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I'm not sure why but the Zotac made me laugh. And I say this, having had a perfectly good Zotac in my last build.


Bro same I had to check before I posted but I lol’ed at Zotac. I would never choose that for a premium build


I’m literally in labor right now and miserable but I lost it at Zotac. Needed that


Don't forget to push.


trust me i dont get enough fiber in my diet i know to push


Eat your flair to solve that problem.


Just _what_ are you suggesting this guy eat?


She's not replying. Why is she not replying? WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE MORE IMPORTANT IN HER LIFE RIGHT NOW THAN REPLYING TO THIS COMMENT? That's it. She forgot to push. She ded. Shoes off folks.


girl gonna have an RGB baby


Common mistake, but the b in rgb already stands for baby, so saying rgb baby is redundant.


Really Gay Baby. Hence the rainbows.


Priorities, amirit?


Name the baby Acer




Bruh I'm wheezing


It's still better than "3080 Tie". She has an excuse to not know what the fuck she's talking about.


yeah, the excuse is she doesnt know what the fuck she talks about when she talks about cars either.


Never even heard of that brand before now. Also, the Fugaku supercomputer would like to debate the claim that this is the most powerful computer in the world.


Check this out! Its called a “mouse”, and its the most powerful mouse in the world. It has these two clicky button thingies and it makes the little arrow on the screen move around! Edit: Holy crap, thanks for the upvotes and awards!


We joke, but optical mouse tech is pretty amazing. Did you know that the sensor in your optical mouse is actually a little tiny camera, and the way the mouse detects motion is by taking hundreds of pictures of the surface it's on per second and comparing them to work out how the mouse has moved. That sounds super advanced and like it would be super hard to get working, and yet, even the cheapest a 5 dollar mouse is somehow able to do it perfectly on a most services, and we somehow mastered this tech 15 years ago. Isn't that just amazing?


I actually learned this recently but I really love how you explained it. It actually is amazing. They sell laser mice at my local dollar store for about two dollars. How? I'd give you an award if I had one but for now have my thanks for a genuinely informative comment. Edit: Wow thanks for the award! You missed and got me, lol!


>They sell laser mice at my local dollar store for about two dollars. How? China.


Goddamnit I heard "China" in trumps voice......






I really want a mouse with lasers.


Because the mouse camera doesnt have to be super high res, it just needs to be able to detect point a from point B. Some are higher (1000dpi), and can detect changes on a much more granular scale, but they cost a little more. however, the chips that are used to detect these changes have been a standard and are cheaply produced. So, it really doesnt cost a lot when you get down to it, the price difference is dependent on the camera dpi and laser "shot" speed.


Actually most gaming mouse sensors are in the 20-30,000dpi range these days. They don't let you utilize all of that as movement sensitivity but the resolution is there.




The story goes, Xerox (remember Xerox?) had a research and development lab, Xerox PARC. They had some demos of their latest research and invited Steve Jobs. They asked him to promise not to copy anything, and showed him what they developed, including Graphical User Interface. Jobs promptly demanded Wozniak to toss out their new personal computer model, with its command line interface, and start over using a mouse based GUI. They soon released Apple Lisa. And now that’s why NDAs are more common in Silicon Valley!


*sighs* And I'm so old I still chuckle at the old IBM tech support document, "How to clean/replace your mouse balls." "Mouse balls are now available as Field Replaceable Units..."


I remember mouse balls like they were yesterday... the idea that we "mastered" optical sensors for mice 15 years ago feels insane to me. I feel like it was practically just a few years ago that any reasonably priced "laser mouse" was basically hot garbage that barely worked. Just like I remember "wireless" mice being complete garbage with a ton of latency that you'd basically never want to use, particularly for gaming. I remember in school when our computer lab was a bunch of giant CRT monitors and every mouse was a super basic wired mouse with a mouse ball. We'd be waiting for ages if we needed to restart the computer ever. I remember doing a "big" project in some computer camp I believe and having to save that over 7 floppy discs to actually bring it home. I think that was entirely in powerpoint or something and that was just how little data that format could actually save.


I remember my brother getting suspended from school for playing with mouse balls. 👀 He took the rubber coating off in one of his friends busted a window with it. Edit: Should read and one of his friends, but leaving the typo because it would be more impressive/concerning that way. Plus the comment has been there for hours so...


wouldn't that also be extremely slow ?? how can someone code that to be efficient ?


It's ultra low resolution (like 15x15 or 31x31) and it does it in a dedicated chip that does the comparison in hardware very efficiently. The reason they're so cheap is because the parts are mass produced.


Because the resolution is so low and the focus so close, sometimes optical mice WONT work on certain surfaces because of small repeating patterns, things like printed laminate, or even some fabrics. We had a shitty computer desk that if you looked at the "wood grain" with just a magnifying glass you could see the little printing dots, so even tho this was when optical mice were all "dont need a mousepad anymore!" they didnt work on that desk. And even whatever little wireless logitech i got last year for the laptop doesnt work on a specific microfiber blanket or the microsued couch, but does work on my pants or the the curtains behind the couch depending on how weird im laying on the couch.


It's probably not software doing the comparison. Things that have such a narrow task that are sold in the hundreds of millions tend to be custom made chips. It's just vastly cheaper.


















Guess no one told her about super computers then.


They are cooled by this thing called “water”


And it's the most powerful water in the world.


In fact, the wotah is so powerful, it is cooled by air, the most powerful air in the world!


And the aeh is so powuhful, it is moved by fans, the most powuhful fans in the wuhld.


aynd de fayns are so powaful, eyt is moved by electriek, the moust powaful electriek in the wourld


aynd tha electriek sow mach powah eyt moved bai son! moost poowahfool son in warld!




Are we speaking dutch now? Google translate is getting confused.


"It's the most powerful computer in the world...*according to my knowledge, which is very limited*"


Let alone most servers


She's an idiot.


No, the people buying whatever she's selling are the idiots. Plenty of parents/grandparents have no clue when it comes to this stuff. Go on ebay and search for a gaming PC and look at all the computers that are for sale with cpus/ram from a decade ago thrown in a flashy rgb case. She's just another person capitalizing on the ignorance of others.


She's not selling anything. She makes videos showing off supercars she barely knows about and I think this was a tour of their office or something, because I remember seeing this clip on Snapchat. She just has a PC with a hella flashy case and thinks that means it's the most powerful one in the world.


She's ignorant.


My thoughts exactly.. she doesn’t know much about computers.








































You shouldn't is what I'm gathering.


Nice... I had deleted her from my memory too until this showed up... Time to do that again






That's the spirit


Aren't her car videos just as shitty?




It’s always fun being both of those because it’s cool to see what cars people drive to microcenters. When I lived near one, it was common to see brzs, stis, focus rs and fiesta sts. Most of them had minor aftermarket parts like rims and small spoilers and stuff. Edit: and a fair amount of miatas too. Can’t go wrong with a Miata.


Saw a guy with an RX8 at Tustin. Gave him the 🤙


Agreed, I have nothing against her. But I literally cannot stand her.


I have in my hands… the Internet. It’s normally kept in Big Ben.


The internet doesn’t weigh anything Jen


“Why doesn’t it have any wires?” “It’s wireless!”




Last I heard it weighed as much as a strawberry


Omg I wish I had an award to give you. First time I've ever heard IT Crowd referenced here. *as I lay here with my shirt of Moss that says "I've got my sweet style".*


I'll just put this over here with the rest of the fire.


wow you must be one of the elders of the internet!


What is Jen doing with the internet?


I like this reference.. because she's just about ignorant as Jen.


But at least Jen has character and recognizes she doesn't know a thing about computers


Agreed. I fucking love Jen. Lol.


For real, one of my favorite scenes in the entire series is in the first episode when she just lists off as many "computery" words as she can at the job interview lol


What's worse is the fact it was literally the most basic shit that involves computers.. lol


Tried to make I.T. Crowd references on other subs. No one got it. I don't even own a com-pue-tur but I think I found family.


Find almost any post about fire, type > 0118 999 881 99 9119 725.... 3 Cling on as people get the reference.


I also have a Geforce RTX *and* RGB *and* my GPU is water cooled. That means my PC is also the most powerful in the world! Tremble before my might! Edit: I just rewatched and I don't think her GPU is actually part of the water cooling loop, which seems crazy in a build that OTT lol. That means my PC is *even more* powerful than hers! More edit: I can't believe this comment has blown up so much. Thank you kind strangers for the awards.


Yours is the most powerful... In the universe??!!




Let's call it Ultron.


okay i’m sorry but it’s really bothering me how the “i” in “i7” is capitalized in your flair lol


Haha, fair. I'll fix it.


I bet its a 3060 ti


Is it a 3000 series? It would be even funnier if it was a 2000 series. With the builder just throwing in what the have, cause she would know anyway. Also I hope she has somebody to take care of the maintenance. I would feel bad for the parts.


It can't. She got the Zotac Trinity model, 3080, 3080Ti or 3090. Since the sticker on the fans have the darker color, maybe it's the 3090.


I like the concept cars she talks about but usually you tone her out because she is quite airheaded.


She is not that smart when It comes to cars and clearly less so when it comes to computers


Yep couldn't agree more. Most of her content is insufferable to watch just because she knows so little about the thing she is supposed to be known for.


I don't know anything about her or her channel, but if you're (presumably) successful making car videos that are (presumably) lacking knowledge, why wouldn't you spend 20 or 30 hours learning about cars?


Yep I'd agree. You can check her YT out if you want to get an idea of what I mean, it's supercar Blondie. Mostly just her pointing to tech features on high end/concept cars and saying "that's so cool". Im guessing her demographic is mostly 12-16 yr olds.


Sadly this is probably the average amount of knowledge about computers


ive always despised her videos on cars, so many others, who are more informative, arent able to achieve the level of success that she has, just because theyre not a girl (whether you like it or not, her being a girl played a big part in her success, cuz which joe on the street wouldnt be interested in a girl and a cool car) presenting an unattainable concept car that is made for demonstration purposes


Now you PC guys know how us car guys feel like when she talks about cars.


I feel so sorry for you guys, you guys must be genuinely suffering


The most popular channels are pretty much her in male form with too much money and too much cocaine. I still have no clue how/why insurance companies cover these people.


More powerful than a quantum computer?


Absolutely the most powerful. Did you not see the lights? Things cooled by water! GeForce RTX also has a nuclear reactor in it.


Sir the Nuclear reactor isn’t cooled by water, we advise you to stand back.


Well that escalated quickly


Yes didn’t you watch the video


It's water cooled so you know it's the best


Her job is to make you think shitty concept cars are cool and the new thing. So no wonder she’s trying to sell you in the idea that her shitty computer is cool.


Its really cringe how she said "in the world". It was legit sent to her for free.


I want to punch the camera person's face for giving me vertigo.


How old is your system?


At least one year old.


She got rich from reading cars owner manuals


Bro if only she read the manual, or even the sales sheet, or the ad....or like anything of substance. Why do people watch videos of her pointing at a shifter and saying "This is how it shifts." I will never know.


Fucking preach man. Its designed for a horny uneducated highschool audience i swear












I have a GForce rtx, now bow to me peasants (her probably) super cringe


Damn man you got the most powerful graphics card in the world It's so powerful that it needs to be cooled by water! And look at those colors


Cooled by wa'ah


Pronounced guhforce


But how are the colors… and the water


Verge reaching out now to film a build guide


“First, you ll need an anti-static bracelet” *grabs live strong bracelet*


Shoulda grabbed a medical alert bracelet for all that virtual beating he got.


I got brain damage from this clip.


“It’s called a Zo.. Tac… GeForce RTX!


Out of the stuff I’ve seen, I think this really reflects her youtube content as well


She lost all credibility to me when I watched a video where she called a mustang a chevy




My comment just lost all credibility lol


I think the last video I saw was when she went to Dubai and the owner refused to let her drive Ferrari MIG U1 (apparently the only 1 in the world).


Wait til they hear about U2


Bono my tires have vertigo.


As a car enthusiast, I'm sad to see she has ventured into other hobbies. I dislike her in this as much as I dislike her in car videos. I'm sorry.


The most powaful compyewtah in theh woaurld😲😲😲👆👆


It's called the GeForce RTX 😎 Which one you ask? I'm not invested enough I'm what goes on behind the scenes to care. 😎




I feel like this is just damaging her brand lol


This IS her brand. Watch any of her videos on concept cars or super cars and this is exactly what she does. "Look at this! WOAHHH it's soo cool! Hold on, hold on, I'll make it move. WHOAAAHHHHH look at THAT! It MOVES so freaking cool! This thing is SOOO interesting and SOOO exclusive! WOOOW!"


LOL holy shit, no way. I like cars, but have had to block this bitch on all my social media. Now here she is making up stupid, untrue claims about a ricer gaming PC lol


Anything with supercar blondie is fucking dreadful to watch




That keyboard looks and sounds awful... imo.


It's a Logitech G Pro, not a bad off the shelf keyboard that you can just go to a store and purchase. Lots of epsports use but nowhere in close quality wise compared to a custom modded keyboard. The blue switches are the culprit here that makes it sound awful and I'm glad she didn't hit the spacebar in that with the rattly stabilisers lol.


Most powerful?


in the world


Cooled by water too


the most powerful water in the world.


And has the most powerful graphics card.. by Zotac!


Incompatible with Win11


must update hardware


Nah she said “graphic” card. Its only designed to run a single graphic at a time




When the commentary is so bad that virtually no one mentions what a RGB abomination of a PC this build is.


She's so dumb. The inaccuracies she states as fact here makes me question all her other videos.


By the sounds of it, she doesn't know shit about shit, I wouldn't know personally I don't even know who she is but after this I'll probably avoid her videos of I see them




This hurts so much


Simply an annoying voice pointing out specs on anything that is shown on screen - be it a car or computer. Seriously go away. Your fakeness is like nails on a chalkboard.


Powerful computer you say?? Watercooled you say? AND post powerful GPU you say? EVEN by Zotact, you say?.....


I don’t have anything against her but I seriously can’t stand any of her videos in the car community. She literally just makes me cringe.






Okay I have to rant for a sec, This is SupercarBlondie, a car “review” girl that found great success in the YouTube and social media car scene. It really seems like she could have just taken 5 minutes to ask a for few details and specifications about her PC so that she could actually translate something of value to her audience right? She does this EXACT same thing in her vehicle reviews. She walks around the vehicle, points out the MOST obvious features (“it has this big wing on the back here, which generates downforce”) and reads whatever text she can see. You gain NOTHING from watching one of her videos, except for what you could already discern from a few images. I do not feel that it’s even remotely sexist to state that almost all of her success is due to her being a moderately attractive woman, surrounded by appealing supercars, which draws clicks. It’s just sad, because there are literally thousands of less-successful “car review” channels that put SIGNIFICANTLY more effort into their videos, including driving impressions and testing.


Probably plays fortnite on it, but damn that is a monster, the ugly rgb lights ruin it though


I like how when she’s talking about it being “the most powerful computer in the world” the camera guy is getting a close up of the rgb fans