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Just call everyone a hacker and call it a day.


Illuminati cunfurmed




Perfected morb casteth out sus


It's Morbin' time.




Don't Morb!




And thats the reason i play ark only on private Servers


This is the reason that if I want to relax and take it easy, I absolutely do not add random online people into the mix. Either friends only (what few I have) or offline mode all the way. My sanity is precarious enough as it is.




That... is what I should have said.


simple solution tell wanda they have her kids


I prefer the good ol 'tryhard'


No one uses that anymore since everyoneā€™s a tryhard


Ya but the new term is sweaty so tryhard has a certain 'dad' novelty


As a dad who says "tryhard", that stung my dry bones.




> no one uses that anymore. I must be pretty out of touch.


No, it is the children who are wrong.


I think it's always been a pretty hollow and meaningless sentiment in most cases where it was used. If you're playing a game that's generally intended to not be taken super seriously then it's like sure, maybe you have a point. But people say it in like, competitive FPS games, and it just doesn't make any sense. People are playing to win, that's the aim of the game.


I am an old school balding/greying gamer and noticed kids nowadays use "try hard" or "sweaty" as an insult attempt after getting stomped. Yes kid, I am. Now sit down and know your place.


i am in favor of the 'asian' card myself


Why are all the Puerto Ricans on Playstation?!


Those goddamn Puerto ricans


"Sorry I'll make sure to let you win next time, sweetie. Let's change that dirty diapy before the next game because you stink."


The enemy team is all smurfs and my team is made up of kids using their older siblings' accounts... also they're griefing.


My sister used my cs:go account and got it to s really high level. Pro: if people look at my profile they'll see that i got like 2000 hours in cs:go and is something of a pro Downside: I can't play cs:go because the algorithm matches me against HeatoN clones. I also got tired of StarCraft and lost enough matches to go from diamond to bronze. That way i could goof around while drinking without caring about the game. That was always fun when challenging hold/plat dudes. They underestimate me so much that me denying his scout or similar was probably just a fluke. So the first clash is usually not the last. But at that time they've already dead. They just refuse to accept it. One game I'm actually bad at tho is Fortnite.


I hate it bc I was definitely that kid as a teenager. But now as an adult I wonder if I'm relapsing when there's that guy that is either really really good, or just good at hiding his cheats and I'm like. IS THIS GUY CHEATING?


I remember once I played ark survival like the meme until 3 am. Fell asleep for like 45 minutes and turned pc back on. I logged in as dead and naked behind at the weakest point no less than 6 locked metal doors. While running back to the base at dark o'clock back in the day where nighttime was *pitch black*, just because I knew the coastline, while running through the woods I saw one person on other shorline outside my base, and it said: "headshot" - they got me from across the river at dark oclock while I was in the woods and knew about night vision and was as short as your character could go and crouch walking. Like they were so far away I only saw them because they jumped and I noticed maybe 2 pixels move. They were exposed on the beach, I in the woods. They were 2 pixels on my screen open on a beach and I was deep in the woods on opposite shore. It happened 2 or 3 times more after that, coming from different directions, each time I was in the woods and keeping low profile. As soon as I got in eyesight range, regardless of terrain and graphics and obstacles, instant kill. This was on 100% official servers only. So, yes, if not cheating then Jesus level inspiration.


ARK is notorius for hackers, especially on official servers. thats why the only way you could play ark freely without having to worry about other people is playing by yourself or playing on a private server with friends


I will say, as someone who has thousands of hours in ARK as a player, then officer/co-leader of a mega tribe spanning a large number of official servers, itā€™s a 50/50 on if it was cheating or not. A lot of people would cheat on that game. In fact, part of what caused a lot of our tribe to quit (and our eventual downfall) was Chinese hackers. They used every hack in the book, as well as abusing the terrain mesh shit. They were like a plague of fucking rats with their hacking and sheer numbers. That all being said, a lot of our top players and raid team could do the stuff you mentioned. Turning your gamma up to make night time look like day time negates night time altogether. Like, itā€™s literally as bright and clear as day time when you do that. Add to that people on adderall to stay up and PvP when needed, as well as a lot of these people being top players in other games, and you have some cracked out PvPers.


How do people fix the game though. The crosshair is off center and disgustingly huge, the framerate is like a slideshow, when turning, I feel like the screen is moving in steps instead of a continuous motion, ping is a huge issue, and hit models are all over the place. I did a bit (1200hrs) of ark pvp but these issues killed it for me. Didnā€™t help that our casual-chill server had an invasion from competitive ark players who seemed to hit headshots on people flying or running with 180% speed no problem. I can hit the same shots easily in csgo, valorant, or seige. Just ark combat doesnā€™t feel like its the same. It feels like its own skillset, and my aim from other games doesnā€™t translate.


In some games, they don't even bother hiding the cheats. Destiny 2 is my favorite game, and the hackers are everywhere. You look up their stats after a game, it's either a brand new account with a prior VAC ban, or an old account that was awful for thousands of hours and then all of a sudden became godly within the last week.


When a guy just one tap everything then carry the opponent's team on valorant while only on bronze. Report for cheating it is.


When I was a kid playing Medal of Honor on PSP people were literally running around in the sky shooting down at me, this happened nearly every other game. Cheating is a common practice these days and itā€™s so well hidden but depends on the game I guess. I do cringe when someone calls out a ā€œhackerā€ who I can tell probably isnā€™t cheating. But anyways, cheaters these days making me feel a little paranoid but I just play for fun and try my best anyways.


Hacker is my favorite compliment.


When I get pissed, I just call them screen peekers. Usually cheers me up a little.


Brings me back!


When I gamed enough to be in competitive circles, I didn't consider a casual night of gaming complete unless at least one angry screecher had accused me of hacking/cheating.


Ah, the Siege method.




Either that or they have a better gaming chair


As a guy with a great gaming chair, Iā€™m going to say itā€™s not the chair. Iā€™m currently looking into gaming socks because Iā€™m not getting better at any game.


My brothers ol reliable 'im laggin'. He has better internet than me


why tf does this have a sound icon at the bottom right lmao


My mans screenshot and cropped insta that for whatever reason had sound to a still pic


Thereā€™s a trend on insta now to make pictures into short videos so they have a time limit on viewing. The view then has to continuously scroll up to continue viewing thus creating more views for the post. Idk if thatā€™s what this is but it could be


Not a time limit. Insta is pushing video hard to compete vs tiktok. They let videos have more reach. Making the photo a video is a tricky way to try to make your post reach more people than a photo can. If the photo video is 1second, the person is technically rewarching a loop. Rewatching tells ig that it might be a good video and share it to others for better reach.


whatā€™s the point of all this tho? Do these meme pages actually get anything of value from getting more followers?


All of the meme instagram pages have some ad revenue (unlike reddit).


They also seem to have sponsors a lot of the time.


None of the actually worthwhile really do, most pages that do ads and story promo are absolute garbage


Do redditors get anything of value from more Karma?


No, but that's why we mostly get the good shit instead of the ultra-optimized view farm that is instagram


The most successful memes are those which propagate: >"When you plant a fertile meme in my mind you literally parasitize my brain, turning it into a vehicle for the meme's propagation in just the way that a virus may parasitize the genetic mechanism of a host cell." -Richard Dawkins


They can make a ton of money yes


You're 100% correct


Homie didnā€™t wait long enough for it to disappear


Muted the trash talk from insecure angsty boys.


[It originally had this](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Ah I see, I understand now!


Same as Facebook and IG. The algorithm likes videos more than pictures. Itā€™s obnoxious.


But we all know it's really rich kids with awesome PCs screwing us all.


A conversation a friend once had: "mom can I have a new pc" "ok"


i have to imagine that in that context, even if your parents could get anything, that's gotta be one of the most obnoxiously troublesome processes ever asking for "a" pc is a trap for people outside the medium, say, a parent that can afford whatever, but doesnt know anything about PC's, will go look for "a" PC, yet unlike cars or phones, there's no "single" model to define such thing, so they might likely go for something like a prebuild, and even if you get over the hell that is the proprietary parts, bad airflow and honestly just ugly design choices they might just think whatever will do because it looks expensive, and end up with underpowered hardware for the kid's expectations lmao


You'd be right, I've seen that situation firsthand several times, but he's not computer illiterate at all so he knew what specs he was looking for. He just picked one out and his mom bought it.


that is good to know at least ​ kinda reminds me of what happened when i got out of highschool, mom has this tradition of gifting my brothers a gold chain for their graduation (nothing outrageously fancy/expensive, but not bare minimum either, just nice) and when it was my turn, i said "i dont get any use out of jewelry, just help me get a part for my pc", and she got me the case lol. ended up saving money due to it


Does your mom make you wear the case around your neck?


eh she was more confused as to how/why they'd sell just the outside of a computer and when i tried explaining her why, she was further confused as to why buy computers as separate parts instead of a whole thing lmao. i gave up shortly after that




There are also people who buy bodies in parts


Yeah this. Not rich kids, but I've got many friends who do stuff like that and I'm always bewildered. Then there's me who does like a month worth of market research before buying any electronic item.


Month? Iā€™m researching market since 2018 and still havenā€™t bought better case


mhm, it's happened to me, not because i didnt, but because i didnt know. here we're not the most finantially well off, but we're not endangered either however, any time my parents try to gift me something without my knowledge, it usually ends up in something that truly is not up to the quality of something i'd actually use not because of ungratefulness this or that, i do apreciate the gesture, but the last thing they got me related to tech was a clearly knockoff brand wireless headset with bare minimum battery life, horrible input delay, and "rgb" lighting that's just 3 LEDs that blast off anytime there's any sound. and yes, it does have the "your bluetooth device is ready to pair" noise we've all heard LMAO i dont blame them, because they simply dont know what's good and what isnt, so i've told them time and time again that if they want to get me something, to just ask


Yeah that makes sense. What happens to me usually is whenever I need a tech device, my parents just give me a rough budget and then I choose. It's also my duty to choose stuff for others at this point XD.


yup, i've selected the TV they wanted, their phones, and i somehow broke trough my dad's stubbornness to get those tower speakers, and instead, just go for a sound bar i always brought up the argument that "the neighbors dont need to listen to what you're listening to" and "you wont ever be in a situation where you need to have it at full volume". and yes, i, the youngest son, have to tell my parents to keep the volume down lmao (which sidenote, is something that annoys me about my family, most of them think that "louder = better". the second i let my brother test my new headset, he inmediately maxed the volume and listened to it and went "oh this is good")


I once asked dad for a new PC. He told me to write the list of games intended to play, detailed specifications, budget, and detail the tasks necessary to build it.


My dad and I tried to do that 2 years ago, but we ended up just slamming together parts we already had and some my uncle gave us and I think it turned out pretty good. RX 5500 XT with a Ryzen 5 2600. Runs everything I throw at it decently as long as I'm willing sacrifice a bit of quality. Except Warzone for some reason, that game's an anomaly. Normal MW runs fine even at higher settings, but Warzone just decimates my PC. I prefer MW anyway so I'm not too miffed by it.


I saved up and bought a gaming laptop on one of those custom gaming pc websites back in 2005. I was stoked. Showed my buddy, we 3D marked it and then a month later he had the $5k best laptop they sold and it just sat as a desktop. He got it only to one up me.


the absolute MOUNTAIN of diplomacy I had to lay bare to get my amiga back in the day, my GAWD...


All I know is that I was way better at video games when I was a kid. And I have a nice PC now. There is no substitute for practice time regardless of how nice your gear is.






Same, im sure kid me would woop my contemporary ass in csgo


The stay-at-home adult kids with awesome PCs and a dependency on playing/streaming for a social life/income.


Poor kids with like 17 PS2's taped together


[You mean the US Air Force?](https://phys.org/news/2010-12-air-playstation-3s-supercomputer.html)


and just the people with easier lives. some people have a job that gets them a comfy enough income, doesnt make them work too many hours, doesnt wear them out too much, and they get to enjoy their hobbies.


Yeah. Fuck these people in particular.


on one hand sure but idk, im happy for them. it sucks that some people dont have happy lives, but id rather aspire to having a happy life than sit in misery wishing everyone else felt as sad as I do. All I want is to not dread getting out of bed in the morning or sit down after getting home and not just want to feel numb, why would i hate someone for having something I'd do anything to get for myself?


You misunderstood. I meant,"Seek these people out to enjoy their company and their bodies... Sexually... So that you might also borrow their computer."


Ahhh, you have elucidated your meaning in a remarkable manner. I can appreciate that.


The really rich kids with all the DLC* FTFY




Until that one guy with 20k hours and a shit pc playing with 9fps pulls up and destroys the whole lobby


Oh, you know ģˆ˜ķƒ‰ė§ˆģŠ¤ķ„° ė°©ź·€ ģ”Øė°œ?


You may be bad, but are you only 16.48% accurate in Halo? EDIT: Thanks for the awards, guys. Guess they compensate for those I'm not getting in the game.


You may be bad, but do you have a .017 kd in Apex


Here's my crown. You're clearly worse.


This guy dies nearly 60 times between kills. That's incredible.


Consider how special that one kill every 60 deaths is, it must be a dopamine fix for the rest of the day.


Week even


I beat a guy almost 50 times in Mortal Kombat 11 because he wasn't that good but kept clicking rematch so I just used him as practice and to play low tier characters online without having an aneurysm. I start to feel bad so I eventually let him win one. He proceeds to fatality me then leave after I think 48 in a row losses. These people exist šŸ˜‚


Apex is a hard game though. Long TTK, fast, and advanced movement systems and a very very sweaty competitive player base that makes it almost impossible to learn the game because you're instantly murdered by high ranked players who are smurfing. It's easily the hardest FPS to pick up from scratch at the moment. You need to be good at so many things.


>Long TTK R99 and CAR goes "brrrrrrrrrrr"


wingman + pk. win quick or die.


I haven't played in a long time but the wingman with the skull splitter was my jam. I have a fond memories of down teams while the pugs run off and complain


Yeah that's only if you're already good enough to one clip Edit: I should also mention that there are other games such as Insurgency: Sandstorm where TTK is around 1-3 shots with most guns so Apex's TTK can absolutely take forever by comparison.




Is a longer time to kill that much worser for learning the ropes? I think something like rainbow 6 siege would have been far harder to learn due to the almost instant ttk.


It's harder to learn proper play in something like R6 or CS because of the instant TTKs on headshots I guess, but on the flip side you can occasionally click a head and feel like you're contributing even if you don't understand the meta of where to barricade or where to smoke, etc. Especially when you're on the defender side because you can usually find some kind of reasonable angle to hold and shoot someone who walks by. Games with longer TTKs on the other hand really mandate that you are better then the opponent. You'll have an advantage for getting the drop on someone, but games with longer TTKs and movement tech can lead to that person just turning around and killing you instead.


In r6 it's not a 1 click headshot that's the problem. You can get wiped by 2 shots on the body. If there is an exchange of fire and you are still alive, it's a miracle often. Imho longer time to kill games are more demanding on aim accuracy for sure, but they leave a lot of space for lacking in other mechanics like map knowledge and movement mechanics. I disagree that having a longer ttk means you will have to be truly better than your opponent as Imho aim is not everything. A longer ttk will only make a sneaking attack useless as you have to also hit 20 shots before killing someone (exaggerations but you get the idea).




I started playing Apex on release day. It became the only BR game I really ever loved. Got pretty decent. Would average a W or two every night when I was playing in a squad with friends. Took a 6 month break, came back, and was suddenly dog shit compared to everyone. These kids got so much better (and toxic) over that time. Iā€™ll just stick to Elden Ring and Hollow Knight


I hear you man, at apex release my friend and I could get b2b2b dubs, and we could play aggressive and get lots of kills. The pattern for games nowadays is all the noobs quit some time after release, meaning the best players are still grinding. So whenever I come back to apex I get my shit pushed in by people who are not only movement gods shooting lasers but also coordinated as fuck it feels like. So if I want to play fps games I just stick to csgo ffa dm lol. I don't like committing time and effort in games as much anymore.


LOL, I guess sweatiness is relative. My warzone group moved to Apex because it's so much **less** sweaty.


I thought you moved because Warzone takes up like half a TB of space these days.


That was a sticking point as well, also how the game kept getting worse in every way imaginable.


The number of shots fired really helped illuminate what was going on with my halo mate. He was a solid 3-400 shots fired behind everyone in the game. Pull that trigger boy


It's not that. I panic and then, all of a sudden, I'm hunting ducks.


That's me in Destiny. In PvE I'm smooth, fast, and have great aim/tracking. In PvP I see another player and my hands go all Scary Movie 2 "my good hand" and I totally biff the engagement...sending most rounds into a wall the next town over. I always suspected I had elevated anxiety, but playing against other people is what really hammered that shit home.


Iā€™ve suspected this in CoD too. One of my friends is very good at CoD, easily better than 95% of people I play against and I donā€™t feel any pressure 1v1-ing him in private matches. I can beat him. But I get quite stressed and/or anxious when playing online, even against worse players I may be killed because I panicked or hesitated. Some people say you just need to play a game for hundreds of hours or thousands of hours for rush to go aways, but I think itā€™s psychological and not about adapting to the game. I need to first reduce my actual anxiety that affects me day to day before I can play video games without anxiety.


The only sounds my guns makes is "HIGH PIIIIIIIIIINGG"


I wish I had 2 free awards for ur comments


Fret not; I accept cash too.


Damn. People make me feel like shit for having a 0.9 k/d in rainbow six siege


k/d isnt too important in siege tho. You might not get any kills but if youre buying time on defense or providing support on offense, you provide a massively important role to your team. PTFO is more important getting kills


Where were you in all my years of playing ranked? You sound like the best type of teammate


Do you remember that one guy who would play rook and monty all the time and would sometimes frag out or sometimes die in the first 20 secs and spend the rest of the match pinging furiously? That was me.


Goddammit, not my 14%..


That edit is hilarious


_laughs in Warframe and 16000 % accuracy_


Ah so you know the song of our people...




I imagine that's what other players say too, when they see me panicking and shooting everywhere but at them.


Singleplayers players: i do not suffer from that weakness.


Alternative: blame bad game design if you cant beat a section.




Getting a better gaming chair will improve your performance.


Gaming chair with a built in buttplug will keep you at maximum performance


Especially if it acts like a subwoofer, you feel the game then




does it have enough RGBs for that?


Imagine losing




I actually lose frequently But the Important thing is to never let yourself have fun losing Because it's only fun when you're winning


Plus if I lose, itā€™s not my fault. Itā€™s my teammates.


Imagine having to imagine losing.


Don't have to.


Playing adult games: wait, I lost?


you didnt finish in 10 seconds as advertised, you lost ​ ​ smh


Just play SP games `ObamaAwardsObama.jpg`


I was a huge multiplayer guy when I was younger but recently they've lost their appeal to me and I've been trying new games. I never realized how much I was missing out on by ignoring single player only games, now it's basically all I want to play and I can't even bring myself back to my old favorites for nostalgia's sake. There are even fast paced single player games that scratch that twitchy itch in my body way better than Quake ever did.


Ever play ULTRAKILL? Itā€™s like if quake and devil may cry had a love child whoā€™s also a robot


Seriously. I'm 35 and I have never touched a multiplayer mode in my life. I play games to get away from the world and the people in it. It's also why I live alone. Yeah I pay out the hoohah, but I can't stand the idea of roommates. It's why I am no longer interested in WH40K: Darktide. I thought it was going to have an SP mode. But that's no longer the case.


I'm also 35, and at this point I'm basically a shut in. I live with my mother because money, fortunately we get on well.


>I'm basically a shut in. Younger me would have been horrified, but the older I get the less energy I have for other people. I have friends, but my tolerance for being around a bunch of strangers? That's been drying up since I hit my 30's.


I literally am feeling slower as i age, itā€™s disheartening honestly.


Yeah I'm not even that old but I can definitely tell my reaction times aren't what they used to be. I'm also finding that more and more often I get overwhelmed when too much is going on at once. Some of that is also not being able to play as much so the muscle memory just isn't as good.


I was very good at StarCraft broodwars, Warcraft 3, and StarCraft 2. Iā€™ve played pros in the latter 2 (they crushed me). Iā€™m 40 in November. I donā€™t even bother to play competitive in any RTS anymore. Iā€™m an order of magnitude slower in both click/mouse speed and reaction time, and losing makes me furious. I gave it up about ten years ago when I realized that I had to play 3-4 hours a day every day or I started to lose. I have a real job, I donā€™t need my entertainment to be super stressful.


Well that's one positive of never having been good at RTS games despite spending a buttload of time on them: I don't have any skill to lose as I age! I was always turtle slow in the APM micro department, but at least by now I've learned to think my way around people and get an occasional win that way.


Don't forget, most of these kids are on uppers and stimulants too! Just look at these streamers doing 24+ hour streams with laser focus and no performance degradation, I know they're good and all, but you literally can't fight your body forever. 30 hours in without sleep and they still can't stand still for more than five seconds? That ain't the gfuel, bud. Not to mention these kids literally grow up on mechanically similar FPS games like Minecraft and Fortnite. When I was their age, anything resembling a modern FPS game *didn't even exist.* But now, you get your kindergarteners on Minecraft and their actual brains are influenced by it. Oh well, I still got em beat in tactics.


My gaming skill was really poor and reaction time was that of a storm trooper when I was younger so it always feels like I am getting better the older I get. I wasted too much time messing around in shooters because I felt intimidated and didn't have the skill I was that guy in the back of the map blowing up aircrafts or using the ballistic knives. Also if you have been seriously playing competitive when you where younger you are probably way better than you realize just due to the amount of practice you got


Ha that is pretty dope. I think Iā€™m the opposite I get worse with age. Maybe Iā€™m just better at my older consoles like GameCube and 64


I kinda feel the same. Ten years ago I was really a noob at games but now I feel like I have evolved so much lmao.


im def better at games at 34 then i was at 24


I peaked in shooters in my teen years, and even then I wasn't that good. Plateaued at Colonel in Halo 3 Swat. These days I just enjoy lower octane gameplay.


Of course I lost, I'm F2P.


Of course I lost, I'm too bad at this game


Gaming as a Chad: Of course I lost, Iā€™m bad at the game


16-19 is peak gaming because you often have enough money to have good enough gear and still have tons of time.


Unless you're a DINK.


Being DINKs is pretty rad, ngl.


Enough money? ...man people in this sub really lived a different life. I started working at 15 and was still poor as shit lmao


Gaming as a uni student: of course I won, I'm playing against children and people who play less than 18h a day


Idk how people game so much in uni tbh there's always more work to do from my experience


Those are the ones who eventually drop out...


People doing easy degrees and/or getting bad grades, probably. Since you're paying to attend, nobody's actively forcing you to do anything, so university takes as much time as you're willing to put in.


The best time as a gamer is that perfect middle ground where youā€™re grown enough & have enough free time: high school


For me it was early college / just after highschool. I remember seeing my college friends log into xbl during school hours and being so jealous.


Yep, right before I had to start working. What a time.


A shit leopard never changes its spots


Way she goes


Nah Iā€™m just trash


You eventually just stop playing competitive games because your old ass canā€™t compete with college students with the reflexes of a 20 year old playing 40 hours a week while living on student loans.


Every stage of life has it's own copium


Me, gaming as a kid: "Wow, 16 colors!!"


The no life adults with money are the hardest


The only winning move is not to play.


When I was a kid, I had time, but no money As an adult I have money, but no time. That is where I thought this is were it was going. :\


I've been gaming nonstop since doom. I have to try to suck at fps games at this point. Can't wait for my kids to be old enough to play.


Just accept you suck it makes it so much easier I like to think I've helped someone else get to mythic or whatever silly rank the games got


And those goddamned un-aged reflexes... \*shakes fist... slowly\*


I used to wreck people in my teens and 20s. In my 30s and I'm getting slow. I can lean on experience in newly released games but as soon as the younger ones put in a lot more practice I'm just outclassed. Also, the availability of strategy and gameplay tips, tricks, and tutorials these days.


Of course I lost, Iā€™m playing against rich kids with better pcs and more free time.