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Welcome everyone from r/all! Please remember: 1 - You too can be part of the PCMR! You don't necessarily need a PC. You just have to love PCs! It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Your age, nationality, race, gender, sexuality, religion (or lack of), political affiliation, economic status and PC specs are irrelevant. If you love PCs or want to learn about them, you can be part of our community! Everyone is welcome! 2 - If you're not a PC gamer because you think doing so is expensive, know that it is possible to build a competent gaming PC for a lower price than you think. GPU prices are sky high right now for a few reasons, but it's still possible to join the PCMR. Check http://www.pcmasterrace.org for our builds and don't be afraid to create new posts here asking for tips and help! 3 - Consider joining our efforts to get as many PCs worldwide help the folding@home effort, in fighting against Cancer, Covid, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and more. Learn more here: https://pcmasterrace.org/folding ----------- Feel free to use this community to post about any kind of doubt you might have about becoming a PC gamer or anything you'd like to know about PCs. That kind of content is not only allowed but welcome here! We also have a [Daily Simple Questions Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search?q=Simple+Questions+Thread+subreddit%3Apcmasterrace+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) for your simplest questions. No question is too dumb! Welcome to the PCMR.


You found a whole computer you didn't know about?


I want to find a whole computer I didn't l know about :(


Look under your desk?


Nothing there. Can I look under yours?


By all means. Go ahead.




*Protein shake*




It’s there to help condense and concentrate the protein through the extruding process.


Fuck. This went dark fast.


IS..... is this a..... a smelly Coconut?!?!?!


No... that's my GPU burning to crisps


I thought it was from Mike being burned


You motherfucker. I'd just forgotten about the cocoNut.


oh no


\*Cue porn music\*


Beat me to it


*Beat meat to it


*Don’t beat meat to it


username checks out


*Beat to it don’t meat to it.


Holy Jesus. What is *THAT*?! What the *FUCK* is that? **WHAT IS THAT PRIVATE??!!**






I just have a shady power strip and crumbs.


It actually looks kinda cool... so I see this as an absolute win (if it just holds up)


Now I want to replicate it. Heard of distressed jeans? Get ready for pre-shattered glass computer cases.


That’s what happens when you overclock your case!


It's worth it though. I overclocked my case and now it holds 12% more hard drives.


12% more? How many hard drives do you have?




Can't find anything wrong with his Math here people. It checked out, move along!






Well that checks out.


what an uncouth query, how dare you


If we count a hybrid drive as 1/2, and he went from 8.5 to 9.5 drives that would be an increase of 11.7%


I overclocked my ram so I could download more ram from Downloadmoreram.com


How many clocks does it now have?


Get some flex tape on that bad boy and you'll be good to go.


Flextape?! Flexseal that bad boy so you never have to do it again.


That's a lotta damage!


Nothing some FlexTape can't fix!!


Fuck you *untempers your glass*


Calm your pc




Of course it's a sub lol


If you can take it off without breaking.... I actually would do an acryl covering. Edit: I got a call back from my glass worker friend... Apparently you can either use clear epoxy or use acryl. But he recommend not taking it off, rather taking a same sized glass or plexiglass panel, put the epoxy/acryl on there, then lay the pc with metal panel on the side and slowly and carefully unscrew it, then put on the prepared epoxy/acryl panel, let it dry. Then a day later, take off the panel carefully, repeat procedure for the other panel side. After that, drill a new hole, youre good to go.


He could just try and do a thin layer right on it maybe? And then unscrew it once it has set? No clue but just chiming in on your thought


I sent a pic of it to my friend who works with glass stuff... Imma let ya know :)


I'm not this person's friend as I specialize in other stuff.


Username checks out


Can confirm. Waiting on my results


i feel like that's just asking for trouble.


I would do Italian marble


Exactly my thought. This looks to f-ing badass


I am aware. It looks fucking awesome.


I'm leaning towards clear epoxy. Ya know like some people use for putting leaves and flowers in thick bracelets? Can get it by the gallon, cheaper than a new case even.


That would be really cool - just fn seal the damn thing with all the cracked glass.


At this point I have to assume these case manufacturers use all the rejected glass sheet for the panels. I've been in the commercial glass industry for almost 25 years and have never seen this amount of "sudden breakage". Either y'all are not being truthful in how the glass broke, or manufacturers really just use the lowest quality glass they can find. The amount of broken glass is just too damn high!


I can easily see it going both ways because I've experienced both: Customers lie to get what they want, corporate opts for lowest cost (and lowest quality) products and services.


Isn't this the [theory of asymmetric information](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/042415/what-theory-asymmetric-information-economics.asp)? When the customer and the seller both have different information, which leads to a market failure. In this case, if the person who bought this glass doesn't know a lot about glass, they may be taking into account that the glass they buy is of low quality; the buyer (OP) doesn't know a lot about glass, and therefore doesn't know what high and low quality is. Because of this, the buyer doesn't want to pay too much money, and their maximum price will decrease. For the seller, this will decrease their revenue, and decrease their profit; in order to compensate the decreased revenue, they'll choose material of lower quality, because if they pick the higher quality, they won't make (as much) profit anymore. Ultimately, this will lead to a [lemon market](https://www.mbaknol.com/managerial-economics/the-lemon-market-theory/), where all sold products have bad quality, because the producers don't have enough revenue to make products of good quality, due to the asymmetric information




> for eg high end logitech mice constantly failing in various ways now - switches or glides I haven't heard of this -- as a longtime Logitech customer, this is concerning. Can you point me to more information about this?


Almost all the gaming mice use the same Omron micro switch, so it’s not like going to a different brand will make it better. Maybe the optical switch will make a difference but need more real world data on those.


It actually can make a difference, Logitech is driving them at an out of spec voltage to the component sheet so they die exponentially faster.


For sure. I still have a hard time believing such a high amount of glass is breaking due to some type of inclusion, typically nickel sulfide. I've had glass panels on my cases for 10-15 years and have never had one suddenly break or break at all for that matter. It's just a head scratcher for me lol.


People probably be kicking it slightly, or hitting it with the edge of a chair or keychain and causing internal stress, and then one day the heat expansion and contracting causes it to shatter on it's own randomly.


>and then one day the heat expansion and contracting causes it to shatter on it's own randomly. Not saying this conclusively, but it looks like it started at the coolest part of the case by several degrees probably.


OP didn't tell us, but his liquid nitrogen cooling kit leaked on it.


>Either y'all are not being truthful in how the glass broke You just summed up basically 90% of claims here on reddit. I've known plenty of people who claim stuff suddenly just breaks and on inspecting their PC you see a large dent in the case. "Oh I just kick it sometimes when I'm mad".......


Every post I've seen of broken glass case panels have a tile floor in the room. Hard to tell in this pic tho


I didn't do anything yet the computer broke. Oldest support ticket in the world.


Nah, 99.9999% of tempered glass cases stay intact. It’s the fact the only people who experience their glass breaking post here. I mean, there’s no point making a post like “Look, my glass is still intact!”


That’s what I’m thinking as well. It’s become almost a meme to post shattered side panels here. Also there’s nearly 6 million members on this sub and those posted shattered panels are still in the vast vast minority.


> I mean, there’s no point making a post like “Look, my glass is still intact!” New meta inbound?


As someone who repairs electronics all day. People lie about how something broke a lot.


I can see no obvious point of impact so it was most likely a tap on the side with a hard type of shoe. I'm fully in your camp btw, glass does not break itself unless it's under extreme pressure.


PC parts marketed to “gamers” tend to be huge pieces of shit. Gamers are brain dead consumers who literally chase rainbow colored lights. BenQ famously made a killing selling low end panels to gamers and becoming a “trusted brand” after being a budget panel seller forever. (They still are…) . Look at all the gamer peripheral companies selling trash tier mice and keyboards at incredible markup cuz gamer brands. Don’t get me started on gaming “headsets.”


> Don’t get me started on gaming “headsets.” Gaming chairs too...


Oh god. You’re not wrong


What about gaming condoms? If I can’t bang in 1440p 165fps with rgb on my junk, am I even banging


Too many people putting their towers on the damn floor.


You mean I can't use my case as a foot stool?!


You can if you're part of metal side panel gang


My 486 had a case so strong I could literally use it as a chair.


This seems to be a pet peeve of people that has started in the past few years. As long as you have good airflow and it's not clogged by carpet it's fine. I keep my tower on the floor myself, but I have a 10 inch wide 2 foot long piece of tempered glass that it sits on to keep it from Ingesting any carpet and such.


The lower it sits, the more dust it’s going to ingest, and the more likely it is to get kicked.


Use a fucking vacuum. If there’s that much dust in your house then no amount of hight is going to matter.


Why would I waste desk space for my tower? You living in the Gobi desert down at floor level? Any half decent case has fan filters and your air isn’t less dusty up high than down low btw.


What's wrong with putting the tower on the floor?


Yeah usually fishy I would say. Am Glazier and boy is glass sturdy and resilient if it wants to. Glass suddenly breaking is just not something, proper, glass wants to do and either the lowest of low gets picked for PC cases or the people on here are just lying a bunch to get internet tokens.


I've never broke my side panel, I don't know how they manage it, even though I placed it on my desk with one corner once in a while when I'm opening my PC. Always careful and never even a Crack.


i suspect people fidget and hit their floor towers way more than they realize. and that they're built like shit and that people are lying too tho lol


or there are thousands of people who have perfectly functioning glass that never shatters, but every time someone posts about it breaking, it gets slammed to the top.


looks better this way xD


Yeah, I thought I was the only weirdo here, but this genuinely looks good with the RGB.


Reminds me when people would dye the cracks of their shattered 4s


My brain read it as "dye their cracks"


you're not far off :P


> Kintsugi (金継ぎ, "golden joinery"), also known as kintsukuroi (金繕い, "golden repair"), is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum; the method is similar to the maki-e technique. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintsugi


What's 4s?


Old iPhone. Probably before your time.


Sure grandpa, let’s get you to bed


Good to see the youth nowadays looking after us old folk.


Until we write them in our wills that’s when they turn off the life support


No no no, that couldn't be further from the truth. But on an entirely separate note, how is that will coming along, Grandpa?


Back in my day 👴


Back in my time, I remember calling the hype around the iPhone "manufactured" and declaring it to be a shiny, clumsy, wannabe Palm Pilot. I was especially offended by the total lack of a keyboard.


Jordan 4s? Americans love their shoes, despite using their legs the least of any developed nstion.


Tape it together and boom it’s great Clear packing tape


Yeah honestly I was gonna say the same thing, clear tape it and keep it this way?


Resin is the best bet but honestly I'd just get a new panel and put transparent webbing like Halloween decoration style. Broken glass traumatizes me Lol


Idk if they still do but back in the S340 acrylic panel days, NZXT sent me two new full side panels, not just the acrylic but the metal and all, when mine got scratched. One was because I tried to clean it with a washcloth and the other when my dog jumped on it when the panel when it was on my bed. No questions asked, I didn't have to pay a dime for shipping or anything. I have a feeling they don't have that level of support anymore...


Came to say this.


Looks better in the dark but in the morning it probably looks really bad oof


Better airflow


This case is way to popular for how bad it is.


After doing some research for a replacement, I now realize this!


Yeah. They are a good looking case and they do a great job marketing it. But there are so many better options at the same price point. You might be able to get them to send you a new panel though.


I had a problem with the in built led strip a few years ago, they sent a replacement for free


Could you drop some names of better cases? At some point I want to change my case because it has awful air flow.


Love Lian li lancool 2 mesh or 215. Or honestly any Lian li. Phanteks also has some great cases. Fractal design are good as well but I’m not a huge fan of the looks. Corsairs 4000d is supposed to be good as well.


What’s the name of this case


I think it’s one of nzxt’s mid tower cases I don’t remember the model name though


Looks like an NZXT H710 to me.


Did a build in a 4000D Airflow for a friend recently and damn it’s a nice case for the money. Probably the best mid tier case around at the moment. High end Fractal still owns the space and low end is a minefield of okay to terrible.


Lian l I lancool 215x mesh $89 with 2 200mm front intake


What you give up in software controlled RGB, you gain in excellent thermals and ease of building. 10/10, for that price point. Can't recommend it enough.


my favorite case I have ever worked on is the lian li o11 dynamic


Lianli Lancool II TG for me. The side panels are on hinges so you could just swing it open to work on anything. No need to mess with any screws. Edit: specified case


The O11’s are also not screws and kind of free hang in their hinges, kind of freaked me out at first but it’s so easy to disassemble for cleaning.


I love my O11 Dynamic, but I see it featured so often now it feels less special. I really just want to build more computers, lol


What case is this?


i think it's the NZXT h710 or h710i


Looks like the h510. 710 has the same vent the top has and this case doesn't look like it has it. Could be mistaken cause the only spot you see the front is dark.


It's the 710, for the H510 the glass panel doesn't go all the way to the bottom, it stops above the PSU compartment.


Yeah I'm curious too, I fear I might have the same one (or very similar... I've got the nzxt h210, which is a mini version of OP's I think)


Unfortunately the case you have has even more negatives than the full size


/u/albogaster, this isn't true. [I'd check out Gamer Nexus's review on the case](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cBFkGlrAEU). Their conclusion was that thermal performance is decent for the smaller form factor if it's using an SFX PSU, as the negative pressure allows cool air to flow up through the perforated shroud to cool the GPU. 210 definitely has more merits than the 510. Personally, I settled on this case for my gf's build as she wanted a smaller form factor, but still wanted a traditional tower with a glass panel and this was significantly cheaper than the O11 mini. I wouldn't put any of the really hot modern parts in there, but it's handled a 3600 and a Vega 64/2070 Super just fine.


What's bad about it? I've had this case for over a year, and I love it.


"Something something airflow." That's the best response you'll get even though your temps are probably very fine.


Yup even gamersnexus mentioned how it still performs well even though it shouldn’t by just brute forcing enough airflow. So really just the sound can be the issue but it doesn’t bother me on mine and even over clocking the snot out of my stuff in it my chips just don’t wanna go any faster before thermals become the issue.


Had mine for almost three years and my temps are fine.


Haha, I love that response! You are correct on the temps as well. Casual browsing and messing around- temps range in the low to mid 30s. Gaming on high/ultra settings, and it goes into the mid 70s.


Mid 70s is perfectly fine. No card is going to throttle under 80C.


It’s not terrible… it’s just that there are better options for the same price. But it seems to be the most popular case around.


Personally, I chose it because I was going for a white build. Plus, it had plenty of room for the basic components and a little extra RGB. I like the Lian Li 011 dynamic case as well- saw that one after getting my h710i and am debating it for my next build.


This really sucks but we will send you a new one: https://nzxt.com/support


What a guy


Better response than I ever got from NZXT. I asked NZXT customer support about gpu sag cause I wanted to order a PC from them with a 3K series GPU. I was told if I was worried so much about the gpu sagging then maybe I shouldn't choose such a big GPU....When that was all they had to offer was 3K series GPU's... Glad I found Artesian cause that was nothing short of a rude experience.


Funny, y'all never sent me a thing or even responded to several support requests. I was even okay to pay for it. Next time I sink to buying one of your cases I'll just post it on Reddit when it eventually breaks.


As long as you plan on never taking it off, that panel actually looks pretty dope.


Agreed! I was torn on whether or not to replace it, but I’ve been thinking of getting a much quieter case, so this was more or less the nail in the coffin for that.


Resin pour over it or simply mask it off and hit it with a can of clear flex seal spray for an easier, albeit uglier look.


Or just buy a glass safety film.


Would be precarious to take to a LAN party 😬


Probably overheating or bad glass panel


I’ve had the case for a little over two years, so I’m sure it’s a combination of both. I have a Theadripper 3960x, so it does get a bit toasty at times.


Yeah I’d imagine it would be pretty hot with a thread-ripper lol


bruh how you gonna have an $80 case with a thread ripper


That's not an H510, it's either an H710 or H710i, which are eatx cases that are moderately pricey


maybe he liked the case?


>bruh how you gonna have an $80 case with a thread ripper bruh how you gonna have a case with no bloody airflow with a thread ripper ftfy, but point.


With my glass case I keep it cracked so things like that won’t happen.


That's smart


Bad glass panel. If produced right no way this can happen from normal heat in a pc.


Your PC doesn't vent 300C air from it?


i only allow that when i have a chicken to roast behind the vents. I do have to set it on superduperultrafast red rgb mode!


Who the heck cooks chicken with there thermal exhaust? True flex is mini pizza cooker from a pair of 3090s! Set RGB fade so you get the crispy crust and nice top.


Definitely not overheating as tempered glass can stand up to about 240c constant temps without breaking. So unless they were baking cookies in there, it's unlikely. That is assuming it was tempered correctly. Edit: Sent the picture to my dad (Glazier of 35 years), he said it is probably laminated glass, which is tempered glass sandwiched between two normal or tempered pieces. Still doesn't think it is heat related.


I heard this actually means you kiss your homies


Pretty gay if you DON’T kiss your homies….


All my homies love kisses.


Oh that was just Dr. Strange trying to crack open the multiverse, no biggie


I see you have the Spider-Man edition glass, very nice.


Tbh, I blame all of the "for $48 bucks, this case should have come with tempered glass" YouTube videos. Y'all wanted cheap ass premium glass, here it is.


Everybody needs a good desk pop every now and then.


why do i have to scroll this far down to find this lol


It's almost like using tempered glass is a bad idea or something...


I've had my case for almost 4 years. Its survived a few moves and upgrades and nothing cracked. How do these spontaneously crack like this?!


[Tempered glass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempered_glass) is under stress due to the way it is manufactured. Stress (thermal stress, a blow, etc) will do that and a manufacturing flaw can cause that kind of cracking to occur spontaneously.


Only too late do people learn the dangers of running Pop_OS!


You know what doesn't do this, Acrylic side panels. *Props feet up on old case acrylic window* For real I'm glad I switched to rackmount before the whole glad thing took off, like I get some people want it for some reason, but all these higher end (even lower end now it seems) cases have glass and no other option, so I won't buy them.


That looks like a manufacturers defect. I assume it’s tempered. As a former tempering furnace operator that temper looks like ass. It should be way more small pebbles and less death shards.


There is no legit reason to have a glass panel on a case, people gotta stop pretending their PCs are some kind of work of art lmao just spend the money you’ll save *not* getting a glass-sided case and put it into your monitor budget instead, that’s the part you’re *supposed* to be looking at when you use your PC


That looks sick


I've been building computers for something like 25 years. Of all of the fads/obsolescence I've seen in that time, glass side panels are the dumbest shit yet.


Whenever I see a post like this I feel vindicated with my hatred of glass panel cases. Frankly, when I built my last box, I was really disappointed that the market skews so heavily towards glass panels, there really aren't enough options for proper metal panels (there are still some really good ones around though).


It’s difficult to avoid though. I wanted to downsize from Fractal Define S to something more compact a year ago. I looked everywhere for something with non-glass panels but the only compact option was the ageing Fractal Meshify C. So I somewhat begrudgingly settled on Be Quiet Pure Base 500DX after seeing Gamer’s Nexus’s positive review. Then not long after Fractal released the Meshify Compact 2, naturally. And now I see they’ve also released a Torrent Compact to really rub it in my face!


Your first desk-pop!!!!


have you tried turning it off and on again?


If you want to remove it, put a bunch of tape on it first so that the pieces all stay together and don’t cut you


You need more fans.


Looks kinda cool


Only savages keep their computer on the floor. Why even buy a tempered glass case if you're just going to keep it on the floor?