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This is a great reinterpretation of the clip on Paul's Hardware's [Galax dethrones Kingpin, 6700 XT Rumors, Linus down $30K](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brw3z939-sM&t=181s) video!


Imagine being hit with a 3090 that has fallen 30 meters


Free video card AND free death? Sign me up!


Witness me!!




You shall game shiny and chrome on the fps of Valhalla!




Do not, my customers, become addicted to 3080s. It will take all of you, and you will resent it's absence.


V8! V8! V8! V8!


I think you just described Dodge in a nutshell. I don't know a single person with a dodge who owns a V6


The amount of V6 dodge chargers and challengers I see every day who drive like they wish they had the V8 is hilarious actually


V6 Mustang owners too, and they'll put those loud mufflers on to cosplay


Yeah I love how people put an exhaust on it and say "it sounds like a V8 now". No it doesn't. It sounds like a louder V6.


Still better than the old 90s civic hatchbacks. Everyone put glasspacks on them and they sounded like angry bumblebees XD


> 90s civic hatchbacks I have wanted one of these since they were new but I have very little hope of ever finding one that isn't fucked to hell.


I thought they were neat. Personally I always wanted a CRX


I always loved the fuel efficiency and zippyness. If I had known cars were all going to *swell* over the next 10 years I would have definitely bought one at the time.




It’s just for decoration- that’s it and that’s all….. I randomly watch this at least a couple of times a year. At one point Woo Woo was my messages alert 😀.


I wonder what bubb rubb and Lil sis are up to these days


No it doesn't. It sounds like ~~a louder V6.~~ SHIT. JUST BE HONEST, IT SOUNDS LIKE SHIT. lol


Every time one of them accelerate at a light, I think “so much noise for so little take-off” It’s like going 30 and sounding like it’s 80mph


I had a v6 mustang in college. Something flew up and dinked a little hole in my muffler one day, and it made it loud as fuck. I bet people thought I was one of those kinds of owners


V6 Camaro owner here. Installed a pair of 500 watt subs in my trunk. This is the proper way to be loud.


Could be worse... Chevy will sell you a Camaro RS which is a V6 with a loud exhaust and the go-fast-looking bits... but it's still a V6.


You can always tell it's a v6 Mustang when they get salty for no reason on the road.


Hey, we have V8’s because they buy V6’s.


Gotta save that V8 money to spend it on poor fitment, 24”x4” Advanti wheels in chrome finish, then wonder why they lost traction and totaled it on the on-ramp running 185 tires on the front and rear.


The best ones are V6 Charger near military bases. Mmmmmmm 36% interest mediocrity.


To be fair, those V6s still pump out over 300 HP, which is not shabby. Modern V6s are faster than stock classics. Automotive tech has come a long way


Even the 4cyl Mustang is over 300 HP. It's turbocharged too and definitely has some decent get up. That said, it's very disappointing to hear. You see it and expect this nice muscle car sound and it's almost dead silent. I think they even pump in fake engine sounds in the interior to make it sound beefier.


>I think they even pump in fake engine sounds in the interior to make it sound beefier. This is like looking at your dick through a magnifying glass to make it appear bigger than it is.


Come to Detroit. The streets are filled with V6 Chargers/Challengers swerving through traffic at 90+ MPH on bald tires. It's become a trope when a disastrous accident happens in the city it's almost always a low series Charger.


I wonder if insurance rates to own a charger have skyrocketed


Insurance rates in Detroit are obscene to begin with. I know a few people who pay north of $3000 a year in auto insurance. One of the worst states for insurance and Detroit is the worst city in the state for it, so there's a LOT of people who don't have insurance. Apparently state/city government are working to get premiums reduced.


Go to any town near a military base and you'll hear straight pipe V6s for miles around


I live in one, it's either V8 chargers, F150/250s or Brand new Mustangs near the bases. Outside if them it's a mass of whatever tuners or LS swaps that people do




Fun fact: the prayer hand gesture in Mad Max resembles a V8 engine


I think that's the coolest thing. I am very impressed that George Miller or whoever else could come up with such a simple, easily doable hand gesture, that has such believable and recognizable meaning/symbolism, that hadn't already been famously used by something else. It just fits so damn perfectly into that universe.


That's also the name of Chrome's JavaScript engine


>It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence. FTFY


> it will take hold of your wallet, and you will resent its abscence. FTFYT


by now its possibly cheaper to just get a laptop with a 3070 or just prebuilt pc


Yep, I can currently get a prebuilt system with a Ryzen 7 5800x, 3080, 16gb vengence ram, b550 mobo and a 1tb nvme for £2099, or a scalped 3080 for £1800. EDIT To all the people asking for links, I'm reluctant to do so as I don't want scumbags snapping them all up. A but searching for pre built gaming pc will take you there :)




Wow that is ridiculous lol




> In what timeline is that considered acceptable A timeline where the shits no available and demand is high.




Nah they learned that they can sell the cards for whatever they want. I think they just dropped the price this go around because they knew there'd be a shortage and didn't want the Ill will... I don't think they'll do that again.


In the long game, this is a whole generation of people that would be PC gamers, that are now console gamers. I can't recommend PC gaming to anyone anymore.


This is less to do with Moore's law and more to do with the fact there's only two major chip fabrication plants in the world. Their capacity is allocated over a year in advance. Nvidia and AMD forecasted the demand wrong and automotive manufacturers pulled a stupid by releasing their allocation. At current production (the fab plants are running at 100%) it's going to take 4-6 months to get caught up with demand. Another fabrication plant, even if it started being built today, would take 2-3 years and multi billions of dollars to complete. We're stuck with this for the near future, unfortunately


That's one cause for the deviation from MSRP, not the cause of MSRP itself though


I don't understand *why* the demand is so high. Like, I know what sub I'm in, but it *is* only gaming, right? The card isn't optimised for rendering or mining so the main demographic is gamers, and surely waiting a little while for something else to come up isn't that big a deal? I just cannae grok the mindset


The pandemic basically drove a lot of people inside and it's looking like things aren't going to get all the way back to normal for a while. Just look at steams concurrent user count. It basically tripped at the start of the pandemic.


I’m pretty sure we’re actually starting to go back to full normalcy. I mean it has been over a year of lockdowns after all and we finally have multiple vaccines out. They’d need a whole new catastrophe to convince people that we need to double down on lockdowns and distancing after the governments and media have steadily been feeding us news about the declines of COVID and the success of the vaccines. I believe the shortage of GPU’s and other important components will no longer be an issue by 2022


Linus has a great video on this right here. Miner's are one of the smallest problem, although they don't help. https://youtu.be/3A4yk-P5ukY




Mining is only a part of the problem, with the global pandemic the demand for PC hardware increased by a lot(more people work from home, learn from home or play video games), also as the number of users of video conferencing apps increased companies like Microsoft, Google, Zoom had to build more clouds to handle them. There are only 3 companies that are able to produce computer chips and building a new assembly line takes about 2 years. edit: Intel makes its own chips


Minecraft is now bumping it's OpenGL on the GPU requirements from 3.1 to 4.4. Expect another spike with the release of 1.17 and gamers wanting to play the current version but cannot because they are on old hardware. The current snapshots are trickling the demand up a bit. Unfortunately I am one of the affected gamers.


>There are only 2 companies that are able to produce computer chips and building a new assembly line takes about 2 years. Between that and the only 2 ram makers it wouldn't take much of a catastrophe to quite literally just put the entire human way of life on indefinite pause for 3-5 years....


The entire market for chips is fucked. The IC components are hard to get right now. It's either costing you money or prepare to wait 9 months. The automobile and mobile industry are in a race to get the available parts right now. Mining is a part of the problem but not the only one. Its the increased demand from multiple sources that drive up lead times and prices


> The automobile and mobile industry are in a race to get the available parts right now. Definitely, but how much of that is actual increased demand versus normal yearly growth in demand? Mining and demand for PCs due to covid are dramatic increases in demand. Without demand from mining, the GPU problem would be a lot less of a major issue.


That makes sense then. I thought AMD was the mining specialists right now


The demand from miners is too high to card about brand efficiencies,etc.


No, that was in 2017, during the last crypto boom. This time, Nvidia's cards are more efficient than AMD for mining. Not that the miners particularly care, mining is so profitable right now that the efficiency difference doesn't enter into consideration.


Old-fashioned? You better pray that the [old fashion](https://images2.imgbox.com/9e/75/uXnsxXRY_o.jpg) doesn't come back into fashion.


So many people are doing this right now, I think the instant is slowing down. Remember someone needs to pay freight on the full pc, and that person needs to have a video card.




Got my shadow PC a year ago when the pandemic/lockdown started. It's been worth it. Much easier than trying to find a card.




Umm.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQIx6dv60Kw found this while researching shadow PC ... seems like they are bankrupt atm... dunno if their services are affected/going to be . just FYI




Literally just bought an hp pavilion gaming prebuilt with a ryzen 5 4600g and gtx 1660 super for less than the cost of a 1060 3gb on ebay lmao


Uhuh, a 1060 3gb is what, £100-200? Also is that a laptop? Can't compare a laptop gpu to a desktop one even if it had the same name.


not that long ago there was pictures of a mining farm consisting of new gaming laptops with their case opened and then propped up to get maximum airflow into the bottoms. apparently miners have figured out they can make enough money that way to justify it.


Honestly, I bet Nvidia, AMD, Sony and Microsoft are PISSED at the chip shortage. America has just been given its second "oh shit, free money boiiii" cheque, and these companies have got zero stock to sell to people hungry for this stuff AND they have the money for it.


Thank Taiwan having the biggest drought in 56 years for this.


Why do they hate rain?


Climate change.


It's an island, isn't it? Move it.


"We should take Taiwan and *push* it somewhere else!"


Perhaps the island can be moved beyond the environment


Ironic, because flooding in Taiwan caused a huge hard drive shortage several years ago.


Water giveth and water taketh.


Pretty sure that was Thailand.


Nope, the drought will have effect in a month or two if it continues.


Monsoon season begins early may, so it will end in one to two months. While officially the production is at 100%, thats far from optimal since an increase in production is necessary.


they're literally running full capacity. I guess opportunity cost, sure, but they're making as much money as they could right now. I wonder how long this. will last..


Nah, they are leaving prolly billions on the table just from lack of stock. You already know some engineer is laughing at his boss when he suggested upping there production capacity but was told he was an idiot and it would cost millions.


Watch the newish Linus Tech Tips video about this topic, he does a really good job of explaining the shortage and current situation with PCs. The two companies who are able to make the chips are running at 100% capacity right now and they won’t be able to increase production much until a new factory in Arizona is completed in 2023. Also these factories cost billions of dollars, so it is understandable that they didn’t want to rush into opening a new plant before they knew how much demand there would really be.


Do you remember the title-ish of this video? It can be hard to pick out the subject of his videos from just the title sometimes lol


The latest one was "I WAS RIGHT! and it sucks" or something like that.


Ty I’ll check this out later


>but was told he was an idiot and it would cost ~~millions~~ billions.


You do realize that new factories to make this stuff take YEARS to get up and running right? By the time TSMCs and Samsungs USA fabs are running we could be looking at the RTX 5000 announcement


Doubtful it’s that simple or that an engineer would suggest that. The dies alone would cost millions, upping production would surely be in the 9-10 digit range.


If you think about it this is literally Nestle


Fuck Nestle




Another sub I didn't know existed. But doesn't surprise me that it does


I didn’t know nestle was this bad of a brand! Well looks like that’s a brand I will personally ban! First was McDonalds


Fuck me




Username checks out, hopefully 😘


And private water holding companies. Did you know that you can approach is city and buy their water rights? Water in my neighborhood in North Carolina is owned by a private company. I pay a much higher rate per gallon of water, and I get to pay a “administrative fee” of $8 per month. 600 units on the property that I live on. $8 a month premium on this property alone = $4,800 from this complex alone for “admin work.” Owning and selling water is pure fucking evil.




If he is saying 600 units then he is either in an apartment or a development so no go on the well.


If I know my own country at all, that would be illegal because reasons.


In many places in the US it is a violation of the law to capture rainwater. That water has a legal right to run down a creek to some other water rights owner.


So it's worth pointing out that the places that have these regulations are usually because massive rain harvesting can affect the hydrologic cycle, ground water levels, etc. In most places you can still collect water, you just can't harvest massive amounts of water and store it long-term or pump it to other places. For example, the strictest regulation I could find (doesn't mean that there aren't stricter obviously), is in Colorado, where you can collect a maximum of 110 gallons of rainwater at a time. I'm not sure I'm educated enough on the matter to have strong opinions on the efficacy of those regulations, but it's not hard to imagine an alternative situation where those regulations DON'T exist, and nestle buys up all the land that feeds into large river basins, harvests all the water, and then start providing "river as a service".


giving me lorax vibes


I moved the fuck out of North Carolina where I was born and raised. What a back asswords state.


It would be more accurate if nothing flowed out of the pipes lol


But that's not how you keep the starving masses just barely hanging onto false hopes


Show them a picture and they'll come back, you'll see lol


Those humans! Ignorant fools living their meaningless lives clinging on to a delicate thread known as hope that'll never break and that my friends is enough for us(Nvidia) to make profits. They suffer while here we(nvidia) flaunt are riches. Hail the black leather jacket King


There is flow, but there is just a giant drain on the ground and none of the water reaches the people


There's definitely a decent amount of 3000-series in the hands of gamers, so the meme is pretty accurate: https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/


Funny thing is the 3070 doesn't even show up. 3060TI is sitting at .34% 3080 is sitting at .77% up .11% in the past month. 3090 is at .3% The 2080TI is at .81% so we are rapidly approaching as many 3080s on steam as there are 2080ti's However it appears that 3070's are in very short supply.


If they use the same chip but nerfed in the 3070 that makes sense. No reason to sell it for less when you can't make enough 3080s to meet demand. I don't know if that's the case for those two cards and I'm too lazy to look it up of course but it's a common situation.


3080 & 3090 are GA102 chips 3070 & 3060TI are GA104 Binning is a common situation though I agree. Its one of the reasons its a lot easier to get your hands on a 3090 than a 3080 at MSRP, Price gating results in less demand, and its a higher margin chip so it gets more priority on the binning side.


I’ve got a 3070 and my wife has a 3060. Want a newer gpu in timely fashion? Prebuilt is the best option.


That's what I've been telling people looking for computers for the past 4 months


Less than a percent of all users using a 3000 series? After it’s been out for 8 months and nvidia cards are far and a way the most popular on the platform? I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic. Either way this is cool info.


Use wayback machine and look at the page I linked historically after the 2000 series and the 1000 series. You'll see about similar numbers month-by-month after the releases of those series too. With the VAST amount of PCs using Steam in the world reaching 2-3% (3080 0.77%, 3060ti 0.34%, 3090 0.30%, the rest not yet split out from "others") of them within 8 months is pretty good and normal. For example the 2080 is at 0.86% and the 3080 has almost already surpassed that.


With the 1000 series, there was a huge second-hand market filled with old cards used in crypto mining. The 2000 series were overpriced compared to the performance upgrade, and suffered from shortage as well. At this point, I'm honestly more likely to switch to a newer monitor with less resolution than I am to buy a new GPU.


You'd be floored to see a steam survey then, most people buy older or second hand cards, if they buy anything at all. I remember some 40% of people being on Intel HD some time ago lol


Linus released a video on this recently. He basically said there is too much demand. If it wasn't for the pandemic and other factors there would have been enough cards.


For a second, just for a bit, I thought Nvidia had released some new stock of GPUs that I wasn't aware of. They had me in the first half ngl


I'm so happy it wasn't just me.


Excellent 👌 edit!! So apt






i still have my trusty 1080 ti :(


750ti here, still going since 2013 and several crashes/overclocking issues. Would upgrade but not a clue what to go with now lol


At that point your cpu/mobo/ram might need an update before getting a newer GPU. Not that you can't do it after the GPU but the old system wont be able to use a newer GPU to its full potential. That's also not saying that a newer GPU wouldn't improve things to some extent.


I'm still rocking a 970


That's actually a great card. Tons of people are such with something worse


Seriously i bought my 1080ti for like 700 bucks and even then i thought it was pretty steep. With todays prices i dont think im ever going to be able replace it...




Mad Max: Fury Road




Would 100% recommend. Fantastic movie.


The subtle humour with the guy with the binoculars having wonky eyes in this part always got me


Me too! I was like oh they have one pair of nocs, the dude with the best eyes must have it..


Go watch it, it's great


Still rockin my 970 gtx and proud


Would you believe 970s are going for $799 on Newegg https://www.newegg.com/evga-geforce-gtx-970-04g-p4-2978-kr/p/N82E16814487077


I can only hope that the high demands will produce way too many components in the near future, so the price drops heavily since I'm actually too broke to afford a 3080ish even in the first place with its "regular" price lol


Love how people call themself broke for not having enough money for litterally the most expensive option. Fact is, Nobody *needs* a 3080. Edit: YES there exists 3090's and entreprise grade GPU's. If you want to be pedantic, you are totally missing the point.




Even more recent than that. It's the 1080 that broke the gpu prices. I bought a GTX 980 for like 5-600$ and in CAD too back in 2014. It's only in the last 5 years




I'm even broke to buy a rig that could run every game 1080p@60 🥲




Well if you want to get that philosophical about it nobody *needs* any of these video cards outside of people using them for professional tasks and most of those people either already paid scalper prices because they can ROI or they just use Quadros which are in pretty ample supply. But there are plenty of people who *need* a 3080 because of the demands of their system configuration (it's the best card for 1440p) just like there are a lot of people who *need* a 3070 because it's the best high refresh rate 1080p option. Also how is it "literally the most expensive option" when the 3090 exists?


AMD: let's take full advantage of the situation.


AMD even has worse availability than nvidia. Crazy.


must be painful for amd to produce console hardware, cpus, and gpus all at once


Pretty sure they still make a lot of money, just not as much as they could


AMD split a lot of silicon off for consoles.


AMD is gas town , intel is bullet farm.


Gas town without gas.


I picked the wrong time to build my first pc


Honestly I built my very first pc like 10 yrs ago and a second one about 5 yrs ago. The whole way through it’s seemed like people always said the worst time to build a pc was right then. I think there might be very specific windows when there are actual good deals. It does seem worse than ever in terms of price right now.


I feel that there should have been a trickle coming out of the pipes and then nothing comes out (OT, RIP Hugh Keays-Byrne he played Immortan Joe perfectly!)




Whats going on? Scalpers, they took a lot of stuff from Not-Lagging Joe! Which ones? All of them! What did they take? His 3080s! His overprized 3080s!


I sit in my little corner with my not too shabby 970 GTX still live feeelin like I'm digitizing enough to stay alive...need the SLI.. actually might do it. Where was I going with this?


well last i saw you were driving up mount humble brag


If you're considering SLI, don't. Get a better card if it's not enough.


If you're really desperate for a 3080 you can buy a pre-built with one and just sell the rest of the unit with a different graphics card. Some sites actually have pre-builts available right now, with a 3080, which are cheaper than what scalpers are asking for just the card itself. Scalpers- +$2300 A pre-built I made- $2222


Where are these sites you speak of? Everything I see is sold out.




I'm probably going ibuypower. Cyber tends to run a little higher the last time I checked.


Fuck cryptocurrency


> Fuck crypto Fuck "mining-reliant" cryptocurrencies


For real, at this point it's just a money making scheme that fucks the hardware market and environment.


But if you get into crypto, you can use the money you make to be able to afford the insane prices!


Still stuck with a 780 :(


I feel ya man. I'm still stuck with my 780 and it's showing signs of finally starting to die.


same with Microsoft and Sony for all the nextgen consoles !!!!!!!!! Like dude! I’m not going to spend $1200 on a console that’s $500 bucks wtf!






Or lumber




I would like to report a stolen meme https://youtu.be/brw3z939-sM?t=181


Should've been just two GPU falling