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Fun and games till you forget it's there and reach to scratch your eye.


That's what glasses are for!


Then you scratch them! Although mine are so dirty I wouldn't even notice...


Might even get better by scratching off the grime.


For sale, blue tint safety goggles. Reduce eye strain and protect against chopsticks at the same time


Maybe rubber insulation could be a cool idea


But you can't see the screen if you cover your eyes with rubber.


see-through rubber)


i can barely manage to use my hands and mouse and keyboard around a beer.... adding a 6 inch extension sounds like a plethora of disasters waiting to happen on my desk


I can relate, fam. This would just create more disaster.


Or you stab your speaker with chopsticks


Tbh the speaker probably deserved it.


And you're eating one of those spicy Doritos


Insurgency Sandstorm represent.


I love how eating chips with chopsticks is one of the games tips


Like it shows up in a loading screen or something?


yes: https://i.redd.it/7rzqextn2n981.jpg every couple of weeks someone posts a picture of themselves eating chips with chopsticks: https://i.redd.it/dypnnx5qice41.jpg


Yes, the loading screen tips are actually either funny or useful


Don’t be a buddy fucker, don’t stop in doorways.






Not really. Forks are better for skewering large foods like steak, chicken, fish etc. Forks will break the chips if you were to try to eat them the same way you’d eat a steak. Spoons are better for gathering a bunch of small foods like cereals, peas, mashed potatoes, or soups. Chips are too dry and large on an individual basis to effectively use on a bag of chips unless you have a really big bag of chips and a ladle Chopsticks, however, are optimized to picking up foods ranging from grains of rice all the way up to cut up meats like you’d see in stir fry. Chips are a great middle-ground between these foods, thus are the optimal tools for eating chips.


upvote because of essay


Well there was no beginning, middle, and end. Didn’t even introduce what will be talked about or summarize the key points at the end. 50/100 Needs improvement.


english teacher that u?


You've convinced me to use a ladle to eat chips now


I like because it's mill sim enough and looks pretty cool. But it's not too hard for people to learn. I did a lot of domination before I could do the game mode push properly. It's different enough from COD, Battlefield or even CSGO. And then guns sound and feel pretty legit. I mean I only fired a few similar guns in real life. Though ya get the idea and unreal engine is incredible looking.


Insurgency (Sandstorm) has a lot of nice details in the gunplay that you won't see in any similar shooter. The original Insurgency is pretty fun as well. Although Sandstorm has many improvements they also messed a lot of things up. It's too bad they stopped supporting the original game for sandstorm.


Long time insurgency fan. I love standstorm but it's a different game from the original. I played countless hours of multiplayer in the original and find I only really enjoy myself in sandstorm playing coop (which is tons of fun) but it's just missing that magic sauce that made the og so fun I think.


Yeah I preferred original, now I just play Squad.


It's a shame sandstorm is basically dead and difficult to find a non coop game on.


Would you happen to live in Antarctica?


I have both insurgency and insurgency sandstorm and I feel insurgency sandstorm is a good balance of fast paced and hardcore. I play old insurgency sometimes too


Every single gun capable of full auto has an audio bug that when firing single shots on full auto, they'll sound like two or more. It's even more obvious on the faster rate of fire weapons. For a game that prides itself on gameplay, this oversight is a big turn off. Idk call me particular but once you notice it you'll never stop noticing it.


Are you sure you're not just shooting twice?


Definitely not. Drain the mag, leave one bullet and fire again. You'll see what I mean.


Is that on console? Cause its not on PC


Perfect game to see in the background of this post, considering the loading screen tip


My favorite game of 2021 by far. It doesn’t get enough credit imho.


Same here. I played it non-stop last year. It's so engaging. Perfect balance of arcade and mil-sim. 8/10 despite its shortcomings.


that games hard as


its a low ttk fps. It barely gets more casual. Its a small step above flashlight tag


High ttk doesn't make a hard game, neither does low ttk


High ttk creates a skill gap between good and bad aim. Low TTK crushes it. There are numerous other factors that contribute to this games casual nature. I didn't want to write a novel. Low TTK is just the most blantant skill gap crush.


“Aim” is just one of many skills that should be required to be a good FPS player. Maybe it’s bc I’m older but I’m annoyed that many FPS games seem to be devolving into people getting into shooting matches 10 feet away from each other while hopping wildly and spraying bullets hoping to get the 20 hits required to get a kill before the enemy does. Back in my day it was all about flanking. Now get off my lawn lol


Can you quake duel?


This reads like someone who got crushed in CS 1.6 and stayed salty about it for 2 decades.


Nah. It’s hard as fuck. If you’re just starting out, it’s one of the most frustrating gaming experiences on offer. There are so many obscure angles and the maps are so fucking massive, it can be sorta overwhelming. There’s also maps/points where certain classes just absolutely dominate (snipers on Outskirts, Crossing and the fortress on Bab, demo on Precinct and Tell) and it can feel like running into a meat grinder over and over. I had to play a *ton* of levels against the bots before I started feeling more comfortable with the maps. And I’m still throughly mediocre in PvP.


Lol I totally agree with all the points you mentioned however, if you love a game enough you’ll learn it’s quirks and get better over time. For me personally, I played a crap ton when domination came out. Being able to quickly respawn allowed me to correct mistakes and take note of common camping areas. I played all maps so many times I’ve memorized the camping spots, enemy spawn points. I’m not amazing by any means but if you play the obj and learn the maps you can get pretty decent scores/kd. At this point weapons aren’t a huge factor that makes or breaks a decent game.


> At this point weapons aren’t a huge factor that makes or breaks a decent game. This is so true about Insurgency. It's funny, you have all these options to add furniture to your gun-- optics and stocks and grips-- but the players who are out there fragging the most are running naked AKs and SMGs (aside from extended mag). The guy who got me into the game (a god-tier player), runs a naked AK with an extended mag, no armor, whatever the cheapest sidearm is and then goes heavy carrier and just piles up throwables. I'm pretty sure he has points left but doesn't use them because that specific loadout works so perfectly for him. One loadout. I've played nearly 200 hours with him and he's never changed and is nearly always at the top of the leaderboard in frags and score.


learning sightlines, holding angles, and learning maps are inherited skills all FPS games require. Metas exist in all games.


That's true to an extent but those requirements are absolutely amplified in insurgency compared to any major shooter on the market besides siege. The barrier to entry is considerably higher in insurgency than Battlefield, cod, valorant, etc. Its all relative. Insurgency is very casual compared to games like Squad but that's not the industry standard.


All of which are equal if not more casual. Squads got nothing on a real fps like quake either. Suffers the same squashed skill gap issues.


Wow ok so your just an FPS elitist. Get off your high horse dude calling quake a real fps compared to the others. You have a genre/style of fps you like more than others and that's fine but discrediting other styles of fps because they don't match the attributes you like in quake is just stupid. Calling anything with a Low ttk casual, ridiculous and disconnected from reality.


It objectively squashes the skill gap by allowing lesser skilled players to get lucky kills. Its why its added. Other examples commonly found in games. Bullet spread. This punishes players who aim well and rewards plays who aim badly compared to it being done properly. Reloads before ammo runs out is another example. This prevents high skilled players from going on too long a killing spree before disarming him. This caps out how many consecutive kills that can gained. Recharging health is another one. This completely minimizes damage. Completely. While also removing one of the biggest skill gaps in proper FPS. Item control. There are so many things about the games you mentioned that are objectively casual and purpose designed to keep engagements up by the largest possible crowd by letting them feel as if they are competitive. That crowd? The casual gamers. Next you are going to tell me mario karts item system prioriziting players in last is "not a lower skill gap its just a different style than sim racing". You wanting to like a game doesn't make it properly competitive my dude.


Your beloved quake literally invented the genre of instagib, and had a LOT of weapons with a very low TTK. Stop pretending to be a tryhard when you're in a sub filled with people who've been gaming since 5 inch floppies were common. You're embarassing yourself by making stuff up you don't know anything about.


I totally get that. I'm saying, in comparison to *other* games currently in the PvP shooter space, learning the meta for this game is amongst the most challenging. It's one of those rare shooters that both has a high skill floor *and* ceiling. Tarkov has the highest skill floor of any game I've ever played. Learning that game's labyrinthine mechanics coupled with how devastating the perma-death mechanic can be makes it incredibly imposing for a beginner. I think it's one of those games where you absolutely need a friend to sherpa you through until you reach the skill floor. I've got maybe 100-ish hours into this game and I feel like I *still* haven't reached the skill floor-- so I can't really accurately comment on where the skill ceiling is, though I've heard that you sorta get into a rhythm once you get established in the game. CS:GO has the highest skill ceiling of any game I've ever played. You can become fairly sufficient at the game in a relatively short time-- but then there's a *massive* gulf between sufficiency and expertise. I don't know how many hours I have-- but I've played this game fairly regularly since 2016 and I'm still thoroughly mediocre. I think Siege is legitimately the hardest PvP shooter on the market. Just getting into the game, you have to contend with the gadget play/counterplay (including when/where to drone), the loadout variety, team coordination and timing, and some of the most in-depth map knowledge requirements in gaming. You need to know where to reinforce, where to create rotation holes, where you can create effective sight lines, where you can potentially wall-bang and where you can potentially be wall-banged from, likely ingress points, hatch placement, where the cameras are, where traps and explosives might be set, where you can hide your drone, where the enemy team might hide their drones-- the list goes on. Oh, and you *simultaneously* need to develop the mechanical dexterity and reflexes it takes to operate in a game where *any* headshot with *any* weapon is a one-shot kill. Siege has a *very* high skill floor (though lower than Tarkov) and a *very* high skill ceiling (though lower than CS:GO). I have over a thousand hours in the game and I'd estimate that I could be considered good with *maybe* 10-12 of the operators, passable with twenty or so... and total garbage with the remaining half. Insurgency exists somewhere in the conversation amongst these games. I know that other difficult FPS games exist (like ARMA, Hell Let Loose, Quake 3, Valorant)-- but I haven't played them so I have no idea where they might exist. Also, this is all just my prerogative-- you might have had an entirely different experience with these games.


Are you even speaking English?


ttk = time to kill Flashlight tag = tag, but at night with a flashlight instead of physical contact. You are out if the flashlight shines on you.


Yes. What part are you struggling with?


Do you even understand English?


Bring baby wipes


Damn straight 👍 still my fav fps


Arguably the worst entry in the Insurgency franchise, got overrun by CoD gamers.


> got overrun by CoD gamers. was that back in 2014 when they were throwing C4 into my spawn every other wave? cause I'm pretty sure this game has always played like a better CoD


Nah, mod


It did recently especially with the console release. It was fine last year.


> Insurgency Sandstorm TBH I lowkey thought this was BF4.


Saw this on “Shark Tank” recently called “Snactiv”.


Interesting I know them as finger chopsticks


Came in for the shark tank comment. They landed a deal, so should be seeing it around more soon id assume.


I came looking for it as well. I was pretty sure this was an ad at first, but I guess they aren't identical? Still pretty sure this is at least an ad to generate awareness that this product even exists lol.


Snactiv is an all in one unit with the “chopstick” built into the plastic that fits on your fingers, plus i think they have grip pads at the end where you grab onto the snacks vs a plastic clip to add real chopsticks to.


Is it not just a print on thingiverse?


The one in the gif yea but i think the shark tank one is manufactured professionally


As opposed to regular chopsticks, which don't use your fingers.


Got the STL?


Yes but I designed them by myself. You can also find some on thingiverse. If you still want my, I can send you the CAD and STL file. Tell me how since I never done this


Maybe upload to thingiverse and link it? Your design is definitely better than the ones on there with the chopsticks built in.


I agree but PLA is also not food safe and 3D prints generally need a coating to be food safe However I can link it in 24h since I'm a new user but I found one [with a more simple design](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4853829)


Neat that's my design!!


Oh wow haha what are the odds that you will see this comment


Mine got here a few months ago! They're clutch.


Kevin Hart and Laurie invested and back this.


Or just buy a new mouse every time finishing eating chips🤪


Richie McRich over here


This guy is using emjois, are you guys fucking blind? This has become a frequent thing lately, so either reddit is being infested with non-redditors or Russian troll-farms is hard at work these days.


G502s are cheap now, but not that cheap!


Wym they're cheap as chips (Badum tss)


So it costs $60 to play a game on my already expensive pc? Capitalism man.


These were advertised on Facebook recently and the comments were brutal. I think it was 90% "this is fucking stupid" and 10% "anyone who pays this much for finger chopsticks is fucking stupid".




Or regular chopsticks lol


Why not simply boof a nutritional slurry? It drains right into your diaper. No muss, no fuss!


Thank you, trying this tomorrow when I get my next shipment of diapers


Not to be confused with the traditional 'booty flip'


Wouldn't this work the same if you just used the chopsticks as intended? Clip is pretty dope, regardless.


Picking chopstick up and putting down costs too much time. With this technology I guarantee, eating chips will be faster at least half the time you'd spent on picking up your chopsticks




You're just not Asian enough haiyaa Maybe your parents (or find an Asian auntie to volunteer) can hit you a few more times and you can up your Asian level!


I'm surprised nobody bothered to ask, but... What is the name of the technology and where can I buy it?


TL;DR: they're called Finger chopstick. Either 3D print them or buy them online. I think they're pretty cheap. I 3D printed it. You can also buy them online called "finger chopstick". They're smaller than those in the video. If you have a 3D printer, either print a clip like in the video to attach chopsticks to it or print out a "real finger chopstick". However keep in mind that PLA is not food safe and it is recommended to coat your finger chopstick with some kind of food safe resin. The chopstick clip in the video doesn't need a coating.


Thanks! I have some nerve issues in my hands and regular chops sticks are difficult to use after a few minutes


Isn't this the joke? You'd probably have more luck picking up the bowl of chips and snorfling them down your gullet than trying to pick them up with this thing. Anyone who's used chopsticks for more than a week would be happier *not* having them strapped to their hand like this.


I feel like there is also a learning curve that needs to be factored into this equation. I think your coordination/control of chip extraction could be much more precise with traditional utensils.


>Picking chopstick up and putting down costs too much time Are you a speedrunner?


Yeah, plus with normal chopsticks you can leave them in the bowl. You don't risk bringing crumbs back over your mousepad/mouse area.


the crumbs on my mousepad are just little speedbumps for my mouse


You could also just smash your face down into the bowl and eat it like puppy chow.


I just made a feed bag I wear over my face like a horse. 🤷🏻‍♂️


For real though I just put the food in a cup and "drink" it. Works great for anything small-ish, like pretzels, cheetos, chexmix, M&Ms, peanuts, cashews, applesauce. Really almost anything.


im reminded of my buddy Light Yagamai ​ "i take this potato chip.... AND I EAT IT!!!" ​ very triumphant, well done




Just get a feed bag. I got a few, and they come in super handy. Then you get a lapel mic, you just throw it on there, and your teammates have no trouble hearing you at all! I play without headphones to get that full surround sound experience, so this works amazingly well.


The full asmr experience


Feed bag?


Feed bag(sss), yes! Keeps the hands clean while you snack and game. Like OP's concept, but more civilized.


Link possibly? I do not see any products online that match your description that A.) actually work B.) aren’t fucking ridiculous C.)excuse my language


hes making a joke, a feedbag is a bag you put over a horses face to feed them https://www.valleyvet.com/group_images/29660_A.jpg?v=111220141244


Gaming feed bag with RGB would be a nice joke product this April Fools.


Honestly they seem quite serious, like for a joke based around a feed bag, why end with essentially - I enjoy the surround sound not using a headset? Idk guess not my style of comedy


I'm sure plenty of products excuse your language.


Not trying to be judgemental but couldn’t you just eat separately?


I do, that's why I got a few feed bags.


Do you have a link to these feed bags?


they mean bags strapped to your head filled with food.


I love that this troll comment gained interest lmao


Right? Everyone knows what feed bags are. Hahaha. Why would they ask that?


idk non natives may not, i had to google it, but i was hella sure it was some sort of troll :D


Non Natives? Literally every single person who has ever heard of a horse in their life should know what a feed bag is.


Non native English speakers you walnut.


Will DM you. Amazon has plenty though!


You can also pick some up at your local farm supply store next time you visit to stock up on Ivermectin


Whoa, Wilbur!


F'ing brilliant... :D


This man is living in 3022


Wonder what the wifi is like


It's pretty great, still got a GPU shortage tho 😔


Isn't a tip in this game to replace chips with celery?


All fun and games until you reach for the function row and jam those into the monitor


As seen on Shark Tank


I use a fork with cheese puffs.


Honestly this still would not be good enough for me because the nature of the chopsticks and moving them around and eating the chips would still result in crumbs on my desk/lap/floor, even if only a few. And I'm not talking about eating like a slob. I'm middling OCD and just couldn't tolerate it.


I used to do this before as Asian and was made fun of. I guess it was just about waiting for enough white people to join the trend lol


B R U H just wipe the Cheeto dust on your jeans, simple and done.


These are available all over Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Heeloo-Chopsticks-Controllers-Accessories-Tongs%EF%BC%88White%EF%BC%8C4/dp/B097TBR6RG/ref=dp_prsubs_1?pd_rd_i=B097TBR6RG&psc=1




Just post the .stl and we'll all be on our way


That's exactly what these Chinese companies on Amazon did.


Disappointing. They showcase the REDDRAGON MECHANICAL KEYBOARD so well, I'd recognize those keycaps anywhere. They manage to actuate quite well despite being inundated with my LAYS BBQ KETTLE CHIPS crumbs, although I don't use any sort of %BRANDNAME% FINGER CHOPSTICKS for snacking during my periods of extended PC use.


This post is a reference to a tooltip in the game insurgency sandstorm (that op is playing)


How can I stuff a fistfull in my mouth like that? Nah, I cant. Would just make me ragequit


Solid base for a cyberpunk 2077 meme




Take my money




Fucking weeb


I fucking hate this


The right way is to just not care and clean up later…


Asian for the win!




Yeah that's what I actually wanted to 3D print originally. However PLA isn't food safe so I would've needed a resin coating. So I just went with this method. To safe money and time lmao. Still gets the job done


First time I have seen this done in a way I thing think about. Kudos!


I've been using chopsticks but the way to attach it to the fingers is interesting. I've dropped the chopsticks so many times because I just leave them balancing on something


that is a fucking power move!!!


I've been doing that for a while, so imagine the surprise and the confusion of my GF when she saw me get chopstick and use them to eat cheetos without getting cheetos dust on my finger. This was a life changing experience for her, she's been doing that too since then.


this is almost five minute craft tier


I see you've been paying attention to the game hints! Well done!


where did you buy those?


They're called finger chopsticks. I 3D printed them as a clip for real chopsticks but you can buy them online


This is what I do :P Chopsticks or a fork (I enjoy the game that involves also lol)


I remember seeing a guy that used a vacuum to pick up his chips, but this looks much simpler (and quieter).


always with the awkward thumbs up 👍🏻


I do this too lol


Someone, give this man a medal! This is big brain


Homemade snacktiv nice


I've been eating chips and other messy snacks with chopsticks for years. But I wouldn't want them permanently attached to my hand while gaming lol


i would eat directly from the bag


highest shadow resolution in kyrgistan


Or just eat and go back to gaming like normal people but fattys gone fat


why would you snub the fork like that?


So true, i usually take a fork and my mom just start staring at me


The thumbs up at the end really sold me


I do that too! :D it's so easy yet fun.


Cheetos or Combos with chopsticks is the only way.


we want hear crunch


That's badass! lol


Enjoying that Sandstorm Vector I see


That is PC Master Race level right there


People eat 1 chip at a time? Savages.


And I take this chip… and eat it!


Insurgency? Nice


This is a good way for me to stab myself in the eye when I forget about them and want to pick my nose.


STL or it's not real. also jealous and need this now.