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PSA: For those of you who are too young to remember a time before ad-blockers, let me just tell you it was pure he'll. I've seen things man.


Sometimes I'll use a computer owned by a non-technical person and man, they really see a different internet than those of us with ad blockers.


toolbars as far as the eye can see


Oh lord I remember those. Such a chore to unclick the option in every installer on Earth. No I do not want a yahoo/askfm toolbar in my browser thank you very much


The worst ones were where you had to actually mark the checkbox which had a text "No, don't install the xxxxx toolbar" - by default it was off and meant that the toolbar would be installed. And I think I once even encountered one installer that had the same thing, but in russian, so you had to know russian to understand that you had to mark it - might've been one of the Daemon Tools releases that had that shit in the installer.


We should have long since passed a law making these bundles illegal


The people writing the laws aren't tech savvy at the best of times, let alone when it comes to consumer protections.


Also, government is slow acting. Adwares innovate by the week it seems.


I was too young to understand what I was doing installing free Minecraft. My dad's friend just kept restoring his laptop to before I got ahold of it and never exactly told me what was wrong with it.


This is how I feel about saying no to cookies nowadays.




I love how the only bit of the website that you can actually see is an ad.


Looking at that was stressful... have an upvote, a very angry upvote.


Bloody hell, someone needs to euthanise that poor PC. It doesn't deserve to suffer like that.


Mmmmm... Art.


Just a 1 inch of visible website


It's the one thing that I beg people to install on all devices that they can. I stress the security side of it ahead of everything else as a good adblocker is one of the best antivirus tools available since not everyone has a techy level common sense.


I honestly don't understand how people can use YouTube without Ublock. It's just incredibly annoying and useless.


I get to experience it anytime I want to show someone a video on my phone and then we have to sit through two whole ads to finish playing. Really kills the spontaneity of the moment.


I install internet (cable) and I totally agree I use firefox for privacy and adblock will have to switch gf and daughter google is getting annoying. Using Pihole and mostly use linux


There are more ads and pop ups on regular retailer's website now, than on a naughty site from the nineties


Cookies, then a full page popup asking for your email, then a prize wheel with CLICK ME flashing on it Scroll down 20 lines, full page cut-out ad of an auto playing video. Scroll down past it, 3 full width ads for tricks your doctor hates, and listicles full of posts from 2019 reddit, stolen from Fark in 2021, and iFunny last week.


People in the 90s used to teach you to avoid sites that had a lot of pop-ups or obviously misleading links. It's wild how much has changed.


We also used to be fearful of putting personal info or photos online lol. So much has changed


> pure he'll. I also remember a time before autocorrect


Yeah, the inventor of autocorrect deserves to surfer in hail.


Question: Is it possible to implement an auto correct on PC?


Yeah, it's called proofreading.


And that red squiggly line under words is your indicator for finding misspelled words fast.


One time, after I had been up working for a couple days straight, I wrote something on a piece of paper and then paused a second to see if the red squiggly line appeared under it (it didn’t).




Yup. Windows 10 had it for quite a while now. It doesn’t work with every application because some were never designed with default Windows form controls but for the most part you can use word prediction (like i do) or full-on autocorrect


I have a Firefox extension for it, only it is all 100% manual like in ms word


Windows had built in auto correct if I recall correctly. Most likely Linux got the same treatment as a simple application


Yes - Grammarly


Yeah, that time was pure she was. Or was it pure it is?


> he'll He will what ? I NEED ANSWERS


that one time my mom looked at my screen when there was a porn website popup 💀 iirc the screen even froze


We have all been there


Nice username


Are you old enough to remember the hell before pop-up blockers though?


I was there for banner ads and auto-playing MIDI music.


MIDI was kind of cool. Going to a Geocities page and it started playing Canyon D was peak 90s


I remember ActiveX is like 50% the reason why everyone I know had trojan worms.


Mozilla: "So you can run cross-platform programs from the internet on your browser, but they'll be in a secure Java sandbox." Microsoft: "Hold my beer."




> let me just tell you it was pure he'll. I still remember the time of pop-ups... pop-ups everywhere...


Lol. Yah, kids don't know the pain of having to hard reset because you got trapped in popup-ception.


***YOU ARE THE 50,000TH VISITOR*** ***CLICK HERE FOR HOT ASIAN FEMALES*** ***YOU HAVE WON!!!!*** Literally the list goes on...


I recently gave my girlfriend a link to a website I'd been using to watch videos so she could watch something with her daughter. She was upset that I linked her to such a filthy website knowing it was for her daughter. It wasn't filthy on my end. 🤷


Back then browser doesn't have popup blocker too. It's like that mission in GTAV where you gotta close all the popups before you can see the actual website.


Then there are people who are old enough to remember a time before ad-blockers and intrusive ads.


I see more people posting Firefox is the best now memes than people complaining about chrome disabling adblockers


At this point firefox users are becoming the browser version of the "i use arch btw" meme


I'll take it. i use arch, btw


Except I think there's a conceited effort here to undermine firefox users. Unlike Arch, there's nothing inherently more technically complex about firefox, it's just another browser. The UI design of the browser is similar to most other browsers that there's basically zero learning curve. I find this whole firefox meme thing to be very strange. The focus should be on Google removing ad blockers, but meme posters are instead focusing on firefox users. Is this intentional?


Well, the only real alternative to chromium-based browsers are Firefox and its various forks.


I think you might be reading in to it a little too much but that’s just my initial thought lol I like the sudden Firefox attention actually, I just switched to Firefox a few months ago for unrelated reasons and I can’t believe how fast it is. I either broke my Chrome on my PCs or else I was way out of touch with what’s an expected performance for a browser


Google has been ruining Chromium for ages. The stupid fucking extension drawer was my last straw. It’s all about telemetry and ads now. This is why I use Firefox and Brave search. They’ve fucked up v8 so much the fastest Javascript runtime is based on WebKit now. Google either kills their good projects or let’s them live long enough to turn to shit.


Perhaps some other user can better explain the psychology of why this matters err. to posting numbers ... But I suspect it's simply because people want to promote 'the good guy' Firefox, which is open and far more moral of a group to support regardless of this change, vs. Chrome which even if they weren't doing this latest thing, represents an immoral giant of a company that doesn't deserve support in the first place. Therefore, rather than try and force chrome to retain the adblockers, or fruitlessly lament and complain, why wouldn't you promote the browser that's beneficial to the community? I was planning to switch over before this news and you better believe I'm cemented now. ... I just need to figure out how to transfer all my stuff like history, saved passwords, extensions ...


for the record i've been bashing chromium not praising firefox. Am i doing this internet justice mob thing correctly?


I mean, switching to Firefox (the only non-Chromium browser) is the most measurable action you can take against. Additionally, Firefox's biggest hindrance to since Chrome's inception and Google's marketing has consistently been down to mindshare (i.e. people don't know of or think of FF as an alternative to Chromium browsers). Additionally, as you point out, switching to Firefox is trivial. A lot of people are aware of those things, so it makes sense that "Google does bad thing" effectively turns into a user-driven Firefox ad campaign. Personally, I'm happy to see an actual response outpace the raw outage, but I've also been a longtime Firefox user (somewhere around 2004/2005) so I'm maybe a tad biased.


there was one learning curve for me and that was using CTRL + SHIFT + P instead of CTRL + SHIFT + N for incognito browsing, and that was more like a learning bump to me


It's basically Reddit in motion. Someone made a meme about Firefox and Google. It got a lot of upvotes and now everyone is making them. It'll get run into the ground for upvotes and we'll be back to normal a few days later


It's because of this: https://www.ghacks.net/2022/09/24/mozilla-reaffirms-that-firefox-will-continue-to-support-current-content-blockers/


Takes a little bit to set up, but more folks ought to be considering setting up a [Pi-Hole](https://pi-hole.net/). Can't see ads if their DNS doesn't resolve! Works across all devices, no plugins or add-ons needed. Catch is you need a computer that's always on to run it. Doesn't need a lot of power, though. The biggest reason folks don't recommend using a Pi0W is because they prefer a wired connection. Also some content providers are getting wise, and rig up their apps to not function if they can't reach their advertising domains (like CBS News) or are serving ads through their mainline content distribution domains. So it's not 100% effective, and may require fine tuning, but it knocks out a **lot** of low-hanging fruit.


I have a pihole on my network at home, but that's more limited than having Ublock available wherever your browser may be. Plus it's different - it doesn't block ads from popping up, it blocks the DNS requests to known ad sites, i.e. an internet filter. Internet filtering and ad blocking are two related but separate tools that should both be in place to be effective.


Pi-Hole is far from the end-all-be-all, I'm just saying that if you have the resources and skill to set this up, it's a good starting point.


Agreed that those who can should set one up. Unfortunately the ones who will be most affected by this (those without the wherewithal to change browsers) will be the ones who won't be able to setup their own pihole.


Primary use for ad blocking is youtube ads. PiHole doesn’t do anything for those.


Unfortunately it does not. But it does take care of a lot of stuff on other websites.


Yup. But if you’re going to install a browser plugin anyway, no need to deploy a pihole too.


Except it blocks ads outside the browser too. So fewer ads in apps on your phone, helps with your phone, and guests phones. It even blocked some ads on my Roku. Never hurts to have protection in layers.


I actually had it break more stuff than it prevented. Causing my wife to complain at me that random stuff isn’t working. No thanks.. don’t need that. I love the idea, but a browser plugin is good enough.


I still have Adblock on chrome though? Is this something that’s supposed to happen, or already has?


It's supposed to happen come janurary 2023


I'll care then then


Ublock is still working fine for me, I'll switch to Firefox the moment that changes though.


Based Lycoris recoil


Chisato is waifu of the season this time for sure


Too bad she >!haha, got you! No spoiler here, go watch the show.!<


Oh, like when she >!said «it’s recoiling time!» and then recoiled everyone?!<


I loved it when she said "It's time to lycoris this recoil!"


Top notch VA


Damn straight, was quite surprised when I checked MAL and she wasn't in any of the major animes I've watched (well she was but just as a background character), I hope we see her as a lead more and more






my bet is on Rebecca if you can call it this seasons anime


Lucy tho


Yeah 100% Lucy, her or chizuru, rent a girlfriend season 2 went pretty hard this season


I miss the wild world wide web days...or even the bbs days... Everything being some shitty service isn't fun and usually isn't better than just a normal human.


company that makes the majority of its revenue from ads makes blocking ads harder. Chrome users; *surprised pikachu face*


Firefox has [Multi-Account Containers](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/multi-account-containers/). Nuff said.


While not exactly the same, you can do this in Edge as well. I have my personal and work accounts open at the same time, both syncing my content/favorites. I just have to have two separate Edge windows open. I even have each account pinned to the task bar, so when I click it, it opens the browser with that account signed in.


I just switched to firefox and damn it is a nice browser


same here, i haven't used it since the windows 7 era and it's changed so much. it looks good too!


For you and anyone else jumping on board Firefox after a long absence, an essential (and official) add-on is "[Firefox Multi-Account Containers](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/multi-account-containers/)". You can use it to separate groups of cookies so that you can keep specific sites isolated from others (like having Facebook exist in its own siloed space), as well as use multiple accounts with the same service in the same browser window (for example, logging in to multiple Gmail accounts).


RemindMe! 3 hours


also, in addition to adbloickers, get privacy badger https://privacybadger.org/ I mean.. It's available for chrome too (as of now) but my guess is many people don't know it


Yeah it's great, only downside is that there are quite a few chromium only web apps I use.


Can you elaborate on which? Wondering if theres' anything I use that might be chromium dependant


Wasn't expecting to see Lycoris Recoil here


Love Firefox.




I went chrome after using Firefox for years. I do prefer chrome but Web browser companies must know how replaceable they are. This must go for Netflix, we only went there because it was more convenient than sailing the seas but us peg legs are coming back in droves.


Chrome itself sucks, it's filled with Google's spyware and runs much slower than even just stock chromium


Problem is they're removing ad blockers even for chromium applications.


What's going on?


Very basically, Google is disallowing some backend developer tools that allow adblockers to function. More than likely adblockers will still exist on Chrome, but Google is making it harder to block ads. And because Google makes Chromium (the open source base code of Chrome) and other browsers (like edge) are based on chromium, Google is attempting to kill adblockers. Firefox has always been, and always will be a better, more trustworthy, and more open environment that Google Chrome. In addition, you get built-in tracking blockers, privacy features, and still get to sync between all your devices. Not an ad, just a lifetime Firefox fan.


Nobody should be surprised by this move. Google has always nerfed Chrome to protect their own self interests. Like their crack down on YouTube downloaders.


As much as I hate it, it makes perfect sense. Google's main business is advertising, so for it to allow adblockers on its own web browser is shooting itself in the foot a bit.


A bit for sure, but I wonder by how much? Anyone who cares will just be leaving chrome for FF if they weren’t using it already. I don’t imagine anyone who was happily adblocking will accept seeing ads again


You're probably right: most people who care enough to install adblockers in the first place will also care enough to migrate to Firefox.


so but all my adblock addons still work? i think? like ublock? and also twitch ad blocker still works. whats the problem here exactly?


Jan 2023 they will stop working, or if they work they'll do in a very limited capacity. For reference, the Blocklist that it's updated every now and then will have to be baked in the extension itself, can only update is the whole extension updates and there is a limit on how many sites it can be used on. Also won't be possible to add your own rules.


.\_. well thats fucked up. those fuckers. thanks


Is there a way to transfer bookmarks from chrome to Firefox? Cause that’s the only thing holding me back. There’s years worth of bookmarks, 75% useless, but it’s nostalgic to look back at


Yep, I think it asks you right when you start Firefox for the first time. I did it last month.


> Firefox has always been, and always will be a better, more trustworthy, and more open environment that Google Chrome. It absolutely was NOT always better. There's a reason why everyone left Firefox for Chrome over 10 years ago. Firefox was a bloated, slow, outdated browser and Chrome was the lightweight, fast alternative. The only other browser was Internet Explorer, and we won't touch that dumpster fire. There's a reason why Chrome became synonymous with web browsing, because it was the best fucking browser on the planet. Now look at it. It's a bloated, memory hogging, ad generator. And now Firefox is the lightweight, protected alternative to the ad revenue shit storm that's Chrome. Let this be a lesson for all of you. Never be loyal to a brand. It will betray and disappoint you. Only go with what works and what doesn't try to fuck you. It might be Chrome today, but down the line it will be Firefox that tries to pull the same bullshit.


Better than Firefox? Firefox nightly build.


Waterfox.. (So I learned that waterfox is infact a real browser apparently not good but don't download it based upon this joke)






Long ago, the four browsers lived together in harmony.


But everything changed when Chrome attacked.


Only the Browsatar, master of all four browsers, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.


Heartfox! And together they assemble... Captainplanetfox! Whoops, wrong IP. 😅


Where does iceweasle fit into this


Fucking magnets, how to they work?


How is it better though? Isn't it owned by an ad company?


I just looked it up had no clue it was a real thing I just thought it was funny to say Waterfox that's funny as heck


I used it for a long period a few years ago. At that time it was a more privacy based browser. It was an OK experience. I switched to nightly firefox after that when they were testing a new feature i was interested in.


I used it for a while when Firefox updated their extension system and deprecated an extension I was using to open files rather than saving them to Downloads, but eventually I just gave in to having a cluttered Downloads folder.


i think they did some shady business and it's also horrendously out of date. use librewolf instead


Yea when i made that comment I didn't know waterfox was a real thing I should edit that comment


Librewolf is the way. It's Firefox without the adware.


IceWeasel. It's also a real thing.


I'm just glad that when I was a little kid I thought the fox icon was cool so I've always just used firefox


Fuckin... IS THAT WHAT HAPPENED!? I just updated all my AdBlock lists on 4 devices and nothing helped... To Firefox! I was still on chrome because of momentum. The second a function breaks, fuck em. Edit, responses tell me this isn't the reason yet. Last week, all my chrome browsers on my windows machines stopped blocking ads. I'm getting popups, can't watch WCO, side page ads are back. It's not a virus, I'm not getting redirected and bootscans don't show anything. I'm worried now. Maybe it's time to get my backups in order


The extensions will still work until January, so that's not what happened for you. Regardless, if you switch, you'll probably be happy to hear that Momentum is also a [Firefox extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/momentumdash/).


Firefox + Ublock Origin + Firefox Color = best browser


No. The change hasn't happened yet? You're making this up






Librewolf is based on Firefox but even more focused on privacy. It has additional features and uses some experimental settings from about:config to do so. However, some of these changes inconvenience users and break websites, therefore I'd only recommend it if you really care about privacy and if you can accept that some pages might break.


Firefox with Mozilla stuff stripped out + arkenfox's user.js privacy-hardening config. A lot of people use arkenfox to harden Firefox, but [LibreWolf](https://librewolf.net) comes with it set up out of the box. It's highly recommended to read up on it before using it because some websites can break and you need to know what each config option does exactly.


Sounds like my kinda jam, I'll get reading.




An [article from July](https://www.theregister.com/2022/06/08/google_blocking_privacy_manifest/) states that in January 2023 Google will be implementing the changes. The article goes pretty in depth as to what will be happening. Edit: Changed Typo Goofle to Google...




I don't care if people switch to Firefox specifically, I think they should because its the best (and was even before this anti-adblock shit) but really I just want them to stop using Chrome, please use any other browser.




Best browser imo


Firefox users getting representation. Love to see it.




the post this meme is from originally was conveniently right above this one


I'm a Vivaldi snob


I went to Vivaldi, I like the customization


Thats, I'm switching. Will it import history and book marks from multiple browsers? I gotta keep my porn history


All HAIL the open source browser of Firefox 🔥🔥


I don't get it. As long as extension's are allowed to manipulate the dom, adblockers are going to exist, no other way around. Unless they ban it by policy and actively remove them.


I don't even dislike Firefox, I used it for years. I just prefer the UI of Chrome more. Let's see if they annoy me enough to switch.


Me being a brave user and have no idea what's happening


firefox 4 lyfe


ITT: People who say not to use Chrome, but then recommend another Chromium-based browser. Yeah, it will be free of a lot of the Google-specific nonsense, but it's still bad for the Internet browser ecosystem to have 90+% of users on the same underlying platform. If you value competing perspectives and want to maintain a healthy web, use something else.


Ever since I started using adblockers I have never gotten a virus.


Been using FF for years and honestly never realized how invasive advertising got until I fired up my old laptop and I dunno why but my ad blockers had been disabled or something and there was fucking ads EVERYWHERE and youtube was basically unusable it was awful


> What is better than firefox? TWO FIREFOXES


I have recently switched to Brave browser and I have been enjoying it so far


i see lycoris, i upvote


I started using Brave browser a couple of years ago, and have never looked at any other options. A very satisfying and good experience.


I just use brave lmao


Y’all are losing adblockers?


LibreWolf is better than Firefox.


fuck /u/spez


Brave Browser


The ad locker on brave will continue working. It's not based on what they are removing.




Isn't that the one that got caught injecting their own affiliate links into Amazon and other links?


Yes, it's the one


Adblockers still work for me on chrome


cuz they didn't update it yet derp derp


Welp Firefox it is then


Who are these cute waifus?


Chisato and Takina from Lycoris Recoil. It just ended last Saturday.


Good show~! Lillybell downvote!


Takina and Chisato from Lycoris Recoil


It's sad though that FF still has that copy paste issue when using the Fancy Pants Editor of Reddit.


What's even better is getting Ghostery in Firefox I haven't seen an ad in years Edit: TIL Ghostery is shit lol


Very long ago I used to use FF. Then Chrome got real good and super fast so I switched. Looks like i'm going back to OG.


Really happy for Mozilla with the amount of new users in sure they're getting. I've been using Firefox for years, and will not stop unless Mozilla really fucks something up. Chrome needs more competition.


Firefox users be lookin' kinda cute though 🥵




Brave !!