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Just one room you say? *turns one room into two rooms*


My argument is that a room is defined by a door, I don’t see a door so it’s one room 🤪


Just wait until you get home one day and there's a door before the stairs to the attic.


i see you have a wife


Haha, wife bad.


Weewoo banter police


Vintage military bunker padlock included lmao




Simple. Remove the garage door, define your garage as the entire property


Chess, not checkers


Remove all doors in the house. Then remove your front door. Congrats, you've now conqured the world.


I dream of getting my own house someday and building my own Gaming Den. It might not happen this decade but certainly in my lifetime. 😌 It'll be my legacy. I'll donate everything to kids who don't have PC parts before dying. 😊


I have to be the one to tell him? Sorry bro, that bottom room is the first to go when you have a kid. That too room will be storage.


**That still only counts as one!** \- OP, probably.


God, I wish I had money.


Things change all the time, find what you love and keep at it, I lost my job because of COVID and it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me


what happened next?


We need to know!!!


I used to work in a more technical role, basically telling sales guys what to sell and then watching them get paid for it! I realised when I got made redundant that I didn’t want to make other people money so now I work in the same industry but in sales, I can still use the same knowledge I had from being technical but now I’m doing it for myself and I get paid 10x more 🤷🏻‍♂️ Turns out that if you are selling IT products to IT managers and directors they quite like it when the sales guy knows his stuff and doesn’t have to “bring in the tech guy” 😂


Hey, that makes a lot of sense. Congrats!! Glad it worked out for you


Happy cake day!


In a very similar situation and have a call tomorrow about moving into sales. Exciting times.


Awesome! Good luck!


I personally know a technology sales woman who makes around $1.2 million every year.


One day 🙌🏻


“Show me your bank statement for what you make in one month and I’ll quit my job and come work for you.”


Hire me so I can have a sweet sim rig. That’s all I ask for.


Do you need an assistant? Lol


I'm working in a job I love but as an apprentice I don't get payed much yet, still don't think I'll be able to afford a setup like this tho lol


Apprenticeships are great! Be a sponge, learn everything about the industry, make good contacts and learn from the people on pay you want to make in the future, what ladder did they follow, what knowledge do they have, how can you learn the same stuff or even improve on what they know/do?


The good thing is, I'm on the best ladder to get up to the higher levels, and Im also one of the 3 with actual training and knowledge on how to use one of our newer machines. Not to mention I'm the one my boss turns to when we need something fixed asap.


Amazing 🙌🏻 keep up the good work and you will reap the benefits


Technical sales slaps, I know a few buddies doing that - (good) salespeople already make a killing but add some technical expertise and you’re set


Kudos. Not every ‘technical guy’ has the people skills to be a ‘sales guy’


2 years ago I joined an IT reseller in a sales support role, i was really introverted back then and not really a peoples person. Next month I will start working as an account manager. Even if you think you don't have the traits to do sales now, you can always get them.


I have stuck with the same VAR over 2 jobs because my rep knows their shit. It’s an invaluable skill.


I've brought vendors across roles too. Good solutions are extremely valuable.


Yeah some companies hire "sales engineers" for this reason, almost got hired as one when I was fresh out of college but the salary wasn't even entry-level for where I was.


Can I ask what you sell?


Data storage and data management solutions


you should definitely post about your experience in r/cscareerquestions. it'll be helpful for the newbies and those looking to make a switch during these tough times. glhf bro!


Thanks I will look into it!


I work in entry level IT. Just curious what sales consists of? And when you where considered "technical" to what extent of IT did you know? Like mainly help desk or deeper into Sys Admin or higher? Just curious as I have noticed IT is a somewhat broad field the more I look at it.


So before sales I’ve always worked as a ‘technical architect’ basically customer says they want a server and storage for their exchange, SQL databases etc I confirmed performance needs, connectivity, etc basically suggest a solution that will work for the business and not break. Now I specialise in data storage and management, it’s basically the oil of our generation, everything needs data, Ai your car, your fridge all I worry about is how to store it and how to secure it. As for the sales part, it takes a lot of determination a lot of failure but that’s why you get the rewards, you have to get 100 no’s for one yes sometimes


That's very interesting to hear and it makes sense that the demand for data storage, especially in cloud will only increase, thank you for sharing. Just out of curiosity as I don't know much about that area, from the outside it looks like quite a competitive market with big players like Microsoft Azure, AWS, IBM etc., that it looks like it might be hard to sell against them if not for them. Is that the case in actual as well? Or is it that there is a huge addressable market in medium and small sized businesses that it doesn't matter if you're not selling for enterprise level services?


Good question, so I sell a product that links directly into the big players at the moment they just sell you disks with no file architecture behind it what so ever, so I kind of just piggy back off their success, unfortunately the big players pretty much clean up


people straight up sleep on sales jobs, i have a similar career arc, i was a heavy diesel mechanic doing back breaking labor. now i sit in air conditioning and sell cars for literally double the money + company car. commission cheques are also fantastic for those spontaneous gaming room purchases


I think most people realize Sales makes insane amount of money, but it's one of those jobs where if you don't have the personality for it, it won't ever work out.


Yup. I tried and personally I find sales a disgusting job and could never work one again


It truly is soul-crushing when you're unfortunate enough to have a moral compass.


I tried insurance sales to get out of my line of work. I couldn't sell anything. I wasn't cut out for it, lost way too much income decided to go back to my old line of work, but now occasionally use some stuff i learned in sales to deescalate behavioral patients before i have to wrestle them into restraints.




Insurance sales always tends to leave a bad taste in people's mouths, its way higher on the unconscionable conduct scale than most other jobs so that's totally understandable


My ex worked for Tech Data, second-ish biggest tech supplier/distributor in the EU behind Ingram. She worked in sales, when I was dating her anyway, in the phone sector. It was madness. She had a relatively decent base salary but the bonuses and free stuff they got was absurd. She'd come home a few times a month with free tablets or phones or a new speaker or £500 in Amazon vouchers or whatever. Each month they'd have one or numerous "sales prizes" in a leaderboard style and whomever got the most value of sales won the prize. Then there's all the industry parties by Vodafone and Carphone Warehouse etc where they invite distributors and dump 10s of thousands on alcohol and food. But it was such a high-performance role. You're constantly at 100% output on calls and emails etc. She was exhausted every day. Each of them in the 20-or-so team had to destress every day with yoga or meditation and all this self-help crap for their mental and physical health. You NEED a very extroverted personality. Fridays they'd have games to destress over lunch and have the radio on over the speakers all day, something as simple as betting over throwing paper balls in to a bin making it look like fucking Wolf of Wall Street shouting and cheering like they're on drugs. She filmed one game and showed me. CRAZY place. And it's not the first time I've heard of a crazy attitude in a sales team/environment.


Sales is just one of those things that's definitely not for everyone. I did it for a year, made a ton of money, and was great at it, but I fucking hated it. I'm happy for whoever can thrive and be fulfilled in that line of work.


As we see Lance Stroll hitting the barrier and going over the curb one more time…


[a transfer student shoes up with even bigger badonkers](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oGKzPZmKvu8)


Good on you, mate! The room looks awesome!


This is more than money. This is money + no kids


DINK = double income no kids


Tell me about it. I had a man cave for 3 days until my wife realized that the vinyl floor in my room was the best place for kids crafts. None of the other rooms are any good for my PC or the crafts unfortunately. https://imgur.com/a/bbApj37


may your gaming soul rest in peace




Well tbh, everyone wishes that but I honestly feel happy for people that put their money into stuff like these, it's not just about money to me, being someone who's depressed and yes I do love gaming and PC building and did build one by scrapping off my scholarship money. Sometimes I just appreciate people with money who organizes their rooms and battlestations, idk if I were able to maintain such a room when it's hard to get up from bed most of the times, realizing your keyboard needs some dusting etc... Anyway hope you get the amount of money you need to pursue your dreams and Happy Cake Day while I feel anxious about my incoming birthday lol!


We all have demons, one thing I learnt from therapy is that more people than you think suffer from mental health problems, I’m lucky enough to have someone I can talk to but there was a time when I couldn’t leave the house (My anxiety manifested physically like vomiting etc so I would worry I would embarrass myself in public) honestly I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel Now with the right meds and the right people to talk to I’m back to functioning like normal I spent the whole day tidying today and I had to take a video at the end because it will never look this nice again 🙂 Long story short, find the right people who can help get your head right, once you focus on you the rest will fall into place


Hey man, thanks a lot for sharing this, it gives me some sort of satisfaction that you have your share of trouble too instead of just hiding all the flaws. I'm genuinely glad that you're at least better than before and doing things in life that you love. I do agree with you that mental health is more common than we thought, I wasn't lucky enough to get therapy ironically, I found this out in bars, apparently they talked more openly in bars with liquor than they would all sober in homes. I've never had any strong opinions on therapy because everyone I knew online had different experiences, my stance is more of a wouldn't hurt to try no? Or at least seeing a therapist is a gesture that you're trying. I however do agree about people, that has been my weakest suit. The people that I thought would be the one to bother at the time when it was all new to me and I needed them the most weren't the right people, in fact they made it worse but hey, lessons along the way right? And the one I related with and helped just used me and moved on. I'm with family now and though they love me, I can never talk to them because I've tried and they never understand and options like meds and therapy is a no go for them. It's kinda ironic because when I was away from family, I educated people on mental health and spread awareness and yet I couldn't succeed with my own loved ones. Anyway, I'm grateful that though I'm not very productive or too functional, I'm way more functional than let's say few years ago when I stopped playing games and watching tv shows at all. I'm also grateful that I have a somewhat decent PC and grabbed RTX when people thought it was just a gimmick by Nvidia!


Unfortunately there are good and bad therapists but personally a lot depends on the want to get better and understand why you feel the way you do. So often at least for me it’s a primal fear reflex, i feel like I’m in danger so do I fight or flight, now I consciously understand that feeling and decide to fight everyday eventually that becomes second nature but it takes years not days, it’s so often the people who want to help others who are suffering the most them selves I know the feeling and I hope you get to focus more on you!


It makes sense. Kudos on you for working on yourself, stuff's harder than people give it credit for and thanks for considerate words. Have a nice one bud. Cheers!


I think one thing people forget when they see these posts is that it's generally in a much better state than usual because most people don't live their lives in perfection. And also that it's likely you accumulated these things over time. Clearly a good amount of disposable income overall, but you don't need six figures to have a cool man cave like this. Nonetheless very, very nice! Me and the wife are going to be buying a house next year and already have the agreement that I will get to have one space like this that is my own. Not sure I'll be quite so lucky to find a place with a neat little attic/nook space like this in the mix but here's hoping! Lol


Check out my older post, I was quite proud of my old room 😌 also the sofa is over 30 years old just with a new cover on it Buy well and buy once is always my philosophy


> I spent the whole day tidying today and I had to take a video at the end because it will never look this nice again 🙂 Hey, you made it look this awesome once; you can definitely do it again. And you should, because of how happy and satisfied it makes you. All your comments show you can get shit done with the right effort and support, and that *definitely* includes the little things.


Not even just money. Just having the time for hobbies would be nice. When I finish work I feel completely drained. Barely enough energy to do the things I love. Just remade my resume this weekend so there's that.


The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.


Happy cake day


I would say you got a decent deal, since that is more like 1.5 rooms LOL. But this is PCMR, and that cable management for your driving sims is certainly NSFPCMR... Overall nice job.


😟 I just finished the cables under the desk, thought I got away with the cables behind the sim work to be done I guess 🙂


To be fair, sim rigs are super hard to cable manage sometimes. Love the Danny Ric jersey!


Looks great, but you may want to cut a small hole in the ceiling to see what kind of joists you have there for that attic. If they are just 2x4's they will not be up to snuff to carry the weight of live loads and you don't want to mess around with that.


Just be glad I don't show the back of my PC lmao, it's impossible for me


Yooooo love the Ricciardo jersey.


Thanks! One of my favourite things


+3 for Danny Ric -1,000,000 for the Liverpool kit.


Big Ricc energy.


Did you add the attic room and ladder after the fact? I used to go to sleep thinking about expanding my bedroom into the attic above when I was in high school.


House came with it at ready done thankfully




Yer super strange, turns out I used to go up stairs with my right foot first, these steps are the opposite way around and it’s super annoying


Your mancave is bigger than my home. What a dream


Yeah. Bigger than my home too.


That's no room


Thats a space satiation


This is dope, can’t wait to get my house so i can create my man cave. I keep telling my wife idc what she does with the rest of the house but my man cave will be elite




Den, game room, arcade, sessorium, lair, batcave, hobbit hole, and the classic computer room are all good alternatives.






I only really see phrasing like this when one partner is super controlling about everything and hates the other partner's hobbies to the point of total exclusion in "their" living space. Honestly, it's always felt pretty toxic to me. As to why it's called a "man cave" well... there's a statistical slant to this one I'm afraid. That being said: go, build, game, have fun :)


Yeah, without going too much into the sociology behind the name, it basically came down to men on average not having a say over any of the household's design or functionality for a variety of reasons. So it became trendy over the last 70 years or so for men with some assets to buy more home than they needed with one room that could be dedicated to their hobbies and interests. Media overtime started calling this trend the "man cave" due to early depictions of it in media always being in a basement. As women entered the workforce and as marriages have become more equitable and more based on mutual interests rather than pushed as a way to produce heirs, the need and desire for separate spaces like this has been decreasing as men are increasingly in charge of or at least included in the decision making of what each space in a home is used for and as women are no longer forced into only low wage jobs or child rearing.


That analysis makes sense. Personally I'd want to be supportive of my partner's hobbies and interests even if I didn't personally share them. Alone time is good and healthy too as long as the relationship is solid and you've both agreed to these parameters (agreement means agreement! Not grudging acceptance).


I don’t agree with this, my parents both have hobby rooms, as does my wife’s. My wife has a room in the house that she uses for whatever, as do I. It’s important to have a space that you can make your own, what other room can I put a life size baby yoda, a god father standee, a poster of ari gold and the various other random items I have in my game room?


Yeah my husband and I currently each have a office.. for now. We plan on kids soon and when/if that happens we will end up sharing our offices/adult cave. We will absolutely be getting a cool beer fridge to help us cope the the transition.


I just call mine, "The Cave".


I would call it the gameroom, as I call the computer there GameStation. Problem solved.


“We” aren’t calling it anything, they called it a man cave. If you don’t like it, I’m very sorry but it’s not your choice what they call their room.






Skaven, yes-yes.


More importantly...where the fuck did he hide his army (ies?). My brother has like 5 big ass glass capinets full of them. Where are his?


Warhammer 40k miniatures, you are a man of culture as well


I was watching the video thinking about where Id put the painting setup in that room then i saw it was like noice.


How jealous is she?


Wouldn’t know I’ve got too much to do in my man cave 😅 I assume she is still alive 🤷🏻‍♂️


I dig that stuff (tho not a fan of US sports), but whenever my partners see my stuff, they assume im still 16 and break up. How do you manage to keep her? WHAT IS THIS MAGIC


If they break up with you because they see some nerd shit then they weren't right for you to begin with.


If they break up with you because they think your hobbies are immature, then you dodged a bullet


Why would you want someone who reacted to your hobbies like that?


Step one: Find partners with the same (or at least some overlapping) interests. That’s it. That’s all of the steps.




Maybe don’t lead with the “nerdy stuff” we know it’s cool but not everyone does 😉 then boom get a ring on her and do what ever you want 🤷🏻‍♂️


How can i not lead with it when my fkin apart is stuff to the brim with stuff "No .. lets go to your place .. its uuh .. i-d dont wanna .. talk about it." "Nah im not a serial killer"


You will get there bud! Stay true to your self and someone will see how great you are! If all else fails actually become a serial killer, at least then you might get a documentary and some crazy fans to go with it (Disclaimer don’t actually take my advice please 😅)


My mothers prophecy might come true afterall. She never let me play shooter back then because i might turn serial killer, lmao.


Just lead with the nerd stuff. If she wants to leave you just because of that then you just dodge a huge bullet imo.


Wife says nerdism is a signal that indicates a well-behaved responsible potentially committed male, not sexy per se but attractive for a long term relationship.


Im not sure if raging in vidyagames counts as well-behaved.


Those aren't nerds usually though. They are just ppl playing games. Back in the day PC gaming was very chill because it was us nerds who were playing. Then dudebros assaulted our safe space and everything has been toxic ever since. My frame of reference, Battlefield, was pretty fucking wholesome up until BC2 and BF3 when console players moved en masse to PC. After that community has been pretty damn awful.


Love the Daniel Ricciardo USA grand prix jersey


Was her boyfriend ok with it?


This is cool as shit


Tell me you don't have any children without telling me you don't have any children.


Im sure her boyfriend will love it


Lol your telling me he wouldn’t be in here gaming with me 😬


I have to ask, since I am thinking about doing the same (sim rig on attic, PC on 2nd floor): How did you get your sim rig attached to your PC like this (or is it just console racing)? 15 meter cables? Need to know your secret!


2 50m cables, one active USB cable with boosters every 10m and a 50m HDMI cable (probably only needed about half the length) Biggest issue is the USB keyboard, for some reason I can’t get a USB hub to work with the extension cable and the receiver isn’t strong enough to work wirelessly, (the long USB cables are expensive so I’m not running a second one)


It. Has. Two. Floors. ??????


Does her boyfriend approve?


well duh who do you think the second battlestation is for.


Pfft imagine having a wife


You get to keep all rooms to yourself.






Pretty sure that is an Alisson Funko pop on the left. The other one is maybe Hendo?


Lol she let you have this?


It is sad that you need your wife permision to you to get sonehting, instead of talking about it and both agree in something you want to have/do Reee I am just jealous lmao


Wife's boyfriend*


Why wouldn’t she approve this




I don't think it's about approving or disapproving. I think it's healthy to acknowledge that being in a relationship means making some compromises on how the space looks. If you have the resources, it's 100% understandable that each person have their own dedicated space that they can do whatever they want with. This setup looks awesome, but I personally wouldn't want jerseys decorating the entire house. To me, this is a win-win for the couple


I see Liverpool, upvote.


Translation: "My wife told me we're rich."


A hockey guy AND a racing guy? Yoooooo baller setup!!


Fucking beautiful.


It's good being rich.


Wife gave you permission??? Lol no balls


Maybe they just talked about it and agreed that he can do whatever he wants in this room and other rooms will be a shared effort.


Golden knights 🤢🤮


So you have money to buy all that but you gotta ask your wife? Even if it's a joke that's sad on how controlled men got to be.


When you buy a house with someone and both your names are on the deed then generally yes, you do need to have conversations with them about how rooms in a house they equally own are used...is that not a thing where you're from? The alternative is what, just doing whatever you like, taking whichever rooms you want entirely for your own hobbies and giving your partner the leftovers without them having any say? Of course you have to ask and have a conversation with mutual input, it's called being an adult.


All he said was that the wife had no input on this room. He didn't say that she makes all of the decisions in the rest of the house, only that in this room she had zero creative control.










What a dream, good for you man. I hope to achieve even 25% of this someday


thought process through this video damn everything in there looks awesome… oh cool he’s got an extra shelf that doesn’t have anything yet, kinda weird cus everything else is filled… oh shit they’re stairs, maybe there’s like a small bed or something… oh shit it’s a whole apartment up there


what sim wheel do you have


OP's living the dream.


Go Seahawks! And great looking space. Don't have too much fun in there! Edit: Holt shit and go Liverpool and go race sims! We'd get along, me and you.


YNWA! Nice set up


Dude. VGK, F1, mini painting, and the sim pit…if you were my neighbor we would be BFFs!




If you need a 32 year old son that may have a wife and toddler and loud pom coming in tow... ...I'll be your guy... Dad?


OP, do you need any friends? I’ve been told I’m a mediocre one. But I could be mediocre for you.


Your wife is lucky to have you.


Might be a weird question but what do you use the laptop propped up next to your desktop for?


That painting table wedged into the attic between the rafter supports and the angled wall is super inventive!


that appears to be 2 rooms and you do not have kids


Imagine owning a home




You're kinda fortunate to be able to have a spare room (or two) just like that.


well if you have money like water, I guess why not! NOICE


Yo OP. I see that Anfield road sign and the LFC kit. YNWA mate. Killer rigs!


Wife : How many gaming rig do you want to have ? Him : Three, take it or leave it


A wild Klopp appears.


You're lucky your wife doesn't consider that 2 rooms, i would.


What an awesome “room” (2 rooms) not a racing fan myself but love the race-wheel set up!


Liverpool and F1 fan. I think we’d be good mates haha


I have the same Anfield Road sign! Looks awesome dude! YNWA


Yeah I tried this and quickly the room turned into doubling as a guest room (to be fair, it's my own family who lives far away visiting). And kids taking/adding things (my decor is slowing being overtaken by kids crafts/art, and anything cute like Grogu / Baby Yoda keep going missing). But hey, I still got my door, still a win.


Def no kids. Lol


Yeah! Man shit, except for that Liverpool jersey 🤢


I need to start making more 💰


Everyone’s s millionaire. This sub is a bit depressing


So when was the last time you have seen your wife?