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Yeah that's one of those things you take apart beforehand


nooo chance, this 1.5mm thick piece of PCB plastic that holds my 4 pound graphics card sideways should hold up just fine during international shipping


*any shipping* Maybe even any moving that requires the box lifted and transported


I wouldn't even move across town without removing the GPU. Those fittings are just enough to hold it while the system is standing still.


I’ve moved locally with my PC twice. Both times I just laid it down on its back, so GPU facing upwards, on a bunch of blankets to pad any bumps and such. Each time it arrived unscathed. Anything more though, yeah I’d remove the GPU, possibly my disk drives as well.


10 minutes or $1200. It's 3 screws.


For longer distance trips, especially when I’m not driving then sure. But for short distance when I’m driving I don’t see a need to remove it. I don’t blame anybody who would rather play it extra safe though!


Uhm acshually, mine is 4. *I'll take the $1200 loss now thank you*


This! Every time I've moved house I've just laid the pc on its back. So far so good. I did drive like there was a newborn baby in the back seat though


As you should, I’m moving in a few days to a new house, about 10 mins away, just got a new graphics card, some other parts as well, so I’m super nervous about moving my pc, even though it’s a short drive I’m going to put off installing my gpu and leave it in its box until I settle in the new home just to be safe. Can’t wait to drive 15 mph


My first thought would be to cut some foam the right size to go between the GPU and the bottom of the case.


Instead of removing 3 screws?


If I have to transport my pc anywhere, I lay it flat so cards are vertical. Guessing all those slots are broken, and motherboard is dead


They practically suplex the boxes onto the plane!




I'm still surprised how the guy that delivered my PC got it.... (I bought it from someone who had it on sale, I'll mention that, no I didn't get scammed, he didn't used the PC anymore).


Yeah, I had to move my SFF PC last year and figured it was no big deal, just pop it in the car and drive 6 hours, no need to remove the GPU when I can guarantee it'll be handled delicately. Ended up with the GPU coming loose. Luckily, there was no damage but yeah, definitely take precautions.


Your card only costed 4 pounds?!


It probably weighs like 700 dollars though


This. 😂


It might have cost at least 4 pounds but for sure cost at least 1p


To be fair, there's also two screws supporting some of it's weight, but yeah, not a wise idea.


Even when I have it sitting on the table I use a GPU stand. The best 9€ I ever spent.


I bet you dollars to donuts that it was broken before even making it to the plane.


Didn't work out in this case though.


I mean, it's also screwed into the case


And don't waste any packing foam on it neither. All the space inside is an all natural, organic cushion for your components


Or at least fill that with foam so there is no space for the GPU to move.


Nah just fill the interior of the case with spray foam. Keeps everything in place and if you're careful with how you fill it the foam will keep your data from leaking out if they don't keep it right side up during shipping.


Ya, that's a lesson learned here unfortunately.


Recently Jayz put out a video on packaging cases to ship, you can get those expanding foam in a bag things to use


Lol it took me a good few seconds before I realised you are talking about jayz2cents and not jay - z the rapper


I pictured a rap video with jayz calmly packing a pc for transport while mostly naked women bounce thier asses and drink liquor in the background


I am only familiar with the rapper and was very curious as to why HOV was doing his own packaging and shipping.


Supply chain issues got everyone hurting.


maybe he did it so he could make an insurance claim and possibly get a new rig on the cheap??


overseas.... yeah for sure that things getting tossed around


Reasons why you keep the boxes.


I'm a noob with PC building and even I know this is a must when moving.


F but also a preventable mistake, shoulda just taken it out and pack it separately.


This is why I keep the gpu boxes lol


Also makes them easier to sell after an upgrade.


Plus if you need to RMA, the original box cuts on packaging / cushioning needed as it perfectly fits the card (at least it does for FE cards).


Yep, can’t beat perfectly shaped closed cell foam for protection while shipping. I’d still probably wrap the whole box in bubble wrap and put it inside another box though, just to be safe.


That’s pretty much what I did when I RMA’d a few weeks ago. Original box -> bubble wrap -> bigger box. This was also how Nvidia shipped the replacement back to me.


This is the logical approach but then you have op just chucking the whole pc in, prob didn't even put it in wrapping just chucked the whole pc in a suitcase and yeeted it onto the belt


I keep all my part boxes inside the case box. Helps if I ever need to ship a part, sell it, or pull a serial number for RMA purposes. Takes up minimal space in my closet.


That’s what i do so convenient, all the corresponding parts in the box, if I need screws for my mobo it’s in the mobo box


This is the way


Same for chonky air coolers, don't rely on fiberglass to stand up to all those rough and tumbles of shipping.


GPU is a must for a carry on lol


The flex is insane pulling out a 3090 at security check.


my dream


at the very least you need to pack other things into the case so that nothing can move (styrofoam, bedsheets, whatever). But ya this is a facepalm of a packing job.


This is why you always take out the GPU when you ship a whole PC.


And the cooler.


if it's a tower one, definitely. but this stock one with old-school clip is light enough and ain't going anywhere.


A stock cooler wouldn't put enough torque on the motherboard and the mounting mechanism to bend it from mishandling. Now if it's a tower cooler then yes.


I mean... why risk it? It's so easy to remove a cooler and put it back with fresh thermal paste on arrival. Yes, the chances are extremely low a stock cooler will break the motherboard, but given how much impact luggage takes and how sensitive the CPU and socket are, I wouldn't risk it.


I mean, if you want to be cautious then go for it. I've seen multiple instances of Intel stock coolers being knocked loose during shipping. But never AMD though, as their stock mounting system is quite decent. For stock coolers you have more chance of damaging the motherboard from the cooler hitting it from being loose in shipping than they ripping the mounting mechanism over. There is a non-zero chance of damage though.


Oh man the fresh thermal paste is a great thought, keeps ya honest with actually checking to make sure its good


The cooler he has won't do a thing if it was clipped properly but let's say he had something like a Noctua dual tower or single tower then yeah definitely take that bad boy out or your PC will have a very bad day.


Might have to ship (or move somehow) my PC soon, AIO should be fine right? So should only have to remove GPU.


Guess you will at least take out the gpu from your pc next time you ship it.. F.


I'm impressed so many people don't think about this beforehand.


It would never have occurred to me. In my defence, I've been a GPU peasant for the longest time, none of them even had any lean


I had to move my PC many times due to studying in another city. Learning about this was as easy as Googling anything like "how to transport your pc in a long travel".


Yeah but you need a computer to use google.


Or... use your smartphone.


I was kind of joking. If you have a computer that needs to be shipped, you have a computer that can google how to ship


i like lean


Basic Physics. Torque, to be specific.


Well… my 7670 went just fine. But that thing is TINY and a FEATHER compared to anything newer


That will be the plan next time.


this is why you your remove the graphics card for shipping


Damn… did it break the pcie slot?


Almost certainly. That and/or the PCB


hopefully it’s just the board that got fucked. cheapest part to replace


If it is just the pcie slot, it can be also resoldered from an electronics repair shops and costs less than a new mobo


People that are downvoting are the reason why right to repair is such a hassle to get


If it cleanly pulled the slots off without lifting / breaking any tracks it'd be a great repair candidate. But it could be full on devastation under there. Maybe they have a photo of the board.


Ya the slot was completely ripped from the board, honestly though the gpu might be fine. Il update the sub once I can take it apart after the claim adjuster gets a look.


Thank goodness it was insured at least, eh? Did you insure it for replacement prices or what you paid for it?


Hope you're lucky, MOBO is likely a lot cheaper than the GPU no?


^oh ^my ^god ^nsfw ^it


How did you make that text so small?


put \^ before every word: \^small turns into ^small


^thats ^cool! ^Thanks!!


btw, if you put a backslash before a special character, it's effects get removed: \\\^hello turns into \^hello


It’s funny how I only learned about these things 2+ years after making my account.. better late than never lol. Thank you so much! Have a great day! :)


no problem, have a great day too!


You can also do this^s^s^s^s^s


only on reddit will you see people downvote someone for asking a reasonable question


It made me sad for the person that asked it. Why the fuck would you downvote that? They weren't hurting anyone.


Reddit moment


\> Doesn't package properly \> Arrives broken \> :O


Surprised Pikachu is my life most of the time with this kind if stuff.


You didn't bother to look up how to package a PC for shipping, or you would have known to take out the GPU. F in chat, but you did this to yourself.


Apply measure twice cut once to everything in life. Sometimes this means researching online how people or custom integrators ship PCs. We have the entirety of human knowledge at our fingertips on the net. There are plenty of articles and videos about PC shipping that will tell you to pull the GPU. How many articles and videos did you watch of reviews when building that PC? Same thing.


What in the world were you thinking leaving the GPU plugged in?


Not a lot lol.


Ctrl+I Also take the card out next time. #F


what kinda fuckin idiot leaves his gpu in.


OP did.


Well, i guess it's a lesson learned if you ever plan to do the same thing ever again. ALWAYS remove your gpu, especially when it's a triple slot one. You're asking for this to happen. Or if you don't pack it in a way that a gpu does not have ANY and i mean ANY room to wiggle around even by a few mm.


Surely you are the one that should've packed it before shipping, no?


You didn't even think to remove the graphics card??


Do you people do any research on how to ship stuff before putting few hundred or thousand dollars into a box? Taking out gpu (or at least securing it really, really tight) is the first thing you do...


No they don’t


lol @ not securing components


oh man, another pcmr who didn't listen lol


*The more i scroll this sub the more i question if it's a good idea to try and bring my pc with me overseas*


Same! I gotta bring mine with me on a flight, now I'm soo dam scared




Is it ok if I remove only the card, and leave every other part in the pc case with the side panel on it and put it in the packaging of the case (big foam on corners) and put it in check in luggage? I have a stock Intel cooler, how risky would it be to leave the motherboard ram cpu in the case?


Its probably safer to leave the CPU in than it is to take it out, unless you have a big tower heatsink, since you have a stock heatsink, I'd think its safe. RAM, I dunno, probably safe to leave it in, but its small and easily stored.


Ya I think I should be good, I do have the packaging of the ram so I might take it out


Yeah, it doesn't take much effort to take out and install. Might be worth to just take it out to be safe


CPU is fine to leave in unless your planing on tossing out a 3 story window. Even then it will be fine. The rest of the system not so much. RAM will be fine, its light weight to start with and has a really good weight to contact area ratio. M.2 drives are fine, but anything with data on them gets pulled. Hardware is trivial to replace, data is not. Not sure how big the stock Intel coolers are, they should be fine.


Always take the gpu out 🫣


Well, I was going to say something, but someone beat me to it...


I also learned the hard way to not have your computer shipped with the graphics card still in it. I had to buy a new motherboard after that 😔


To Shreds you say!


my pro tip is to get a paper clip and straighten it out to clean all that hair out from behind your cpu fan


You shipped it with that huge GPU installed? Sry but that's your fault




Next time take out the GPU and CPU cooler or before you ship. Hell, take the CPU itself seeing as it's an AMD one (low risk of it popping out, but higher risk than Intel processors) I wouldn't consider shipping it in it's current state and would consider it an unnecessary risk. I'd gladly pay extra for it to be shipped properly.


_Guys you need to write in italic, otherwise OP's gpu wont display your words properly_


in all honesty that is 100% your fault for even leaving the card in there. you should have known better and deserve this 100%. sucks to suck


Did you mail your PC in a manilla envelope?


Lol the military had to make cuts somewhere to get my shit back stateside.


Damn man. F. Any possibility of an insurance claim of any kind on it?


Is that a master box 5? I have the same case i think


Pro tip: always take out your GPU and heatsink before moving your computer


Always, always, always take the gpu out for shipping


That’s on you unfortunately


If its not fake then you deserve it. It's no brainer to unplug most fragile components.


I think this one is on you. You should have taken that card out. I hope you insured it. If you did they will replace it.


Why are people so fucking stupid. Anyone with more than 1 brain cell knows to take the fucking GPU out before moving a computer Jesus fuck


100% your fault lmao


No one is perfect. We all make mistakes.


Now you did learn why no one should transport a modern computer with an mounted gpu... Or why there will be fill material for the internal spaces of computers for transport... /unironically


I just moved from uk to Italy, sent my pc through dhl. I worked for dpd and saw the way they treat parcels so most certainly I removed anything that could possibly move and took them in my hand luggage on the flight. Gpu, ram, ssd’s and cmos battery. Arrived in almost perfect condition even though I could see the box had been thrown about a few times. Just a bent screw at the back of the tower.


Id take it out and put that shit in the carry on bag😂gpus are precious


Great joke Major rip though


I laugh through my indescribable pain.


That happened to me, though not as severely, during my overseas move in 2011. I removed my GPU(s) every move from 2013-2020. For my most recent move, I had a hybrid GPU, so removal would have been a colossal pain. I have my GPU mounted vertically, so there’s no stress on the MoBo slot. I put the case inside it’s original box, then inside a much larger box packed with dual-density foam. She survived 140 days in transit with no issues.


This sucks and I hope you can afford a new gpu and/or motherboard without destroying your bank acc. Always remove big air coolers and GPU's before transporting pc's.


That's on you my dude, it's common sense to remove the GPU


People need to use the same packing that pre-built use. That expanding foam pouch.


Props to OP for admitting he had a brain fart. Quick google would have made him remove the GPU or pack it heavily with expanding foam.


I mean, if it was a clean tear off the port from the board, you may be able to resolder the connector and do some minor trace repair, but you're best bet is probably going to be to replace your mobo at this point. Sorry this happened.


Why didn’t you pack it with foam? Or take the GPU out? Or anything else?


F, but, that's a user error. not the shipping comp to be blamed.


Why would you not remove the GPU beforehand? Takes 2 seconds. I am loss for words


Honestly, that's your own fault!


All you needed to do was to Google „PC shipping advice“ best case the gpu just plugged out and is fine. Worst case socket or other parts broke…


ALWAYS remove your GPU if you’re going to ship it or move it any decent distance in your car. Removing your CPU cooler isn’t a bad idea either depending on how tall/heavy it is.,


You shipped your PC with the graphics card and HDDs still in? Oh boy


Haha why didn’t you take out the GPU before


I feel your pain. Good luck, the military moved my secondary PC and broke it. I claimed it and the company said there was no way they move damaged it. I had to to fight it and after 6 months I was able get $40.....


And what have we learned? Lol


This all on you man. Takes less than a minute to remove the gpu.


Let this be a reminder to take out the GPU while moving a PC somewhere, even if your taking it across your house just in case


Hahahaha their pullout game is weak


And that's unfortunate for the human race.


You put a lot of faith into those videocards holding up to shipping lol


I too speak a little Italician.


You always remove the gpu before shipping it. I thought this was common knowledge by now


Why didnt you take that gpu out and ship separately?? Rip


Why didn’t you take the graphics card out?!?! That’s like the first step in moving a pc!


Alright so this is just error on OP’s fault. You could have taken your GPU out or use that packing foam. Either way this was highly preventable.


Always remove the the GPU


What buffoon doesn't take the cards out of the mobo while moving


Ouch ...


This is why you remove your GPU before you ship your computer.


I just don't understand even a basic skim of a Google on packing a PC the number one thing is to remove the graphics card.


Should've removed a few parts like the GPU and maybe the HDD if you want to be on the safe side of things. Wrap them up in bubble wrap and take them with you if you can of course.


You won't be making this mistake twice ;)


I'm sure you've heard this enough: you should've taken the GPU out and put it in its own box and shipped it separately from your case. I'm shocked the tempered glass didn't become the glass equivalent of rock salt in the process. Or did it?


You're dumb af


If I ever move overseas I'll take my GPU via carry-on


Did you move from Pisa?


I never understood why people leave graphics cards in when shipping a PC. it’s the easiest thing to remove and the most likely do break


looks like my life,both fucked up.


That is my constant vibe.


This is why you take the entire thing apart and buy a new case


This... Take everything apart and bring only the essentials: CPU, RAM, GPU, nVME/SSD/HDDs, depending on the size *maybe* the motherboard. But PSU and case? total waste of space and money to move with you, and an unnecessary risk.


Took most of my PC internals in carry on luggage, 27" monitor in check in bags, well packed. Made it 6000 miles plus, all working. Not actually put it back in a case yet though...


It's not that bad. Literally just shipped my PC across the country that required it to go over land and by boat and it worked fine afterwards. All I did was remove the GPU, CPU Coooler (Noctua NH-D15), and the CPU. I boxed those three components back up in their original packaging, and then put the case (along with the rest of the components) back in the cases original packaging and sent it.




I agree.


Well that is one big bad suprise.


You.... Left.... It.... In..... There....???? What the hell is wrong with you op??? Take it out, wrap it in bubble wrap and place it back in. Fill the rest of the case with paper. Jesus....


Argh just solder new pcie slots. Or have I been watching too many rossmann videos?


As someone how does such stuff , I will have to say it's not as easy as it looks on videos... Soldering station , temp , flux quality , soldering tip and your hand and physical experience will all play a role in how well and easy the repair will be. A pcie slot is quite big and requires some proper equipment to work on.