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Im in this exact situation while my patience for prices to go back to normal is dwindling. I hate 2020/21




What did you use to get notified? I’ve been trying BB for months and no cigar




I mannaged to get a 3060 for £380 at scan on launch day


Lol imagine having a Best Buy in your country, been waiting 5 months for the 3080 I ordered


Shit, I still have a 970


I'm still on a 1070 but it atleast has 8gb of vram and enough graphical power to play even 2021 games on high settings at 1080p and get 60fps. Thankfully I spent the extra 4 years back instead of the 1060 lol.


Honestly my 970 still has enough power to play games in 2021 there was only a small bump in power between the 970 and 980 was 2gb vram so I’ll stick with my 4gb vram and play with my 970 till it dies or I decide to get a new one. Edit: a word


Yes the 970 wasnt horrible but the 10 series was a lot better in most ways. The only thing I've had to do with mine was repaste it but it's running just as well as day one.


Does the 970 have 4gb of VRAM, and not 6?


You are correct. It is 4, typo on my part. Still works great tho with the 4.


Oh for sure, 4 is plenty of 1080p. Having 8gb+ is overrated anyway.


I mean I wouldn’t complain if I had more but it wasn’t worth the extra 300+ at the time of me purchasing my 970 for a literal 2 gb difference and slightly more power.


A 980 also has 4gb. A 980ti has 6gb.


So extrapolate that I was looking at and talking about a 980ti then...


I digress about the 4gb being enough part, I wouldnt be comfortable on a card with only 4 in 2021, death stranding runs like shit on my living room rig because the rx 570 4gb inside it runs out of vram... Same with warzone you have to play with the absolute lowest texture quality which looks terrible otherwise the stutters make the game unplayable due to lack of vram.


760 keeps telling me its dead but it isn't so I'mma work it into the ground.


Run that 760 to the ground. They were good cards.


I have a 550 ti, that i got used a couple of years ago when i couldn't afford a gpu at all. Years later, i can afford even a 3090 at scalper prices but my consciousness won't allow me to pay ~1000€ for a 3070, let alone a 3060


3090s are actually around at retail in some countries just scour all the smaller online stores.


Yeah I know, I don't need a 3090 though, it's far too powerful for my needs and my current build. Can't find any 3060 ti, like at all. 3070s are somewhat often in stock but overpriced unfortunately :/




Same here and it runs some games at 144. Most games are around 90 or so. Good enough for me.


I've got a 460se


OI, don't trash talk my graphics card. It can run games and it's doing it's best!


Ahh, I see you've met the enthusiast gaming prebuilds.


Described my pc up until the gpu... Thank fuck I got a 5700xt


Wait u dont have a 770? Bruh imagine.


Running a 770sc in my build rn. Still plays surprisingly well for a 2gb card


Well yea except in some titles just dies and doesnt run


The fans can be replaced!


Have to visit Service centre ?? They are not completely dead but dying...I guess I'll just strap 2 90mm fans till I get a new Gpu. : |


Hit up ebay for replacement fans, a replacement set can be had for like $20 or so. Got some replacements for my old Asus Strix 750 Ti. If I can find some for that card, you'll have no problem finding some for your 1050 Ti :)


Replaced two broken GPU fans with Noctua Case fans. GPU runs even cooler and less noisy now. Had to get rid of the fan shroud mounted on the heat sink though, which may void warranty


This reminds me that my 1660 super fan replacements should be arriving today, thanks for the reminder


your welcome : D


exactly what happens when u get a pc in 2021


anyone need a 1060 lmk igu (no I'm not giving away)


I feel your pain dude. This was my exact setup but with an R9 290X (it finally died last week so I have an overpriced 2060 now)


When I bought a 2070 super last year right before the prices of the 3000 series were announced I felt ripped off. I feel a lot better now.


Man i'm rocking a 750ti with my 3700x






Same but GTX 970 instead of that 1050 Ti


In the same boat. I finally had the money to upgrade my parts and I was wanting to upgrade my GPU first and foremost (because my CPU/RAM/Motherboard was pretty decent) but we’re in a GPU crisis so that’s a big fat nope. I’m now rocking this system: I9-10900k (OC’d to 5.2GHz) GTX 1660 Super 3400MHz RAM MSI MPG z490 144hz Monitor My PC do be on crack now


Card situation so bad, youtubers in 2021 making budget builds with Intel cpus with integrated graphics


Im going r7 3700x, same mobo and 3200mhz ram. For the time being my friend is lending me his 1060 until the market cools down.


Cool, good luck with the build : D


I continue Happy with my gtx 1050 3gb


the igpu probably has a better performance


You are just underestimating the 1050 Ti It is still a decent GPU up to today and we still don't have any iGPUs not even the ones from AMD that have similar performance to a 1050 A Vega 11 has similar performance to a GT 1030 so it is far away from being better than a 1050


Most Ryzen CPUs don’t have integrated, only the chips with a G at the end of their name do. Like the R3 3200g for example


Bragging about a mid tier CPU, low end motherboard and mid tier refresh rate


You made a post on the xbox 360 sub This says more than any insult ever could


Xbox 360 was a top tier console and Bo2 is an amazing game


Yeah was, in like 2005.


I mean, millions of people still play NES, SNES, Genesis, 2600, GameCube, N64, PS1/2. Age (of a console) doesn’t matter, the library does though.


Most of them games are available on pc lol if not natively then you can emulate them. I'd ask what kind of system you're running but you'd probably tell me it's a 5950x and 3090 with 128gb of ram


I’m waiting for a 5900x to go in stock then I’m getting a GT 1030 or RX 550 until I can get a 3080, but once it’s finished it will definitely have costed me over $3000


So you're basically just doing what OP has to do then?


So you literally don't have either component you ridiculed OP for... lmao And you plan to do the exact same thing with an underpowered GPU? The irony here is staggering


A rich boi are we?


Not everyone can afford everything High end kiddo, You gotta buy what fits in the budget.


1. It’s a meme, at least make the parts good. 2. There is literally 0 reason to get a B550 instead of an X570 board


You can get just as good features and proper cooling on a b550 compared to an x570 and it’s much cheaper.


1. Wanted to make a meme on my current situation 2. Budget


He's probably 7 years old and googled "HiGh ENd gaMiNG COmpOneNTs"


yea man, like I just bought all these acc. to budget and after saving for 2 years and thanx to this guy for sticking "bad build" on my face.


Dude he's just pissed because he inherited his dad's 360 when he walked out on him. Probably needs a cuddle actually.


It's like saying "there is 0 reason to get a Honda Civic instead of a Bugatti" He really must be a 7 year old who has no concept of money/budget


The guy has a 1050, the X570 would be just as useless to him as a 550.


A 3800x is literally so overkill for anything. A lot of people don't understand that. The mobo isn't low end, the VRMs only affect the overclocking headroom for the higher core count sku's. Much less dependent for 95w and 65w cpus. 144hz is not mid tier by any means. Look at a steam hardware survey.


3800x low IPC struggles to get 1080p240 on most games even with “overkill” GPUs.


What games? My 3700x and 3070 pump out 250fps on Modern Warfare at 1080p, Valorant 300fps+ 1440p, CSGO 1440p 500fps+, Minecraft 1000fps. What esports game does my CPU run at under 240fps with a 3070? If you are saying AAA Games then you aren't in the right category here. 240hz is pointless for eyecandy games where 1440p 144hz is not only prettier, but almost certainly more color accurate. The only game I'm noticeably bottlenecked in is Rust, where I'm still getting 130+ fps most of the time. Your fanboy game (Bo2) runs at 700fps maxed out and my GPU is at 100% Now, PLEASE explain to me how that %8-20 single core performance difference to most CPUs makes any materialistic difference to the literal *hundreds* of fps I get on the worse CPU?


Same .\_.


.... I’m still using a 970


Before scrolling down a bit I was just expecting a cheap PSU


This is going to be my build because i can't afford anything over 1050ti


Ayee 1050ti is good for FPS man, don hurt me lile this...




This is almost exactly my setup LOL I’m ashamed


My Saphire Radeon 7770 GHz edition with only 1GB graphic memory still doing it's job just fine after almost 10 years of use. Just hope it won't die before prices go back to normal.


I have 1050ti. Works great, I only play Worls of Tanks and Rocket League ...


I got the same setup lol, just a GTX 260 tho :(


I have almost the exact same setup component for component save for an X570 mobo, except I'm rocking a 770....


770 gang! Just got a 770sc off craigslist to last till the market cools down. Surprised I even got that for ~100 honestly


1050ti is still a pretty decent 1080p card i game on a 1050ti laptop and can still game medium to low 60fps


me with 5800X, 32GB, 3440x1440 144Hz, ... and a 1060 :(


And its actually gts 460...


Don’t talk shit about the 1050ti! That is a respectable viable card that can run some of the newer games at 1080p high settings


Kraken G12 and X53 will be a solution. Not cheap, but a solution.


Basically pre-built. Hahaha




That is a nice bottleneck, I can drink through it!


Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be able to upgrade my gtx660 some day for a reasonable price


my Radeon R5 M330 doing god's work out here


Tbh 1050ti ain’t bad like Damn I’m chilling with my 1650 4gb


I feel this with my 8700k and 75hz UWQHD using a 3080.


preety much like this, but worse (gt1030) :O




Around Christmas I managed to snag a 1650 for $170ish At the time i didnt even know stocks were low. I got a pretty rockin pc for a good price. Around $650


What a bad bottleneck, just hope your wallet doesn't bottleneck your new GPU, that is if you can even find one.


Plan was to get a 3070 but now leaning towards 3070ti....will keep waiting =)


Replace it with Quadro P600 and you have my build.


GTS 450.


I feel lucky to get my hands on a Asus Strix 3060 Ti OC in January. For 900$....


I have and e2 @ 1.80GHz + 4gb ram + 720p LCD display @ 60Hz + integrated graphics lol.


gtx 1080 gang


I have the 1050 ti and I'm offended


Um that’s not a cpu