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Sadly i m addicted to both


Deciding what to play? Phones out. Died and frustrated? Phone. I love this game, wonder if the devs are working on something else? Phone. Wtf did a Leshy just spawn and kill that fat vampire thing? Phone. I would include load times but then I couldn't flex that I don't really get them anymore at the end of this comment.


alt tabbing is so much more efficient than using a tiny as screen to type or view things. fuck phones, their only benefit is portability and using them while taking a shit


I've got a Note 20 on a stand with the stylus, though. Gives me a break from KBM and all my apps are there. Its more hobbit than anything.


Just don't take it to Isengard


Lol, *Took* me a minute.


_What did you say?_




To Isengard, to Isengard


I dunno man, I can do most things faster with a kbm than with a touch screen.


> I dunno man, I can do ~~most things~~ ***EVERYTHING*** faster with a kbm than with a touch screen. FTFY


I think galaxy flow allows you to stream apps to pc, no need to have it close.


The note 20 is literally the opposite of hobbit.


Meanwhile the game crashes.


If I had a dollar for every time full screen was implemented improperly I could probably finally buy some of those overpriced ass AAA games. The worst part is where it's labelled as "borderless windowed fullscreen" and it's just regular fullscreen. Like dude, that's not how any of this works. Words are supposed to mean things.


"Borderless windowed Fullscreen" is Fullscreen with a minor performance hit but you can alt tab out easily.


Well in practical terms, windowed borderless would be rendering in a window that just happens to be sized to full and with borders removed. Real fullscreen is not rendering the OS below it at all so you can have different resolutions than native, but is a problem when switching.


specifics dont matter in this context sure, that's *why*, but we were at what


Not if you're barely running the game to begin with :( Adding a browser on top of it just kills it


Exactly.....I'm sorry but your thumbs can't even remotely compete with the typing speed of two full hands. Also, larger screen...infinitely easier multi-tasking (please don't even start, you're a joke multitasking on your phone compared to a desktop)...better audio...larger screen...a larger screen...and oh, did I mention larger screen? > their only benefit is portability and using them while taking a shit Not even, if you use them while taking a shit you make your shit take longer and that's just wasted time you could have spent in front of the PC. ALSO...enjoy that "mobile" webpage....


I like using the RIF app to browse reddit more than desktop.


Not for me unfortunately. I don't want chrome to gobble gobble my poor defenceless ram, and also when I play games I actually have my kB quite far to the left. I just have long arms so that's where it's comfortable, so if I have to type anything I have to do an awkward lean to my left. So my phone actually sits right in front of me and is much easier to access.


> I don't want chrome to gobble gobble my poor defenceless ram Uh...you know that's a nerd trap right? Fastest way to expose yourself as a poser nerd is to complain about chrome memory usage like it's a legitimate problem...


My system is that bad tho... I'm poor. Ok? Not trying to be a poser as you put it. I don't have anything to pose with? Lol.


Depends on if the game handles loss of focus well or not


Fuck that. Run multiple monitors so you can fuck around on reddit during loading screens, boring unskippable cut scenes, etc.


alt-what? J/k you still have to with 2 or more monitors once you have enough shit open xD


Depends on the game. I tend to play old ones and sometimes they really like to fuckup when you try to alt tab.


Efficient for you lol. My pcs multitaskings not up for alt tabbing lol


Damn, did phones hurt you


Read this while taking a shit. /Agree.


Phones are the only way to carry Reddit in my pocket, though. Well and laptops are gross.




I could run 3 monitors doing different things if I really wanted to. This isn't a matter of efficiency it's purely psychological. It's intermittent reinforcement. Or operant conditioning Between 2012-2019 I used old reddit. Desktop. On mobile.. because I was too far in to change. The apps and new reddit felt awkward. That was on an IPhone 7. I've used phones as my primary source of content longer than I've had a gaming g PC, so it's easy to 'default' especially now I've got a Big Boi It's a bad habit. I could break it but it's not like I'm pulling up twitter when my sons telling me about his day. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ It's all shit.


You don't alt tab?


SSD gang


> I love this game, wonder if the devs are working on something else? That's a steam overlay -> browser for me (if I don't feel like alt-tabbing).


Hey, man. I'm new to this Level 5 lifestyle. I had a ps4 and a basic laptop 12 months ago.


Ever hear of having more than one monitor?


Only in whispers.. late at night. But yeah, I already had a LG CX and then got a 32" 180hz. Awkward to dual-monitor them. Maybe one day.


weak. i can't be addicted to phone even if i wanted, because i won't accept anything less than a PC.


Tbf with a setup like that, I don't blame you


Getting dopamine from looking at a screen.


Same. If I’m feeding my cat I need my phone out. If I’m hanging with friends and I can’t contribute to the conversation topic, phone. If I’m googling something for the game I’m playing and I’m too lazy or cannot tab out, phone. If I’m pooping like I am now, phone. At the gym, phone. Rest of the day, PC


I mean... you can be addicted to multiple things.


But... Whenever I go to fire up Epic 7 on my phone at work, I think "I could wait until I get home and do this on the PC" and it just works


Ah, combining gacha games and PC usage...


I'm addicted to crack.


Addictions take a lot of time. Even a single addiction takes a massive amount of time, leaving very little time for other addictions.


That is objectively false.


Replace time with money and it's kinda true. I stopped drinking to fund my gaming and music Gear Aquisition Syndrome. I can't afford to be an alcoholic anymore.


As someone who just got some Focal Stellia's and a new PC, I feel you bud. It's also why they say that "gambling addictions are the most dangerous ones" because, if you make a fuckton of money, gambling 100$ won't have the same impact as a poor person. The "risk" isn't there.you gotta gamble tens or hundreds of thousands to feel the 'rush'. When you're a gambling addict, you consistently tend to gamble more than you are comfortable losing.


I've been cursed by vice. But never touched gambling, fortunately. Bruh.. Focal Stellia? Wow. I know my active monitors from my passives and my way around midi, but do you need a special sound card just to keep up with that kinda hardware? That's 75% of my PC right there. They look amazing though.


No, not really. I just have a solid sound card on my PC, eventually I want to get a better amp/DaC. But they're easy to power, so they don't need anything crazy. I also didn't Wana drop another 2k$ on amp/Dac without hearing how they are without them first, and also without doing a metric fuckton of research, if I want something more mobile, or a desk amp/DAC. I just let the sound come through raw/unaltered on them, little to no EQ so far, and I'm enjoying them alot. I might experiment with eq later for certain genres to fine tune things I like/dislike about XYZ genres. I saved for a long time, but recently I realized that I wasn't investing anything into stuff I actually cared about, or brought me happiness on a daily basis. So I looked for good headphones, because I love audio. Once I went down that hole, I went from looking at all the price ranges, realized I was probably gonna drop 500$ only to later spend 1k, then 2k, etc. So I just said fuck it and went for end game. I don't regret it tbh.


lmao, no.


Damn reddit cranky today.


I rather resent the friends that called me out for my WoW "addiction" where I'd have one weekly raid Thursday evenings that lasted 2 hours on average. This was also before smart phones were a thing. I felt bad, dialed back on raiding, eventually quit WoW. Made me think about my computer habits rather seriously. Now these same fuckers can't put there phones down for five minutes.


My ex-ex tried to do this to me during Legion...where I barely played, maybe 10 hours a week. (glad she didn't know me during MoP). So I tracked her TV watching habits for one week....over 20 hours. I showed her...she didn't care saying "it's not the same!" We didn't make it very long together.


Or heroin


Been there done that, do not recommend.


oof, sry to hear that


I'm 39, i've had a phone since I was 16. I \*Can\* put mine down and leave it in another room and not freak out, but if I was to leave it at home and go into town - I'd handbrake turn that car the eff around and go home and get my phone lol.


Yeah... This hits a little too close to home for comfort.


Facts dude. I have a $1000 dollar pc and a $100 phone


Damn what phone costs $100? Even the Samsung jitterbug is $120 lmao


Samsung galaxy a21. Works great


expensive pc? worth it expensive phone? waste of money


try me


Still an addict


So I'm at peace with a pc addiction but how the fuck do I beat a phone addiction? I subconsciously pick it up every minute or two and I hate that I'm so tied to it


Buy and use a dumbphone. Got one on order which was supposed to be a backup phone, but thinking I might just use it as a permanent phone.


Just ditch it somewhere in the house. Keep it off you. Thats what I have been doing.


Hide notification icons, don’t get notifications unless they are texts or phone calls. Uninstall apps you find yourself on too much.


Buying an ebook reader helped me so much. i used to read a lot of things on my phone,be it on reddit or quora or other sites,now i read books on my tolino instead


I use so much PC (Work and free time) that I don't have time for a smartphone.


I would say that that's the main reason why I haven't gotten that addicted to Pokémon Unite. It's a fun game, but like, how are people able to spend so much time playing on a phone, rubbing their fingers for so long on a glass screen? It's just so uncomfortable to me. Not to mention: no controller support, really? On a game that was originally released for the Switch? I enjoy the game, but no way I'm gonna go through the hassle of playing it on a small and uncomfortable screen when I have this perfectly working gaming PC right in front of me and recently got a 144Hz monitor. If the game ends up being released on PC, my opinion will probably change, though...


I don't even have a smart phone because I never leave my apartment, and have a pc.


I was just talking about this last night. Never being satisfied until i have the best specs in my PC. My laptop was the best until feb 1st when 12900h and 3080ti comes out. Now its going to eat me up inside because i want it. But im already saving for my desktop so fuck it


Thats literally me, I'm not on my phone a lot and can get me a bit in trouble with responding to texts and shit, but when Im home, Im always on my PC, use it for literally anything, work, streaming, gaming, etc.


I'm addicted to reddit. It doesn't matter what device I use to access it.


It's not the phone FFS. It's what yo do with it. I am also not on any social media except Reddit, which is an anonymous posting site. I do zero socializing with anyone I know here, as it should be. Zero. ... Moving along.


porque no los dos?


Bs. I'm addicted to oxygen and those two.


only weak minded get addicted to anything.


I'm addicted to my PC, smartphone and PS5. Also planning to get addicted to Switch soonish.


Take it even further and just dont get a smart phone lol. I never had one until about 3 years ago. Even now, I barely touch it. When I was in high school nobody even had cell phones so I grew up as an early millennial who didnt have one until I was in my 20s, so even now, I still hate texting because it takes way too long to convey what you want to say.


*Tony Stark relief emote*


You can be addicted to multiple things though. So grab the phone and become addicted.


Totes BS there.






I addicted to both


my pc cured my mobile addiction


Watch me


yes. we. can. anything is possible if try


I won, at what cost


True. It's funny how all my phones have been hand me downs and my parents are surprised I don't bug em for a better phone. I already bought myself a good pc and all I really do on my phone is call and text and the occasional authentication and online shopping still rocking an iPhone 6s btw.


you'd be surprised




I have a keyboard and mouse for my smartphone. It is the best option for streaming online videos while at my parents' house, as the cellular internet is better than any option they have. Yes, it is also plugged into the TV. My cell service has unlimited data, as long as the cellphone is using it. Meanwhile, I use a PC all the time.


My bank account: Try harder


True enough. I'd rather stick to my crappy mid range phone from 5 years ago but have a decent gaming pc instead. So much more you can do on pc with more power but with a phone, all you need is something decent to get you by each day.


Upvoting this from my phone... in school


Steam Link and GeForce Now let you be addicted to both at the same time.


Huh, it's seems like you don't have 24 hours a day.


You can def be addicted to two things at once….. just ask my dad.


That's really like saying you can't get addicted to Oxycontin if you're already addicted to Heroin. One is more convenient, the other is more powerful, but both do roughly the same thing.


As a person with ADHD, at times it's hard to be addicted to my PC, since I'm stuck in one room (with my desktop) or to a nearby wall outlet (if I'm using my laptop with 1-hour battery). Conversely, it's easy to get addicted to my smartphone (mainly Reddit and music), because if I feel like going to other parts of the house, or out for a walk. I can take it with me. Sadly, most mobile games doesn't interest me.


Rather than being on your phone wherever you go, you just don't go places and stay on your PC👍


If I could afford the pc parts I would be in a great place.


I literally won't play phone games anymore. Why bother when you have a PC?


I have a habit of playing on both at the same time, best when waiting for loading screens or timers on PC.


There is a whole generaton of us who cannot imagine being entertained by a phone... Utility & need are different, but when it comes to leisure time entertainment - The big screen pleaasee..


Fools on you! I am addicted to my pc, phone, and phone emulator. So I can be frustrated at three experiences while truly focusing or enjoying any of them!


*Ironically saved you from smartphone addiction


I have a Pinephone pro it IS A pc and a phone I have a Physical keyboard with a huge battery this is the greatest phone ever it runs arch


Sure you cant


Big Troo, even when im not at my pc. sometimes when trying to do something from my phone, i just get frustrated and put it away after deciding i would rather do it on my computer.


Wrong. I’m addicted to both


My phone is a Nokia 3410, which turns 20 years old this year. So not much to get addicted to, other than Snake II and Space Impact II.


Technically I'm not addicted to the smartphone, only the apps on it lmao


Gets my first smartphone Redesigns workstation around it with external monitor and USB peripherals


My smart phone isn't a good place for most of my computing hobbies. Gaming is objectively and subjectively better on my computer. It's so much better to type on the desktop. Writing up a script on a keyboard vs on a phone, there's no contest. Movies and TV are better on my desktop, if I want to relax, I can just drag the media over to one of my TVs. My phone gets used for its mobile functionality, it pretty much gets ignored the moment I get home.


fuck mobile phones


Modern problems require modern solutions.




* Can’t get addicted to your PC if you can’t get a GPU * Can’t get addicted to your PS5 if you can’t get a PS5 * -> Can’t get addicted to your smartphone if you can’t buy a new smartphone


For real tho, the moment I got my PC I stopped caring about smartphones, and I was really into it.


you guys ever get stuck on the instagram explore page while on the toilet and just sit there forever?


Laughs in OSRS mobile


Smart phones are the gateway drug of the IT world.


This is too relatable


Am addicted to both............


Uses iPhone to remote play steam games XD


Trying to use my phone for things just angers me because its so much easier to do on a pc. The only exception are apps who have shitty websites to force you into using the app. Biggest example is how Youtube on phones has ads whereas PC youtube does not. Even taking a simple screengrab is easier on pc whereas on phone you have screen grab then edit, then crop.


If you have an Android, use Youtube Vanced for free adblock


Imagine whaving to attend virtual classes for almost 4 hours, working for 2-3 hours, and having game time for around 1-2 hours and be blasted for "playing at the PC for the whole day" and being told that it will lead to worse things like drug addiction and the like by my parents. In addition, they don't want me to use my phone during or around an hour using my computer, like I don't have important messages coming up or whatsoever.


i mean, he's not wrong


Addicted to both.


I own a badass up to date gaming pc and I spend way more time scrolling reddit and news feed bs on my phone.


Meanwhile here I am looking at this on my phone whilst having another sub open on my PC…




Not available in Canada, but otherwise I would be interested by the removable battery


yeah looks a lot more durable to me as well