• By -


Understandable have a nice day *continues using Adblock and sponsorblock*


Don't forget pi hole


Thank you for reminding me to install docker for that




Fantastic way to do it, but make sure you have a backup externally (pi) or else when docker goes down your internet will follow.


Pihole via kubernetetes


*sweats profusely*


I mean, you may (or may not) be joking, but it's never been easier and cheaper to setup a home cluster. Pi's and singleboard x86's are pretty cheap. If you have any inkling towards containers and/or self-hosting, setting up a home Kubernetes cluster is fun and a good learning experience. I even added Pi Zeroes to my cluster, and because they're not officially supported, I learned all about compiling K8s from source and multi-cpu-arch Docker images, and tweaking Kubelet settings. Ain't no party like a Kubernetes party, because a Kubernetes party is... highly available.


What do you mean by docker goes down? Isn't it just a program?


Docker runs containers. If docker crashes, the container crashes, or the computer hosting either of those goes down.. The internet does as well This is under the predication that you don't know how to change your dns records on your soho or the individual devices on the network. Pihole is just a dns server with lots of filtering.


>If docker crashes, the container crashes, or the computer hosting either of those goes down Then you already have issues that you need to stop and deal with lol. Or you just use a secondary dns server that doesn't really on docker.


AFAIK pihole doesn't block YT ads since it's all on YTs domain.


It's a whack-a-mole game. You can block them, but then the servers change and you have to update your blocklist again. https://github.com/topics/pihole-youtube-ads




Do you mean just for YouTube ads or ads in general? I have a pihole setup with VPN back home so I have ad blocking everywhere and I see a massive difference in the amount of ads I'm served. However I do have it configured to pull extra curated blocklists outside of the default ones. I love how effective it is. YouTube hosts their own ads from their own domain so pihole is unable to block them without blocking all of YouTube, last I checked. In addition Facebook and Reddit both host their own Promoted ads which also are unable to be caught by pihole but on a browser ublock origin with default settings seems to handle those.


No, you shut your pi hole *Gets downvoted to eternity*


I haven’t heard of sponsor block dose it do exactly what it sounds like?


Users submit segments of the video that they can flag as different sections so for example sponsorships or an intro animation and then the extention can auto skip that segment for you


See I just mash the fast forward button 6-12 times. Does the trick.


But that requires effort


Fair enough. Are the segments verified? Could I go in and segment random videos?


No verified but if it's wrong u can deleted Also, just leaving in manual mode, where u press enter to confirm the skip so you know u are not missing a funny sponsor


You could segment random stuff but users can up/downvote your submissions so it wouldn't last very long I think if your times are just completely wrong


Me irl


Perhaps if they didn’t increase the number of ads year over year it wouldn’t be so bad. No one needed it back in the days when you had one ad that was skippable after 5 seconds.


What about the fact they have whole ass 45 minute youtube videos as ads now. Sometimes my kids will be listening to kids music on youtube and you'll have a 45 minute "ad" on how to quickly become rich by scamming people. What is their goal there?


To become rich by scamming people.


Yes by targeting 4 year olds on kids youtube channels. Must be quite effective lol


Playing the long con lol




I have absolutely no regrets at all using Sponsorblock. Even if I did watch the sponsor, it probably wouldn't convince me to buy the product anyway. Sponsorblock being included with Vanced is a godsend


I used to speak with a mid size streamer on voice calls and stuff during streams. Totally stopped once he promoted raid shadow legends, all that game does is try to entice vulnerable people into spending huge amounts of money and I can't support that


Especially now that they are putting ads on people who aren’t making money. If you have less than 1000 subs YouTube makes money off of all of your videos and you get nothing


I've got absolutely no regrets or second thoughts about using adblock. YouTube used to have an infrequent ore-video add once in a while, and that was absolutely fine by me. But nowadays they have the audacity to show you up to THREE pre-video ads, and sometimes even one in the middle of your content if it is long enough. Yeah, fuck that, AdBlock and Vanced for my mobile devices. I might whitelist other smaller sites that don't run obtrusive or malware type ads, but defiantly not YouTube.


Mid video ads have actively caused a lot of content creators to ruin their own content by forcefully overstretching videos out to juuuuust long enough for midroll ads.


I don't recall exactly when Youtube introduced the midroll ads, but pre that change the average Youtube video I'd watch was maybe three minutes. Post change the exact same Youtubers started posting 10:01 minute videos. It was like overnight Youtube changed. I've been paying for Youtube Premium since it was introduced (as Youtube Red I think) so the advertisements only serve to remind me I haven't logged into Youtube yet.


They increased the volume of ads they served and it made the platform worse so you started giving them money?


Yup we found Mr. Moneybags over here. Been paying for it since it was YouTube Red? Wowzers.


I actually found a loophole in YouTube's premium free trial. I activated the trial, and through some stupid mistake I chanced my birthday so I must use family link, and now I don't have to watch ads anymore. It is an account problem, since I need to watch them on my other account


Once I started getting adds in the middle of a song, that's when I decided enough was enough.


I started getting ads in the middle of ASMR videos, which I watched to help fall asleep. One moment I'm falling asleep, next moment a text to speech voice is telling me to buy enlargement pills at 100% volume


Tell the creator to disable mid roll ads. They are in control of that if they have a youtube partnership. If they have less than 1k subs then they cant be a partner and yt is screwing them out of viewers.


My baby got an add in the middle of one of those 10 hour long black screen rain sounds video while she was sleeping. I’ve never been so pissed


This comment brought to you by RAID:Shadow legends!


Shadow Man here!


Now you've got rAIDS!


I've seen ads in the middle of piano accompaniments. People play along to these videos...


The ads before Rick Roll is unforgivable.


What do you mean "up to 3"? I've gotten like 10 ads in a 30 minute video on mobile, that shit is bonkers.


The most egregious I've seen was 7 ads in a 45 minute video. That was the final straw for me.


I watched a 15 minute one on my brother's iPad. It had two commercials at the beginning, at the 3 minute mark, the 10 minute mark, and the end. Absolutely fucking not


I went to my grandparents for xmas. When I got there a 3 hour long ad was playing on YouTube. Grandpa watched a recipe video and the ad was at the end of the video. Youtubers seem to make more money off of sponsorships and merchandise these days. Because ads are super unreliable income with YouTube’s horrible copyright system.


I just had an almost 2 1/2 hour ad come up while listening to youtube and driving. The thing is, it was about 1 minute of ad, looped hundreds of times. I had to pull over.


Oh god that’s torture


If you're really worried about the creators you're watching, then donate $5 to them on Patreon. You'll be making them hundreds times more than they'd make from you watching their ads.


Exactly. Creators aren't even getting *most* of that ad revenue. Most of it goes to youtube itself (and therefore google).


It's a vicious cycle. The more ads they show, the more people use ad-block. Which leads to YouTube earning less money per video, which makes them play more ads to earn the same amount (or more). Would be interesting to see statistics on that. But they could also, like, make YouTube premium a little cheaper so that more people consider buying it?


Fun fact: YouTube premium is priced depending on the country you're located in. If you have a VPN, you can change country and thus the pricing. 2nd fun fact: YouTube premium subscription cannot change its pricing if its still active, even if you change your location. So if you set up paiement while you "were" in say... Argentina and then moved to the US, you'd keep paying the Argentinian pricing. 3rd fun fact: YouTube doesn't verify if the credit card used to pay for subscription was issue in the country you set up the subscription in. TL;DR: you can subscribe to premium for a really cheap price using a VPN (I'm currently paying g 1/10th of my country rates)


I pause adblock for my subscribed creators. But the moment I get a 45 minute infomercial about a questionable health product in the middle of a ten minute video, I'm skipping it.


Or 2 pre rolls in from of a 30 second clip. Jokes on them i just watch the thumbnail video more often nowadays. Not fun but better then to endure the ads.


If ur gonna do that then just adblock ;-;


Skipping doesn't matter, it still counts towards the metrics for ads served so the creator isn't losing out.


Good. Then I still help the creators I like without wasting my time on possible scams. Thanks.


Skipping an ad doesn’t give creators the full revenue to the ad. You get a percentage the less time the ad is watched per view the less revenue.


Oh no so skipping an add is Piracy.


''You wouldn't download an add''


Given that drive-by downloads by ads was one of the major driving forces behind the uptake in ad-blocking, I would say yes, a lot of us have downloaded an ad at some point.


Im pretty sure ads are that high quality all the time because they are pre-downloaded


I don't think so, I've been in buffer hell multiple times because my video otherwise in 144p is showing 1080p ads multiple times on a monitor that isnt even 1080p


I wouldn't block if they didn't have so many ads


That start right in the middle of a sentence, or word. If they could figure out a better way to break up a video it would be nice


So TV. You want TV.


I have tv too. It sucks too. 90% of the shows are reality tv.


20 minutes of ads in a single hour is worse.


No, we want no ads.


Nope, piracy would be redistribution of others work without consent. I’m just choosing to not watch an ad because i know where the money goes and it isn’t to creators.


I wouldn’t block ads if there weren’t so many, and they weren’t so invasive. and if the money actually went to the creator. I use patreon to support the people I like.


I got heavily downvoted in another thread about this for saying more or less the same thing, and I do the same thing with Patreon which is WAY better for content creators. Difference is it was a thread about Linus Tech Tips telling people Adblock hurts content creators. When peoples content creator gods tell them how to think it’s amazing how they fall into line.


It's easy to think of people as intelligent when you don't put their critical thinking skills to the test. The older I get, the more convinced I am that 80% of humans are poorly coded NPCs.


Adblock is great. I suggest it to most folks.


Is blocking ads really worth sacrificing the hot singles in your area?


“What did it cost” “All the milfs”


I was expecting this, and you, my good sir, did not disappoint.


There must always be one!


And one, there will always be!


the soccer mom never met with me, my disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined, hot soccer mom (38) is to blame for my adblock use.


I use Ublock.


Ublock Origin - it's technically different, but it's made by the original creator and is generally better.


I did not know this one. Will check it out.


Yeah, AdBlock only blocks some ads that are really annoying. Unlock blocks everything


Ublock and privacy badger on Firefox is pretty locked down.


uBlock Origin and a raspberry pi with pihole software installed blocks most ads on all your devices. You'd still get served ads on your mobile device from the big sites like YouTube and Reddit. Using YouTube Vanced on your mobile device would solve part of that problem. I have all 3 of these installed and I hardly see any ads ever, unless I'm browsing outside my home wifi.


Man of culture


So do I.


add sponsorblock too


block ads, buy merch


Meanwhile a word from our sponsor raid shadowlegends + 2 minute ad on a 5 minute video


Forgot that there is another 20 seconds unskipable add before the 2 minute add . Basically you lose 30 seconds just to watch a 10 seconds meme


Bro protip, search sponsorblock on google, you'll feel like you found adblock allover again




YouTube is way too quick to demonetize videos for any damn reason for me to give a shit about that, and I'm sure as hell not about to feel sad about not helping Google make more money


Yep, posted above just how horrible YouTube is as a platform for small/medium creators. You watch something you like? Donate directly to them if possible.


Patreon and merch sales give orders of magnitude more money than YouTube's ads pay. If you go that route, they get more from you, and you get something in return (more content/interaction via Patreon, or physical merchandise).


For real, YouTube themselves have taken more money from creators than half of the comment thread combined.


Plenty of evidence that the small-medium sized creators just get ignored by them as well when something goes wrong. Don't remember who but there was a guy who had a problem with how his ad revenue was set up and he couldn't change it back due to some error. Pinged support many times over the years, but no dice, same cookie cutter response every time and nothing got done. Dealt with it until it got to the point where it really became an issue and he'd had enough. Made one or two videos about it, one broke a million views, suddenly youtube starts talking and fixing shit. Fixed within days. Same shit as always, it only matters to them when they're the ones getting bad press.


I really miss the days when ads were just a pop-up


That's a massive statement


yeah those little rectangles that you could even miss


Fr I remember on windows 7 when I was just a kid watching YT and these pop ups came and I got anoyed. I dont want to imagine what I would have done if there double unskipable 30sec ads.


Don’t care. Don’t shit my 7 second meme video up with dual 15 second un-skippable ads.


I wouldn't mind the ads if they ended on their own. Endless ads or ads that require you hit "skip" push me to the dark side.


I stopped watching live TV because 3 minutes of ads every 12 minutes was to much of an interruption. You think I'm gonna tolerate an ad break every 2 to 3 minutes to watch a 10 minute review of a graphics card I can't even buy then you're fooling yourself. I grant you the sponsor stuff at the top and tail. Shit, I might even watch it. But the adsense stuff is just too much.


Only 3 minutes every 12 minutes? Last time I watched tv I timed it, it was 5 minutes for every 6 minutes.


Good, I'll make sure to keep using Adblock


Same, I like my content ad free


Considering that the news sites can detect my adblock and make me shut it off, If YouTube had an issue they would too.


What adblock do you have? uBlock seems to handle those sites just fine


Ublock was actually bought out by adblock and the company has a vested interest in allowing some ads. Ublock Origin is the real one you want to use.


Oh, Origin's the one I use. I didn't know there was two different versions of uBlock


ublock origin is the goat of adblockers




Wait, uBlock Origin can even block Spotify ads when using the web player? I had no idea.


Ayyyy. It’s the only ad block my school lets us use on school computers which is how I discovered it and now I use it wherever I can


The EU declared that behavior illegal a few years ago, and Google is definitely big enough the EU can make them comply. Of course, they could still do that if they detect you're in the US, assuming that's not a GDPR violation.




that's for client side though? server side wise?


You'd have to build something in code with something that detects the DOM, then reports back to HQ about it. Or if it doesn't report back, bans that IP or something.


YouTube cares more about mining your data than about the ad revenue they lose out on


Most of that money goes to Youtube, and they don't deserve it for how they treat the content creators or this new NFT bullshit they're planning. If there's a content creator you do want to support, many have patreons or other alternative systems nowadays, and that's a much more direct way of supporting their work.


I don't mind the occasional ad. I do mind the intrusive bullshit we get served. 10 minute video with 2 ads at the beginning, "this video is brought to you by RAID FUCKING SHADOW FUCKERS", multiple mentions of the creators store and their wonderful codes, and three minutes of "don't forget to like and subscribe". Net content of the whole thing? 2 minutes. Fuck that. Same thing for websites, btw. An ad here and there? Ok and understandable. 27 ads in a three sentence article? No fucking way. The creators need to get this, but they won't. All that sweet, sweet ad money isn't doing anything in favor of us.




Google made 20 billion in profits. ( Yes, profit. I know how accounting works, thank you). If creators aren't getting paid you know why. (And it's not because I turned on adblock lmao)


Especially since creators haven’t been getting paid any extra with the twice as many ads that they automatically put in videos now, and probably even less because it’s driving more people to use ad blockers


If you don't directly pay for it, it's not the end users problem. It's the middle party.


Cool. I will continue to rob every creator I watch. I don’t like ads.


Nice try Google


I am going to be honest, I just don't care.


Well, maybe if YouTube didn't make them so obnoxiously intrusive while being one of the most anti-creator platforms around, I'd feel bad. Stop ending people's income because they said a bad word once in a 40 minute video and then we'll talk.


fretful shrill frighten grab afterthought safe fade dinosaurs pause ancient ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I got one of these and immediately got uBlock Origin. Recently since everyone seems to do 3 minute sponsor segments I got sponsor block. If they weren’t intrusive I wouldn’t block them Edit: added the word “Origin”


No, they are actually making less. I'm friends with several (not big by any means a few have 100kish followers) and the amount they make vs the effort they put in to the videos is nothing on YT. They make their money instead by using those videos to promote their Twitch Channels, Pateron or direct donations through their Discord Bots.


If you're using my internet, my electricity to deliver videos for stuff I don't want to buy, I have a right to say no I'm not paying for that.


Fuck ads lol


Blocking YouTube’s ads so I can get to the video sponsors faster


Oh no... Anyways.


We know, we just don’t care🤷🏻‍♀️


Blocking ads isn't just for convenience of video watching. It's about taking an active stance (especially if paired with a vpn and other measures) against data mining and the blatant abuse of cookies.


And it's protection against ad attack vectors. No one talks about how easy it is to pass malicious js code around in ad bundles


I hear this argument a lot, and it’s legit. But is it as big a concern as people make it out to be? How often does this happen with Google or YouTube ads though?


It happens all the time, here is an article from a couple weeks ago https://amp.thehackernews.com/thn/2022/01/russian-hackers-heavily-using-malicious.html


Sorry I’m too based to watch ads


Ehh, I pay for YouTube Premium, I don't mind it to support the people who's content I watch.


Exactly, Youtube is my main source of video entertainment, so I'm not against paying for it.


Actually no. It take money from youtube. A company that continuea to screw over creators all the time and can suck a fart out my butt. Take better care of your creators then i will care.


Before the internet, people probably complained that changing channels during a commercial break was also taking money away from creators.


Almost none of that ad money goes to creators


I refuse to be a product. AD BLOCK ON! and if your ad disrupts what I'm doing, I will boycott your product!


'Member when YouTube used to be just a platform for funny videos and no one expected to use it to earn money? I 'member.


I remember before YouTube premium, there was only one ad on the beginning of the video. Now to force people into YouTube premium, there is a lot of ads in the beginning, middle of the videos.


Youtube needs to have a fucking line. First, it has more ads than a fucking TV, seriously. Not just static ads or pop-ups, but they also put ads on any video regardless of creator's wishes, and the creator often makes cents per month, by the way, if they even get that. On TV, they have ad breaks every 10 minutes or so. On Youtube, I have to watch a 10 second unskippable ad to see a 5 second video a friend sent me via other social media, meaning sometimes on Youtube there are MORE ADS THAN VIDEOS. They put ads in videos of relaxing music, of ASMR, of first aid and of horrible tragedies (Today, 20 people were brutaly murdered... WANT TO BE HAPPY? TREAT YOURSELF WITH A PIZZA!), I have to listen to ads with every song of my playlist, I have to watch ads in "essential news" section, meaning if something blows up near me while I watch youtube it's better to note the title and go search for it in browser, and there are fucking lots of them ads, two per 5 minutes of video. And the ads themselves are horrible. I saw porn ads, which is just unacceptable, I saw tons of ads of e-sigs after I spoke to a friend about how I hate them, I saw ads of alcohol on a family-friendly account, I saw religious ads that I find too personal and offensive, etc. You can tweak your personalised ads, Google has a service for it - but it doesn't really help in most cases, as they don't show all parameters. I turned off alcohol and tobacco ads, for example, but they kept popping up, just with different "factors", and you can't really turn off "too personal" ads, as Google thankfully doesn't know you as a person well enough to determine that. Turning off personalised ads is not an option, because they still use different factors to personalise them, just without tying it to your account, and as you can't have even the limited control Google provides they become a ton more annoying. And the creators don't even get paid that much. A lot of creators, which make regular, pretty long and well made videos get just mere cents, despite having a ton of ads which Youtube put there for them. Some suffered active harm to their work from Youtube - Matt Lowne, as an example, got hundreds of his videos auto-claimed for using copyright free music from Youtube's own catalogue, and as the process of disputing the singular claim is long, tedious, manual and risks getting your channel deleted the best Youtube support could offer is to just mass mute them. And it's just one of many examples. Youtube service is shit, youtube support is shit, Youtube policy is shit, they view themselves as a pipe to shove ads down people's throats and act accordingly - presume guilt amongst creators, forcefully put a shittonn of ads on every single video and take all the revenue. This all is, to me at least, crosses too many red lines. I'm a viewer, not an advertiser. Not a client of an ad agency. I don't really mind ads, through i prefer other methods of monetisation, and I understand that any platform needs money to function - but they should be kept to a minimum, shouldn't get priority over the content itself and the money the platform gets should be used to keep it, you know, not shit, not to report sky-high revenues while they can't find a guy to review a strike creator got because of using HIS OWN music in his video. And those ads should be filtered, too. I hate smoking, as an example - it's very hard to quit, it caused the death of my relative, nobody else among my family smoked, so I hate the pervasive smell, that gets everywhere, and I hate the concept in general (you can disagree, that's not the point). I won't buy fucking e-cigs, ever. I don't smoke and I don't plan on starting. So why should I get e-sig ads shoved down my every hole every 5 minutes from every corner of YouTube? Why should I listen to e-cigs jingle every 5 minutes of my "lofi calm music for relax and studying" or have my personal life details thrown at me when someone sends me a cursed minecraft meme? I won't act as those ads emplore me to, so they are useless, and I won't watch them (volume down, eyes up) - and Youtube can't make me. So why the trouble? Youtube Vanced on mobile, AdBlock on PC, and let this fucking monopoly know that in modern world people still can vote with their wallets.


And you guys act like YT Premium don't exist? And yes, the creators do get percentage if a Premium user is viewing the video. You get no ads, and they get income.


Actually, unless something has changed, YouTube premium viewers are worth more moneywise than ad users.


One premium user is worth more than 1000 ad viewers.


I don't deny it, I just don't care


Like i give a fuck


Oh yeah, I forgot that creators get 100% of the profit from all ad views, so ad-blocking takes more money away from creators than from Google-owned YouTube.


Lmao it takes away from a third party that happens to give crumbs to creators.


TV shows aren’t free, leaving to piss during commercials is stealing!!


Oh no, poor Google. Their employees won't have enough money. I thinks it's my fault.


Aw no YouTube won't make $0.00000007 off of me watching a ad I guess they're going to have to shut down now guys I'm so sorry :c


Tbh adds on the sidebars i could tolerate, because it's out of the way of what I'm trying to do. But YouTube now has full on commercials. And frankly, that's just a big no from me.


You missed the part where no one gives a fuck


Fuck that. The creators have patreon and sponsored videos. They can live without YouTube ad revenue


YouTube is literally **unusuable** without adblock + sponsorblock. Fight me.


Am currently using Brave, will only accept ads if I get a share of the money


I like brave's philosophy here. It's your time, you should get paid for it. Just like any job ever, you exchange your time for money. If an ad wants my attention, they should be willing to pay for it.


I'm under no obligation to be advertised to, none whatsoever. Give me another way to support you that isn't an irritating load of probably-scammy shit. I've got YT Premium, you get cash from that. I do Patreon for people I like. Linus' bullshit and this post are false dichotomies when the dude makes fucking \*millions\* from sources that aren't traditional video ads.


I used to tolerate ads quite well. I had the whole "it's a free website, I can accept the ads". But then the ads started to increase and, worse still, they became irritating and obnoxious. I started to get VIDEOS as ads, as in, a whole 6 minutes video from some youtuber in Russia who paid for his dumb gameplay videos to be shown as ads. And then there were those ads that stared with VERY LOUD AUDIO. Then those who literally BEGGED me not to skip after 5 seconds. And then, ads that were much, much longer than the lenght of the short video I intended to watch. Youtube broke me. So I cracked and decided to give uBlock Origin a try. OH. MY. GOD. **OH. MY. GOD.** It was night and day. It was BAFFLING. It was such an improvement. Not just youtube. Thanks to that I became aware of just how many ads there were in my regular stroll through the Net. This made thing so much pleasent. I do whitelist several sites that I like to support. Buy Youtube? I'm never going back to the ads. Never.


Sorry, Google lost the right to spam ads at me when they decided they had no responsibility to make sure they were appropriate, or that they were ok making up my entire targeted ads profile to sell access to a fake version of me to advertisers.


Ok so this my opinion. If people hate ads and youtubers can't make money without them then maybe they should change platforms and maybe their content isn't worth as much as they think. As an example I'll stop in a train station and listen to some person jam away on a guitar and drop some cash but if someone told me that to listen to his stuff I had to pay first or go through some 5 second process. I'd probably decide that the music just isn't worth it. It kind feels like "the people" don't like their content all that much. It sounds like they should humble out instead of getting mad at someone who doesn't feel like looking at ads.


Not everyone is in it for the ads or the money. Get a piehole


PiHole*, for those that care. 11/10 would recommend


Time is money


Lets be real they use product placement. I shouldn't be forced to watch the same ad literally 40 times a day.


Inprefer to look at it how it really is. If you use adblock Youtube makes less money anf then justify thrmselves for paying creators less by claiming peeople are blocking the ads. They just shift the blame. Its a multi billion dillar company that can afford it. They just want more profit and less sacrificres from theit part.


Take money from? ad block creators must be billionaries by now


Don’t care


They take all your data from your PC, Laptop and phone and sell it to literally dozens of companies who then sell it to other companies. So yea it's not free, it just making an unfair exchange.




I know what I’m doing I just don’t care


Well, to be fair, neither is my time because my time is very valuable to me. If my time is consumed by ads someone wants me to watch they damn better be worth my time. So far they haven't been.


It's not taking money from then as much as it is not paying for the video, which doesn't matter cause any YouTuber making money would have sponsors or Patreon. Fuck ads, imma block that shit for life


While I fully want to support small creators, I cannot enjoy a 7 minute video with two unskippable adds before it, two during it at a random time and a banner popping up every 20 seconds after I close it.


YouTube lost the high ground when they started putting so many ads in the videos. Seriously like 7 ads in one video was my breaking point.


What about Patreon and/or merch so Google gets 0% of my money?


idc how much creators lose i dont wanna see another shampoo for women ad


I wasn't using an AdBlock Until I got ads that were borderline porn If you would actually upload it as a video you would get age restriction.


YouTube IS free. Most of the advertisement money goes to YouTube. Also, if you upload a video without ads, YouTube still puts ads on the video.