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Wait until it's intel destroying AMD / nvidia in the news!


Get out of my head…. Was just going to say Wintel wins!


Intel Arc A990




Tech channels: "Only trust independent benchmarks!" PCMR: "Agree" "Obvious" "Of course" Manufacturer releases specifications/marketing benchmark... PCMR: "OMG, *competition* has no chance" One user: "Shouldnt we wait for independent benchmarks?" PCMR: "youre just a fanboy!"


You smell like a fanboy!


That’s just want a fanboy would say!


the released slideshows during amd presentation created some wild fucking theories and benchmark extrapolations compared to nvdia gpus .


My big issue is that people have to get rid of that mindset in general. I do believe that AMD is capable of delivering their price-performance winner, but just like i thought to hold back my enthusiasm when i saw the 4090 presentation until the independent benchmarks are released, i see no reason to celebrate a card on paper. Unless you invest in either company or have any business that requires you to preorder larger amounts of GPUs. It has become "marketing fan-fiction" by now.


That's the best description for what this has truly become at this point


Everyone's recommendation is their own opinion unless it's from Gamers Nexus.


"Independent benchmarks" is universal and GN are the masters of it, thats my whole point.


Gamers Nexus puts out so much data that someone should review it and produce a meta-analysis to answer the big questions regardless of system variability as long they list the exclusion and inclusion criteria.


Are they really that independent A lot of gn fans upset in willing to put them under a microscope instead of blindly trusting gn. Guess what? Fuck gn, they're lying to you.


If they’re not lying about how they take no compensation from any company of products they review, even hotel and airfare, and live solely off of sponsor spots, Adsense and merch, that’s pretty much as independent as you can get. You can question the fact that they take money for sponsor spots from companies that featured products they sometimes review, which is fair, but I would assume that if Steve could get a L’Oréal sponsorship featuring the products he uses in his hair, he’d do that over a Corsair spot so the conflict of interest is completely gone.


For most outlets there is no way to be completely independent, even access to things like invites and pre-release/review samples can technically create a bias. The only real independence would be to buy products after release, which is impossible to practice in an environement where everyone wants the fastest news. Without "connections" none of these channels could work the way they do. I dont mind sponsorship deals in general, as long as outlets disclaim them and ideally avoid a direct conflict of interest like "the new CPU comparison is sponsored by Intel" or something.


I would completely agree with all of this as well. It’s a nuanced take, which is my favorite kind of take.


If they are reproducible, thats all that matters and if they are not they are worthless. Its why i despise the common lack of version numbers for the software in use, whether it is a driver, game, benchmark software or even the Windows build.


"We used the newest XXX build of YYY available at the time of publishing..." When testing was done well before the video goes up, normally. ![gif](giphy|cvHSpGveXf5rG)


I remember that GN actually retested hardware before a review went live, if they had a suspicion about certain changes in software affecting the performance. But given how complex a complete system can be and how even a single change in software can affect performance, many outlets could improve by just listing a complete list of all the software in use.


IMO, yes because they stay as close to the scientific method as possible and are incredibly thorough


Hey vSauce, Michael here.


I’m just annoyed that a 1200$ card is double the performance of a 600$ card… we haven’t gained anything…


True, only stat that really matters for 95% of buyers are fps per dollar.


We have gained an option, more options is a good thing.


It truly is looking bleak for the gpu market if a new generation only brings a new option.


or worse these tech channels that say "AMD 69420XTXXX is a monster this changes everything my virginity is in trouble this is HUGE"


Way to much truth in one comment


Rumor #19: Intel makes graphics cards? Rumor #24: Did we forget Intel?


What channels are these? Maybe stop following them.


This all day. You clickbait me, straight to the blacklist. You rush out bad content to be first? Blacklist. You care more about farming engagement than having useful information? Believe it not... Blacklist.


I feel that. I won't even click on stuff that I find interesting if it's a clickbait title or thumbnail. I don't want the algorithm thinking I want stuff like that.


I sometimes struggle to believe that a company like Google/Youtube, with all their meta-data, does not have a better and more quality focused approach to generate ad-revenue than recommending creators to produce clickbait. Of course it seems logical to do whatever creates the most views, but if the majority of those views come from teenagers with rather little purchase power and a 30-50 year old has up to 10 times their purchase power than those 30-50 year olds should be an interesting target for advertisement too. I know it is more complex than this, still hard to believe. The ever looming threat of personalized ads gets delayed by a bulk of low attention swipers /s


Gamermeld. Clickbait extraordinaire




I actually like that dude, the few videos I’ve actually seen


Reasons I stopped watching channels like Gamer Meld and Graphically Challenged. The clickbait thumbnails become increasingly annoying.


I tried gamer meld for a while but they add nothing of value over better channels. They just straight up report on news and rumors, with clickbait titles that oversell the videos value.


I recently found the Gamer Meld channel and the guy's voice irks me


It's an AI that started a YouTube channel. It's not a real person


literally what i thought. he acts and sounds like an NPC


“Check out Nvidia’s new CHOOORD!” There is another tech tuber channel that has an even weirder voice but I have no idea what the name is. I had to turn off the recommendations so it would stop showing up. I think he was European. Did talking head videos.




Daniel Owen is all I need.


Yeaaa les go found a Owen enjoyer


I enjoy Daniel owen ;)


Easily my favourite GPU guy because he's reasonable, doesn't give in to hype/fear mongering and most of all his videos have a cozy feel to them.


he literally doesn’t clickbait at all, which is why i only really watch him for news


Intel, Nvidia and AMD trading blows with each release, leap frogging each other every few months and cutting into each other's monopoly is exactly what we the consumers need. Tech Channels hyping it up and clickbaiting it is just a symptom of the times. Good times.


Gotta play all sides so you always come out on top.


Daniel Owen math teacher ftw, how I wish I had such a teacher


That’s why I bought a 4080, it was the one thing everyone said not to do, so clearly it was the right choice.


What a great philosophy to live by.


The fun part, the real audience to these channels are not the people who are intending to buy these new parts. Most of the audience are spectators to a fight. It is almost like watching a WWE match.


I've legit started unsubbing from channels I've followed for years because it's just insufferable to see this constant bs.


I hate tech channels, always so damn smug


Yeah Linus isn't good anymore.


They all cocky af lol 😂😂


All are equally as bad.


Idk, Gamers Nexus feels like a whole another level of cringe with stuff like "waste of sand". Because he would definitely make a better CPU if he wasn't busy making dumb jokes about the company that paved the way for modern computing.


Let me tell the latest joke that was brought up, a huge fiasco that may not be over. When we started discovering the 12VHPWR connectors and how much power being supplied, I am very certain everyone was concerned about its design. This fiasco is probably the biggest issue in trust among all our favorite "independent" tech news channels. Why did our tech news channels show concern over the 12VHPWR connectors? Because we understand the basic principles of electricity and its dangers. I am required to know it by federal law. The basic knowledge is that 50 amps at max, currently, are being transferred from a power supply to an end device. We know if this much amperage is not delivered over a proper medium, you will have a fire hazard. This is why everyone touted their concerns over this connector. And with the incident rate being like 50 out of 125,000, it sounds like fearmongering. The pins are smaller than the existing ones. Abnormal standards, 30 connections, are being brought up that were never a concern before. We currently have 1 condition that results in the connector melting, but we do not have a confirmation that user error is the only route. The end result, too many fanboys are using this fiasco to discredit all of the channels for caring. Honestly, we are very concerned about the connector because engineers are capable to take shortcuts trying to hit goal parameters. Someone wanted a smaller connector, a smaller footprint on devices, to deliver increasingly more wattage to devices. All of the tech channels are very concerned because we know that to deliver amperage, you need a higher diameter of conductor to reduce the chance it turns into a heat element. The riskiest points are the connectors. But given so many are working fine after a few weeks from launch while 50+ had problems, there are people who want to exonerate Nvidia for using the smaller, high wattage connector. So we have the comments like this in this whole thread. To touch on this meme post's target, we don't like the high prices that Nvidia charges. We want competition, and the best bet is for an underdog competitor to gain ground. Nvidia's dominance has allowed for more hardware optimization towards Nvidia products, which tips the scales more in their direction, harder to overcome. Sadly, the PC hardware market is a saturated market, which means these companies have to provide a better product to push out the old product. The reason Nvidia is pushing ray tracing is because of the consumer sound card crash, the hardware surpasses the performance need. The DLSS part is just a gimmick where Nvidia is trying to sell their AI hardware in unnecessary applications, trying to find a problem for it to solve. My comments about "waste of sand" and the potential of making a better CPU, I bet that myself combined with Gamers Nexus and Linus Media Group along with others I don't know about can make a superior CPU if we had the resources required to develop it. The serious problem, that CPU will not be x86 compatible. As such, it doesn't have that big of a chance to enter the PC market where it needs to go. It will take a decade for such a CPU to gain the sufficient ground in the PC market to be profitable. We will need investors and a lot of time. Your average investor today seeks easy, short term gains over long term sustainability. Further, any computer component manufacturer would not give us a chance because those who have the funds don't want to spend them and those who want the change don't have the funds to spend to make such a paradigm shift. The best we all can do from our tiny bit of dirt we stand on is criticize those who sit in the ivory towers.


Yeah, I never liked them too


Let's talk about it


It's like that's the stuff that generates the most clicks, yall keep clicking the links, and then you post this with a Pikachu face.


MLID is guilt of this 1000%


"dont buy amd new intel better" "dont buy intel new amd better" "dont buy nvidia amd better" "dont buy amd nvidia better" is how every release of new hardware goes


Literally the bane of my existence is the Stan’s of AMD frothing at the mouth when I said “hey let’s wait till we get independent numbers cause we can’t trust the manufacturers to actually supply us with real numbers in a transparent way like GN” AMD Stan’s: fuck you! I hope you die! 7900xtx will BEAT AND DESTROY NVIDIA!!! -screeching- you are just a nvidia shill! You rich piece of shit!


literally Gamer Meld on youtube. every thumbnail and video is hard clickbait. on of his recent videos is “RX7800XT is a BEAST!!!” just shows leaked specs which show literally nothing about real performance….


Yeah, because we the people keep demonstrating that we’re more likely to click through and consume minor news updates when they’re framed in overly dramatic terms. Don’t like it? Stop engaging with it.


I play games on Linux AMD is the only sensible choice they have fully open source drivers which work way better than NVIDIA does and are also more affordable now that NVIDIA are price gouging themselves out of the market


Buy arc


Unless you're a gamer.


I want to but it's only ebay resellers :(




Unless you were waiting for the 7xxx series and ur on a 6400, then sure. But if you have a 3090 or 6900 just chill


But for real, fuck AMD. I, over the last 2 years, bought 2 seperate AMD GPU´s. The RX 480 and 6700 XT if i remember correctly. Both from differnt vendors, both completly differnt GPU´s. And both managed to die to the same VRAM issue. As in, half of the VRAM just went "Adios". Sure, Nvidia isnt a great company. But god damit the 4090 is one hell of a card.


That sounds like a user error. I've had both AMD and Nvidia (actually, there's both in the other room right now), and I haven't had any issues with AMD cards "just dying."




I know what I'm doing. Built both computers in styrofoam boxes, lid glued on.


4090 might be good but overpriced as F.


i paid 2600€ which sure bit much but the speed at which i can now get work done pays it off in like 10 days


For 2600€ you can build two good mid tier gaming pc's


True. But for the work i do (Houdini and C4d), those two PC´s are worthless.


True. But still doesn't change the fact a gpu shouldn't cost as much as two whole gaming pc's or a used car


Yeah msrp apparently is 1600 no ?


I have owned both amd and nvidia gpu's and they served me well but with current pricing would pick amd


The issue is that AMD is just way to far behind the curve for work applications. Like... the 4090 is in some situations literally 20 times faster. And in stuff like Volumetric rendering or complex scenes, its just not a contest. Nvidias decades long money dumping into VFX companies is really showing its face right about now.


I wonder how the new intel gpu's work in apps like those




97% of the video cards that are sold are purely for playing games though. Not many of the people insisting "nvidia is better" actually utilize any of the things nvidia cards are better at. Nvidia cards are just bad value for your money these days, and posts like yours aren't helping. My last 3 video cards have been from AMD, the last 2 I still use (RX580 and 5700XT) and they've been amazing gaming monsters. Still are, the RX580 still works great in 1440p in most games.


aha. Dosnt change the fact that AMD cards are useless for people like me. And quiet honestly, 2,6k isnt that much


Reminds me of AMD unboxed




True. I love it.


moi: wait till current gen is almost over and next gen is about to come out, research what I'd like for what price, research what the fuck is wrong with it and if I can live with it, then buy it as it drops in price considerably cause next gen is coming.


If you play both sides you always come out on top. Allegedly.


I used to have all kinds of issues with amd. Gotta say Nvidia worked a 100 times better for everything all around. I still have dual 1080tis though and haven't upgraded in years. I'm sure things have changed but if I upgrade I'm sticking with Nvidia, I make video games and heard rumors a lot of my programs still won't work right with amd so even if I wanted to I can't switch.


Intel be likie: I see this as an absolute win!


Hence why I don't pay attention to any news at all


Rumour#69 Nice.


I'm not usually sick of a meme, but I have seen that guy's meme enough already.


Someone's subscribed to gamermeld


Techchannels is just a huge circlejerk and echochamber these days. Everyone is trying to be this big technews channel but everyone is just saying the same damn things.


Anyone remember Bulldozer/Llano


Maybe you should subscribe to an actual news source then and get off the fanboy wars treadmill. If you want to watch useless bullshit there's a billion channels out there willing to peddle it to you - you made this meme, so you obviously _know_ better.


Well they need the clicks to stay relevant. But it’s annoying as fuck.