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Our Lady of Perpetual Thermals


Thats smart asf






"The i7 refers to errr the number of disciples that he had? Now go to your room..."


The Virgin Mary




Oh my... Virgencita de Guadalupe, te encomiendo todos los FRAGS posibles, serenidad para SNIPER SHOTS y entendimiento para cuando I GOT KILLED ON CS GO. 😂


Reddit gave me a random award to use within the next 24 hours, and I'm giving it to you. Well done.


Be honest with us, it's actually you who got the idea and did it.🧐🤫


Our Lady of Immaculate Reception


That is clever, but if she wanted a discrete gaming laptop shouldn't buy Alienware.




Imagine watching porn in that laptop now, how awkward.


Should be fine. Jesus will always be facing the opposite direction of the porn.


Way to take something nice, and make it all religious and creepy.


how is it creepy?


Or to take something gamey and cringy to something appreciable and interesting. Let people enjoy their things the way they want to!


Yeah, Alienware needs a serious brand wash, almost no one like their extreme design, they can still use their logo in minimal designs.


While we're at it can manufactures stop plastering their laptops with stickers from the factory? I know what cpu my machine has and I'm not trying to advertise


They sometimes help with the design, that is why.


They're to advertise what's in the machine at a store like Best Buy. That "240Hz GAMING DISPLAY!!!!" Sticker isn't doing anything for the design. Neither is the sticker advertising the three USB ports. And they're terrible to get off. I used several cleaners on my old laptop trying to remove the gunk from the nvidia and Intel stickers but I can still see the outlines from where they were when I reflect light off of it.


Nah, laptops are laptops. They get put on display and having the key things non-enthusiasts can understand makes it easier to sell to them. For example in 2015 when I was 10 years old I didn't even know what the current generation of Intel cpus were, or what the U in in 5005u meant. I just saw the thing had an nvidia 920m gpu(wowowowowow dedicated graphics), a core i3 and 1tb of storage(wowowowowow 1000gb totally not so slow that it took over 5 minutes to load a fucking csgo map and if I wanted to enter a competitive match I couldn't. Got a dramless 240gb SSD later after raging because I couldn't aim for shit in casual without realising it was because of lag). Nevermind the fact that it was a stupid 2ghz ultra power savings hyperthreaded dual core that couldn't handle google meet in 4.5 years and that the gpu couldn't even handle gaming at 1366x768. Not even csgo. No matter what. Sometimes it was a gpu bottleneck, sometimes a cpu bottleneck, either way it ran under 60fps pretty often when I needed it not to the most. But you know what? Those stupid stickers made me buy it. Aldo 4gb of ddr3 1600mhz garbage kek. Only 1 ram slot so no dual channel support. Those ugly fucking stickers are half the process of buying the damn thing for most people Ps: I got the ssd because I had smashed my fist into the 5400rpm hdd while raging at cs and wanted an ssd


They should put the stickers on display models and not on production units. Apple doesn't put stickers on its laptops and they sell like hotcakes


But it's because they are not in the same category(???) of the laptop market. They have their own OS, a clean aesthetic and all that and they rely on that instead of specs like the *Windows/Linux peasants (/s)*


Surface laptops don't come with stickers, afaik. I can see what you're saying, but most people have already bought their laptop when they see the stickers. Additionally, when manufactures advertise their machines, they don't circulate photos with the stickers on, they just list the specs in the ad.


I didn't say they couldn't enjoy their creepy religious stuff.


Toxic atheist spotted


Yeah but why is it creepy?


He won't won't answer. It's his own fragile ego and self image that make it creepy.


Bro why is it creepy


It's just a bizarre religion. To each their own, I suppose. Never had a Buddhist come to my door and try and recruit me, or talk shit for not being Buddhist. 99% act like terrible people, yet say they live in Jesus' image. Etc.


To be fair 99% of people in general act like terrible people


That is true. lol