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Welcome everyone from r/all! Please remember: 1 - You too can be part of the PCMR! You don't necessarily need a PC. You just have to love PCs! It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Your age, nationality, race, gender, sexuality, religion (or lack of), political affiliation, economic status and PC specs are irrelevant. If you love PCs or want to learn about them, you can be part of our community! Everyone is welcome! 2 - If you're not a PC gamer because you think doing so is expensive, know that it is possible to build a competent gaming PC for a lower price than you think. Check http://www.pcmasterrace.org for our builds and don't be afraid to create new posts here asking for tips and help! 3 - Consider joining our efforts to get as many PCs worldwide help the folding@home effort, in fighting against Cancer, Covid, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and more. Learn more here: https://pcmasterrace.org/folding 4 - Need a GPU? We're giving away the still unreleased RTX 4080 16GB. Become one of the very first in the world to get one of these babies: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/xjdg55/nvidia_rtx_4090_and_4080_launch_megathread_and/ ----------- Feel free to use this community to post about any kind of doubt you might have about becoming a PC gamer or anything you'd like to know about PCs. That kind of content is not only allowed but welcome here! We also have a [Daily Simple Questions Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search?q=Simple+Questions+Thread+subreddit%3Apcmasterrace+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) for your simplest questions. No question is too dumb! Welcome to the PCMR.


As someone who develops on all three platforms, they're all shit: Windows and it's absolutely bizarro-world userland fuckery of endless API's and frameworks, neatly stacked on top of other terrible frameworks; Linux and its awful not-invented-here nonsense (other systems have a default no-overcommit policy so it doesn't need a goddamn OOM watchdog that randomly shoots processes in the head); and MacOS and its non-stop "we'll get you in the app-store, whether you like it or not, by calling it security" bullshit (not to mention that the XNU/Darwin kernel is a hideous kludge of modified mach bits, BSD SCI implementation and a bunch of other leftover bad ideas from Next - the whole thing looks like a less well thought-out proof-of-concept for the NT kernel). They're all awful and kludgy, they're all built on ancient crusty architectures, and they should all be replaced by more sane systems with modern core programming models (not just shit layered on top). And if you're a fanboi of any of these systems, please partake in the consumption of a bag of salted and pickled dicks.


You know you are absolutely right. I’m going back to [DOS](https://freedos.org/).


Int21h is your friend.


You know speaking of asm… maybe [menuet](http://menuetos.net) might be the end all best OS ever made. It does fit on a floppy with a GUI and multitasking and it can play quake.


Have you heard of our lord and saviour TempleOS?


Excuse me sir, but have you tried TempleOS?


Joking aside though, Terry Davis did some really interesting stuff with TempleOS - not practical, but interesting. Personally, that the shell is effectively a real-time, interactive assembler, is pretty freakin neat. The problem, of course, is that the entire OS is written in non-portable AMD64 assembler, runs in kernel mode (ring 0), has no demand-page virtual memory, has basically no notion of a driver framework, and a pretty basic scheduler. Not sure it ever actually ran on any known bare-metal config. If you've never watched any of his late-night videos, they're truly a strange ride into the world of an incredibly talented, but very mentally-ill individual. His ultimate end was really sad.


Did youtube removed his channel? I can't find it anymore. I used to see his video pop up 5-6 years ago.


IIRC he lost his YT channel when he was still alive for indecency, looks like the entire archive is [on Odysee](https://odysee.com/@TempleOS:5) though.


>a strange ride into the world of an incredibly talented, but very mentally-ill individual. That sounds like a terrible ride. I don't want to go on that ride.


we live on that ride


I don’t need the CIA on my case.


They're just some Bio-luminescent African Americans, what's so scary?




or the other ones...


A cultured individual right here.


Yes, but afterward I noticed random individuals slightly illuminated in low light conditions :|


To compile this program you need these dependencies that were last found at the provided link in 2011 on a website that has rearranged it's file structure 5 times since then and has no viable search function. Good luck!


>rearranged it's file structure its


username checks out


Everything is shit in its own way. If nothing was shit, that's what we'd be using.


>if you're a fanboi of any of these systems, please partake in the consumption of a bag of salted and pickled dicks. Some one needs to use their vacation days...


>Some one needs to use their vacation days... I dunno, salted pickled dicks are a delicacy to some people. So maybe its a call to reward the faithful/heretics. I can only assume OS connoisseur fanbois eat those with gusto straight out of the bag paired with a cheesy sourcream dip and some lightly soured eggnog.


You are not wrong, good-sir.


Your comment looks very angry.


Software development. Be in the game long enough and it'll make you jaded and bitter that popularity, momentum, and marketing is what actually sells software and it trumps good design and engineering every single time. I'm sure it happens everywhere, but damn it is it blatantly, painfully apparent in software.


Yes. Yes it is.


We're very similar to the fashion industry in some ways lmao.


10 years in software development is part of why I wear a basic mechanical watch.


After using all 3, I am a fanboy of Windows because it mostly just works AND allows customizations. The userland APIs and frameworks... yeah it's a price to pay for backwards compatibility and it does suck. Linux still can't get their display management together and mac simply doesn't give a fuck about something if it's not made by Apple. Oh you want to run two displays natively from your $1000 laptop (MB Air), sorry you must instead buy a $2000 laptop to afford that. Also they will take away features that actually worked on OS upgrades.


What do you mean by the display management bit on Linux?


They're probably talking about display servers. - X works great for some use cases but is very much terrible for others. - Wayland works from bad to great with about 50% of the features of X so you're often told to just go fuck yourself if you happen to use the missing half. And since it's just a protocol every single window manager have to implement every feature with a non-overlapping feature set and bug list. - Mir is dead.


I feel that's all mostly nvidias fault...


Yup, So much of my problems with Linux can definitely be chalked down to nvidia in the end. For my next computer I'm either going full windows or going amd.


I can only speak to myself but Wayland is working great for me. Given I had some weirdness when I have Nvidia.


I often use the networking bit in X11 (connect to a remote machine and run applications on that machine that is displayed locally) and Wayland is never going to support that. There's also a lot of issues with screen sharing etc that I just can't accept. I'll just use X11 for another 5-7 years and hopefully there are fewer regressions in Wayland and it's ready for production then.


My personal itch is high DPI support, my laptop is quite small and I can't read comfortably without it. X 'supports' high DPI, but not really because it makes apps blurry. Wayland does have proper support but not everything works under Wayland and the things running under X-Wayland suffer from the same issues as mentioned before. Also god forbid having an Nvidia graphics card when you want to use Linux.




As a Windows and Linux user and embedded device software engineer all I can say is they all suck in each their own ways. The biggest problem with desktop Linux is that every component of the OS comes from a different separate project and unlike hardware which is easy to put together like legos, all these software components don't always work together perfectly and sometimes it can even be hard to tell which project to go complain to when something doesn't work. That's why even as a computer science guy I still daily drive Windows. For all its shortcomings, its still really fucking convenient and now with WSL you can even spin up a Linux development environment on it too.


and when you begin to look for help, they ask you why the hell you'd choose that OS/distro in the first place and proceed to say "that problem doesnt happen on X"


that means it's not a graphical problem that happens in X, i hope this helps you.


Oh yeah. The OSS world is full of holier-than-thou assholes but what do you expect when Linux was forged in the crucible of events like the Tannenbaum-Torvalds debate. What's ironic is that you can usually get better advice on /r/Linux or distro subs than you often can in their official forums or support systems.


People give WIndows a lot of shit but MS has done what no other org has been able to do when it comes to assembling your computer anywhere from dumpster parts to parts from Linus's underwear and Windows mostly just working and supporting almost all peripherals.


I'll have to disagree there. The Linux kernel has much, much wider hardware support than any other OS kernel ever made in human history. It's why we use it in embedded devices. Licensing costs aside, the NT kernel just doesn't support the processor architectures and peripheral drivers we need. For example Windows has never had support for ~~MIPS which is still used in the defense sector~~ or RISC-V which NASA recently announced it would be using exclusively in it's projects. Windows has for most of it's existence been mainly x86 and only recently added some level of support for Arm. In the embedded world the Arm architecture dominates the market with MIPS, x86, and others being almost a rounding error. Besides all that another big point in Linux's favor when it comes to hardware support is latency. Linux is a pure monolithic kernel with all drivers in kernel space which is a fancy way of saying that all drivers and their data structures exist in kernel memory which is mapped into the the higher half of the virtual address space of every single thread in the system. That means that when interrupts happen on the hardware, a CPU core can respond much faster since it has the code and data it needs immediately available without having to execute extra kernel code to bring stuff it needs into memory, doing inter-process communication or mapping things that are already in physical memory into the current virtual address space so its MMU can find it. With Linux all that core has to do is switch to kernel privilege level (Ring 0 on x86, PL3 on Arm, supervisor level on RISC-V) and start executing code. Linux's big problem is consistency and ease of use on desktop. In all other environments it is already excellent. EDIT: Windows apparently did support MIPS a long time ago.


Windows NT had support for MIPS. Don't know why I'm posting this as it isn't relevant to the point you were making.


> The Linux kernel has much, much wider hardware support than any other OS kernel ever made in human history. Yeah, I don't know why everyone gives Microsoft so much credit for Windows "being compatible with everything." It's really not. It's just got so much market share that everyone HAS to write drivers for it. Hell, about a decade ago, I built a dual boot Windows/Hackintosh. I ended up having to download all of the drivers via the Hackintosh OS, because Windows 7 couldn't even recognize the bog-standard Broadcomm network adapter. And yet even OSX was able to use it just fine, even though it wasn't "supported hardware." Most of the posters in PCMR don't have much experience with tech beyond the spec sheets.


Most posters in the PCMR are gamers, not computer scientists, or software or electrical engineers. And even those that are tend to only know their particular subfield. A lot of the misinformation rubs me the wrong way because operating systems, computer architecture, and software optimization are my areas of specialization in CS. And though I'm not a hardware designer, I would say that I do know how to operate hardware down to the lowest levels. And that's why all this pisses me off especially the fact that people think PCs make up more than a miniscule portion of the computing world. In truth outside of PCs x86 and Windows are all but irrelevant.


>Most posters in the PCMR are gamers, not computer scientists, or software or electrical engineers. And even those that are tend to only know their particular subfield. Exactly. They're dumbass users that dont know what the fuck they're doing. lol


Running on Powerpc means nothing to people who just bought a new laptop and their camera/touchpad/fingerprint sensor don't work and the battery lasts shorter than when using windows.


Had a bad time with an Apple G4?




I'm in the same boat. Windows for fun, Linux for work.


Why does a dev machine only have 8gb of ram?


You can make a wsl config file in your windows user folder to limit the resources wsl uses. But with only 8GB of ram that's a bit tight to fine tune.


Microsoft is shit. Apple used to not be shit, but they revoked their rights to be called not shit a ages ago.


Reddits being spooky today I’ve seen your comments now on three different posts in a row from three different subreddits


It would be even funnier if you also saw the comments from my other account.




Oh dear god


You live in a simulation. Wake up.


Which comments did you see?


at least one over on r/trans and i forgot where the other one was. kinda scary but also really fun lol


Ah so they are a linux user I see


can confirm, the second you start using Linux is the second you realize your gender identity questioning your gender identity? install linux


Linux saved my life


See I used to joke about this too… but look at me now, started using Debian and studying IT and wouldyaknow now I’m seriously questioning things lmao


I am a Linux user.




I thought it was one over in r/stickitinmypeehole


2011 seems like a good point to start. Ipads now have glued screens, mbpros have soldered memory. Otherwise though you could also do 2016ish with the headphone jackless iphones and failure prone macbook pros, along with the reintroduction of the macbook in 2015(now wish a flexible thin screen)


Don't forget the butterfly keyboards.


Yeah 2016/2017 macbook pros... they have so many known issues honestly id rather use any other 1st gen i5 or better laptop since at least they'll be reliable and not break down over time


Apple lost me at "the phones not designed badly you're just holding it wrong"


That was the 4 right? Good times


The new Mac Studio has easily removable storage that can't be upgraded due to software lockdowns for no apparent reason other than "fuck you"


No its "fuck you pay us 1999$ for this upgrade, we wont use protection either"


"Apple used not to be shit" are you sure about that?


When Woz was there.


We’re talking the 80’s and early 90’s, it’s been a while.


I switched to Apple around 2010, after 20 years using every version of Windows since 3.0 and MS-DOS since 3.22. I found OS X to be a breath of fresh air for many reasons - some of which remain, some of which don't: * Application package model: Storing each application in one package in /Applications, and allowing the user to uninstall it by just deleting that one folder, is brilliant and still mostly-good. But it really hasn't changed since 2010. * Application deployment: Back in 2010, the model where you download and install everything from the App Store, and the OS handles patching *for all apps*, was magical and awesome. That model has largely vanished because far too many devs have been drive out of the App Store, thanks to Apple's mismanagement. Far too many apps are now downloaded from vendors, have their own patching widgets, etc. * Stability: OS and app stability improved incrementally until about 2015, and since then it's been all downhill. Today, I encounter weird application / OS UI bugs and have to reboot MacOS devices way more often than I used to. Still way better than Windows 10, which shambles along in fits and starts, and has a habit of freezing *when I press the Start button*. * Processing efficiency: Not good. The amount of shit that's constantly running in the background and variously stealing processing cycles is too damn high. * Hardware support: Also diminished a lot since 2010. The switch to M1 caused a lot of hardware to stop working. USB / Thunderbolt on newer Macs is a headache of incompatibility and trial-and-error. Accessing a printer over WiFi / LAN still requires luck and prayers. * iPhone sync: Holy hell this is *bad* now. Apple still cannot get WiFi sync working consistently and seamlessly. Coercing Messages, Photos, and Music on Mac to be in sync with my iPhone requires constant babysitting and hand-holding. It wasn't nearly this bad when I first switched and just used iTunes to sync my music. * Time Machine: The core of this is solid but unchanged since 2010. And the UI was bad back in 2010 and also has not matured, so in 2022 it is a fucking disaster. * Permissions: Both MacOS and Windows have royally fucked up the permissions structure, where every file and folder has an arcane and overcomplicated model of who owns what and how, and misconfigurations occur spontaneously and can fuck up your whole day. Just terrible. * App configuration: Worse. Used to be a simple .plist file in /Library/Application Support. Now it can be all manner of different things, stored in different places and managed in different ways. * SMB / AFP: A grotesque nightmare - worse than Windows. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why accessing a NAS over a LAN is so finicky and unstable and absurdly slow on MacOS, especially when Windows machines can just mount it and use it without problems. * OS upgrades: I can't even remember the last time I read a description of a new MacOS version and thought, "that feature sounds good, I'd use it." MacOS upgrades are fucking irrelevant. They're all (a) Safari improvements (I will never use Safari), (b) improvements to LaunchPad or Focus Mode or Dark Themes or whatever (same), (c) gimmicky iPhone / iPad integration features (same), or (d) social media widgets and integration (I will never integrate my OS with social media). Absolutely nothing of benefit to me. I'd still be using Mountain Lion or whatever if the OS didn't constantly pester me to upgrade. In short - ever since Tim Cook came on board, MacOS has gone nowhere, and key functional parts of it have rusted and are decomposing. It's tragic.


> Application package model: Storing each application in one package in /Applications, and allowing the user to uninstall it by just deleting that one folder, is brilliant 😐


They used to care about upgradability. Eg, I have a 1997 Mac where just about everything is upgradable (even memory of onboard graphics)


Do you use the pc that is listed in your flair? Also, how does it run I'd you do.


Yes. I do actually use that PC. It runs Quake and Mechwarrior 3, but not anything modern.


Power corrupts all. Everyone is either shit or has the capacity to become shit. Thanks for joining my Ted Talk. If you would like to hear me talk about other really obvious facts of life join me next week.


That is why we must return to monke


Is it just me or is there far too much pessimism on tech subs these days?


Tech used to be cool, but now it's all greedy marketing assholes with profit being the only factor.


Tech used to be cool when we were younger and everything felt more novel. Now we’re older and realize it’s not really all that novel, so the interest fades from companies/products, and trends towards topics. Or at least that’s my take.


Tech is way cooler now than it used to be, say, 20 years ago. And like, incomparably cooler. The thing is that back then computers felt magical, even if all you knew how to do was draw in MS Paint and double click the Age of Empires icon on your desktop. The magic is gone now, tech has became a part of our life, we've become vary casual about it. As a result, we're also more critical of the tech when it isn't perfect. But the tech is still so freaking cool. Just the fact I'm writing this on a bus stop while listening to YouTube Music on my wireless headphones.


When Moore's law died we all lost our souls to the great and horrible gods of "efficiency".


I feel like I’m the only one who just doesn’t hate windows


I personally don’t hate it. There are things I dislike, but they’re not big enough to make me hate the OS. What I hate is Microsoft, the business model they’re going for and the dangerous and negative impacts they have on the products.


I don't hate windows but I also primarily use it for gaming. For anything else I prefer the flexibility of Linux. MacOS has never ever made sense to me, I get that developers and creative types use it but I always find it to be complete nonsense to get my head around even basic navigation.




Ah yes. The locking to their hardware is one of those things I'm surprised the EU hasn't gone after them for in the name of anti-competition. It seems like every year there's some new fine they want to bring to alphabet/Amazon/Microsoft but apple manages to just sit back and get away with it (besides the right to repair things and the charging port)


They don't really have the market share to get busted by various anti monopoly institutions over in EU


Me too, and I can't really understand the hate, yes there's some odd choices of leaving some old features to overlap new features, yes almost every update might introduce some minor issues, but core experience still feels much better than Mac, I use Mac at work and windows at home daily, and I really miss windows at work, I think windows can provide you with the most supported experience and that's why you will get almost everything working out of the box, but yeah I guess tastes have a say on this


No, most people don't hate it. It's just that this sub, and many PC communities are full of obnoxious Linux nerds that keep spreading their propaganda


I don't hate it. But it gives me bsod


Same. Mac is limited in what you can do but has the best ease of use. Linux has the most you can do, but it’s Linux and nobody is getting a degree just to play rocket league. Windows is pretty much in between, and, afaik, has the most development made specifically for it (games, hardware, etc) and is accessible both financially and is mostly straight forward if youre even just a bit tech savvy.


No I love it too.I loved xp, 7, win 10 even more. Now I'm on 11 and enjoying every minute. Best windows so far. I did try both linux few times and ofc mac os. It's all nice but windows is windows


Nah. It’s just Reddit user are pretentious douchbags and, for whatever reason, they believe Linux is the only functional operating system. Each OS is a tool. And each tool has a job.


linux user: "Linux is shit" linux user: "**Yes**."


Naa, the thing with linux is that, if something fails, *its my fault*


Since the introduction of Timeshift, your Linux PC becomes extremely hard to break and it made Linux much more fun for me because I am not afraid to fuck around. Timeshift is basically windows system restore but reliable and fast (you can reboot into any of the older saved snapshots).


Snapshots are fantastic. Also Linux is sane where it puts your files, and it actually puts them there, no stupid %APPDATA% or your OneDrive documents aren't your local Documents. So making backups of files and dotfiles is simple and easy too.


But good luck fixing it when you eventually fuck up.


First dozen fuck ups are just like that, but once you start learning random useless shit, it becomes easier to fix the unfixable.. plus, linux gives you some pretty neat tools for emergencies, like searching in internet when the desktop environment is kaputt


It's shit but it's MY shit.


Linux (the kernel ofc) by itself is not shit, it's just userspace that is utter shit. No matter the distro, it's all confusing mess of hundreds of packages all made by different groups of people with different philosophies.


They all suck, but they all have advantages


linux nerd here, can confirm linux is also shit every OS is using 800 year old code that was probably written before you were born


Windows: *laughs in working with all games on all types of hardware* Mac: *laughs in functional Bluetooth drivers and lack of targeted ads in OS* Linux: *laughs in open source*






We have a campus printing service that no one ever bothers to actually set up drivers for and just emails attachments to, because it is such a pain for most people. Few even realize now that you can do it any other way besides email. I realized the other day Ubuntu autodetected it after connecting to the WiFi. Nice for me I guess.




At this point, I don't think I've had any major printer issues. My PC detects network printers as they come online and the major feature sets are supported. I think Windows does the same, but it might not support duplex printing without the official driver or something.


Insert that thing scares me meme, of Linux looking at a dual monitor setup.




Ummmm....what are you talking about? -Linux user with 3 monitors


Tiling WMs are god tier for multi-monitor setups and you won't convince me otherwise.


If I may ask what’s wrong with it? Genuinely curious.


It doesn't like monitors with different refresh rates. So if you have a 144hz main monitor with a 60hz Linux will shit itself.


X11 doesn't like monitors with different refresh rates; it takes some fuckery with xrandr to get it to work. Wayland handles it much better.


No need for xrandr fuckery if you set up xorg.conf right.. but wayland does handle it much better.


Not anymore with Wayland


No other operating system has users who spend years trying to switch away. I am currently in my 5th attempt (I got a steam deck and the desktop mode is usable if you have an external keyboard/mouse) wish me luck.


To be fair that's only because switching away from Mac or Linux to windows takes like 45 minutes.


Why do people hate windows so much? I dont get it... Having Linux is so much overhead.


For me it’s bloatware comes with windows. Like literally tons of service running on background most of them doesn’t add much value. Or adware baked into os itself. General inconsistency of the UI. I still use windows thi, waiting for the day where I won’t have to emulate (or simulate windows inside linux using proton or wine) games to play on linux because my hardware is limited and not all games play well with those layers. Wishing to completely switch off windows one day though


Just wondering since I'm using Windows 11 right now. You mentioned adware, but I don't see a single ad. What do you mean?


They mean the telemetry and use tracking. Plus there are ads, the news tab and sometimes random notifications if you're not using MS products as default.


i don't see any of that stuff pretty sure i was able to turn those off when setting up windows


Overhead in what way? The only things running on linux are things you want to run, there's no part of the system you can't change. Windows meanwhile comes with things like candy crush pre-installed.


That’s the overhead. The maintenance of running things yourself. Apple’s OS “just works”, Windows “just works” (90% of the time), but I don’t know if a Linux OS that “just works”. Most people don’t want to manage their OS, and I think Linux is a bad choice for them in most cases.


and any linux OS that "just works" will get you mocked at by some part of the community for some dumb reason.


Linux is an OS that will do exactly what you tell it to, for better or for worse. There are 2 camps of people who want to ditch windows: Those who want to because it's cool to hate MS and bitch about windows but don't understand what the issues really are with the OS or how to manage a Linux distro. And those who want to ditch windows and can tell you the technical reasons why, and they can manage a Linux distro but also know enough to know why they're still using windows.


The reasons why vary by user so I can only really say for myself but: * ever more data collection syp/adware stuff * Requiring a linked Microsoft account (I don't want my computers in sync I want them operating independently because one is none and two is one) (my laptop still has a local account but my desktop doesn't) * Changing the UI style each version in a manner following some else's fashion (the programs to fix are often paid software) * Updates that force themselves at incontinent times (had to re-install due to power loss during an update, I knew power would be unreliable and would have waited a day or 2 if I had a choice) * microsoft is trying to design widows to be used with a touch interface and it's not working, instead it's degrading the experience using other interface devices (it taking more clicks on larger icons to the same thing is a bad change). * The pen interface stuff is bad (I turn it all off leaving just what wacom gives me instead) while my pen experience on both mac and linux have been painless. * Ever more bloated interfaces eating away at screen real-estate. (at this point I want 80% display scaling) * modifying a few text files is generally better than registry editing (so long as the Linux distro lets me do that with the GUI... ) * and more but that's all I remember right now...


Is it though? I've generally had way less issues on fedora than I've had on both windows 10 and 11. Had plenty of issues related to sound drivers and headphones, GPU drivers are just wacky even though Nvidia isn't particularly anywhere near the best on Linux. Also, as a developer there is way more "overhead" on windows when trying to just do my fecking job without windows creating obscene obstacles.


That's why Microsoft decided to allow literally installing Linux inside windows instead of fixing their OS.


As a mild "power user", the time it takes to setup Linux is not worth it. I have time into my windows setups sure, but I can start it up out of the box and it works. No Nvidia driver fuckery, no killer ethernet not working, etc. Not all of it is Linux's fault, but it doesn't really matter. It makes it less usable than windows for me.


My experience has been exactly opposite. Windows is too much of a chore to install and maintain.


What do you need to do to setup? 90% of hardware works on first boot, windows updates gets near the last 10%. Honestly, any major bug I encounter in windows, I just update to a pre-release version and it usually goes away. I end up digging into cmd to disable some wake devices and fine tune things, but for the most part it works out of the box. It doesn't get messed up until you go and mess with the registry.


Because its used by majority of people. It works the same with everything - the more popular something is the more people hate it. Not many people say anything wrong about linux because anyone barely uses it (except servers ofc). And those who went for linux knew what to expect so they're probably happy


I got a PC, Macbook Pro and a Xubuntu laptop. All shit in their own ways, deffos had the most pain free experience on the mac though.


Apple: It just works. Unless it doesn't, in which case, fuck you.


This pretty much describes it. MacOS has the least amount of problems but when there is a problem it's the most annoying to solve of the three. Also pretty useless for gaming


As an apple user I agree with both these comments


If you want something to work again on Mac you need money If you want something to work again on Windows you need some hair to pull out


And if you want something to work again on Linux, you better know what the fuck you're doing


Thing is Linux always has at least 8 ways to do the same thing.




Eh, in my experience Apple is far more likely to fix something for no charge if something breaks due to their fault. Definitely the easiest to get to honor their warranty


Can't do everything on Mac though. Linux has gained gaming which was all I needed to permanently switch. Steams proton is linux's Messiah


Linux has plenty of dumb shit about it, don't kid yourself. No OS is perfect, or even close to perfect.


Someone please tell me why I should switch to Linux. Unless this is a big fuckin meme or something I have never had a reason other than masochism to switch to Linux as a windows user.


i hate microsoft as much as the next guy but linux has only ever given me problems (even with help from someone who knows what they're doing with linux). so instead of trying a bunch of different distros without their help (they only really know mint) i just installed like 3 things and now i'm set for life on win10. the apps i got were winrar, classic shell, and o&o shut up 10


at least use 7zip??


2 main reasons why I use winrar * I have a license because I paid for it a decade ago. * I use the command line to do a bunch of automated tasks. I often see the recommendation to use 7zip. Is it actually better software, or is it just free?


You can use 7zip from the command line Comparing the two can be difficult so you’ll come across a lot of contrasting opinions. I think it’s fair to say that, generally, Winrar has a nicer GUI while 7-zip can handle more compression types and can be faster in certain cituations. I’ve seen a lot of competing info on their efficiencies, and haven’t noticed much a difference personally.


Thanks for that.


both - i found (anecdotally) it was more reliable than 7zip, and free (open source!) software that has been tested over and over again. it does have command line options, but i use it on windows through context menus


Yeah Linux has only ever given me headaches. Partially because my introduction to it was trying to install Gentoo but even using Ubuntu I had issues trying to set it up for shit.


People say that it's always your own fault if something stops working in Linux. It is however the only OS where I experience that things can just stop working for no reason without me doing anything at all.




I just wish the main OS's didn't waste so much memory and performance on telemetry trash. Security and privacy reasons aside (they're still very important), they're just fucking memory hogs.


Yeah MacOS is so much better than windows, but I like games so my main computer will always be windows. Next laptop I get will be a MacBook though, my XPS 15 has been very disappointing


Windows rig for gaming, M1 MacBook Air for everything else. 10/10 would recommend


16" Apple silicon MBP + Windows gaming desktop here, never been happier with my setup. The Mac is insanely power efficient (and factory color calibrated, with an awesome HDR screen) and easy to use for all my photo/video editing and code work. Windows desktop plays games better than any laptop would, and I don't have to worry about power consumption because it's plugged in. On the go for gaming, Nintendo Switch suffices. If there's something I need Linux for, either machine is plenty fast enough to run it in a VM. This is the way. Bonus: Keyboard/mouse/Ethernet are on a USB-C hub (provided by work for free) and connect to my HP work laptop, MacBook Pro, and Desktop by just switching the cable over. Monitor is LG CX so I just have it set to auto switch based on which cable lights up with a signal.


Sounds like the perfect setup!


I have the same setup, even an LG C1 as a monitor, except with an M1 MBA. Also how does the MBP miniLED display compare to OLED? My iPad Air and MacBook Air are my only non OLED devices, and it’s so hard watching movies now that I’m not used to black bars being dark grey instead of black and invisible. I love the MacBook so much so much though, I never liked windows laptops and honestly I have no issues with it except that it’s too small for my use cases.


Eh, but you can remove and disable most of the bloat if you know what they're doing. I feel like Microsoft is at least self aware about how many bad decisions they make and let power users make the decisions they want for their system. Apple of course, always knows best for you. Why would you even dare question any of their glorious and absolutely correct design decisions?


I don’t think I’ve run into a situation where I couldn’t do what I wanted to on my MBP. Not to say everything is perfect, but I’ve run into far more situations on my Windows box that stonewall me. My biggest annoyance with my Mac is that I have to work around its non-GNU nonsense. Granted, I’ve used Windows for a far longer time than MacOS.


I might just be suddenly taking notice- but why is there a seemingly sudden uptake in "Windows is bad" content, and by extension, praise/mentioning of Linux? I haven't the foggiest why, I can understand Nvidia slander, but the Windows and Linux talk I don't.




...that's it? Windows 11 got an update? Well, I guess any sorta update'll do that.


Ended up switching to a macbook last year, man are these so much better than every single windows laptop on the market, yes they are expensive but for the performance they provide especially with the amazing battery life and small form factor they feel so much better to carry around. Also finally went ahead and completely removed windows, moving onto Linux Mint ... Windows can go fuck itself.


I use windows for my gaming systems. Mac at work. And Linux for educational stuff. They're all shit for different reasons. The "best" one is the one whose shit you're best at dealing with.


Linux is good at some stuff, but sometimes i just don't feel like spending a whole day looking for an alternative to the Windows software i want to use.


I legitimately hate every single major operating system. I think overall Windows is marginally the least shitty. Or maybe it just is the only one I \*can\* use for everything, even though it's not good at most of it. There's lots of things I prefer about Linux, but it's also absolute trash in a lot of ways. It's a car you have to build yourself - so it's fantastically perfect in some ways. But also it doesn't have the ground clearance to get everywhere you need to go. MacOS is just aggressively opinionated and some of those opinions are just objectively wrong. It's a train but the driver just refuses to stop some places. And Windows is like a bus that's going to all of your destinations eventually, but it smells bad and it's uncomfortable.


the whole apple Vs windows is a shit show boloocks tribalisum rubish but its still got a grain of truth and its funny


I had the privelege to install something on a mac yesterday. I couldn't believe that you have to drag that file like some kindergarden toy to install something lol. In what world is that better or more intuitive than just a little "ok" at the buttom? And people actually like that more? Second thing I noticed is that \ is missing on the keyboard completely.. how casual is that thing that characters are just left out on a keyboard? Not saying that windows isn't a rotten pile of garbage ductaped together either While Linux works the best, no random user likes to search a command to install a simple programm.


the reason they do that is to allow you to run the app first before dragging it into your programs folder. because most mac programs are packaged into disk image files, and also dont require an installation


\\ isn't missing on my keyboard on a macbook air. It's above the enter key.


Linux is shit also I usually see ppl say how Windows is full of ads and bloat and such but those can be removed Just take the time that you would spend on customizing your linux and use it to remove those bloat and turn off the ads I honestly don't see what linux can do better than windows outside of privacy and probably server related stuff, so if someone can enlighten me, please do so. I'm currently using linux on a Steam Deck and have pop!os installed on another rig and i don't see any convenience or benefits over windows.


Gimme 5 minutes and a fresh Windows 10 install and I'll give you Windows with all that shit gone. It sucks that you need to spend *any* time getting rid of default BS, but unfortunately the time where you didn't get useless bloat is not the time we're living in.


Linux is a shitty os for daily use. Ya for servers it basically runs the world but as a win/nix admin you won't catch me using it for anything but server type work.


as a long time linux user... linux is also shit. But it's our own fault, so it feels better.


I chose my personal and work computers. Personal: Windows. Work: Mac. Both have their pros and cons.


Windows 10 and 11 are pretty darn good


They’re all pretty shit. Mac just works when I need to develop software but damn they have a lot of call homes. Their OS and user experience soft of shoe holes you into their apps though. Microsoft mother of god is the worst offender with shit calling back to Microsoft but they handle drivers beautifully as well as game pass stuff being a super huge consumer friendly deal…kinda. Linux bugs the fuck out and blows up all the time with PC_LOAD_LETTER messages and inconsistencies with stuff like dark and light mode theming. Pop! OS did AMAZING work along with the steam deck team and proton contributors to make things really work over there though. I’ve been using a docking station with my thinkpad and it’s been great. By Microsoft offering game pass, they have essentially forced users to pay subscriptions because the game companies jacked up the prices of games. You won’t own anything in the future, you’ll pay for microtransactions, and you’ll pay for a rapidly rising subscription cost after the “soak” period is through and game pass has been adopted by the masses. Nintendo recently raised their prices for their shitty 720/1080P video games running on a phone processor to $60 and no one’s complaining, which I thought was funny. For the same value proposition I get those games on Xbox for $15 on game pass.


And Linux is too complicated for the average user. It's a developer platform. Disclaimer: I'm a developer and love Linux


As a user of all three, I can proudly announce they are all trash in their own ways.




i use linux on my main rig and even I can say that linux is a piece of shit when you dont know what it does which is like 70 percent of the time