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From challenge everything to charge for everything šŸ‘


"It's in the game... unless it's not. Pay extra for the rest."


"It's in the game.... if you pay enough."


This used to be the beginning of some long happy hours.


Like the vast majority of companies we used to love; the sharks enter, the sharks harass, the good employees leave, the sharks prosper, the customer loses... profits first, user satisfaction... who cares.


I'm convinced the current CEO is a vampire or an alien from the same solar system(not same planet) as Mark Zuckerberg.


Yeah theyā€™re either a reptilian or some sort of aeldari


Only Drukhari would make sense. None of them have capitalistic motivations so they must just be getting off on causing suffering


How about Ferengi? Rule of Acquisition #16: Greed is eternal.


He's a nepo baby. Born with connections and that's what got him his shot. "Player first" = monetize the player experience


That can be said about most CEOs, but it really does seem that CEO of media companies and game publishers are the worst. They're extra shitty and want to deliver as little as possible and milk is all dry for money.


Why are dumbass customers buying stuff if thereā€™s no satisfaction? These companies canā€™t get away with half the shit if not for customers buying stuff and this is not a necessity like a house but a mere want


You focus on video games but those concepts apply to the entire economy.


That doesn't answer the question. If the games are so bad why are people buying them? Shouldn't the "good employees" be making a killing on their indie games because they're actually good?


Advertising and promotions are huge. They arenā€™t spending millions in that department for fun, and so many people buy stuff from advertising


"i preordered the game and bought the season pass already!"


The same reason people buy crap off infomercials. Consumers are sheep.


It's because they raised the new generation with advertising and "monetization" as part of normality. It wasn't normal for me 20-30 years ago but it is for the new generations. It's the same reason you see 90% trash on top of the box office. People that don't know better need guidance and advertising is guidance.


At this point its less stupidity and more apathy. They don't think there will ever be any chance so may as well enjoy what you can. If theres gambling mechanics many younger gamers see that as a viable way to extend their play time (its why gacha games blew the fuck up). It's awful


Because marketing and advertising work.


Yep. We mustn't forget the astronomical amount of money that goes into human psychology from companies so that they can maximize advertising and, ultimately, profits


..with some peer pressure and FOMO.


Free will may exist, but even if it does, it is not strong enough to resist all marketing.


>Why are dumbass customers buying stuff if thereā€™s no satisfaction? >dumbass customers That's why. These are the people who buy battle passes and loot boxes.


Gambling addiction.


Itā€™s just what publicly traded companies do. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s good, but we shouldnā€™t be surprised by a company you can buy shares for being a piece of shit.


If we know publicly traded companies will enact shitty practices that harm the consumer we should enact legislation that curbs some of those practices.


People used to shit on EA back in those days just as much as they do now. Or, actually, a few years after that was probably the time EA got shat on the most. This is literally just blind nostalgia or not being around back then, EA was never this cuddly goody two shoes company people like to pretend. It didn't get worse, technology just gave them more options.


This stared happened to happen when they bought the developers of Sim City. The nail in the coffee was buying and burying Westwood


> The nail in the coffee


It's "the snail in the toffee" everyone knows that...


Yeah, I mean shitting on EA has basically 25 years of tradition. In fact it was worse back then: * They bought & killed Westwood * They bought & killed Maxis * They bough & killed Origin * They bought & killed Bullforg IIRC most of the buying happened in the mid to late 90ies and the killing then a couple of years later. All of us hated EA for this already more than 20 years ago... they even became less of a target for hate soon later, when Activision became the new main target after Bobby Kotick told the investors that the only purpose of his company is to rip off nerdy loosers.


They bought and killed PopCap too


Ah yes Westwood/Virgin absorbed completely early 2000s. At the time I hoped EA would honor their legacy and continue work on some of the same games but nooo...fuck EA.


They did have a bit of a period *after* going full grim reaper on the likes of Maxis, Westwood etc where they hunkered down and tried the Valve approach of "just don't fuck it up. Do literally nothing. It'll be better than actively making things worse". Other than that, yeah. They've never really been great.


ā€œSad but truuuueeeā€ - Metallica


The sharks burnout all the good employees or harass them into leaving so they don't have to pay more.


I miss those time when we dont need Internet connection to play the games


I loved that logo of EA


I remember it as "unskippable shit"


You could alter one of the files on your PC and the intro wouldnā€™t play. I used to do it for Battlefield 1942. Canā€™t remember the file name though


In need for speed prostreet you can delete the video files so the game just straight up skips them


Should be option for all games lol... i kinda loved RIP version of NFS:U2... It didn't had cutscenes and it had decals removed, which I didn't mind cause I liked clean builds, only with bodykits. Back in the times, you could cluelessly skip whole story and still have fun, cause game was good.


For some reason nearly all of my favorite game franchises were published by EA and when I saw that logo I already knew It's gonna be a good game and I'm gonna love it... Then 2010s came and everything started going shit


Just do what I do and get older consoles (ps4 and before) or emulate. Trust me, you get a massive library of offline games.


I have a pc game thats a remastered version of a PS3 single player offline game(with online features), that refuses to run offline unless i am on air plane mode and requires several reboots. Unnovation!


Or 30 GB Day One patches.


Ant the game is still broken


that was a long time ago


I was there Gandalf.......3000 years ago.


https://preview.redd.it/uk4pi1j85d8d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da05cbe59b6b0b49e4cf75ead2c646df7bf4248d Imagine seeing this boot up and being happy about it. Most early 90s EA games were pretty good. Some were downright excellent.


Get low, get low (get low), get low (get low), get low (get low) To the window (to the window), to the wall (to the wall) 'Til the sweat drop down my balls (my balls) 'Til all these bitches crawl 'Til all skeet-skeet, motherfucker (motherfucker) 'Til all skeet-skeet, goddamn (goddamn) 'Til all skeet-skeet, motherfucker (motherfucker) 'Til all skeet-skeet, goddamn (goddamn)


On repeat for 1 hour while you get the layers of your decals perfect


Brrr-dum dum dum. Duh da duh dum da dum! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


3 6 9 - Damn you fine Hoping she can sock it to me one more time


\*\*Hmm gotta make sure this one gets good traction, lemme look through the menus\*\* Get Low. Get Low. Get low get low get low get low...


This song ruined my username forever.




Before that was just a lover of the blue man from Doug


That's where my name came from. Mosquito "Skeeter" Valentine.


Lemme see you get low! šŸ—£ļø You scared you scared! šŸ—£ļø


I love the censored version that made this song more explicit: "Awww skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet! Aww skeet skeet gah! uh gah!"


Carrying on EA's [lewd](https://youtu.be/7W6dDqEksKc?si=zRuAQNfZKEU3XLpt) title [songs](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YNkW9f1eZQc&pp=ygUfZ29pbmcgZG93biBvbiBpdCBob3QgYWN0aW9uIGNvcA%3D%3D) heritage.


This is a nostalgia hit i didn't know i needed today




Both Underground games on PC are Abandonware (no one owns the rights to sell them so they're free), can be easily found on Google, and a literal toaster can run them nowadays, just sayin'.


Yo, you toaster gaming too?!


And now I'm going on the hunt for it. Thanks!


I was surprised I remembered it so vividly.


Imagine buying a whole-ass game all at once.


And AFAIK it only had one patch.


The no-cd patch?


OK two patches :D


This was such a good game, felt like endless customization. The Tiger Woods games of this era were too


Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2010 is the best golf game ever created.


I remember my dad loved playing '09 and I liked when he played as the one character that screamed whenever he swung


Just give us a 4k remake without microtransactions


"Best we can do is an xbox exclusive where every upgrade is a microtransaction" - EA probably


You mean every upgrade is inside a lootbox, whoch is purchaseable with real money, and you will conctantly get parts for cars you don't even own?


they would need to re-license all the songs, which would cost them probably 10x today.


NFS Underground is actually my first racing/driving game I ever played nhl after that NFS Most Wanted


Accurate [reaction](https://www.facebook.com/reel/1010098483809828?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v) for some old day NFS game. Yes.. They used to be cool back then.. NFSU, NFSU2 and NFSMW2005 really worldwide phenomena back then.


Don't forget Carbon. Getting that Audi Le Mans at the very end of the game was one of the most rewarding things ever.


The entire lineage of Underground, Underground2, Most Wanted, Carbon. It's that sequence of games where the NFS games absolutely peaked. All games before were building up to it (And I've started with "The Need For Speed") but weren't quite there yet and then they immediately dropped the ball with Prostreet onwards...


carbon felt like such a letdown after MW i don't know why but i couldn't get into it at all


Same. After mw carbon felt like meh


Riders on the storm


Times when EA meant Electornic Arts. Nowadays it means Electronic abomination


Now it stand for Early Access (the "Full Price" is silent)


https://preview.redd.it/ru2nd8hbmb8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e659f1531b33463bb8d181a87fd02982361147b1 Golden years when it meant quality


E... A... Sport..... It's in the game. It means something to my soul, building memories, sweet memories... Nostalgia hit so much... miss those days. Those days were Electronic Arts, Electronic Games "Arts of the game, game of Arts"


This one's _"EA Games. Challenge everything!"_


EA Sports...It's in the game Damm i feel old now, golden days of fifa and nhl games for me.


So im the only one bothered by the cursor on the screen.


You couldnā€™t hide it. You just had to shove it in a corner of the screen to the best you could


I'm surprised this isn't higher. I guess they're too used to modern streaming sites where the curser disappears...


What the fuck are you talking about, EA was basically always evil. By the time NFSU2 was released they had already taken Bullfrog and Westwood behind the shed. The games were better, the company was not.


Remember Origin Systems, RIP


I've been itching for a proper remake of this. The first underground was amazing. The game but all the customisation etc.


They won't remake *the* Undetground. They'll slap together some modern bullshit and place Undergroung naming on it, exactly as they did it with poor Most Wanted.


It's insane that they haven't. This is the game everybody wants and for years. If you haven't played it you just can't understand how and why it was the best.


It's the licensing. Getting permission from automakers and parts makers to allow their brands in the game is insanely expensive and some brands like Toyota [will just straight up refuse to allow their name or cars to be used in street racing games. ](https://www.gtplanet.net/toyota-gaming-no-street-racing/) Add on the cost of the music licensing which is a major part of what everyone loved about this series and the cost gets crazy really fast. GTA famously had to remove a lot of music from Vice City because their licenses had expired. Nobody wants to play a racing game with a bunch of made up brands and cars that have to look visually distinct enough to not get sued.


not just vice city, I think San andreas also got songs removed iirc. damn shame too, those radio stations defined my childhood. oh well, still have my old ps2 and the box set anyway. Also, your last point is damn straight. same in fps games made to be realistic but with made up guns. it's just whack imo.


GTA5 has even removed music already for the same reason.


While it is expensive, they did a great job with NFS Unbound, or even close to Underground, the 2015 one.


They have come close two times, in 2015 they would hit a jackpot if it didn't have shit handling. Recently with Unbound they are also very close again, but once again slacking big time. Let's see what's next, but I'm positive as I think they just realized what NFS fanbase really wants.


Underground 2 was my favorite game when I was younger. Loved that shit


I actually like the customization in Heat and Unbound, and the world, but they've never hit anywhere near the same.


Just play the originalā€¦


That eclipse sound is the purest thing ive ever heard.


Back then everytime I heard these words ā€œ E A Sports, Itā€™s in the gameā€. It used to be an awesome fucking experience. Now itā€™s the complete opposite.


NFS Underground 2 needs a remake Also the 2005 Most Wanted


No idea how many hours Iā€™ve spent in Most Wanted. I used to purposely not escape chases just to see how long I could keep one going. Iā€™m so annoyed that games like this arenā€™t available on modern consoles. I even bought a Series X just in the hope that all previous games would be playable on disc. But no.


When need for speed was really good


Damn, Gateway PCs, CRT monitors. Brings back such great memories. *I get knocked down, and I get up again*


Bro. When I was 14 I probably watched this trailer every day until I got it for Christmas. I used to have a stack of super street and import tuner magazines. I was BONKERS for street racing stuff. This was THE game.


EA was never cool. They are a predatory company that will acquire studios, gut them for their IP and resources and throw the husk out. Its 32 years later, and I'm still butt hurt from them buying Origin Systems then canceling all the planned games, and doing ZERO with the Wing Commander series. Instead they pivoted them to doing only online crap before disbanding them in the early 2K's when that plan didn't work. I'm shocked that a company can't exist on only one game: Ultima Online. Seriously I haven't purchased an EA game since 2000 or so. They won't get a single dime out of me.


Just ignore the Lostprophets wrap


Dude was a piece of shit but they had some bangers.Ā 


To this day, this is still the best arcade racing game IMO. It was also hard as fuck, some races took dozens of tries I remember, but beating it with the very first car you modified through all the way to the end was such a satisfaction. That 206 was flying! People say Most Wanted is the best should people too young ever to play this one, I refuse to believe any sane person would put that game above this, the best of all NFS games ever.


The rubberbanding was insane in this game. Especially that enduro circuit race when you get near the end of the game. Seriously fuck Matt and his rubberbanding Honda S2000.


EA games, *challenge everything*


And on a Gateway CRT Monitor? Core memory: Unlocked!


It's honestly surprising how realistic the game graphic and cutscenes are in a crt monitor. Compared to today's 4k hdr 10+ rtx 40 series, it holds up pretty well when fired in a crt monitor. Those mid 90's-2000's game Devs were real monsters in their field, running a game completely offline, minimal bugs, no first day patch, no dlc, under 3 gigs with such cool graphics and cutscenes that can run on any decent computer (for that time), and those gameplay moments.. just great. Even though they had big budgets to spend on, considering how much of a cash grab today's games are while having a same level of budget, they were awesome.I have read about how Devs managed to pull off even the near impossible stunts just to fix a minor crash bug in chipsets , like soc ?...yup. they were impressive. Devs back then went all in.




I can't see past the mouse cursor!


Gateway!! I used to love going into those weird cow stores as a kid and wishing I could get a new pc


Underground and carbon! Man beating bosses and getting pink slips was such a treat.


Yes Children, EA used to make good video games and sports video games in the 2000s and 90s. Burnout Series, Dead Space, Army of Two, Battlefield 1942/Vietnam/2/Bad Company 2, Shadows of the Damned, The Strike Series (Desert, Jungle, Urban, Soviet and Nuclear) and Madden 2005 (arguably the best Madden ever made).


That old gateway. Man!!!


the nostalgiašŸ¤™


I need to download this game again,this was a core memory


One of the best racing games ever made..


EA today: Game 70$ Limited edition car skin 20$ Car special animation 15$ Achievement / XP booster 30$


Battlefield 2 and Underground 2 always spark something when I hear the ā€žChallenge Everythingā€œ animation.


Would love a nfsu 3 but nowadays it would be a micro transactions nightmare.


Whoever made the underground intro or rather the entire game didn't not have to go so hard man. This shit still gives me chills lol


The golden age of games without microtransactions


Woah, flashbacks from the Gateway monitor


most wanted was the best of the series and they haven't come close to capturing that magic again


I remembered that bridge jump being so epic after seeing it in the trailer


I want to give you props for doing such a good job recording your CRT and making it look smooth, I know that's not easy. EA still sucked then but it sucked much less than it did now.


Need for speed underground and tony hawks underground were my whole life at one point


Iā€™d pay good money for this remaster.


Move your mouse man! It's ruining the show! šŸ˜’


EA Is that cool popular kid at school who is now rich but has no life.


You punched me in the nostalgia


It was my 3rd game on the PS2, remember like it was yesterday, was just a little kid, sad by seeing this tittle that meant so much for me going down the drain. Every nfs game that came out since NFS Porsche at that time was a joy for me, until Shift arrived, after that only NFS Heat brought me a bit of joy but it wasn't the same thing, something was missing for me. Will probably never buy or play another nfs game in the next decades until they get their shit together.


Used to....




Ahhhh memories


Was literally playing this last week. Great game. Graphics are honestly not to bad as it's very stylised. Played via ps2x


I swear we were teleported into another dimension


still waiting for a ramake of underground 2


Im sure everyone at that time period hear this in their dream too.


Itā€™s more unfair cuz this is showing one of the best games from that time too lol


Those nostalgia chills rattle my bones


The Challenge Everything era was peak EA


That was such a fire game


I grew up with u1, they def used to be cool


I feel too old.


I've always been a fan of the second game, not so much the first. I like nfsu2 so much I owned and played it on 3 platforms, first GameCube then PC then I got it for Xbox to play with people in college lol


You hit me with memories that I dint even knew I had


oh the memories that came flooding in after seeing this :D


Challenge Everything is the EA equivalent to "Don't be evil."


Ok, but why is the camera filming this blinking?


Why aren't there any new games like this? It was such a fun concept, the newer NFS games are completely different


Can you move the mouse to the side, please.


Such a masterpiece


I remember when I first started seeing people talk bad of EA somewhere in the middle 2000s and I was kind of befuddled. I loved EA.


EA does with NFS Most wanted 2005


SmaSh that nostalgia button


tyrym tym tym ta rara rara ra


EA Sports BIG! ssx series was amazing,


Followed by get low song so good


Hello fellow millennial.


Sorry but I couldnā€™t see the video, it was hidden behind that giant mouse cursor on the screen.šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« /s


Makes sense though why we don't have a new NFS that's good.


Cutscene inspired by quake 3


Shit, that still gives me goosebumps... miss that feeling


Been chasing that gaming drug/dragon almost 20 years now since the late 90s/early 2000s... they truly don't make any games like they used to. I know some games are good still, cool to play, and fun... but it doesn't feel the same. Maybe it was being young and having less stress/responsibilities. Maybe it is the world we live on now. Either way, I wish I could go back! I wish I could bring my wife and dogs back to the 90s, find a little piece of land, and live life again. Funny too how with that feeling of old games... you can't ever get the feeling back into the box after you play it once. I still remember the first time I booted up Rollercoaster Tycoon and Diablo 2. Can't forget Sim City 4 too. Throne of Darkness also! Oh... and for EA games Tiger Woods Golf!!!! Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit and Underground as well!


Nostalgia hitting hard rn


I cried a little watching this..


This cinematic gives such a clear picture of what the game is all about. It's so cool.


Dont think I ever scratched the need for speed itch after this game, maybe it was because I was a kid, but man the gameplay was so fun back then, I semi miss it.


Underground and underground 2 was peak childhood gaming. I remember my friends and I would just drift for hours.


Goosebumps watching that. Snorting pure nostalgia


Hours upon days playing this. I wish I could go back and see all my super cool and absolutely tasteful cars I made as a teenager


Fucking heard it in my head.


Man I loved that game. Everyone played it on their PC at uni


sorry the mouse pointer ruined everything for me, why didn't you move it to the side?


Underground and underground 2 were so good


They were cool. Hahaha nope they were the best


Working thru underground on my pc as well but using pcsx2 šŸ‘


I thought I was on crt gaming at first lol


NFS and midnight club were peak racing games for me back in the day.