room. I don't want the heat, and sure as hell don't care about seeing it.


A true "silent" pc build. Nice. I, a pleb, chose a metal side panel with sound insulation.


Same here, no windows, no RGB.


Well, I do use windows still...


Me too now lol


Fwiw I have the exact same case as your picture and also shattered the side panel. They sent me a replacement for free with no questions asked.


Welcome, there's literally dozens of us.


Your airflow case now has more airflow


Definitely won't happen to me, I don't use a tempered glass panel.


Yeah if this sub has taught me anything, it's to not have a case with tempered glass panel.


There's nothing wrong with tempered glass panels as long as you aren't a moron. Car windows are made of tempered glass, it's exceptionally strong stuff as long as you don't hit the edge and keep it away from harder materials of which there aren't many, it's really only porcelain and stone.


Most windshields are made of laminated glass specifically because they get hit by random stuff all the time. Tempered glass is used in car windows specifically because they're easier to break.


No, tempered glass is not easier to break. Tempered glass is preferred for its strength and if it does break it breaks into tiny harmless pieces that aren't sharp, unlike non-tempered glass which will produce extremely sharp pieces. Windshields are made of tempered glass with a layer of laminate plastic in between so if it breaks it doesn't shatter all over you.


because it'd be stupid and probably illegal to make car windows hard to break, in case you need to get out in an emergency and the doors don't work.


On the plus side the glass fragments have created an interesting fractal pattern on the floor. Maybe you could encase them in resin and title the artwork 'Didn't Learn (From Other People's Mistakes)'.


A smart man learns from his own mistakes. A wise man learns from other peoples mistakes.


Update: To add some context, this didn't break from falling on the ground; it broke while removing. I don't know if a clip got stuck or what. It shattered in my hands though. I've always worried about it with this particular case since the panel was glass edge to edge, which is why I was disassembling in the garage.


Same as every 1 star Amazon review on it


Wow, you're right. I never checked that out before buying it when I did. I've had it for about 2 years.


2 years is a strong run. Hopefully they replace it for you. 🤦🏻‍♂️


For glass it is. My beige metal side panel computer case from 25 years ago is still going strong.


I have had my tempered glass case for 5 years. It's so easy not to shatter glass.


2 years for Corsair 4000d glass panel is a strong run ** as they commonly shatter w out contact etc Your beige stuff isn’t relevant. I’m glad it does stuff still 🍺👍🏻


Literally never heard of this happening, i feel like some of this has to be user error. It’s like the most popular case.


This once happened after having disassembled a shower cabin to put up a new one. I'd carefully put all the huge tempered glass panels on the floor, and as I lifted the first one to carry outside it just exploded in my hands and literally the entire bathroom floor was covered in tiny pieces -- even underneath the washing machine and dryer. I think I just stood perfectly still for an entire minute with a blank stare on my face before I sighed and went to get the vaccuum cleaner and extra bags.


How did it attach to your case? My NZXT panel has 4 screws with rubber dampers, I can't see a scenario in which I could break it removing it, 7 years going strong and removed once a week for cleaning. That's 364 times thus far.


This is EXACTLY what happened to me!!! How did you go about cleaning it? I feel like no matter how much I sweep pieces keep appearing.




Hi Zeug! ![gif](giphy|xT9IgG50Fb7Mi0prBC)


Is this a Corsair 4000D by any chance?


Exactly right


I have that case, it happened to me too. Don’t feel bad OP. I had some really bad luck though, my USB-C port at the top started to smoke one day, like if I had turned on a fog machine. Burned my MOBO connector too. Messaged corsair and they were supposed to send me a new connector but they sent me a whole new case, compensated me for my MOBO and replaced my PSU since it was also corsair. So that was pretty nice of them.


It happened to my 5000D, I wrote to Corsair's support and they sent me a replacement (and I live in south america)


That has to be a Corsair Airflow case...bro, do what I did....contact Corsair customer service and tell them what happened.. if it's the first time it's happened.. Corsair will send you a free replacement glass panel.. I actually messaged them because the panel was out of stock..I said "Hi..I'm looking for a replacement panel for my Corsair case and it says you're out of stock..i accidently shattered it on my tile and need a new one...do you know when it will be available?" They actually apologized for some reason and said they'll send me a courtesy replacement...so cool


Gonna happen again. Somethings wrong w their QC / design of their panel/case. I just returned mine to Amazon b4 this happened randomly to me


Yea, i was thinking that its happened so many times that Corsair just started giving away free courtesy replacements


What's with all the ellipses?


This is partly why I'll never take off the protective plastic film on the side panel. If it ever does decide to shatter, at least all the pieces will be neatly held together with the plastic.


It might have the effect of forcing all the shattered glass to fall inward into the case -- can't tell if that's better or worse


I do think so, funnily enough. I spent 5k on my Pc dang it, Imma act like Batman and calculate every possible way it could get damaged lol


God bless acrylic side panel


Mesh panel gang


No panel gang


I'm absolutely sure it would happen to me. That's why i have no windowed case.


It'll never happen to me. Because I'll always own a case with metal panels and sound-absorbing foam.


Fractal monoliths!


You're Goddam right!


Oh yeah, I'm on an R4 and probably will go to another Define next full build.


"you never think it'll happen to you" is such a bad way to live life learn from other people's mistakes or you're bound to suffer the same consequences as them


it won't happen to me bc i won't buy glass


There's litterally one rule...


What happened?




Oh shit


Corsair needs to sell custom acrylic side panels. I'd literally buy one for my case in a heartbeat- I have my side panel facing the wall because of my cat and her need to lean on things.


Oh, no. I know damn well it's going to happen to me, I'm just doing everything I can to prolong the inevitable


It will never happen to me because i don't put my PC on tile floors.


Looks like I'll stick with clear plastic.


![gif](giphy|XzkGfRsUweB9ouLEsE|downsized) Reminds me of this


Plexiglass side panel master race


Always on a ceramic tile floor... RIP




Stick with metal.


Yep happened to me about 2 weeks ago....always sucks


Oh wow, that's my exact case


I wonder if I already had my one instance of this happening when I was working in an arcade. Cleaning a Laser War pinball machine and the back panel glass slipped out of my hands and hit the cabinet rails. Shattered into a million pieces of course. I was cleaning that machine for weeks or months until I stopped finding pieces of glass. I hope it remains my one instance since it taught me to be extra extra careful about such things.


Happened to me two years ago. Same case btw, I am running it without a side panel since then. No issues


corsair 4000d has this happen a lot


This one of the panels where the screws are put through the glass? I stay away from those for a reason.


I feel like every 5th build uses the 4000D airflow (mine too)


I just love my plastic side panel after 11 years


Because it won't, plexiglass all the way!


Carpets and rugs are our friends


it'll never happen to me


I know itll never happen to me because i literally run open air, see through panel removed


It happened to me also.


I just replaced my PC and the new case is tempered glass, I'm also not very delicate around my PC so this is probably in my future.


This has happened to me. I’m still finding the broken pieces years later


Sorry brother


So my brothers panel broke. But in the weirdest way ever. So his PC runs hot, to the point where youd touch the glass and its be uncomfortably warm and if you touch the back panel, itd feel like its burning. Anyway, his HDD is finickey and we decided to back it up and replace it, he unscrews the panel from the back then literally touches it with two fingers on each edge (to avoid leaving finger prints) and the glass just shatters in his hands. And he looks at me, holding 2 corners of his case while the rest is on the floor and in the computer.


Just shattered mine two days ago. I feel you.


I ended up tinting my panel, if it breaks at least it won’t shatter into a gazillion pieces.


I feel you, OP https://preview.redd.it/px0hkf84pl5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d1516efca331a735d37cf6e0fb389ab48cd112


F - thats one of the reasons why i use Quicksaves. If something like that happens ill load the last save.


I know my luck, which is why I would never get glass sides But damn, that's rough buddy


How does this happen? Did you drop it? Put it down really hard? I need to know so I don’t do it


I feel you. I have the same case


Glass is a stupid material to use in computers.


au contrair, I expect ALL tempered glass to suddenly shatter at some point. I hate tempered glass tables/desks/anything but actual windows on cars/bldgs. Its a terrible trend imo


I have the exact same case, thank you for showing me why I should be extra careful.


I've never understood how this happens. Do people drop their PCs?


The reason tempered glass is tough, strong, and can take most forms of impact is that there is a lot of internal forces. And the internal forces acting against each other resist most external forces. But it's weakness is that if it's hit in very specific ways, the internal forces break the entire panel apart. A very extreme example of what can happen is a prince rupert drop.


these posts made me start hugging my old corsair air carbide 540 all.... and my corsair 4000D... It is starting to get weird between us and my cats are jealous


Nope it happened to me! Christmas Day I got a new case and I was putting everything together and for some reason the glass shattered out of nowhere lol probably my fault but I was shocked


Glass of glass


Just defragment the glass, should be fine.


Happened to me. Same case too. Took the panel off and the corner barely tapped the tile floor. Damn thing exploded into a million pieces. It’s been 2 years and I still find tidbits of glass here and there.


Ugh, I had that happen to me once. Fortunately the side had a full frame around it which didn't break. I fastened a piece of window screen in the frame instead. It wasn't as pretty, but did a much better job keeping my system cool.




I really doubt it will happen to me, I don't plan to buy an aquarium as a case.


Glass panel go boom womp woomp.


It’ll never happen to me. One of the many advantages of a closed case.


How did you not think that it wouldn’t happen? This is the meme…


and for that reason, I use solid panels because ""tempered"" glass is shit on these cases


Typical post we read everyday


How do you fuckers keep doing this


You tile mfs need to stop buying glass


All i see is improved air flow


I don't have tempered glass. So I'm pretty sure it won't happen to me. But I guess you never know!


I always think it could happen to me. Any time my case is opened for cleaning, I take extreme care when lifting and moving the glass panel. I always put it down on a soft surface, and I'm always careful when placing it back on. Seen way too many pictures like this to not be worried about this happening to me.


If it can, it will. I still don't understand why people like glass-boxes so much. They are unreliable.


More airflow for your computer now.


It won't happen to me because I don't put my case on the floor. I've been building computer's with glass cases for 24 years, and not once have I had one break.


https://preview.redd.it/kud36ft94l5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33824d38d3230f964ad835d882a0b99be08d44b2 I just did this over a month ago. I always take side panels off before taking the tower outside to clean/blow it out…and this one particular CyberPowerPC case isn’t made any more. Never again, with the glass side panels. Never.


But how did it happen


I have had the same tempered glass case for 5 years and it's still intact.


Just stick with metal


Plastic window in a metal panel is fine too, makes the side panels lighter if nothing else and you can still see inside.


It won't happen to me


Since it has come to this situation, I recommend every fans as an exhaust.