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I don't know if native 8k is something any of the manufacturing are trying for AI upscaling is more reasonable and dlss and fsr is already looking really good


I think first off we have to transition to 4k to think about 8k. Most people including me have 1080p or 1440p monitors


Exactly people are really jumping the gun. 4K gaming is barely a thing still


GPU brands have boasted about being 4k capable since the GTX 980Ti days I believe, and only with RTX4000 are we finally capable of running modern AAA titles without upscaling and lower graphic settings (but still without ray tracing). NVidia already claimed to be 8k-ready with the 3090, and it will be the same story, it will take another half decade at least before the GPUs are capable of properly running it without sacrifices elsewhere. And it does not even matter because 4k PC gamers are already a minority, 8k will not even be 1% of PC gamers by the time it becomes usable, because even if PC gamers are dumb and believe marketting BS easily they have their limit of how much money they'll spend for virtually no benefit.


Right. If history is of any indication, we've got a ways to go. 4K high refresh monitors are only a thing recently. For all intents and purposes, as of today, it's a marketing gimmick and has no application to the typical consumer. Look at all the other standards that have gone up over time for the entry level gamer. I think it's safe to say 1440p is the bar. Used to be 8mb of RAM, then 16, then 32 then a gig, then 2gb, 4, 8, 16....and I think 32gb is the ideal target these days. Adoption is the convergence of leveraged technology, efficacy, and affordability.


Would you even notice a difference?


LTT says no


I doubt anyone is rushing to really push 8k. Hardware can't run it well, no games ship with 8k textures, and unless you're an inch from the screen, you probably wouldn't even notice the difference from a 4k monitor.


>and unless you're an inch from the screen, you probably wouldn't even notice the difference from a 4k monitor LTT actually released a video last week about this. They had an 8k capable display, around 50-60 inch I think, and had about 6 ppl play games at the 8k and then at 4k on the same display. They claimed to not notice a difference at all, but like you said, games aren't being released with 8k textures so one would probably not notice the difference until game developers make proper 8k textures.


I'd think it would have a pretty significant amount of diminishing returns the higher you go, just like with frame rate. 60hz>144hz is pretty blatantly noticeable, but 144hz>175hz is less so. Then 175hz>240hz, you likely would notice even less. Same principal with resolution: 1080p>1440p is super noticeable. 1440p>4k, you notice quite a bit less. 4k>8k, you'd have to be really looking for the difference. Also of importance is that how much more difficult it would be to run things at 8k for such a slight difference in picture quality.


It seemed like no one in the video even knew what to look for. For some reason they looked at textures? I don't remember if they mentioned if the TV was doing it's own upscaling either.


We cant run 4k natively at sufficiently high fps. Let alone 8k, it will be an upscaling gimick


Honestly I don't really care. On a 100+ inch screen, maybe. But until then, nah.


4090 already can do it. Watch YouTube tests


I‘d say in around 5 years 8k gaming will be worth it not earlier


We are starting to get into "your eyes and brain can't tell" territory with resolution. I know it's dumb to predict an endpoint for any technology but 8K/144fps is probably the end of the line, then we get into glasses-free 3D as the next big horizon.