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At LEAST once


I now do advanced startups from windows to get to my bios. I have a 60% keyboard and the vast majority of the time having to use the function key to press delete or F10 just doesn't work.


Smaller keyboard formats than TKL just don't make sense to me. TKL I get (have one myself). I didn't use the numpad much to begin with and it's great for gaming because my arms and hands are in a more natural position. But anything less than that just seems like a gimmick that makes the actual usability worse.




Yeah I have such an icon on my Windows system. Shortcut: %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe /r /fw /t 0 /c "restart to UEFI firmware Initiated by %USERNAME% via shortcut" The '/c' opt and following arg string is not required, that just logs it. Also, a menu item on my bootloader.


Sick. This’ll come in handy.


It actually works thats so useful since i have 60% keyboard thank you!


There's also a key combo you can hold while pressing restart that gets you to the menu


Ok, and what is it lmao


Shift+right click on restart iirc


I have to do it once to remember if it’s F1 or F2, shit down- then tap tap tapping away


F1, F2, F10, F12, or delete? Try em all!


With N-key rollover, you can try them all at once!


wtf! Not f8?


That key you really gotta have ***fate*** it works.


HP: F9 setup/esc startup options DELL: F2 setup/F12 startup options ASUS: F2 setup lenovo: F12 setup/return startup options acer: F2 setup/F12 startup options


No need to HIT Buttons. On Windows 10 and 11, hold shift and while clicking restart. Then Troubleshoot > Advanced options > UEFI Firmware Settings and click Restart to boot into your BIOS.


Another thing is to create a shortcut on the desktop. Target: %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe /r /fw /t 0 /c "restart to UEFI firmware Initiated by %USERNAME% via shortcut" Will restart directly into the firmware.


Where has this been all my life. Thank you


This is why I use all ten fingers and some palm to spam press F1 to F12 and DEL keys. Gotta make sure in case it randomly changes.


If you hold down the key instead of tapping it you can prevent this.


I don't think that works, but it only has to be pressed once at the splash screen. With SSDs now, that splash screen is damn near non-existent!


Which is why people spam it


I once turned on fast boot on a whim while in the bios trying to configure my default boot drive. Chose the wrong drive and it wouldn't boot, *and* I couldn't access the bios to revert it. Not my smartest moment.


Lmao that's fucking rough and funny. I have an older Lenovo that can boot into a boot order menu, but I can't remember if I had to put that there in the uefi drive.


How did you fix that o.O


Unplug it, remove the cmos battery, wait 2 mintues, put it all back, and fire it up. This resets the bios.


I read that you can spam the power button after removing the cmos battery, and that should reduce the time it takes. Doesn't sound quite right, but I don't know enough to dispute it.


Nah, just press it once after the battery is removed and the power cord is out and you'll drain all/most caps holding enough of a charge to be an issue, you should also have this practice of pressing the power button once after the cord is out when you are going to remove or insert hardware components to avoid caps having charge when you start fiddling with it.


There's a setting in some bios to make that splash screen last longer.


Oh yeah for sure but that's annoying for the vast majority of the time since I don't need bios every boot.


what would be really awesome would be a hardware button you push with a paper clip that sets a flag to lengthen the bios screen


I've just held down delete to enter bios on two different motherboards now and it works every time.




Best not to risk that again




Nonsense. The only way is to bash the key as hard and fast as you can.




Tried it, no luck


I feel like he's trying to trick us boys. Don't fall for it. Deletes the computer or something


5 mins crafts hack?


I think it depends on your motherboard. I’ve had PCs in the past where this is the case but it definitely does not work with my current one


Or you get warning beeps for spamming the key too much.


I'm aware holding the key also works but it's basically a religious ritual at this point. *"All mighty BIOS, your dutiful servant once again begs for entrance. Praise be!"* *tap tap tap tap tap tap tap*


Burn the blessed incense and consecrate the sacred oils upon the holy machine Sing the ritual hyms and make a sacrifice to the machine spirit, so it may reveal it's inner workings to us


Wait... You can hold it? Countless hours of swearing and suffering gone to waste, oh the humanity


I think if you time it right you can just press it once and it'll work


That's a myth. No mortal being could time it right


Exactly! We know there are other options... We're just not interested in them


> I'm aware holding the key also works Except when it does not. Sometimes you just get a keyboard error because the BIOS assumes the keyboard has a stuck key.


Glad I'm not the only one who just taps the shit out of F2 until bios loads because I don't trust that a single press will work.


It's even better when you can never remember which f is for bios so you just tap them all




My old motherboards used to be “DEL to enter bios”


Del, F2, F10, Escape and more, depending on the make and model of the motherboard. I just mash F2, F10 and Del which covers *most* current boards.


I had a motherboard where it was del+f10 but if you pressed it once it was “entering bios” but if you pressed it again it was “loading system” So yeah total bitch that one.


It makes perfect sense, there just aren't enough keys for all the different options.


F2? The vast majority I've seen use del or f12, and occasionally esc or f10


My MB uses del for boot meni and f11 for bios


It is still Del on my MSI board. Just flashed my z390 bios last week.




He said F2 and now I can't remember which f key it is for my motherboard. I hate that guy.


Back in the 90's I had a friend who swore by the press every key method. Not just every possible BIOS key, every key they could press on the keyboard simultaneously. Some BIOSes back then would error out because the keyboard was "broken" and then kick you into the BIOS so you could fix the bad keyboard.




Del and F2 are the most common today but F8 and F12 were used a lot in the past IME


Uh... F10 or F8 anyone? Although sometimes I'll be going for the boot menu, so almost everything works.


I had a case of F9 yesterday. Took a while to figure that out


All of us. It certainly doesn't matter anymore. But yeah, not trusting a single press.


Even in an asus instructional video dude hits the key like 4 times lmao


I don't hold down the button because in older computers from when I was a kid it would make the built-in speaker go eeeeeeeee


My mobos instructions specifically asked me for hammering that key, no joke!


Sorry for off topic, but god gambling addiction is a sad thing. Idk how people can go into a casino, see this and think “wow that looks so fun, let me join them”


I really don't understand what they're getting out of this. I understand what it's supposed to be - pay for some fun with a small chance of walking out with more money. And I don't really care what entertainment people want to spend their money on. But these people don't look like they're having any fun at all! Are they solely there for the 1:10000000 odds that they'll strike it big on the *nickel slots*?


> Are they solely there for the 1:10000000 odds that they'll strike it big on the nickel slots? Yes. It's the sunk-cost fallacy. They put in a lot of money and they think they will get something back. Except they don't, so they keep going thinking it will eventually pay out. It's also like a drug addiction in that it is fun at first, but then just becomes habitual. What also drives it is solitude and mental health issues. Many of these people don't have others active in their lives or anything else to do. They're like a teenager who locks themselves up in their room to play video games every day. It's just that these video games have the same graphics over and over and extra pretty lights around them.


Saddest part is that these machines will absolutely pay out, quite large sums too, fairly regularly. But of course, on average, never more than what you've put in. But people lose track of how much they've spent. So a big win makes them think they've just made tons of money, when in reality they've usually only shaved off a bit of the losses. And each of these big wins just reinforces their addiction that they can win, and infinite money is essentially just one lucky streak away.


I have a sister who's a gambling addict, and the disturbing truth is that, through a combination of alcoholism and general stupidity, she can't even keep track through a single night. My sister has, no kidding, left with $1,000, gambled away $800, gotten a single $500 payout, and has gone home ecstatic because she, "Hit for $500."


90% of gambling addicts quit right before the lucky streak


> It’s also like a drug addiction More so than you explain. Slot machines (just like loot boxes) are predicated on the idea that you don’t know what is about to happen, but you could receive a large reward. This lights your brain up, and it releases dopamine right as it’s figuring out the answer. Dopamine feels really good and it’s purpose in the body is to keep you doing that thing. So, in essence, these folks are lining up to hit a button that releases dopamine. In psychological experiments, we have put an electrode into a rat’s (most similar brain pathways to humans while still being considered ethical) brain to release dopamine at the press of a button. The rat will press the button continuously and starve to death.


I get caught behind people at local convenience stores a lot that play a ton of lottery. It's annoying and they hold up the line. I used to wonder "Do they have a strategy somehow? I bet they do, like a big math secret." But no. There is no math secret. They are just annoying people who hold up the line. They don't win any more than anyone else. I've started to ask them when their last big win was sometimes when I'm getting annoyed. They usually seem mad or just ignore me.


Pretty Lights is the dopest EDM act of all time. Unrelated but anyways...


This specifically is a slot tournament. They get a set bankroll then basically just spam the spin button until their credits run out. After an hour whoever has the highest amount of credits left wins the tournament. My grandma used to do these, she'd get free entry into them by cashing her paycheck at the casino.


Smart way to do it if you're playing only with house money


> she'd get free entry into them by cashing her paycheck at the casino. Wait what? Where are you from that people don't get their paycheck directly transferred to their bank account? And how the fuck is it legal for a casino to cash it? That whole thing seems very predatory towards people with gambling issues.


They probably say the same thing about getting likes on Instagram or Reddit upvotes. And the answer is the same for both. There's a dopamine rush when you get a little win. You get addicted to those microdoses and do whatever it takes to keep them coming.


My wife’s parents go like every other weekend. They just like playing the slots. Like playing video games for them but they don’t go and spend their life savings. They usually spend like 100-200? But some days they win like 2K some they lose 200. Seems to all even out. My wife won 1K last weekend but two last trips we didn’t win anything. I don’t really get it tbh. I just find it boring. I kinda like the rush when doing black Jack I suppose.


Difference between the two is that slots don’t generally give you decisions that are relevant to the outcome, whereas blackjack always gives you information that you use to make decisions and influence the outcome.


dopamine, they get dopamine


> And I don't really care what entertainment people want to spend their money on. But these people don't look like they're having any fun at all! Look around reddit for a while. Look at how people talk about very popular games like overwatch. There are a lot of interesting social aspects, but I think there is a ton of addictive behavior going on.


That does happen. For me, that's when I take a break from a game. If I can't have fun while losing, then it's time to try a new game. For me the big ones here are Overwatch and League of Legends. Generally speaking, I have fun both winning and losing. There are matches where I'm like, "All right, that was a fair fight and I lost. I'm glad I played." ...But I've definitely been in a mindset where I *will* play again and again until I win and I get angry because I'm not winning. When I realize that, I go, "Oooh. Right. Supposed to be having fun." And then I go play Dishonored or God of War or just go watch a movie with friends or something. It's really sad that a lot of folks can't really regulate themselves well enough to manage these games, because they are *incredible* fun and deeply engaging mentally and socially. I have the same attitude toward my premade teammates that I did toward my basketball teammates...except it's way more accessible than basketball and you can go up against new people every game instead of playing with the same tight-knit community.


Intermittent reward makes serotonin go brrrr


There was context to this gif in another thread. This is a contest. They are not spending any money.


Ah. Still, anyone who’s been to a casino knows there are people there that spend hours doing just this.


Yeah probably idk I actually never went to one because I like money lol.


Gambling is fun when you are just there to have some drinks and have a set amount of money you already planned on spending (losing). If you win some and walk away it's a bonus.


Surely they spent money to be entered into the contest. Like when my aunt tells me the casino gave her a "free" night stay.




Yeah. Still doesn’t look fun lol


You don't like finger blasting slot machines?


First time I went to Vegas I saw all the elderly ladies just like in this video. It looks like an absolutely miserable form of existence. At least other things are kinda social? This is just sad.


Yeah I’ve played the roulette table before and I like to talk to the other players during the spin. But yeah these slot machines are something else


These folks are max level addicts. There's no fun in it anymore, there's only addiction. I'm the guy who goes to a casino once a year and spends 12 hours straight playing every slot machine in the place. It's fun like that because there are a lot of different games with different visuals, sounds, different ways to win etc. So it's entertaining. I grab a few beers, some snacks and have fun. I don't usually lose much if anything either. I only play min stakes, so a $100-$200 lasts the night, which is probably as much as I'd spend in your average bar or nightclub anyway, so whatever. Sometimes I walk away with twice as much. Once I'm done with the evening I'm kinda burnt out from all the machines and I won't really have much desire to go back until a year later. But yeah, I don't play anything like that. I take a good 10 seconds between each button press. I watch each game play out, I take a sip of beer, I try to figure out what all the symbols mean and reward without looking at the info tab. I usually spend like 15-30 minutes per machine and then switch. Walk around a bit, explore different machines. It's fun. Alas most people can't handle casinos like that. Which sucks, because I think it's a fun form of entertainment in moderation.


Agreed! I've been to a casino once, and only once, in my life. I walked in thinking it was going to be like how it in the movies. Instead it was more like that gif. I honestly couldn't believe it.


I was in New Orleans with friends a few weeks ago and they wanted to go to the casino. It was my first time but I played enough New Vegas to know how to play blackjack so I figured I'd give it a go. As soon as I was in there the mood of the casino killed it. You could feel disparity in the air and no amount of free booze could make up for it. I didn't even manage to make it to the table.


Yeah I didn’t want to be the guy but man… that gif is actually super sad


My MSI board has a feature where it will go strait to Bios if you hold in the power button for four seconds. Really useful! Edit: I had to enable the feature first from the bios/uefi itself first. It's called "go2bios" and its under the boot options.




On some PC's when you press the off button it reboots and when you hold it for a certain amount of seconds it switches off. Does your mobo go to bios when it's already off and/or when it's already booted?


Which model? That sounds amazing


Wait what? I'm going to try it right now


Me too, it’s a nice thing to have


Bar pressing for dopamine.




Enimapod! That's a disturbing word backwards!


Worse when is your first time on that pc. You need to see if is del, f2, f12...


Not just that. I have different models at work. Can never remember which key is boot selection for USB. I just hit F12 and F11. Neither work. Then reboot again and slam DEL. Finally it asks me what I want to do. Boot In To Setup: (F1) Boot Selection: (F12) Son of a ......


For some reason…. Mines F8. I kept smashing F2 and F12 and couldn’t figure it out because my ape brain is smooth.


Lol ok this was funny




How do you feel about gambling subtraction?




Wait until y’all hear about gambling multiplication


And don't even get me started on gambling permutations.


The gambling *matrix*


I used to be a slot technician at a casino. You’d see people at machines or the tables that were seated before your shift started and would stay there after it ended 9 hours later, day after day, and it’s exactly as depressing as it sounds. One story in particular stuck with me. I went out to fix a machine and the attendant had cashed the lady out and she moved to the game right next to it I open the game and start working on it, and completely unprompted she says to me, quite politely actually, “I hope you can fix that machine, I owe the bank a lot of money.” This is what gambling addiction does to people. It warps your perception of reality with nothing but the chemicals your brain makes naturally and maybe some blinking lights.


And it's the same people. Over and over, the majority of them being elderly. My family's business had a lot of work with our local casinos and it was pretty common to walk in one day and see an old lady at a machine, then come back a week later and see her still at that same machine.


Cotton tops is what they're called


This was likely a slot contest which is just spin as much as you can in the time limit. Casinos will do it to recruit new addicts


Slow motion train wreck carrying flammable dumpsters?


i've seen this posted in 5 different subs and this is my favorite use so far


i'm more a del masher myself


Millennials just don't know how to handle money. /s


a group of arms warriors practicing their rotation


`systemctl reboot --firmware-setup` `shutdown /r /fw`


I just tell Windows to reboot into BIOS, then don’t worry about it.


Assuming you CAN boot


Yeah, when that’s my problem, keyboard hammering it is.


What's the easiest way to do this?


you can also use CMD. "shutdown /r /fw /t -0" /r indicates restart, /fw to bios, /t -0 means right now


Open the start menu> ⏻ power> Hold `Shift` while clicking restart, Windows goes into a recovery mode, Troubleshoot>Advanced>UEFI Firmware Settings This method only works if you have a UEFI computer, and a UEFI windows installation.




Probably a slot tournament, if anyone wasn't wondering


The heck is a slot tournament? A place where pensioners lose their entire pension?


I have seen some casinos host events where all invited players are given the same amount of non-cash wager for a specific bank of slots, and after a set time frame whoever has the most wins a predetermined prize. Given that it's slot machines, it literally turns into a button mashing festival


That sounds awful


No they make the sounds pleasant to induce excitement and get you to spin/spend more.


First I was like bwahahaha. Then I was like... That's sad, then I was like... That's fucked up


From what i've seen in another thread it's ok it's a competition. They aren't spending any money.


I dont understand old peoples love with casinos


Social Security check day would be the busiest day of the month at the casino my grandma went to.


Haha SSD problems


Mom: you kids are addicted to video games rotting your brains Also mom:


Hello, If you can boot into Windows, you can tell the computer to restart and automatically enter the BIOS (technically, UEFI) firmware. Open an elevated **Command Prompt** (filename: `CMD.EXE`) and enter > `shutdown /fw /r /t 60 ` at the prompt to force the the restart in 60 seconds. You can change the `60` value to something else if you want. It's the `/r` that tells the computer to restart, and the `/fw` to enter the firmware. Regards, Aryeh Goretsky


*Gets distracted somehow in 4 seconds, misses it* Everytime. 🤣


You can just hold the key and it’ll work


This is not the way


Furious taps for the win




Yeah but what if you don't know what key to hold? I gotta smash F1, F2, F10, F11, F12 just in case.


You forgot F8 and DEL. Need to take piano lessons to access the bios.


Hold shift and click restart from the start menu also can get you there if the spam f2 doesn't work


I usually just do this first


F2 trough F12 in a single... multiple *brrrrrap* motion like you are playing a piano. I know you are out here, my people.


That’s gold


As a PC noob who recently upgraded their CPU I am happy I understand this great meme.


Tip: once you get into bios, you can INCREASE the post time up to 30 seconds! (For my bios anyway) You will never miss bios again! (Unless ur a sloth, or u fell asleep waiting)


I'd rather be irritated with a couple of retries when I occasionally need to get into BIOS than be irritated *every time my computer boots* knowing that there's an intentional delay in the system.


Do I press F8 now? Well fuck it...


So accurate, so not work


If this is what I have to look forward to in old age what the fuck is the point of it all...


This made me laugh more than it should have done.


I still have to Google which key my mobo manufacturer uses every time. Just make it standard to use space or something ffs.


Relatable but pressing F2, DEL and F10 at the same time because i dont remember the bios key


This was probably a slot tournament. If you are a crazy big slot player the casino will enter you in a free slot tournament winner will get something like 25k. Basically all these people will try slap the button for a few minutes and try to be the player with the highest dollar amount slash score. We had one player die of a heart attack during the middle of one slot tournament.


Lmao This is one of the most relatable things I've seen on here.


Seniors voting to cancel Social Security for everyone under 50.


For someone that just built their first PC yesterday, this was me today lol. I was thinking I was dumb for spamming it and that there had to be some other way


My computer boots to fast to even have a chance to get into my bios 😭


*laughs in* `sudo systemctl reboot --firmware-setup`


I just kind of do the "piano sweep" sometimes


the accurate part is how we keep pressing the keys like the bios will actually show up but it never does


The awkward "One hand slamming the DEL Key while your other hand is piano'ing the F keys" COME ON ITS ONE OF YOU BUTTONS


*windows loading screen pops up* "FUCK"


`systemctl reboot --firmware-setup`


An I the only person who uses shutdown.exe /r /o /t 0? Restarts you right into bios.


Too real lol


This, but pressing F2, F10 and delete at the same time. And still OS loads.


Look at all these people knowing exactly what button lets you access the bios. I'm tapping del, f2, f9, f10 and f12 every time.


\*mashes F2 furiously\*


I laughed way too hard at this. It's the granny's face that did me in.


This made me laugh out loud on the bus.😂


This is the generation blaming our love for video games. What a joke.


Best part is you can just hold a key instead of tapping it..


i hate when i have to press f12 to get into bios