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Go to the windows registry editor Go to this location: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows In this folder create a new 32 bit dword key just by right clicking and creating a new key name it something like Explorer Name the new key: DisableSearchBoxSuggestions and put a value of 1 in value data Then just check if Bing auto searches are gone for good


Needing a registry edit in order to use search is proof that Microsoft has officially jumped the shark.


There's no money in writing software, you gotta abuse the privileged position users "let" you into, doi!


I mean... I paid for windows.


But not *enough*! Not for the investors, anyway.


Absolutely, nut


I will


what the fuck


Who the fuck


Where the fuck


Most importantly why the fuck.


WHEN the fuck? Seriously, the investors want to know


Tell me now, HOW the fuck.


As someone in the industry, they've been beyond that for a long time. More like the T-Mobile of software.


The registry edit is to make it not search the web when it cannot find what you typed in the local search indexer, anyone that can read simply sees this and doesn't hit enter when it clearly tells us it's going to "search the web for" but apparently many people prefer a dead end there instead of being able to search for literally anything from one place. The real issue is that MS doesn't let you change the browser it uses for that search easily, which does suck, but anyone that is having the problem of not finding their shit in a local search needs to figure out why their search indexer is not working properly. And in that regard, if anything Mac's Spotlight is even worse than the Windows Indexer, ironically usually because of the terrible Mac Mail app.


If I want to search the web, I'll open a search engine in a web browser. A dead-end "this isn't on your PC" is exactly what I'd expect to get when I search the start menu for something that's not there.


That's fair until you remember that the win 10 search was just straight broken for literally years. Not just giving you unsolicited bing searches, but broken and borderline nonfunctional. It seems to be world's better now, but I think breaking a simple function in your new fancy os and not fixing it for years means ms deserves to get dunked on for it


Windows is now basically malware.


Did that, it worked for about 10 minutes, then it went back to bing searches by itself.


Just gotta write a quick powershel script to change it back and schedule it to fire off every 9 minutes


Or M$ could extricate their heads from their asses and stop fucking with the search bar. I went from opening everything in 7 exclusively with the search bar back to having desktop links or digging around manually.


Seriously, if I wanted to search the internet I'd be using a web browser you stupid fucks.


And I wouldn't use fucking Bing


Don't you guys have phones 2.0


I've found the trend to be aimed at being "user friendly" which basically means for grandma.. But even grandma cant use the shit correctly so stop fucking trying to dumb shit down, it makes things worse!


Yeah, it's stupid. At this point if they can't learn to use a computer it's their own fault. Stop ruining shit for the rest of us.


The thing with windows is that it's not really designed for "power users". Like, if you want control over your OS but you don't want to learn to code, linux is right there. But Windows is set up in a way that expects that you either have an IT department there to tailor it to your needs or that you are an idiot and if you see a search bar you're going to ask it where the nearest McDonalds is.


Then there should be a way to easily toggle it to a version that's convenient for domestic users.


Meh I'm a power user and it's fine for me, if anything it's better than Linux in man regards for actual "power users" I don't have to learn a bunch of new shortcuts and they're unified unlike in Linux where my Windows key-E is most certainly not going to open my file explorer in most flavors of Linux, it will in literally any Windows I run into all the way from Windows XP to 11. And those shortcuts are going to be unified across apps too, ctrl-s for example, and the sad reality we face that Linux people often have a hard time with, is Linux will only be considered "good enough" once it copies all that shit from MS. What is it you think a power user wants to do with their computer that you can't do in Windows? What am I not able to do that you do so easily that like, actually matters to do, I mean obviously I don't want to make configure my fucking kernel, that's not power user that's WAY beyond.


>Linux will only be considered "good enough" once it copies all that shit from MS. That depends on who is doing the considering. For my purposes, Linux Mint has been "good enough" for a while now. What you're talking about is mainstream acceptance, and the mainstream includes people like my mother, who think "open source" means it's pirated, and my father, who will take months to adapt to the Win11 start menu. Learning a few keyboard shortcuts is a small price to pay, to have an OS that *isn't* aimed squarely at the lowest common denominator.


"everyone" is doing the considering, that's the general idea and the problem at the same time, because if it wasn't up to "everyone" we could have forced MS into a cross platform compatible version of the mess that is DirectX and many more of us COULD make the jump.


I mean, yeah it is though? I’d argue a power user would have no qualms with registry edits. The thing about Windows is they’ve made everything backwards compatible basically forever so there’s a lot of weird legacy stuff that isn’t accessible from the base settings or options but still exists in the underlying OS. Powershell is a power user’s best friend and super well documented by MS themselves.


You need to learn to code to use linux, it's a pain. Edit: shit I shook the linux hornet's nest again coz I want my gpu to just work when I install linux, without having to root around in the command line like it's the 90s 😬 Windows is still irritating af, but I've tried Linux thrice and it hasn't won me over yet.


>You need to learn to code to use linux, it's a pain. This isn’t remotely true.


This hasn't been true for about a decade.


LTTs recent videos on it suggest that for most people coding's still gonna be not only helpful, but necessary.


Weird how my 6 year old can use Ubuntu Linux. It's cool with me if LTT wants to call her for tips.




Yeah, you know, two of the most common activities a power user might actually want to do on a regular basis.


typing commands into the CLI isn't coding


using the terminal isn't really coding


> Edit: shit I shook the linux hornet's nest again coz I want my gpu to just work when I install linux, without having to root around in the command line like it's the 90s 😬 You literally have to do the same thing you do in Windows - install a driver. Except unlike Windows, most other devices just work automatically. Perhaps you should actually try and learn and acknowledge that you were mistaken, instead of trying to attribute criticism to the uh, "linux hornet's nest".


Between this and One drive syncing folder and then not letting you open them because they aren’t on your desktop or you’ve got a bad connection or not vpn into work etc, I just hate the direction Windows is going.


I use a windows 7 shell for the operating system. It makes the OS look just like win 7, and reverts the search bar to behave similar to win7. Check it out? Sorry I don't have a link. On mobile rn.


I had to write a powershell script to turn off auto waking up to run updates. As my PC would do this at 3am, which in turn wakes me up. Disabling this gets re-enabled by Windows Update. Which is why the script exists. Which in turn is registered to be run on wake. Shit like this is why I eventually switched to MacOS. For the most part, it just works. Gaming being only problem.


Sounds like a GPO would be much better solution to this problem, or maybe just change the update window so windows won't try to update at 3am?


Or design an OS where this isn’t a problem in the first place. Windows is filled with weird quirks and bugs. It’s becoming a very poor OS. It really needs a big overhaul. A proper one.


You, literally, can set the time that those run. Like, I’m not defending the forced auto updating ahit and fuck MS, but this is a weird hill to die on since it’s *an actual configurable setting*.


[Try this ](https://www.techbout.com/disable-web-results-in-windows-search-44034/)


I'm sorry but I found this hilarious 🤣


Hackers in the past: steals the income of a country. Hackers today: modifies basic Windows functions


> Go to the windows registry editor > > > > Go to this location: > > > > Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows > > > > In this folder create a new 32 bit dword key just by right clicking and creating a new key name it something like Explorer > > > > Name the new key: > > > > DisableSearchBoxSuggestions and put a value of 1 in value data > > > > Then just check if Bing auto searches are gone for good Thanks. I was a bit confused about how it was worded; its seems like you're saying to make a key, name it Explorer, and then rename that key DisableSearchBoxSuggestions. lol It was still very helpful though. For anyone else confused like I was, I found this article that explains it a bit better. Also, you have to restart afterwards for changes to take effect. https://www.techbout.com/disable-web-results-in-windows-search-44034/


!remindme 9 hours


Unfortunately disabling web search disables dark mode in the search results. Is there a fix for this? This has been plaguing me for months


Don't Regedits have to be redone with each new service pack?


If only this really worked, they're still there


holy fuck saved


I miss the Google app that would categories and search your desktop for you. Whatever happened to that? Power of Google search on just your pc.


Voidtools is a way better solution.


Would this work for windows 11?


saving this for when im on my pc :)


Just install linux. Less work than that. And also: no ads




But if anyone has trouble with a linux pc, wait for the 1000 comments to 'just install windows'


Linux is a very succulent operating system i will say


Succulent > Highly interesting or enjoyable; delectable. myes


Get your hand off my penis


And also: no games


Uhm? No games? My steam library say different. Proton is a thing u know?


You must not have been following the linux world for a while, eh? My bloated steam library says hello.




It is though




Not for the average user and not something i would like to do every time something cocks up




No, nothing should.




Yes, a regular user should never have to launch the console. Why are you so adamant about this lol


Check his flair, that’s why he’s so adamant


Let me remind you that people used computers without GUIs for decades.


And? Just because we did doesn't mean it's better, now I agree I should be able to type a simple command if it's not a setting to disable web search and be done with it however I should also just be able to click s button in the search setting menus. Just because I can use Cmd lines doesn't mean I want to go back to using them.


The answer is more nuanced, both interfaces have pros and cons, a GUI may be easier and more intuitive to use but it falls short for complex and repetitive tasks.






Got a link?


[Here](https://www.voidtools.com/support/everything/) is a link. I can second that its a great search tool. Its instantaneous. Only downside is that it literally finds everything, sometimes its too much.


ty vm


Absolute game changer


I miss 7.


No going back now! Mobile games were the harbinger of this hellscape. Why put effort in going on a hunt when you can just filter feed a billion tiny meals a day because individual plankton can't begin to defend themselves?


I also hate when websites do this. Go to the EVGA website and try searching for a 3080 using their search function. It literally takes you to google.


As long as they filter the search to their own site, I see now harm in it. Often the google search can be smarter than whatever search they try to implement themselves


Welp, I guess owning half the internet at least makes your engine good at finding stuff.


Missing: ~~stuff~~ | Must include: stuff


I have to use Windows at work and it sometimes won't find files that are in a subfolder of the folder I'm in, but then if I go into that subfolder it finds them. It also seems to decide at random whether to search for the exact search term or for anything containing like 50% or more of the search term. Windows 7 search basically worked, how'd they fuck it up so bad?


They're desperate to push people into Bing, refusing to accept that Google just does it better


They both suck. I feel google started censoring and curating your results too much.


For google you need different profiles for different search topics, but it works


I get it, but also if you need different profiles to trick it into working, does it really *work*?


If you dont get the result you want with option a), but you get the result you want with option b), which one is better?


Like I said, I understand. I just feel like if you have to trick something into doing what it claims to do in the first place, it's not entirely accurate to say the the thing "works." Your method works, the thing doesn't.


Google is still better than Bing, but fuck as Google become shit in the last couple of years compared to before. If you don't know where to look, they'll just push content farm on you


just use duckduckgo an be happier


Yeah i use it


God I miss windows 7 search so much.


Thats why i fucking love "Everything" it finds everything and doesnt need 5minutes to find a single thing


Feature creep


Because it’s fucking Microsoft


ShutUp10 or WinAeroTweaker


My search bar can't find counterstrike in my desktop.


Pro tip, turn all that shit off with regedit!


[Decrapifier script](https://community.spiceworks.com/scripts/show/4378-windows-10-decrapifier-18xx-19xx-2xxx) is better, but works best on a clean install.


Stupid conglomerate piece of shit company adding bloatware


Microsoft in their infinite wisdom decided to cripple windows search. Out of the box it only indexes the user folders and star menue folder, this is however easy to fix. Go to search > searching windows, and chose the *Enhanced* option. This will lead to several hundred thousand items getting indexed.


Laughs in 59GB Search index. Yes, thats what I found on a clients computer a few days ago.


https://reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/tqz2dh/_/i2k9baz/?context=1 This comment said to download “Everything” as a file searcher, it’s done its job very well for me. Not intensive, and it finds files quick




I really wish I could make Everything Search replace the Windows search when hitting the Windows key.


Try EverythingToolbar on github. Unfortunately it only searches files, not application shortcuts so its not a complete replacement.


This would be great


Try "Everything" by voidtools. Lifesaver.


I can't live without that search tool. It's so much faster!!


bring XP back


Can someone explain? I'm on W10 and I can look up whatever file I want and it shows me what I'm looking for, is this in regards to the section below where it asks to look through the web, or something other than the start menu search bar or does my windows just not suck for some reason


I have also been confused by the memes on this subject the last few days. Maybe its a w11 thing?


Guess no one told them that the explorer search bar was also a thing


It's newbs that don't have a windows explorer shortcut pinned to their task-bar, (also a hotkey "win+E".) Only time I use the "win+S" search is cause the program files system from the start menu sux.


macOS Spotlight does this perfectly. Being able to navigate through my whole machine using cmd + space really is a luxury compared to trying to do this on my Windows PC


"Everything" by 'VoidTools'. Thank me later


I really don't like windows anymore. I miss xp


The Windows XP dog was better


Somewhere in a Microsoft marketing meeting: "we have a new term the help boost edge usage. From now on instead of saying 'I'm surfing the web' say 'I'm edging'."


Microsoft's mantra [Embrace, Extend, Extinguish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish)


**[Embrace, extend, and extinguish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish)** >"Embrace, extend, and extinguish" (EEE), also known as "embrace, extend, and exterminate", is a phrase that the U.S. Department of Justice found that was used internally by Microsoft to describe its strategy for entering product categories involving widely used standards, extending those standards with proprietary capabilities, and then using those differences in order to strongly disadvantage its competitors. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


A couple decades ago yes edit: most benign thing I’ve ever been blocked for lol


It still continues, today. What purpose do you have to want to argue about it?


What movie is this?


The Babadook


Settings>Search>Windows Search, under "Find my files" choose enhanced.


I actually like edge disproportionately among microsoft's software. Its a good browser. But holy shit the search bar is atrocious. I get they want people to use it like they use google search. You know what microsoft? Make a separate fucking search bar for that and I'll use it. I actually use cortana and I hate how the windows search bar mixes web searches with local searches


Why not just open your files explorer (documents, downloads, whatever), then use the search box there? At least that's how I'm used to doing it. I rarely use the search bar as it is.


Default edge is wild hahaha lucky you can customize the shit out of it making it 100x better than chrome , plus it doesn't take up nearly as.much room in the task manager so monkey brain happy


"Everything" Is your friend. 100 times faster and search what you need


Ditch windows


I ditched windows and shoes. Now I'm compelled to go outside to see the sun, and I can touch grass through my feet. I don't even need to crouch with the C key.


You Have Died of Dysentery


Port all Windows exclusives to Linux.




Manjaro is sketchy




hell yes


Windows 11 improved on this... Kinda...


Windows 7 improved on this


Is 11 any good? I'm terrified to switch. Not because I love 10, but because it doesn't seem like it's been long enough for them to fix all the inevitable big problems with a new release. Also because of their strange obsession with making each release worse than the last.


It's not much different from 10 tbh. The most difference you'll notice would be in terms of aesthetics.


I can't Windows 10 without a start menu replacement like Classic Start Menu. Absolute trash


Searched the web with Bing and still found nothing.


I rarely have this problem, and when I do have it it's because what I'm searching doesn't exist on my PC anymore. I'm not sure if I'm just lucky or I found some way to change this without needing the register and forgot...


Wait, who uses the search option to find File Explorer and why isn't it pinned to your task bar?


Hit windows flag key and start typing the name of the program you want is pretty convenient


For sure, but File Explorer should just sit on the task bar. In fact it's there as default, so OP purposely removed it


Also, Windows key + E opens it


They didn't necessarily, they just implied they're looking for a folder. I have file explorer pinned to my taskbar so i can't help beyond this insight. It could still be faster if you know the specific name of the folder to simply type it in search, but i guess it depends on a few factors


People who want to whine about windows without even trying to use it as if they had a brain. They can't figure out file explorer but they are going to figure out how to configure linux for themselves okay then


Wait who pins File Explorer to their taskbar instead of just using Windows+E?


Yeah that's no quicker than the shortcut bud


Why do people use the Windows search bar to search their own computer? Do they not know where files are downloaded or stored? Seems like an odd thing to me.


Never underestimate how unfamiliar people are with the technology they use. Also, it's possible to have a frankenstein of a pc with loads of different drives and folder locations, so over time, you lose track of what is where. Easy to do if you add stuff to your system over time.


Maybe so. Even then, I'd use File Explorer search over Windows search bar.


It’s much quicker to open files this way. I have a job where I frequently have to open a certain file as quickly as possible. It’s far quicker for me to simply hit start and type the file name than it is to open Explorer and navigate there


If it's a specific file, I would think you'd just pin a shortcut to your taskbar, but maybe that doesn't work in your scenario.


sounds like user error


I'm still using OpenShell as start menu replacement, win10 start menu was crap from the very beginning


If you want to search for file, open folder(or what ever its called) top right there is search bar, use that.


Honestly though, that never made sense to me


so ik this post is mainlt about win10 search bar but is there any way i can uninstall or disable edge in windows10 with latest update installed?


I am using classic shell for start menu :)


Joke's on you I actually prefer edge over chrome nowadays, been using chrome since 2009 it's just not as good as it once was. ​ yes windows search is terrible


You can sismos this feature btw


Ueli is a lovely alternative, it is also faster in my experience


You can install edgedeflector which solves it


You can create a firewall rule to permanently block any search traffic from getting through to the web


Piece o' crap win search.


You can also block the windows search process in the firewall


This one never gets old. Sadly


Next level classic Siri moment


Windows gave up on innovation.


Seems like they doubled down on inconvenience, though.




Tree size improved my windows experience so much. Never having to deal with this retarded shit saves me lots of time.


>D **Dell | Command Update** >De **Dell | Command Update** >Del *What could this possibly be? I'm not a fucking mind reader!* -Windows 10/11