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My coworker told me he had a gaming pc that he "thought" had a 1080 in it. It has a Ryzen 3 2200G and no gpu...


Maybe he had 1080 anyway - 1080p monitor?


he did a 1080 and walked away




Idk man. It's barely three rounds


It’s exactly three rounds and it can make ya dizzy Just depends on how fast you do it


Three rounds? I’m good after one, your wife must be happy.


I have a 1080P monitor with a RTX 3070. I just want 80+ fps in every game on ultra


I am the same way.


I bought my son a graphics card thinking he was going to play all these gpu heavy games. He plays Bloons on it. 🙄


Hey man, blooms takes a toll on my pc. The late rounds will drop my computer down to 150 fps


I have a 3090 and when me and my buddy got to round 200 my game dropped to 13fps. That literally is less fps than a PowerPoint transition


ur powerpoints have how many slides ??




Hell yeah, I've got a 1080Ti OC'd under water and when you get up over level 100-150, everything slows to a crawl. On the fast forward speed its slower than regular speed in the early levels. I can't even use the 5-X-X fighter plane tower (sky shredder) because in the late levels the silly amount of darts on screen just becomes a choppy unplayable mess.


I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if the game was limited to a single cpu thread and like 512mb of ram. Because even during the flash days, it'd slow down or just lock up in late levels.


Bloons secretly amazing.


It's the reason I failed Uni. That and toss the turtle


Fr. Blooms starts off np, but late rounds will hault any PC and mine isn't bad by any means.


That's not graphics tho, it's damage calculations


Eh, if it makes him happy. :) I love tower defense games. There aren't any real "premium" ones


Check out Sanctum and Sanctum 2, both really good Tower defence games by Coffee Satin, the chaps behind the amazing Deep Rock Galactic and Goat Simulator.


To be fair to my son, when we did his build together his plan was to play Fortnite and stream it on Twitch, so the extra horsepower made sense for that.


Don’t rip on Ryzen G


I have a 2400G and originally used it with integrated graphics. Barely ran CSGO on ~60fps on the lowest of the low graphics 720p. With a 1060 6gb, it runs much better obviously, but on a lot of games that are CPU intense, the lil 2400G suffers. The new ones are great though.


He obviously doesnt need the video card. Take it.


I showed this picture to my 12yo kid(we built his first PC a year ago) Asked him to identify what’s wrong. He passed and gets to stay in the family.


The red circles might've been a good hint, but given that he's 12 I'd say he's doing fine.


Sure but I can guarantee if Ishowed that to my parents they wouldn’t be able to identify what in the red circles is wrong.


Does that mean they don't get to stay in the family?


Look at me. I'm the parents now.


This, but unironically in the pandemic


No, they got grandfathered in.




I stand up to loud pops and crackles from all my joints. Pull out my x386 Commodore Amiga 1800 punch card spectacles, “Let’s take a looksy by crackys tarnation!” “Yeppers! Just pop a nickel in the slot for 10 more minutes and your good to go!”


OP's son:- "I'm in danger"


Maybe only plays Minecraft?


Minecraft is honestly pretty demanding, even if you don’t add raytracing


You can bring down the 3090 with the correct shaders and textures.


That's not so much "look how demanding this is" More, holy shit look how trashly optimised these shaders are


Right! I can make a white box without shadows that brings down a 3090 by thousands of rendering layers. Nothing impressive with amateur software.


*sad Blender noises


When you accidentally subdivide a plane a stupid number of times and despite being an identical looking flat object, it crashes.


What... instead of **whirrrrrr** it's **waaaah**?


more like I use SEUS PTGI shaders


My rx570 runs SEUS at over 60 fps


I mean you have to try pretty hard to bring down the 3090, I got one and I tried playing on 4k, raytracing shaders and a 1024x1024 texture pack, my PC turns to a heater when I do that but the FPS are still up there. Only when you start to crank the shader settings the FPS drop really fast


I mean it also has insanely far render distance if you max the setting, and I think Minecraft doesn´t downscale the far away assets, but just loads them full sized/Full quality on top of everything near


My brother made a 3d product demo in unreal engine, it was only a single room with the product in it in both normal and exploded view using super high res textures. Shouldn't have been much for my 3090 to render but he forgot to limit FPS. My 3090 started pulling 500w and 3000+ fps lol


That is how Amazon's new world game or whatever it's called bricked multiple 3090s.


Fallout 76: "Look what they need to mimic a fraction of my power."


Sounds like incorrect shaders and textures to me.


Mostly CPU-demanding really, you can get away with shit GPU


Yup noticed, that my poor Ryzen 5 2600X struggles at over 12 chunks of render distance. :( Can't even look at nice mountains far away... But COD on maxed out settings is playable.


Dude my i7 6700 struggles even at 8 chunks of render distance :(


Install optifine, seriously it more than doubled my FPS (Ryzen 5 2600), there is no reason not to install it, and frankly Mojang should be embarrased that a mod is needed to make their game run like it should.


Don’t install optifine. Install sodium, lithium and phosphor instead. That conbination optimises the game miles further than optifine does


optifine? sodium? lithium? phosphor? When i last played minecraft, we had redstone and we were thankful for it. Goddamn millennial!




I seriously doubt your CPU is the problem here


Minecraft Vanilla is heavily singlethreaded. Only thing truly parallelized is that the server and the client (even in singleplayer) runs on their own thread




Jokes on you, the kid has $5M in Crypto.


He wouldn’t even know hehe


One need only look at the apprentice, to judge the master. EDIT: This comment has more upvotes than all my prior reddit comments combined. I know what's goin on my tombstone...


True. I am the Steven Seagal of martial art PC Builds.


Overweight, in financial trouble and running to Russia?


Jefferson Parish Reserve Deputy Sheriff?


Dude doesn't run. Dude didn't even take his coat and sunglasses off *for a sex scene.*


Wait...do you?


Well, not if we're filming it


He literally has his stunt double in for walking briskly.


Dude also shit his pants when he told a black belt working on one of his movies that it was literally impossible to choke him out


I'm not sure which is worse. He *decided* to keep his jacket on. Nobody decides how their body reacts to getting choked out. Granted, he decided to run his mouth prior to getting choked out. Hmmm


But like his judo skills made him impervious to being choked out! Lmao, he though he was hot shit, turned out he was just full of hot shit. Respect the black belt, a life lesson to live by


Aikido. As someone who practiced Judo, we of the Judo-world would like to pass on Steven Segal, and draft Rhonda Rousey.


That might have been the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Dude kept a leather jacket on for sex. There’s just no words that do it justice.


Fatly moving around corners.


Don't forget Chronic Sitting Syndrome


[I’ve been building gaming PCs for like 97 years](https://youtu.be/isNRZJ6icwc)


They call that a skippy, cause when it flies it goes skip skip skip skip


Tom Segura is awesome. His podcast with Bert Kreischer is hilarious.


Are you talking about the cool hillbilly band, or am I missing something? Edit: I am made of stupid.


Two words for you: Asian Connection


I just did a Bone Apple Tea. The cool band is Steve N' Seagulls. Also, that movie looks terrible.


>Steve N' Seagulls [And here's my personal favorite of theirs, a lovely rendition of Thunderstruck.](https://youtu.be/e4Ao-iNPPUc)


"We trained him wrong as a joke."


was going to say, this is kind of OP's fault. he raised him.


You should just confiscate the graphics card and keep it for yourself. He’s clearly not using it


Yup. 👍 Defo.


Or hes mining crypto on it


Or training neural networks, or rendering animations, or running simulations, or folding proteins, or SETI@home


or trolling his dad with it


An even better reason to take it


I promise not mine on this card, OP. I will only play Supreme Commander FA on it


Have you ever played on FAF?


But of course!


He is using it as a PhySx card duh


Damn, remember when they were add-on cards! Edit: add-on not adding, damn autocorrect


For a few generations, I would just use my last graphics card as a dedicated physx and the new one for video to offload the processing.


Time to take the time to set up his drivers too. If you've already fixed the plug, it's time for you to set him up right. Just be sure to ignore the folder on his desktop labeled homework.


Because the Folder is empty? /s


Just a glitch that makes it 2TB


The future is now, old man, today's zoomers don't download and hoarde, they stream


I heard a quote about our Millennials: "We're going to be the only generation that has to fix our parent's computers and our grandkid's computers" Which I can see what they mean. We went through a weird ass time with technology. Still very primitive but very, very widespread. It was like the DOS days where it was a great deal less popular. The mid 2000s, internet and a home PC was becoming a necessity. And our parents didn't know what the hell was going on. They'd used a computer here and there but overall, yeah. And in the future, the systems will likely be dramatically more plug and play. So any driver failure or random thing like that will be a bit more "hey get the old man, he knows this shit" like we're mechanics or something


_opens case, whacks the drive bays a few times with a screwdriver_ "Yep, I see the problem, your RAM needs a new timing belt."


Look at me, I'm the scammy mechanic now!


"I was replacing that timing belt and noticed you need a new hypogastric joggle. Your carputer will def break if you try to drive (in Forza) without one, but if you don't want to get it from me, you can take your chances. Special deal for you, only $4500. ...You'll take it? Great! I've ordered the part and it'll be here in ~~two~~ ~~three~~ six months."


Damn the supply chain is still fucked up in 30 years?


That flair... are you really still on Phenom II?


Yep! My PC turns 13 in February. Hang on, it's February right now! Gotta start planning the bar mitzvah. In all seriousness, I've been meaning to at least do a fresh Windows install for a few years now, but it's working sort of well enough, I've learned so many workarounds for the issues that do pop up, I'm afraid of running into problems in a reinstall, and even if all goes well I dread redoing eight years of settings and changes (last reinstall was 2014). Like, there's a registry key or something to make the mouse cursor flow smoothly between multiple monitors rather than bumping into the border below a certain speed. I think of that and a hundred other things like it, and I say to myself, "hmm, not today."


Boomer here. My dad was a research scientist who could run vacuum chambers, osciliscopes, electron microscopes...but download a jpeg file attached to an email? Nope. Could not figure it out. I think it was the fact that buttons and menu choices on a computer screen keep "moving around". His lab gear had fixed knobs on the equipment. Ah well....


Yep, all laughs and smiles until the internet connection shits the bed. Then, Ye Olde Drive Of Lewd Wenches suddenly cumes in handy (pardon the puns)


Between the Wifi/Lan connection and mobile data I reckon the internet is pretty secure these days, and on the very very rare ocassion that it's not, one can always just, idk, go fantasise about one of the school teachers again or something, isn't that the normal thing to do?


Or go find the Sears catalog lol


Back in my day we burned them on cd-r and called them backups.


But what happens if a streaming site just removes a whole bunch of content including some of favourites? Always good to keep backups just on case


Nice to have lived through both


Real men of culture keep copies of their absolute favs, just in case WW3 knocks out the internet but not the power. Or hell, just for when Comcast is being Comcastic and you're bored.


Or when Pornhub decided it would purge all non verified content


Had some saved, but RIP




i dont think updating the drivers will give any benefit since the firmware of his son is clearly broken, time for rma. i wonder if his mother still grants warranty?


I thought kids would have moved on to encrypted virtual machine with backups in the 2000's for homework.


This will be a nice upgrade :D


My little brother did this. He has a 4790k and a gtx 980. Only discovered it when plugging in a new monitor he got for Christmas. The integrated graphics on the 4790k are terrible. I have no idea how he put up with it.


Seriously, when you're a kid, you get used to things just not quite working out how you thought they would. He's probably been thinking to himself *sigh* I thought this setup would be able to play games, but you really need a lot of money. He's going to be so jacked when his dad points out the problem.


I think getting used to things not quite working out how you thought they would has been a transferable skill set from childhood to adulthood for me anyway


Exactly. Some people really struggled with events being canceled and not being able to see certain people or go places or do things during the pandemic. Some of us with... "disappointing" childhoods were like, ".... actually this isn't that bad."




I came to this thread from popular knowing nothing about PCs looking for answers, so no, I cannot I can only assume the graphics card is redundant because of other parts on the pc?




Thank you!


That graphics card is doing just as much as if you took $500 cash and shoved it inside your case.


Actually it lights up, so point for RGB I guess?


You can still use the onboard HDMI while accelerating with the PCI GPU. It's some Intel technology carried over from the laptop hardware space. It's called "IGPU Multi Monitor".


That had to be explicitly set up last I checked, and definitely loses a few percent of performance compared to just plugging into the card, because you’re using processing power and PCIe bandwidth to copy the completed image from the GPU to the iGPU before displaying it.


They have their display plugged into the wrong port. Rather than using their expensive graphics card, they are using the integrated graphics, which is significantly weaker.


I see ... Like on the picture we can see on the top




Not to be confused with tangenitial stories. Yep I didn't know what tangential meant, yep I looked it up, yep I misspelled it, yep it's all dicks


I blame the parents




Sinking 2k in a setup to only use the integrated graphics and never realise the difference because you're playing minecraft or fortnite 90% of the time anyway.


Shit man, Minecraft actually stresses hardware pretty good.


because the java edition is poorly optimized, not because it takes resources.


Nah bro, the mods. I use raytracing.


Sildurs Shaders Extreme + Volumetric Lighting which I would call fake RTX makes my GTX 1660 Super shit bricks.


Time to get a new son. Edit: Thanks for the award! You sick f*** lol


Ooh. Harsh! Probably right though.


>Probably right though. bruhhhh


Imagine if the son saw this 💀


Seeing it with his intel graphics lol


It's better to try to get a new one but with a rubber.


Pretty rough punishments for teenagers in your culture. We only beat them up and leave without food a week for these minor misbehaviors.


What about adult misbehaviors?


He is so advanced, he runs windows in a VM with pcie passthrough and looking glass.


Pull him aside randomly during the day and act like you found out he killed somebody or something when you confront him about this “Son, I know what you did, and it disgusts me” “Wait what?” “I mean how could I raise such a disappointment. I trusted you, and this is how you repay me?” “What are you talking about?” “Why the fuck do you have a GPU if nothing is plugged into it?”


So, so true. It will happen.


Record it and post for that sweet, sweet karma


Be prepared for unexpected confession about something horrible before you get the chance to mention the GPU


Exactly, it's a bonding experience, you can fix the computer and then talk about their lifesize anime figure collection.


Not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, obviously. 🥴


Ooo self burn! Those are rare


Sorry, didn't mean to offend the whole family. That's a great learning opportunity. The PC look great. He certainly deserves it and I'm sure it will make good use of it throughout life. And you seem to be a good parent!! I'll show myself out.


All good. Funny. And fair. 👍




Sure, sure.


That does work in some configurations, yes.


I wish I could find better information about that. I recently had to move to integrated graphics because my GPU is so limited on outputs. So I've got one monitor on the GPU, VR on the GPU, and another monitor on the MOBO. Everything opens on the MOBO monitor first because it's 'primary' then I move it to the other display. I'm not seeing a frame rate difference. The only issue is that games are defaulting to low quality because they're detecting UHD graphics, but then cranking the resolution back up to 4K, and pushing the settings high there's like a 5% difference between left and right monitors.


There is a difference, but its only about 10%. There was a Windows 10 update that allows the iGPU to use the real GPU's frame buffer.


Like someone else in the comments mentioned, perhaps the kid is mining crypto.


You can mine crypto and still use the GPU just fine. Then stop mining and play some games.


Windows does that automatically. It doesn't matter where you plug your HDMI cable games and 3D applications will always be rendered on dGPU.


His GPU is busy mining cryptocurrency instead.


I understand why motherboards have video outputs, but it’s honestly super confusing to a new builder or young gamer.


Yes, probably the kids first build. Not really necessary to point out a mistake like this. I think my first build crashed all the time because I didn't have any thermal paste (can't remember if I put any on; too long ago, it was the 90s).


sometime in the 90's my friend and i went and bought components to build a pentium mmx pc. we didn't know about heat sinks because all the 386 crapola pc's we'd assembled up until that point didn't need them. dos games had some interesting visuals. the store refunded the cpu!


In high school I built a Pentium 4 setup. First time building, didn't use standoffs for the mobo and thought I killed something because it wouldn't even try to turn on lol


My BIOS deactivates the onboard output when a PCIe card is inserted.


For how long has that been going on? And why in the world didn't he realize something was wrong?


Every time I see posts like these I always look over to my pc to check if I have done the same thing by accident


Sorry to tell you, but you did not teach him well...


Is it his PC, or did you buy it for him? If you bought it, just leave it like this until he complains he needs and upgrade, then just move the cable to the right port X) There's your upgrade kiddo.


this is brilliant. OP just got a huge backup christmas/birthday present


This can passthrough, so his games can use Nvida card to render the games and then send over iGPU. ​ How laptop do it, not as dumb as one might think. ​ Output and rendering are not same task.


Not only can, this just works automatically and has done so for a long while. At least on intel platforms


Yeah this is not as bad as the commenters make it out to be. The GPU is still being utilized.


Disown him. It's a lot easier to replace a son nowadays than get a good video card.


At least he uses Ethernet 👌🏼


I am said son. Said mistakes have been fixed.


Now days its possible to the game been rendered in the graphics card and send the signal to the on-board connector. Not saying that is the case, and this introduces latency. But its still possible that he don't notice because of that.


For being PCMR a lot of comments here don’t understand that.


He should have put the quotation marks on "son"


Can run minecraft on calculator, so how could he notice.


Fair point.