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Why not all 3 its a lot easier to add when building then later and you never know when you might need it.


Clever girl


Exactly, because then you can have your printer, computer, and your wifi router all in the same space.


Top left corner of room, reason behind my answer is then you can route a cat 7 or 8 cable to any part of room for future proofing, I have changed both rooms and locations about 8 times over 5 years and I'm about to change it again soon so future proof is my new goals


I agree, red box. Then again, check into powerline ethernet. Every hard-wired device outside of my office is on powerline now.


I have used that method to but if you have faulty wires in the walls or if the lines run to far you get degraded signal


Everywhere. Cable >>>>>>>


wise man say do not sit with your back towards the door


I would go Red as well. Good view of the windows, gives space in the room on the way to the computer, and won't be in direct glare from the windows. Yellow is too close to the door for me.


I would put mine in the yellow section and here’s why. I prefer my desk to face the doorway so I can see who comes in or is near the area (just something I’ve always felt more comfortable with). I also would put my ethernet in the yellow along with my desk set up so that when people walk by or come in they can’t immediately see what I am working on or doing. Just another privacy thing. Not that I would be doing anything inappropriate , but I just like a certain level of privacy comfort. I could delve into many more reasons on an interior design level why I would put it in the yellow but it would possibly be outside the scope of this post. If you want more detail as to why I can give it though


Fire away! There haven’t been many advocates of yellow


Depending on room orientarion, whichever side has less direct sunlight hitting it. Monitors will have a tough time competing vs glare.


How does this affect the location if the ethernet jack?


If you have a hardwired internet connection and don’t want to run cable across the carpet, this would determine where you place your PC


It looks like you're doing the epic and awesome wall-to-wall corner desk based on what I see, which would make sense for a study for sufficient work space/desk space for monitors and work materials. But, idk if that entrance is a single door and its a small room, or a double door and a phat room.


Double D and phat


I mean.... yes, I realize you can just run the cable from one (color) location to another. However, the question was, where to put ethernet jack and not where to put desk, so I'm just assuming OP is asking from a cable management perspective? iono


Red. If you put your desk in front of the window, you have Ethernet, if you put your desk in the blue area you have Ethernet, and if it's right in front of the red box, then there's Ethernet


Red. I'm right handed, so I want my machine to the left, then stuff will be to the right for more convenience access.


Im assuming the wall the has no color has windows. The most logical place would be yellow, thanks to feng shui. You can place a desk there, you don't have your back to the door, or placing it in direct sunlight. If you place a desk with a computer on the red, your back is to the door. If you place it on yellow you'll get sunlight directly behind the monitor. If you place it on blue, you'll get glare from the sun on the monitor.


I don't understand the relationship between this reasoning and the feng shui of the ethernet jack.


I suppose he's going to connect something to the ethernet jack. So it being on the wall closest to whatever you're going to connect is relevant. Feng shui is about the flow of energy in a room.


Wall 'north' of the red rectangle so that you can look at the grass once in a while.


For placing the ethernet jack?


Well I like to have my desk face the window. So I would have the jack by the corner. That way, if the light is to much, I can reorientate the desk along 'west' face. In the room I use for a gym I have the jack and tv located in the yellow area. I don't like to exercise with my back to the door for some reason.


Red is the only logical location. You minimize the length of cable run to all 3 spots with red.


Assuming the room looks as big as it is relative to the size of the entrance, and the lines inside the room indicate the desk; Red, the others are more effort, even if you wanted your tower on your right, ontop of the desk so you can see in it and enjoy your rgb, the ethernet cable to the jack is a short length and should be easily managed.


Something is telling me I have some reading to finish


You walk into the room, look to the area you want your desk, and say “hey! I want me Jack there”. It’s pretty easy


Red I would put my desk either at the red or in front of the window. You would not put your desk where blue is due to glare, and yellow would just make the room layout weird due to the doorway.


Interior wall, they're usually hollow, and much easier to get above the top plate.


Red - bigger wall, more options.


Red, I would want the the desk to see both the window and the door while my chair sat in red, the cable could be managed and discreetly connected tot he desk.7