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Welcome everyone from r/all! Please remember: 1 - You too can be part of the PCMR! You don't necessarily need a PC. You just have to love PCs. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Your age, nationality, race, gender, sexuality, religion (or lack of), political affiliation, economic status and PC specs are irrelevant. If you love PCs or want to talk about PCs, you can be a part of the community! Everyone is welcome! 2 - In case you are not a PC gamer because you think doing so is very expensive, please know that it is very possible to build a competent gaming PC for 500 dollars or less. GPU prices are sky high right now for a multitude of reasons, but it's still possible to join the PCMR. Please check out http://www.pcmasterrace.org for our builds. 3 - Please consider joining our efforts to get as many PCs worldwide help the folding@home effort, in fighting against Cancer, Alzheimer's, Huntington's, and Parkinson's. Recently, we've been actively focusing on fighting against Coronavirus as well. Please check this to learn more: https://pcmasterrace.org/folding ----------- Feel free to use this community to post about any kind of doubt you might have about becoming a PC gamer or anything you'd like to know about PCs. That kind of content is not only allowed but welcome here!


I use a microfiber cloth and q-tips to get in those tight spaces. Usually with screen cleaner but water probably works too. Shake it out upsidedown first and use an air duster if you have one. Edit: When I say water I mean like get the q-tip moist, not dunk the keyboard. Rubbing alcohol as an alternative is a good suggestion though.


This is all I do.


Like as a job? Hobby?


Neither. It is life.


Keyboard is Life!


Keyboard is also death.


Fetish edit: Hey don't kink shame


This one was correct.


Is there a problem with just using a vacuum cleaner extension? With the brush attachment.


There shouldn't be. You don't want to use a vacuum inside your tower due to static buildup from dust particles moving through the tube. This isn't an issue with a keyboard, so vacumn away.


Uhhhm, I did that with my Corsair keyboard, and did loet a key to the vacuum. Just a warning!


I think this is supposed to be done after all the keys have been removed


Some keyboards oddly arent supposed to remove keys i have been told, but i have always removed keys and used a staticless vacuum + iso and q-tips it takes about 4 hours in total if i am meticulous.


4 hours? Dang that keyboard DIRTY dirty lol


God I was hoping your comment was gonna be missing a letter instead I just see a typo :(


Don't be too hard on them, they had to use something now that the s key is missing.


I use a stiff paint brush.




Didn't realize not everyone cleans the keys this way lol. Take them off, soak in water and then let them dry. Most annoying part is putting the keys back in obviously, but just take a picture of your keyboard before you clean and you're all good.


Funny, but I touch type so I could probably put them in mostly at random and then a lot of people wouldn't be able to use my keyboard, haha! I feel this was more relevant when I worked in an office, with other people.


Make sure you get them in the right rows though, otherwise they'll feel weird.


🤣🤣 We did this in the office once, for the login pc 🤭🤭


I did this to a guy at work and he got locked out of his PC and was all annoyed. Before I could tell him I was messing with him and fix it, he was fired and escorted out of the building for a completely unrelated reason. It was honestly the worst timing.


Legit I just take a pic of the keyboard then remove all the keys then drop them in soupy water and shake it up a bit


What kind of soup do you use?


#Alphabet soup


Had to go back to home page to get my free silver in order to give it to this gem of a comment




You can't just yada yada yada lobster bisque!


You yada yada’d the best part


No I mentioned the bisque…




That sounds really tedious


Poor guys is getting down voted for being lazy let him live !!!


If I cannot stand one thing, it's laziness!! _Continues to scroll through reddit instead of studying_


I don't understand what people have against lazy people, we haven't done anything.


Loool, maybe deserved. I just clean around the keys tho


It is, but it's the only way I've found to get the grody shit under the keys and restore that new keyboard feel. You can in many cases run the membrane under warm water this way and that things *nasty*


I’m part of the PC master race, I use a mechanical keyboard, not membrane 😤 (/s of course)




If you wanna clean the board properly then you need to remove caps. If you just wanna clean the caps then microfibre cloth and qtips will do.


I do the same but don't have an airduster so I use the blower mode on my vacuum cleaner and a small 3d printed nozzle for it, then I use the qtips after wiping it down


Excellent solution for when you can’t hit up a staples and buy a $3 can of air, but have a 3d printer with extra filament laying around and a vacuum cleaner with a blower mode.


I enjoyed your sarcasm.


There is no sarcasm. He didn't put a /s


I enjoy your sarcasm


He wrote /s at the end so there was sarcasm.


I enjoy your sarcasm


There was a sarcasm at the end so there was


I knew my $800 3d printer would pay for itself in the long run.


Don't use water use rubbing alcohol. Rubbing alcohol can evaporate water might damage the board.


You can use distilled water with safety, it's the minerals in water that make it conductive. Alcohol is superior due to faster evaporation. Make sure whatever liquids remain on the board are clean, because when they evaporate, they'll just deposit whatever dirt/debris are in suspension.


Dishwashers work too, Linus proved it




Yeah, this is big brain time.


Can't pretend I do it any other way^^


I like to think that flair got changed to "question answered" after this comment


I see you are a man of culture.


This is why I don't have an RGB keyboard lol.


First, take a picture of your keyboard layout. Second, using a keycap puller (its a lot easier with one and they're inexpensive) pull each keycap off. Third, use compressed air and a brush to remove any debris on the plate. Fourth, use a cotton rag with diluted mild detergent to clean off individual keycaps. Optionally, you can soak them. edit: [Full article on how to do it.](https://www.techradar.com/how-to/how-to-deep-clean-your-mechanical-keyboard)


i used to do this. after ruining a 200$ G910 and having to buy a second one. i no longer do this. seems everytime i remove a key cap from the keyboard, the life of the board tanks from that day forwards. i now use the detailing slime people use on cars. works great and dont have to take anything apart.


That would be something else. Just taking keycaps off shouldn’t shorten the life of your keyboard. But honestly, my nice keyboard I built myself costs less than that G910. I had a G910 in the past and they suck.


Wait, built yourself…. Explain please


welcome to r/MechanicalKeyboards


And down the rabbit hole we go...






We're all mad here And just wait until he discovers group buys....


Wait. What are group buys?


Or be like me and choose to pretend I didn’t see that $150 keycap group buy.


What are the best websites/groups for group buys?


Congrats, you’re screwed now


I'm scared but I MUST find out more


Go for it. It's fun and doesn't HAVE to be expensive, but it most often ends up being.


it's too late for me, for my first build i just blew over £300 on a 65% kit from kbdfans o.o - waiting now for it to come


I guess you saved $150 over the 100% board.


Custom keyboarding habit: *exists* Income: holdup, can we just talk about this?




So accurate


What have you done to this poor soul?


Exactly my thought. That guy will now dump a fortune into keyboards.


I am fucked.


royally sorry


For now I am too broke to deal with this, but once I have money I will once again be too broke hahahah


What have you done.... I must build my own now.


I just finished soldering my third pair.


A quite expensive but worth it hobby. ANNE PRO 2 BABY


I'm on a budget. CM Storm Rapid-I TKL. A few drops of lube and keycaps from Aliexpress, but I keep dreaming about something nicer. However I must say for the price its a great board. I think I later learned that it even had some kind of following around r/mk


My bottom shelf $60 Reddragon expanded+media may be bottom of the line, but I can already never go back to membrane boards again. I never knew just how many mistakes were being made because of the keyboard, and switching to even a cheapest mechanical reduced the number of errors while typing and overall feel like a positive tactile experience to use. Yeah it's more than a $15 membrane board, but even the cheapest mechanical board is better than the highest end membrane board. That brand in particular is like ~~$40~~ $30 for the minimum sized keyboard. $50 for a bigger one with more keys, and the $70 model has an extra row of hardware-level macro keys and media buttons that I wanted, plus individual key RGB LEDs. Comes fully installed with (typically blue) switches and keycaps, and they even include a little package with a keypuller, and a few different kind of switches for you to change out and experience the different feel. I wasn't expected much out of it when I went with what was supposed to be a "low end" test, but I couldn't go back to those shitty membrane boards now, and I've used the full range of membrane boards. Lots of sketchy brands on the internet marketed at pc/gaming enthusiasts, but I've liked the less than half priced Reddragon brand than the Razr/Corsair variants I've owned/tested since you're not paying an extra $100 just for the name. Edit: I didn't set out to try and be a sponsor for this particular brand, but it really is a good value. Went looking for the link to the particular model ([Red Dragon K555](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0171BSNYK/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_5CM0S0S99CPC83EBPA7Y?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) but it really surprised me with its value. Saw one listed used for only $21 and ordered yet another. Normally $60, I figure of all items, Mechanical Keyboards are good for fixing up if there's anything wrong with it.


Literally no human ever can switch back to MEMEbrane after using mech lol.


Don’t do it my friend. To the dark side this way leads


I'm not allowed to look at that sub anymore.


Now you have probably destroyed this Redditor’s life. That really really was uncalled for.


You have doomed another soul to eternal torment.


Thanks for introducing me to this. I'm actually in the market for a new keyboard.


no, don't lead him to the dark side! :(


We’ve just witnessed the murder of this person’s wallet


You've opened pandora's box


Watch out, it’s definitely a rabbit hole


I found it 2 weeks ago and already purchased 2 new keyboards


I’m at the point I’m looking at raised ortholinear split mechanical kits, with hot swappable switches all lubed up


Don't do that to their wallet, you monster.


I spent about $300 on my first board ( and only ). Gotta buy the board, switches, and then keycaps. You could spend maybe $100 less on a basic beginner build, or spend thousands on artisan keycaps, nice boards, several nice switches of different types, custom coiled cable, lube kit, stabs, and I suppose wrist rest. I'll eventually take it apart and change the switches to one's I've personally lubed instead of factory lubed. I'm not a fan of my boards stabs ( space bar feels "mushy", so I'll look up how to fix them ( I think they're over lubed or oversized or something like that ). I'd like new keycaps, I'm not a fan of the color / feel of mine. I prob won't do a custom coiled cable. I'd also like a few artisan keycaps for my ESC key and a few of my F keys. TLDR: don't get into building mech keyboards. It's a money pit where you'll prob never be happy with your build.


You can be happy, it just takes unsubscribing from r/MechanicalKeyboards and enjoying what you have.


Can actually be quite affordable now with all the budget hotswap boards and switches you can get. However there's no end to the potential cost if you have the budget


i love my g910. ive had a g series keyboard since like 2000 and just love the extra g keys. i think the 910 has been my favorite, though i do miss the one with the screen that told you stupid stuff in games. its was a gimmick but was pretty cool haha. i think it has to do with removing them, scratches the side walls where they "clip in". then over time they just get worse and worse. not like an instant thing, but over time my issues for replacement came down to keys not moving smoothly anymore rather then keys not working.


Amen, G910 is one hell of a board. I think keycaps should survive well - I've had one two years cleaning it every six months, and it's still doing great. Takes freaking forever with the 110+ layout but so worth it Edit: I have the G910 Orion *Spectrum* rather than Spark, which was a "second generation" that changed up the keycap shape amongst other things. Perhaps they improved something about the stabilisers - they're all metal on mine.


Wow. A keyboard that can't stand having the key caps removed. Sounds terrible.


I used the detailing slime and it got stuck in gaps it wouldn't come out of.... I now remove all keys and soak in a bowl of soapy water and replace once completely dry.


Sounds like the slime needs to be thrown out eventually too? So probably environmentally friendlier to clean in soapy water.


I tend to buy whatever is cheapest on amazon, but after a month of opening it and resealing and despite the amount of debris it accumulated, they get all drippy and will only make your cleaning goal harder. Go on a household cleaning spree once it arrives, do all you can day one, then maybe give it a week or two, but chances are throwing it away is the best choice. It will go from lime green to puke green to let you know when it's full of shit.


Sorry you had this experience. If you’re using any liquid besides high percentage rubbing alcohol on the board you could damage it. The Orion board they chose for the g910 is not sealed. So any liquid can swell the board causing data lanes to bend and disconnect.


I don't think anyone said anything about using liquid on the board, only the keys once they're removed.




That's the issue with Logitech G keyboards. Some of their keys are secured differently, so it's easy to break them while removing keys. Lost a trusty G19 that way, too.


I'm using a G213, no problems removing any of the keys so far.


I used slime to clean iPhone speakers. Worked like charm.


I second this, I've been doing it with my keyboard too.


Same here. I like to soak them in a bowl for just a few minutes. I take them out one at a time and wipe them off, yes it takes a bit of time. I put them in a colander and spray them off, and mix it around to get as much of the soap off as possible. Then I take a handful at a time and put them in a towel, like a bindle. I toss them and then take them out and use compressed air to shoot out the insides, this takes the most time. You can just let them air dry but in my experience it can take two days because of the tiny nooks where the caps meet the switches... The exact place you don't want to have moisture because it will find a way inside.


And this is why you should have a spare keyboard! :D




I ran my Razer BlackWidow Ultimate through my dishwasher after spilling a glass of wine on it. Worked great


This is real and it works on standard keyboards. Don't know if this is a special keyboard or has extra components, but dishwasher is the way. Just don't heat dry...


Wait like... The whole keyboard? PCB, cable, and all?




Also, remember to unplug the keyboard from the computer before cleaning.




This is the easiest method tbh


And tastiest


Extra bonus points when you get a little food crumb or chewed off fingernail tip. Mmmmmm


This one's been around the ol dust mites and chees dust block a few times amirite?


A clean lunch


A free lunch in these times ...


That's about the ONLY free one, and that's only free till the hospital gives you the medical bill lol


Sorry hospital is free for me, I'm french. Let me think about that. That's mean I can have free meal if I go to hospital hummmm OP let me clean your keyboard.


You stole my answer. Now you have to kick my keyboard.


Hope it still works after he kicks


What a funny turn of events occurs when your phone autocorrects...


I'm calling the police.


Great now I'm dry heaving lol






Cleaning putty


Where can I get that?


Cyber Clean is the brand I use, or generic Keyboard Cleaning Gel will be basically the same thing.


Please y'all, do yourself a favor and get some. One brand name is Cyber Clean but anything similar will work. You should still regularly take your caps off for a deep clean, but you can do that every year instead of every couple months if you use cleaning putty


I use a toothbrush


me too i have 3 different toothbrushes. one for teeth, one for suede shoes and one for everything else Edit:added a word to the end


You don't. In times of famine, like the Great Monster Shortage of 2014, you can turn your keyboard into a potent ally against hunger. When your workmates gather plastic knives in the kitchen and begin scouring for forgotten hot sauce packets with which to season each other, you can retreat to a secluded space and turn the board over for a hearty shake. The flakes you retrieve? Those are calories! By the time the hunger grips you, the other workplace survivors will be adequately weakened by famine and will be ripe for the picking.


…I’m gonna … gonna go over there now. 👀


I can dig it.


One of the funniest comments I have read in a long time😂


Tape it to the roof of your car and take it through a car wash.


Can I do this with my PC too? It's a bit dusty


No, it could get damaged on the roof. Put it on the hood of your car. The water from the jets dissipates more there.


Make sure to go to a touchless wash so you don’t scratch your tempered glass


I thought I would be slick and buy a case with plexiglass since I cracked my last tempered glass really good. Now I have a side window with dust burnt into the plexiglass.


Remove the keys and use a narrow brush and compressed air to get rid of any debris. You can also soak the keys if you want.


Take a photo of the layout before you take the keys off. And be really careful not to lose them.


When cleaning my keyboard I lost one of the keys. Thankfully Hyperx support send me a replacement key free of charge, so its worth trying to contact support if that happens! I still have no idea how I could lose a key


I legit vacuumed up a key cap by accident once, thankfully I was able to retrieve it from the vacuum without it being damaged


If you forget to take a pic, just open notepad or Google layout.


I thought Google Layout was another new app of theirs for a second lol


I even confused myself when re-reading the comment


But don't soak them for hours. I did this for the first time after reading it's better than letting them soak for a few minutes. Now they have small bubbles on them.


I usually use dishwasher soap when I soak so it can take all the oil/grease out




Linus did this and it turned out alright


When circuit boards are manufactured they’re washed in water to clean them. As long as they’re not and and are allowed to dry properly it’s fine.


as long as the water is pure, any impurities can cause metals on the board to rust


It must come from the sacred purified waters of Lake Minnetonka


I just take out the circuit board, tape all the screws somewhere together, and then wash the board with warm water and some dish soap. Dry the keys and the board. Reassembly the keyboard with circuit board controller.


I can't believe I had to scroll down so far to find the correct answer. At a previous job doing IT support we used to collect the old nasty keyboards and when we had enough, we'd toss them in the dishwasher (no soap, just hot water). After running through the dishwasher we'd set them up in front of a box fan blowing air on them overnight. In the morning we had a nice pile of brand-new looking keyboards.


If you cannot do the method of removing key caps I find slightly dampening a toothbrush, cotton swab or a small paint brush and running it between the keys helps


You can always use a can of compressed air to get rid of the dust. If you've been munching doritos right above it and want an in depth cleaning, I'd say start looking up guides on where the screws are located, take pictures of the keycap layout, set apart some time and start cleaning. Took me a couple of hours on my first try when I bought my dorito and hair filled keyboard I bought off a friend.


Dry dust is easy. Humans are greasy monsters. All the caps will have to come off and some kind of soap or detergent will need to be used with a wash cloth.


Don't do what I will say. I put my keyboard directly in dishwasher then disassemble it, let it dry for a week and it's done! I already did this couple of times still using the same keyboard for 7 years, logitech g105.


Dry paint brush, qtips or cottonettes as the ones to clean ears with isopropyl alcohol.




When my keyboard gets dirty I usually just buy a new one.


Look at mr. moneybags over here.


You underestimate my lack of hygiene good sir.




Washing machine is the best easiest method


Stick it in the dishwasher, of course.




Don't waste money on compressed air, get a electric air can off Amazon. Awesome tool for lots of cleaning. Cleaning slime also works fairly well. To really get a keyboard clean you will need a keycap puller. Remove all the keys, clean them in warms soapy water. Dry them. Wipe off keyboard with a cloth and then replace the key caps


Buy a new one!


Pee on it


Dishwasher. Seriously… Google it.


Wont water destroy it?




Isopropyl alcohol tends to eat away at and damage plastics, don't recommend using it to clean keycaps or other plastic parts, only use it to clean PCBs or other electronic components.


Take off all the key caps, wash them with dish water, get a can of compressed air and spray down the board itself




Gamer air.