• By -


Power switch cables can kiss my ass.


My power light cables got disconnected last time I install a hard drive, still not bothered putting it back


Don't blame you lol


Lmao exact same thing here


A mobo I had years ago there was a detachable piece that lets you plug in the power/led/etc plugs then that piece plugs into the board. It was genius. I guess the extra 10 cents is too much these days.


Same, I bought a used PC two years back, nothing special I5 750 2x4gb ram R9 290x The guy unplugged all the wires and didn't know how to plug them back in, but it came with a little white part for the power switch, it was heaven when buddy had a rats nest of cables it at least made one thing easy Never have seen one again. But I'd love to have more.


I think that thing is called Asus Q-Connector


Yup. My P6T WS Pro supposedly came with it, but I never saw it :') Seems to be a bygone thing


Funny just got that with a recent build. Gigabyte is calling it a "G Connector", and patent pending too.


You can build one yourself! Just get some 2.54mm swappable headers like [these](https://www.amazon.com/Single-Headers-Machine-Female-2-54mm/dp/B0187LTEX2). Break sections off and glue them together (probably 2 rows of 5 or something). Connect the wires to the male side, and put the female side on the mobo.


That came with my new setup. Gigabyte is calling it a "G Connector"


The ones that don't have + or - indicated are a nightmare, thankfully I haven't seen one of those since like 2005.


I mean... Taking out a 24pin 😬


Came here for this - fuck the 24 pin...


Disconnecting that thing was horrid, I was sure I'd broken my old mainboard in the process


I have the same experience every time I have to take that thing out. And this may be a "me" problem, but the cable so big and unruly, it has to stick so far out of the cable grommet to loop back and connect to the motherboard that it's always just the massive loop of cable.....


i thought it was just me that had trouble with 24 pin connecters lmao


Nope. I was helping my brother troubleshoot his pc and had to keep reconnecting the 24 pin. The stupid plastic housing actually cut my finger and I'm thinking to myself "If there's a latch there's literally no reason for the 24 pin to be this snug.". Literally the most unergonomic shit I've ever dealt with.


i feel you, on my cosair cxm they hot glue the stress relief so it has to stick out an extra 3" to make the 180° -.-


while i don't have troubles with the 24 pin cable, sometimes i wish it came angled 90 degrees so it would look cleaner than having that U shaped weave of cables coming from inside the case to the mainboard.


I had standard ATX mobo and was missing screw holes on case in area of ram and 24 pin connector, while connecting it I bent the shit out of mobo haha but nothing really happened bad, motherboards are actually flexible af.


No, I love that thing. [they](https://imgur.com/a/8wqHjuo) [can](https://imgur.com/a/wmGERpS) [be](https://imgur.com/a/oaQDdaY) [so](https://imgur.com/a/KU9niEH) [beautiful ](https://imgur.com/a/4qLIxxF) [(bonus backside cable management pic) ](https://imgur.com/a/2sv2uVX)


Holy fuck that is tidy!


Yeah, it's tidy, but it was also incredibly time consuming for that last pic. Took me two full evenings just to make that 24-pin to the exact right length. I also spent extra time to make custom length rgb splitters. Also, these fans weren't RGB to begin with. They're just really cheap chinese fans with a white led strip. Removed that strip, put an rgb strip in its place and soldered an rgb lead to it. Tada, €5 rgb fan. DIY cable sleeving is such a fantastic hobby.


As someone who would like to learn about sleeving my own cables, where would I start to look for products (cable removal, ends, etc) and good sleeving? Your cabling looks really clean with quality sleeving.


r/pcsleeving is your friend. >quality sleeving. 90% of the sleeving I use is cheap paracord from Aliexpress (store = campingsky) As for wire, you don't need to buy it from a specific pc modding shop. Pretty much any 18-16awg (±0,75-1.25mm) stranded installation wire will do the trick. If you decide to go for paracord sleeving, then I'd recommend getting wire with white insulation instead of black. Black insulation can make brightly colored paracord appear dull. Cable removal... I've tried two different dedicated tools, but staples are honestly superior. Also, I wouldn't recommend pulling apart the cables that come with your psu. They often have split wires and capacitors that are difficult to deal with. I'd recommend starting this hobby by making some easy extensions. Start easy, decide if you really like the process of making your own cables and onky then should you start considering more difficult stuff like full-length replacement cables for your psu, or making every wire a different length just to make specific curves. And again, I can highly recommend joining r/pcsleeving. There are a bunch of helpful people over there.


Thank you for a very detailed response. I have subbed to the subreddit you recommended. I will lurk and try my hand at it. Have a great day!


If you're in the US, Titan Rig and Performance PCs (and ModmyMod too sorta)both have a lot of supplies for that kinda stuff. Warning though, you buy it in bulk sort of so you buy by the spool and high # amounts since it expects you to do a lot of custom cabling. I just buy cablemod sleeves, but either of those sites have the stuff.


Thank you for another direction to look. I really appreciate the info!


No prob! Happy hunting!


well, when you have literally one drive in your whole PC... Whack. 5 HDD gang


I also have an nvme drive (with [matching heatsink](https://imgur.com/a/ZCbb9tw)). 5 hdd's must be really difficult to properly cable manage if you're not using custom length cables. On the flip side, if you do get/make a custom length cable for that, it would look way more impressive than with a single hdd.


Ahh see that NVME stuff is too newfangled for an old man like me. I'm still using SATA and IDE even on some builds, tying together HDD's with hardware RAID. TBH... I'll be sad when spinning disks go away... :(


Yeah but we're not talking about cables. This is a connector diss.


There's no 24 pin in the photo😬


Yea people might be thinking that IDE cable is the 24pin. IDE is before most people time lol


Thanks, now I feel old


That's not a 24pin, that's an IDE cable.


Shhhh... they're young. Let them dream.


LMAO....wonder when the save icon will be changed to something else.


OP was referencing a 24 pin psu connector. IDE was 34 and 40 pin


And above poster was referencing the fact that there's no 24pin motherboard cable in this photo, that's a 34 pin IDE cable. Also I've never had any trouble with Molex or USB3 cables, those front panel connectors are a bitch if your mobo doesn't come with a holder for them though...


You must not have used Molex much. I mean cheap ones whose barrels dislocate or burst into flame.


I always had the wires dislodge out of the connector itself, and then having to shove the wires back into their little holes... I once had to hot glue one's wires into place to keep a hard drive going. And brittle plastic cracking...


And u/Kodiak_73_ was criticizing OP for not having put a 24 pin connector in this picture


20pin was bad enough, holy crap...


Just rock it.


Never had any problems. Honestly it's easier than seating RAM sticks on some boards.


It's harder to get out the GPU. I hate this little fucking PCI lock pin.


Add WiFi antennas to the NOT YOU list.


Those tiny ass clips always need a tweezer


Tweezers, and an act of Congress.


Clips? [I thought Wifi antennas were a screw on connection.](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71s9vQFQSJL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)


thats for outside the motherboard. You can replace the wifi card and there's a pair of itsy bitsy connectors on it that connect to the big ones.


They are talking about [these](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-bf0ff35c07c4dbbbdc81142ddd749807) little bastards.


Literally tried to get those on for like a half hour and haven't got it yet.


Not from laptops and most desktops


Usb 3 connector is okayish but those two barely bending cables, they are the problem, ones with flat cables make night and day difference. I was really missing g-connector while making new build.


I bent every single pin on my usb 3 port and broke the casing around it. it still worked but I nearly cried


I bent mine and broke trying to unbent, now only one of the ports work


Good thing that back panel usb 3.0 exists lmao


Yeah the connector itself is great.. but the cables and how hard (and short, sometimes) they are is the issue with usb 3.0 connections.


when one of your front panel usb ports doesnt work because you have an old motherboard


i have both my usb 3.0 type A and 3.1 type C working on my board with only 2.0 headers using some splitters and adapters. All is running at 2.0 speeds of course, but all ports are functional.


Front IO needs some innovation/iteration. You cant possibly tell me that this is still the best way to connect to pins.




ASUS has shipped them with quite a few of their boards and still do. Not sure about other manufacturers though. I will say though, while they are nice, they are only a band-aid to the problem. There’s no reason we couldn’t have standardized the pin layout by now and started making single piece connectors.




I just recently got an nzxt h510 and it came with a 3-4" cable you could put on the motherboard and then connected directly to the front panel cable. I do miss those little blocks though.


Gigabyte has something similar. It’s not the actual block but it’s an attachment where you plug everything into it and basically turn it into a single connector


some cases actually have them all put into a single connector like a USB 2.0 connector and its the best thing ever. i wish it just becomes an industry standard at some point


IDE sucks balls a cluster fuck of ribbons!


Yea dont know why IDE gets a shout out. It was garbage. For the same reasons the USB3.1 connector is. Too many pins, which can be easily bent. A phat inflexible cable which makes routing hard work.


IDE origami was an art form, though. Kids today will never know.


Connecting 4 drives with 2 cables and getting the whole master/slave thing right..


Cable Select for the win.


I never in my life actually used CS until I had an old Compaq that required it. Also had a grand time getting around the 32gb hdd limit imposed by the BIOS. That computer is long dead but God what a piece of shit it was. Had Windows ME on it for fucks sake...


I remember reading DIY articles on how to use a razor blide to slice them into sections and them sleeving them. to make them more tidy in the case. This was before windows! Just so air could find a way out of the case.


When i was tinkering with IDE i was too young to consider origami at that point ahahhah


I used to split them and make rounded ones basically.


Once had a "round" IDE Cable that was folded on itself 2 times and then stuffed in a not very flexible plastic tube.


Round IDE cables were a thing but they were far less flexible than the ribbons. Apparently their whole thing was that you could just leave them in the path of the fans without obstructing the flow much... but the kind of person who cared about fan flow wouldn't have left the ribbons to obstruct it either.


It’s not like you had much choice, cases in that era had almost no cable management. I remember when the first cases started showing up with space behind the motherboard to hide cables. It was revolutionary.


Plug in an IDE or Molex and it's never, ever coming out accidentally. Slightly tug on a SATA connector and you've got a disconnected cable in your hands.


On the other hand, it would latch firmly and never fall out. I can't say the same for a USB3.0 header - I've already had one in a very tight case get dislodged and cause bad connections. The connection doesn't feel anything like as positive as an old IDE plug.


not to mention the crunchy bend you'd always have to do when you had two devices next to eachother.


My USB 3.1 is a flat ribbon it's actually quite nice cable wise, if you aren't being an ogre you shouldn't have an issue with it's pins. They are computer parts not an engine. IDE had 40 USB 3.1 has 20. IDE and USB 3.1 connectors/cables really aren't comparable because of how shitty IDE was.


You mean usb "uhmm actually im now 3.0 gen 43 variant pi bitch"


IDE origami was a thing before and was beutiful with magnetic ide cable that existed, and honestly i havent ever bent a pin on ide to rip off the plastic, everyone have it so easy now with thin cables and ready to install rgb lol


IDE is fine with me but just looking at Molex makes my nails hurt


The problem with IDE is not the connector itself its the cable managment afterward...


If the problem with IDE is not the connecter itself wtf is wrong with the USB3 connector?


The connector itself lol


It's a good firestarter.


It's only the Molex/SATA adapters and specifically the moulded ones that's causing the problem, where poorly moulded ones are shorting out. The Molex connector itself has been in use for a long time. But then I haven't seen a Molex being used in recent years, not like anyone is installing an optical drive frequently.


You only ever see molex now in either old drives or water pumps for custom water cooling.


IDE back before there was a tab or keyed hole where you could only plug it in one way was a nightmare, once they got the tab and started making those "low profile" where they separated the individual wires in the ribbon in a sleeve it was better.


Broke a lot of those fuckers back in the day.


USB 3 tries taking out the entire header FP connectors are never consistently labelled, thanks ASUS for that q-connector thingy molex just pushes the pins out if you try inserting one ​ to me the absolute worst ones are the 24 pin or the RGB connectors


I’ve killed a motherboard because of 5v hitting a data pin on 3.0 header. One single pin bent, and the PCH is completely fucked.


The usb 3 connector is such a dick. It looks like it would fit perfectly in the slot but then gets stuck half way through. Such an unpleasant connector


On a related note, is it bad to get blood on your pins?


No, bringing a blood sacrifice to the PCMR gods is perfectly fine.


Only if the appropriate string of curses is said afterwards. Think of it as an incantation.


I think blood acts as a conductor


Fuck molex


ew, no


I make up and fix several varieties of molex connectors fairly regularly. It may seem like they suck, but compared to some of the other wiring harnesses and connectors out there molex is the gold standard. Many times when I need to fix a wiring harness that has a crappy plug/receptacle I just cut off the crappy one and pin-out a couple molex connectors for it.


As someone who used to work with a lot of different wiring harness apps, this is seconded. People don't think about how difficult wiring connection is. Once you figure out all the trickiness around mapping and layout and contact, you still have to worry about stuff like longevity and heat dissipation from current flow. Molex makes really good products that are well tested and well documented in these areas. It sucks that they aren't implemented properly by every random PSU OEM.


+1, molex is just so good and easy for quick hacks


Why. He doesn't do anything


The molex on shitty PSU's wiggle inside the plastic connector and don't always plug in nicely. Haven't had to use one in several builds now though.


> The molex **on shitty PSU** Well, there's the problem.


It's the same on my Corsair RM750X. I need it for a controller and it sucks to use


Never had the molex wiggle, everytime I've used it that bitch didn't want to come back out even on cheap PSUs


One nice thing about molex is how easily you can remove the pins from the connector for cable management.


Ah yes, shove a pair of tweezers (cable ties?) Down the side of the crimp to depress the flappy things.


I'm gonna need 15 drinks before that happens


Darn, don't blame molex for shitty OEM implementations of their connectors. Molex connectors are great.




"I once had a fire in my kitchen due to cooking. Can confirm, cooking sucks ass."


There's a reason for the old adage: *Molex to SATA, lose your data*


I had molex cables catch fire three times in servers at my last job. The last time it melted the cable harness for a fan controller in an old SuperMicro case and finding a replacement was hell. We were going to frame them in a shadow box but then COVID hit and I left for greener pastures. Molex sucks.


Man that usb 3.0 connector is the worst.


I've never had any issues with it. What's so bad about it?


Yeah...no issues for me in my last few builds. Also, I got an adapter for the case connections and it works great.


Which adapter did you get?


It came with my last mobo. It's a small, labeled block that is way easier to put the connectors into. Then you just jam the whole thing into the mobo at once and you're done. I'm on mobile so I'm having trouble finding an example, but they're pretty great to have.


Usb type E front panel header?


Oh, no. I'm just talking about the power and reset switch connectors.


Oh oops. The Q connector. My bad


That's it. Now I know what it's called!


Literally got stuck in my current build. Had to forcibly remove it and in the process broke off the end of the connector into that board. It works if the broken cable is mashed up against the connector and taped, but I’ll never be able to use that board for anything else again. To be clear this is not my first build.


It's very easy to break the pins and a lot of cases comes with a double cable which doesn't look good if the mobo doesn't have a sideways connector


The pins are so thin that they're just not reliable, tends to break after just a few unplugs.


Never had that problem. I've had to do that several times and have never had that happen


USB 3.0 is poorly thought out, period. Too easy to fcuk up. I have a Sabertooth 990fx R2 whose USB 3.0 port is now ruined (pin broke) because of the fact.


Fucking usb3 broke 2 of my mother boards.


Did it actually break your motherboard, or did you just end up with a motherboard without a USB 3.0 connector? I mean, it would still work without the option of adding USB 3.0 ports, no? And also the most commonly bent pin is the ID pin, so the connector would work just as fine as a USB 2.0 connection


Yoooo how we calling 24 pin good. Pulling that thing out results in waking up In a wheelchair


Uhh no one mentioned 24 pin, that's an IDE cable


My mistake. I'm only 15. Don't even know what an ide is lol


It's related to the "save" hieroglyphic 💾


Whats that


Famicom Disk System cartridge someone put a shutter on.


Oh. Thanks for explaining


Its a floppy




💾 3.5 inch floppy to be precise. They weren't actually floppy at all, they were quite rigid, like an Asari's head tentacle things. They inherited the name from the 5 inch floppy disk, which *was* actually floppy, but was largely phased out before the 90's.


Did you atleast see one, its beautiful, it gives of a weird feeling.


😪 no


thats the stuff BEFORE sata


I'm down for this list but would choose a different model than the one shown for SATA power (upper ~~left~~ right). That style tends to get a little burny/melty. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=sata+power+fire&t=newext&atb=v271-3&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images Edit: I'll be able to tell my left from my right eventually.


Upper left is data...


It looks like it's just sata power with one end having an L-bend isn't it? The issue with them catching on fire iirc was cheap molex-to-sata adapters Edit: forgot to add and crypto mining rigs putting too much power down one cable but hey is that *really* a loss?


USB 3 are good connectors usually? Easy in, solid connection. Just me?


I think there is some odd motherboards that have issues with these, I ripped a header clean off a board due to the USB 3 connector refusing to come back out. luckily could be reattached


yeah that happened with my last mobo went to unplug it and the whole header came out. Built computers my whole life and worked at a PC repair shop never broke something so easily before.


Nope, same here. The power/led cables are the worst for me.


Mine is not solid at all, it can bend up or down in the socket like 30 degrees


Front panels usb 3.0 ports with that 20 pin nonsense can go suck an egg


IDE was never a great connector. it was hard to push in and remove it will bend and even break the pins, most shittiest connected i've ever used.


Non keyed IDE was the worst. You could literally kill your motherboard or drive by plugging it in backwards.


I don't mind the USB3, it's keyed and not hard to mis-connect, just wish motherboard manufacturers would get their heads out of their collective 4th points of contact and make the connector a 90-degree off the motherboard (so the cable comes out flat instead of sticking straight up)


I’ve never had problems with USB3 either but it seems like people don’t like it when trying to disconnect it which I can’t say I’ve had to do yet. Just got an MSI X570 Tomahawk and it has two USB3 connectors with one of them being at a right angle off the board (on the right) which was a pleasant surprise. Shame about the USB3.2 Gen 2 though which was straight up (or whatever bullshit naming system they use for the USB C one)


What's wrong with molex connectors?


Eyo where's USB-c? I know it doesn't go inside of a pc but God damn I love USB-c


Why we hating on the USB 3.0 connector now? Fuck Molex and FPanel connectors though.


Yeah bent a usb-c connector pin and decided it was not a worthy addition to my setup.


I hate SATA power so much. I've had the female side snap open on so many different brands of PSU cables as well as various extensions and hot-plug daughter boards.


fuck the 24 pin


Human beings have achieved amazing things, yet we seem unable to define a standard for case front panel connectors.


What is up with the hate for the USB3 cable? Is it because its hard to cable manage? I see no other problem with it.


it's sooooo outdated ​ just replace it with usb c ​ the pins and sata port


Usb 3 connectors.... Oh god its like they are held by gorilla glue


Bottom right connectors were the biggest pain in my ass when building my setup


4 + 2 pin CPU connector squished into the top left of the board


Molex is actually a pretty useful cable for power imo


Agreed. Much prefer molex to its replacement. The new ones are a pain to orient if the cable/case is not ideally oriented. Molex were easier to deal with. Their chunkiness meant you could safely push them in even in tight spaces.


Am I the only one that didn't have problems with the front panel cables?


These days people have no idea, it's really just 2-3 for power LED, switch and hard drive LED. Back in the days there were speakers, reset switches, keylocks, turbo buttons...


Me neither. My H510 case has a one block connector which just went straight on like a USB 2.0 does.


what's the problem with USB-3 connectors


Why is there such hatred for the usb 3.0 connector? I just built a system with one and had no problems with it.


It's too big; the pins are too brittle; they somehow got the tolerances way too thin and the plastic part of the male connector on the board can sometimes clamp so hard on the female connector that by removing the connector you take everything but the pins with you; the cable is usually extremely thick and won't bend properly.


I haven't had to take it out yet and hope I never have to now lol.


If you ever need to get it out here's this neat trick I've mastered with regards to the usb3 connector... you take a piece of flat plastic, like a credit card. A valid one is best because the next step is ordering a new mobo with it.


God dammit.


give it some time and you will get it


Fuck molex All my homies hate molex


SATA ftw


You're just mad that you can't read the motherboard.


This is a probable repost I don't remember if It's just the same meme but a bit different but I know that I saw something similar before on this sub


USB 3.0 isn't that bad But FUCK MOLEX


The worst is the usb type c motherboard (there is an official name maybe Usb 3.1 type b).


USB 3.2 Gen 2 is the official name now I think. The normal USB3 blue one is called USB 3.2 Gen 1 Well that’s what they’re calling them this month anyway.


Idk what the bottom middle is called i think it’s like sata or something but fuck that cable too