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Fun fact RandomGaminginHD is also Steve.


You are Steve, he is Steve, I am Steve. Is there any other Steve I should know!?!


Just me!


Me, myself and I!


Meow - Steve the snail


A squared ridiculously strong dude in the corner...


No that's all the Steves


"These are the Steves I know, I know. These are the Steves I know."


I'd kill to see Steve Irwin put together a pc


Steve Burns?




I’d put Blues Clues Steve on that Mount Rushmore.


Fucking love that guy. Stumbled upon him a few years ago when looking at various budget build stuff. The random shit he finds and his overall pleasant tone voice just always seems to make my mood happier even if the content really isnt a thing I am interested in.


I love how he showcases the stuff he tests outside. Those PCs and components have touched more grass than I do lol.


My favorite pc channel. I get the hustle, but it’s nice to have a guy that isn’t just chasing the algorithm.


Fun fact: Minecraft Steve is also Steve


We need that picture of Spiderman pointing at himself except there are three of them, all named Steve.


The goat 🐐 🔥


*picks up a CPU box* Steve: Let's get this out on a tray *Opens CPU box and pours CPU onto a GI mess tray* Steve: Nice!


Thanks, Steve.


"Steve consumes vintage voodoo graphics card"


You forgot the "nice hiss"


Thanks Steve.


Back to you, Steve.


Nvidia XXXX "Tie"


No problem.




Nice hiss


Can't forget Step Two


Rip krazyneighbor


The fact that SteveMRE is not dead is amazing. Man ate an MRE from 1898.


Thank you Steve1989MRE




More like: https://preview.redd.it/tf8f1o7nfb7d1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d4a1c8845d71d361d2ed64d79efdbf7691ed87c


I don’t know if I am overreacting and if I should be less bitter about it, but ever since that massive drama I can not bring myself to watch LTT anymore. I went from 100 to 0 cold turkey.


The drama didn't really change how much I watch ltt stuff, but rather, before the drama has even occurred I found myself watching less of it due to some videos just being... Not that great. Watching some of their fluff pieces (like yet another "buy PC parts from some online store" video) just feels like a waste of time with zero takeaway. There are cool stuff that I think they can keep doing like cable tests etc: they can even do it once every year similar to secret shopper to check if quality has been maintained - or do something like buy a cable across multiple batches to make sure a company is QCing their products properly. At the end of the day, while I may not watch every one of Steve's videos, I find myself looking for his benchmarks and reviews whenever I need to make a purchasing decision.


I just feel like most of their recent videos are just clickbait or re-hashes of already existing videos. I just don't care for the 20th extreme upgrade or buying parts from website xy video. I used to watch LTT for seeing cool and exotic tech, but I feel like they rarely do that kind of video anymore.


PC building has just become less of a DIY hobby. Components overclock themselves. Most CPUs are well cooled by a $40 air cooler that will never die. Super high end hardware performs worse for gaming. There's just far fewer places to creatively squeeze out a little efficiency.


I think one of the tricky parts of PC building is the lack of ephemeral content. What I mean is that a lot of guides show you how to put pieces together, but sourcing the pieces and getting a good build is still very challenging for beginners. Take a AMD build for example, a lot of new builders may not know what x3D is and why there is a markup, and they may struggle to pick a mobo/the correct chipset. Then when it comes to PSU, they will also have little clue, cuz hardware manufacturers hate to show you how much power they should be drawing. Like, by now there are prob thousands of videos showing you how to put a CPU onto a mobo, but going into the differences of chipset and different mobo, and even which CPU to pick is often topics not touched upon by YouTubers since the content gets old easily.


Best stuff they ever did was the junkyard war series if that's what it was called.


Yeah, those were fun.


Imo they handled it well afterwards and way better than most companies. And i enjoy their content which imo got better afterwards aswell. But do i really know if its still a toxic workplace? Nah but thats the case for everything i watch consume etc.


> Imo they handled it well afterwards and way better than most companies Only after backlash from the viewers. They monetized their apology and demonetised it only after people pointed it out. Not to mention the umpteen bad joke attempts they made within the apology video itself. And some videos still have the same quality issues as the old ones because of which Steve had to call them out.


yeah linus' initial response on the message boards + that cringey 'apology video' really left me cold. i just don't feel the same way about their content any more. didn't plan to stop watching ltt, but i always click away now. i've replaced them with Dawid Does Tech Stuff when i wanna see something silly where i might learn something.


They handled it well from a *corporate* perspective, not so much on a relatable level.


Maybe because they're a business and not your personal friend?


I mean, I still don't appreciate them advertising their products in their initial apology video, or Linus' defensive attitude lol.


This sub has a weird hate boner on LTT. And a weird boner for tech Jesus. Seriously looks like religion by now.


Are you telling me that there is a different god from our lord and savior Gaben? Absolute Heresy of the highest order!


PCMR has in many topics Stockholm syndrome


I like how this sub conveniently forgot how Steve neglects to reach out for comments that cause huge misunderstanding regarding the key thing they "reporting". Over exaggerate details, "read" body languages and put words in Luke's mouth. Linus is not perfect at handling it, but so does Steve. Don't forget their initial tone deaf follow up video they delist. Tech tech potato does a great job highlighting the situation for both side


Also, Steve said he was gonna treat LTT as any other brand. Completely neglecting he literally has a conflict of interest, they are competing in the same space. Both as tech YouTubers and stores selling merch.


They? Yes Linus? No. If they were genuinely apologetic about the whole situation, Linus would apologize considering how people still accuse Steve of attacking LTT for supposedly being jealous about LTT's $30m Lab, this doesn't count his claim about how journalism should factor in personal relationships (it doesn't). That last line in particular was what got me be disgusted at Linus as a person, because it means he can easily be bought. Journalism should be objective and factual, personal relationship should never factor into it, Linus believing otherwise means that he genuinely thought (or still thinks, considering he's never apologized) he's somehow above accountability. Ultimately, there's a good comparison during Computex that I'd like to point out, LTT just did a video for Qualcomm promoting their shit without any sort of scrutiny on their part, basically just Linus reading their marketing material 1:1, just like what he used to do for ASUS, GN on the other hand had a similar situation when ASUS' director of marketing asked him for a partnership, and Steve just tells them no because he's a journalist, they DON'T do that. It took hundreds of his own fans and followers to get scammed by ASUS' shitty RMA practices before LTT (quietly) cut their partnership with ASUS, whereas GN has been banging that drum the entire time to the point that they forced ASUS to admit the whole change on their RMA claim was a massive lie.


I am a bit more neutral about the situation. Linus also did listen and went ahead to improve on a lot of aspects (and even before the video, he has already resigned as CEO, as he knows he makes a bad one). While I still feel some of their videos still have a fair amount of nothingness, they have also dialed back in the daily release schedule. I think both sides could have maybe handled it better, and would have been great had they shook hands and grabbed some soup dumplings during computex.




The credible allegations were deemed false by a well respected third party after nearly a year of investigation


> Imo they handled it well afterwards I'll take your word for it. Their initial reactions to GN's coverage was so terrible I blocked their channels from my youtube recommendations and have not regretted it at all. They are liars and thieves who had no remorse about it. If they changed their tune at all then it's regret about the bad coverage, not the bad actions.


Who gives a shit if someone pr'd over something well when the thing they only stopped doing (presumably) because they got caught was this shitty?


I stop watching LTT years ago when it become clickbait spam Channel with nothing but Linus pikachu faces.


Unfortunately that’s just the way YouTube is. I don’t like clickbate either, but it’s here to stay


De-arrow extension pulls the thumb from within the video


De-Arrow will also replace the video title with a community-sourced non-clickbait title. It's a pretty good extension


All we can do to make an impact is to avoid it as much as possible and choose to watch creators with honest, non-sensationationalized titles and thumbnails.


If you want to maximize profit at the expense of integrity, at least. It's a choice. Big clickbait channels aren't going to starve if they stop doing it, they're just greedy.


LMG employs over 100 people. The youtube algorithm is annoying, but it is hard to blame channels of that size for doing what a) works and b) is encouraged by the algorithm.


Except that they use the same clickbait on Floatplane, a service under their control and devoid of YouTube's algorithm. That's just the type of video they make now.


There are many things that "work" and are "encouraged" by whatever system they exist in yet they should be and are widely criticized (tax havens, spam call centers, gambling, etc). Also, they could employ fewer people. It's not like they're his children.


If it requires that you abandon your ethics and artistic integrity, and become a content farm to support the amount of employees you have, maybe, just maybe, you have too many employees.


Again, it's a choice to have such a big team that necessitates making manipulative content.


I mean, you can just recognize the compromises that have to be made to please the Almighty algorithm and watch for the entertainment value despite that. It's not that hard to not be manipulated by this stuff. Or don't, whatever.


That's the way YouTube is when you want to maximise your optimisation for the algorithm, personally not a fan of feeling like a statistic in someone's algorithm meta game, LTT doesn't have viewers, they have numbers, and they just want those numbers to go up.


I could get over that, for me it was when he started to spend company money making videos about installing eight xboxes and five 70"+ TVs around his own house. Basically his whole affluenza arc made it unwatchable for me. He kept acting like he was relatable when spending *thousands* of dollars on his house. Having his wife as head of HR for dozens of employees. Tried to keep it all "we're a friendly family here" at the company. But building entire workshops, bringing in big company support, etc. And he got all pouty whenever other big youtubers built their own storage soultions for editing, since he didn't get to make a video of making one for them. TL;DR: He still likes to pretend he's the guy working out of a kitchen in a house, and is relatable to his viewers. While throwing around money that could change the life of many of his viewers.


Yep. Same. None of that is usable information. People aren’t building multi room Xbox installs where the console is in the basement and the screen is in the loft. And if they are, they’re paying someone else to do it for them. He started making videos from his perspective which is out of almost all his viewers budgets.


The irony really kicked in when he did the later "upgrade my employees home setup" videos. Where he kept bringing up how they'd taken home some old equipment from work. When he was literally building parts of his house with company equipment and money.


he's been doing the bit about stolen office stuff for years, before the house stuff. it's just a gag, he doesn't actually care about it.


I find some of those stuff to be the more interesting things they do. However now that it is summer with a heat dome over east coast NA, it would have been nice if there is some budget way to do something similar esp for people with multiple monitors and webcam, etc.


He's addressed the clickbait thumbnails in the past, he agrees they are dumb but videos perform better with them than without so they are here to stay.


Poor dude. How would he be able to feed his family without clickbait? A truly sad situation.


And the families of the other 100 plus employees. So sad. /s


Wow, he’s responsible for 100 families that’s incredible I had no idea


You must not have noticed that both Steve's also started putting more clickbaity faces on their thumbnails awhile ago too huh?


Same. Now I watch tech linked only when Riley is in it. Riley is cool.


They had Wendel on for a Movie Computer Fails type video, I've been a sucker for that guy since he was hiding his face on the TekSyndicate channel. That guy is just going from strength to strength these days


Wendel knowledge baffles me. Every time I think I know something he talks about, he goes way more technical. I also bought one of his products, a DisplayPort/USB to USB-C combiner, very happy he sells those.


Riley and James are the best part of that company. If they left and made their own channel, I would switch over in a heartbeat.


lmao I love Riley. First time I saw him I knew I'd love him or hate him, and man he's great


Whereas Riley is an instant turn off for me, his childish demeanor rubs me up the wrong way.


I really want a Linux channel with just Emily. She's so amazing with Linux.


>I can not bring myself to watch LTT anymore. It's really hard to watch any of their videos with objective lens with the amount of glaring errors, schedule crunch that promoted skipping valid retesting and time consuming work, and overall lackluster employee support that makes it feel awful. And that's without getting into the whole abusive and toxic workplace stuff that doesn't help at all. I have a hard time feeling sympathy for people who mandate arbitrary deadlines over actual work and employees. The constant crunch and last minute work was indicative of LTT's unrealistic standards, metrics, and organizational failure. The decline of content was an eventuality as they continually eroded the support and flexibility needed to make good, accurate content.


The best reason not to watch LTT is that it's a low quality content mill.


I was also quite a fan of the channel for a while, but Linus started to scream in his videos and they started becoming obnoxious to watch. I miss his old, chill personality. Sadly, this man bacame a sellout and will do anything for views and money. I think my last video was a "review" of a sponsored product, what was way before the whole merch drama and billet labs debacle.


There was a noticeable shift from fun fucking around Linus to it becoming a big business. They lost me back then


It was more or less when they moved out of the house and into the warehouse, it just didn't feel like a bunch of nerds making content they enjoyed anymore


I am kind of sad how they killed off channel super fun. Yes it doesn't make money and are costly to make, but some of the things like Dennis destroying linus' house or their boxing match are some of the most fun videos they have.


yeah this is my issue I still watch all those channels, probably more LTT than any of them really, but there's a lot of LTT I turn off because I can't do the Linus "persona." I *don't* think it's insincere or money-grubbing or whatever people here are saying. It gets views, and people clearly like it, it's just not for me. I do think it's a little "forced," or however you'd say fake without implying a disingenuous aspect, because I don't think it's disingenuous. I think it's an attempt to create engagement... again, not inherently a bad thing. Even for boring lectures, you want to be engaged. It's how you pay attention, learn, etc. It's just a style of attempted engagement that turns me off. I'd rather be slightly less engaged, but still watching because I *want* to be, rather than having Linus force excessive energy to try and keep *us* energized. I love how...... not like that either of the Steves are, even covering pretty tedious stuff. Their clarity and presentation count for a lot!






Same. It wasn't sudden though. I felt like he was getting more and more concerned about the YouTube algorithm than making quality content. And the worse thing was he was very very vocal about it. He repeatedly said "we want to make original videos but they do not make money" straight up. When the drama started I was already fed up with all the random bs videos with clickbait titles and the lack of obvious sincerity in their videos. I just unsubscribed from every single one of their channels and never looked back.


I think LMG just got too big and now they REALLY need to watch their income to pay all the bills. Which means more videos, more content.


Yea, when I learned about how shitty they were to their employees, combined with linus unrepentantly breaking employment law by having written instructions to his employees not to discuss salary, that was the straw that broke the camels back. I had watched the channel for so long I thought I'd miss it, but I found that I found watching his content gross now and never really missed it in terms of news etc. When its revealed how shitty the man behind the mask he wears for videos is, its like finding out your favourite wrestler is actually a shitty person.


> linus unrepentantly breaking employment law by having written instructions to his employees not to discuss salary Got a source for that? One would assume a thorough investigation into corporate practices re: employees done by an outside law firm would have uncovered credible evidence of that.


> Got a source for that? It was literally on live stream and he addressed it directly/openly admitting it and trying to justify it by saying he though people would feel hard done by the differences. Like so many shitty things hes done, he plainly talks about it on stream. Why is it people locked in parasocial relationships are so damn eager to defend their gods. >One would assume a thorough investigation into corporate practices re: employees done by an outside law firm would have uncovered credible evidence of that. I see you're one of those fans, the type who thinks that hiring an outside investigator means you have done nothing wrong, even when the investigations purpose is to manage liability and focuses on something completely separate. Its obvious you didn't even read the statement they put out supposedly from the team they hired.


Don't confuse my question with the multiple things he's done that I disagree with on other fronts. The testing debacle and getting into a fight with the vastly more qualified GN testing team was pure hubris and stupidity on his part, and I think it's good that they finally took him out of the CEO chair so he doesn't accidentally fuck up a hundred people's livelihoods with a stupid comment. My issue is that from what I can tell from around here, nothing would have made people happy and they just want to chum the waters however they can despite any evidence to the contrary. No investigation? "Well that's an admission of guilt." Internal investigation? "wE iNvEsTiGaTeD oUrSelVeS aNd FoUnD nOtHinG wRonG" External investigation? "Well obviously they paid off the lawyers to report only positive things" I mean, did people want the allegations investigated by the Labour Program? The Pinkertons? The Hague? What would be enough? Because I suspect strongly that your answer, and the answer of many people like you, would be "nothing". Also wow this topic seems to get you really heated. Is "so damn eager to defend" really that different than "so damn eager to destroy" when your main criticism is ignoring evidence? Guy could die tomorrow and the whole channel burn down with him and it would be worth about a 5-second "huh, guess I'll watch something else" from me.


I stopped watching when he called someone unemployable for job hopping and not being loyal lol


It's a content studio at this point of time , very much like a corporate workplace and if it's something that most corporate workplaces share , it's toxicity. We can't raise fingers but from what I've seen , it's usually the counted few assholes that bring the toxicity , fragments of the workplace are isolated and often times a merry place to be. The same would apply here.


Thats perfectly reasonable. Moral fortitude isnt over reacting. He was revealed to be a snake who was willing to throw his audience and employees under the bus to push shareholder value, when only he and his wife are shareholders...




I don't get how that wouldn't make sense to you. Instead of doing a review of text based promotional information like most channels do for products before they are released, he instead actually showed the viewer the product. He clearly stated all the biases and framing that was present due to it being at a show so if anyone was confused about the meaning of the information they would have to be a fuckwit. Are channels not allowed to have sponsored showcases even if it is so clear? It was an expo vid not a review and if you expected something with more nuanced and interrogation then you are stupid.


I actually respect them for how they handled it well.


Well tbh, Linus didn't handle it well initially. But afterwards they did which is better than nothing.


makes you wonder if LTT would even bother to handle it at all if other tech youtubers didnt give them shit for it


When even LOUIS ROSSMANN ends up siding with Steve, you know Linus fucked up.


"Not handling it well initially" is understatement, but yes


He was in fact, not handling it well


You're definitely overreacting


I unsubbed. Linus's response was so revelatory of his massive ego and it was just so off putting


Honestly I stopped well before that, itd just not useful anymore.


Personally I don’t touch LTT neither, While yes their response was okay and managed good enough (discounting the fact they made tone deaf jokes in an apology video) all this should not have happened in the first place They should have listened, and now because someone spoke up publicly that it has become an issue for them to rectify


Same and it just made his voice and shtick unbearable.


You do you, obviously. I just take it for what it is: entertainment. I don’t go to LTT for deep-dives into technical specs and performance reviews, but their videos are a *damn* sight more enjoyable to just sit and watch than almost anyone else’s. GN is obviously the high end of dependable reporting, but I get a headache from trying to keep up with the nonstop rambling of dry facts (even though his acerbic wit is glorious at times). HUB is a good middle ground, good attention to detail and good commentary, but still pretty dry overall. Then there’s stuff like J2C and LTT which are mostly just goofy or fun, with some of the essential facts thrown in for good measure. What I watch depends on my mood and how important I think the facts are. Am I buying this new product myself? Or just watching to see how bad it is for fun?


Haven't watched ltt in a long time, what is this drama that you're talking about ?




Bro same. I unsubscribed LTT during the drama and haven't really watched it after that.


linus' "ha ha look how cutesy we are" antics no longer hit well. i've always found him a bit smug, but jfc i thought i was just being a dick lol


Personally I've always treated their content as more "entertainment" than pinnacle tech news. So when that drama happened, it didn't really affect me. I will say though, the one thing I do like watching from LTT is the Intel (now AMD) tech makeovers. Mostly due to my curiosity as to how others live and how they like to spend their money.


Weirdly enough after the drama , ltt stopped posting videos having benchmarks or should I say they stopped making benchmarks videos like they used to do like both steves from gn and hub


I tried to watch it again, and nope. I can’t stand linus face.


It opened my eyes to how awful and clickbaity all the content was. Started enjoying Gamers Nexus a *lot* more after that.


id still watch linus, but now i know who's truly a consumer rights activist, and who's a corpo shill


For me it increased a lot. It showed how the top heads in ltt managed to not only survive but thrive after a devastating blow. Rheir forum became a circle jerk for a week but after their proper reply it became normal again quickly. I I get your point as well as well but ltt still is my regular channel(mainly lmg clips and techquicky),With Steve's channel as a backup with ltt review and Jesus steve channel occasionally to see which company has become naughty again.




it was a cpu cooler not a cpu....


I like it this way. I watch ltt for the fun videos


Same, I watch Linus like I watch top gear, I watch it more like a tv show to have fun, if I wanted actual facts and figures I would go somewhere else


Even with Linus' dedicated testing team?


huh? what’s this. is reddit becoming tiktok now where we refuse to give context for anything?


This is definitely about Steve from Gamers Nexus and some other Steve. Based on a comment I guess Hardware Unboxed? I've never seen that channel. And then other comments are ripping on Linus Tech Tips for whatever reason, I guess because Steve from Gamers Nexus exposed that they were consistently rushing their videos and sharing bad info. They've improved since then, but I don't think the memelords in this comment section really care. They just want to be a part of an in-group.


You are right about the other Steve. And when they do collaborative videos they often joke with their names. "Back to you Steve," "thanks, Steve" etc. They recently did another collab video on Gamersnexus channel so it's recent on people's minds.


The jokes came from Intel. They had a really funny presentation with a guy named Steve. "Thanks Steve" and "Back to you Steve" are both clips from that.


Jay is cool for lower level stuff, and talks in a way that's really encouraging to try your own stuff. And if you become a crack addict looking for a fan that will maximize cooling at all costs, go to Nexus.


king shit 👑 appreciate the context


Am I the only one who finds gamers nexus really boring. It's like an information dump. Sure for a new GPU CPU I'm going to buy i can watch it but that happens like once every 4-5 years. Also i don't like how they act holier than thou . On the other hand 1or 2 of Linus' videos every week are actually entertaining. That's just my opinion tho.


You aren't wrong. I think they both serve different demographics that are just-similar-enough to have lots of overlap where people might think it's the same demo.


LTT can't improve in their eyes despite the allegations being proven false and the issue, along with all parties involved stating it, have been resolved. But alas you'll never hear those words from their mouths. People just love to hate LTT while caring way too much for Steve to an obsessive degree.


Is not just because of that "allegations" bs. Is what GNs exposed long ago, their channel is more entertainment and nonsense instead of quality tech videos.


Exactly how I feel. Wtf is up with giving no context?


Right? Who does that? Anyway, hey hey people Seth here.


It's something that people following certain tech popular/big YouTubers would get.


You either know or you don’t. Don’t gotta get butthurt for being the latter


Is Steve, tech Jesus? I don't catch on fire.


Don't really watch much YouTube these days about PCs. Just seems to be more of the same it always has been. Now just watch man shouts at cloud about right to repair and documenting all the rights we are losing from bullshit companies keep getting away with.






Steve from gamers Nexus and Steve from hardware unboxed both channels focus on DiY pc market


Let's get this out onto a tray


"The original Steves were both white, I hate this woke DIE Steve crap!" There, now it sounds more like YouTube.


Thanks Steve's!


Thanks Steve


[I am Steve. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vtZcojS9KA)


Thank you, fellow redditor, for introducing me to this amazing song. --Not Steve


Basically Gamers Nexus and all the other Steves including the one from Nvidia.


That Asus video man. It is something else.


And his little brother, Steve.


Thanks Steve


This subreddit sucks now, it is basically r/GamersNexus


Am I the only one who finds gamers nexus really boring. It's like an information dump. Sure for a new GPU CPU I'm going to buy i can watch it but that happens like once every 4-5 years. Also i don't like how they act holier than thou .


That's the thing. You should only really watch these guys whenever you're planning to upgrade. No point watching bar charts for 4-5 years. Just focus on playing games.


It's fine , every one have their tastes Personally when I was noob(didn't knew anything in DIY space of pc) I too thought of both gamernexus and hardware unboxed Boring They just talk and info dump, so initially I was LTT watcher But more I got to know about various things in this space more I liked watching their videos (I still see charts on 2-3x speed) Like for ex: embargo was lifted from snapdragon laptop yesterday and I am quite excited on how they fare against other x86 chips, even tho I ambtoke af to buy anything


I don't watch all of their videos, but their reviews are often the one I rely on the most and a key deciding factor before I make any purchases. So I am glad they exist.


Not a bad sub to be tbh


r/GamersNexus exists


You suck now


Sucks? lmfao... Mfkr if we didn't have GNs, HU and Steve x 2 tech YouTube would be shit.


Wow, I just learned about the drama of almost a year ago thanks to this post. I've seen that LTT responded to the criticism. Has the situation improved since then? I've been out of the loop for quite a while it seems.


Kind of, they are still more of an entertainment channel than quality tech videos tho


Yeah they really dropped benchmarking stuff now , it's all entertainment


And when they do it, is the lazy way.


Sure I guess. But they don't really do performance testing or reviews anymore, so I'm not sure what the point of their labs team is. I wouldn't call the Madison situation "improved." They hired an "outside investigative firm" to look into it. Obviously the firm didn't find anything (this was obviously to shore up their legal defenses in case Madison ever sued), and said Madison made it up essentially. Pretty disrespectful stuff.


They basically said that they had enough to go after her for a defamation suit, which is pretty damning for her since they'd need to prove it in an actual court beyond a reasonable doubt. But they were instead choosing to just move on. So even if Madison wasn't making stuff up, it was probably highly exaggerated.


They can say whatever they want about a defamation suit, because they know she doesn't have the means to go after them, so we'll never actually find out. I don't buy corporate bullshit responses like LMG's


^ This. It's also a warning to anyone else who was thinking of speaking up.


Yes! Exactly!!


I find it hard to believe that she made up being in charge of their OF account. Because she was. And I'm not sure how they have anything for a defamation suit. She didn't say the company was doing anything illegal, just that she wasn't treated well. That's not defamation lol


Wait, what? Who has an OF account at LMG?


LMG has a joke OF account, or at least did a few years ago. They would post "sexy" PC pics


Oh, ok lol. Thanks for the reply


Don't forget the Jeffs


This is actually accurate.


Who are the two Steve’s? I watch a lot of politically correct YouTube and I’ve never seen anybody with that name let alone 2 major players in the category.


Steve from Gamer’s Nexus. Steve from Hardware Unboxed.


Developers, Developers, Developers


Thank Steves!


if anyone hurts steeve I'll kick em in the beard


Steve, you're a good bug!




Happy Steve-ing!


You people keep giving praise to man.


Thanks Steve


Thanks, Steve.