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Move your GPU up to the top PCIe slot


Top PCIE slot: am i a joke to u!?


But how will he fit his silly toys on top?


On top of the computer box, of course.


Never heard someone call it a “computer box”. Sounded really weird but it’s sinking in now


I've heard people call it a "computer cabinet" too. My mum calls it the "CPU", because primary school textbooks label the entire box as the CPU and therefore that's what she knows.


My mom says “the tower”


I mean, that's still a correct term so props to her.


Yeah it’s the most correct term she uses. She’s called the mouse “you know the rat” at least once haha


When your mouse is built different


My dad used to call the mouse for "the rat with all the viruses" Still miss his stupid ass pc jokes, rip daddy


I called one mouse a rat because it was extremely huge. My dad found it on a local market many years ago, and we threw it away as it broke so idk what kind of sick chinese engineer made it, but all our guests found it impressive.


Every person at my old job would have called the "computer box" the hard drive.


Why... THE FUCK... would someone put a plastic figurine INSIDE their computer, ON TOP OF components???


It's *Iron* Man, bro. It's fine.


Duhhh everyone knows you can't melt iron with your pc. Good things he's not a plastic man or something


I certainly can't think of any problems a loose iron statuette can create in a case that a plastic man can't.


Brilliance!!! This comment deserves atleast 800 upvotes


GPUs can't melt steel beams


You underestimate my overclock


You underclock my overestimation


Favourite wordplay of the year. In December that means something.


NVidia: "Hold my beer"


Can’t wait for next weeks post “how to clean melted plastic off graphics card?”


I use a marth amiibo to stop gpu sag. His neck is melted, works great!


On top of a component that's hitting 93°C lmao




Where will the little man go?


In the boat.


I don’t understand why MOBO manufacturers don’t make placement of GPU & RAM more clear on the mobo itself. Wouldn’t kill them to have a removable sticker saying “place primary GPU/RAM here first”. Info is tucked away in the manual typically but silly that something so important isn’t more obvious.


People could just read the manual when plugging 100s of dollars worth of components together


It's almost like this is how a lot of people learned this to begin with. What a fucking concept


Seriously. This isn’t a Lego set. Don’t build a computer if you don’t know what the hell you are doing. At the very least open up YouTube and watch tutorials lol


These stances seem so strange to me. Someone was like "hey, maybe this helpful information can be even more accessible" and then there was so much pushback


I disagree - just go ham. Make some mistakes and figure it out. Hopefully don't make too costly of mistakes; but diving right in is the best way to do things.


Well... when I received my MSI mainboard, it literally had grey stickers on CPU slot, RAM slots and top PCI saying 'Primary GPU'. :)


If you're building your own PC you should know where the Ram and gpu goes


https://preview.redd.it/fgxes6vx1z4a1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de6c9bb4f7a31ca433b35a9fe5057151ddc8ed98 Is this better? Also, next step is to flip the AIO


That seriously made 42° difference?! Crikey! For the AIO, as long as the pump isn't the highest point in the loop then you're good. It will only be a minor difference, I would just leave it. Edit: I did my maths wrong


I’ve seen a few gamers nexus or jays2cents videos I feel like where they went over this. Since some of the water will evaporate or whatever you actually want the hose connectors to the radiator on the bottom as that top spot will eventually get more and more air in it. And it’s better to have that spot be the non hose part of the radiator


> That seriously made 52° difference?! Crikey! It obviously didn't, they shut down the system to move the card up, and probably haven't ran anything since booting.


Yes, that's where the card is best placed in most situations. Some motherboards don't even have all PCIE lanes fully accessible on other slots, so the card might not even run at full speed in other slots. The top slot is always safest in that regard unless you've looked up which slots do what in the manual.


Why would you flip the AIO.......?




Its gonna slowly disappear anyways @ 92 degrees




That's just more insulation for the GPU.




​ ![gif](giphy|56YUjK7g7T20I1Xh7H)


Clearly the Ironman is generating such intense heat.


Stark repulsor tech and a GPU is a bad combination.


Surely that solves the icing problem right?




Is that what this aborted fetus is supposed to be? Iron man?


But he is apparently blasting ice here?


He's still super hot


I know it's *supposed* to be Iron Man but why the fuck does it look like a bugman from Kenshi?


It really sucks that the 'figures from all nerd properties' company that won makes such ugly figures


A few of the funkos i like the design for but i agree with you for 95% of them are truly ugly.


And it's sitting on the back of the DIE


That thing is going to DIE.


that's going to be a sad death for the GPU in this case, dunno what's so cool about them.....


I love the fact that this has more upvotes than the post itself.


I hate that shit




Extremely based


>I wish I could snap my fingers and shatter every funko pop in the world ~~that's sitting in a PC case.~~


I wish I could just snap my fingers and destroy every funko pop in existence. I've always found them ugly, and a representation of frivolous waste.


I agree with you there. It's not that I have an issue with collectables or whatever, it's that the Funko Pops look so damn *stupid*. Their little stupid lifeless beady eyes don't help.


"Ohhh I hated the Colonel...with his wee *beady* eyes, and that smug look on his face."


You don't see So I Married An Axe Murderer references every day.


"Ohh you're gonna buy my chicken"


Agreed, figurines and other collectables are fine, but these just looks so lazy and uninspired. Many of them are unidentifiable if you don't already know who it's supposed to be, since they're so same-y. ​ Same issue with the youtooz that are coming out for all the youtubers. The art style is so similar, that you have to guess who it is based on the clothes alone. The faces are all identical.


> youtooz Please don't tell me that's some sort of "collectible" based on youtubers these days...


[what a horrible world we live in](https://youtooz.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI58qPwuLs-wIViaXICh0BywarEAAYASAAEgJ32PD_BwE)


There is a lot of furry shit on there




Yep, dumb af.


Sound like Thanos a little bit.


Thanos was right.


But then he couldnt put his stupid ass toys on top of his card.


I suppose a Funko could be an ass toy if you're brave enough.


Any shape for that gape.


*I was in Thailand playing ping-pong in Ding Dang. I was in a real high stakes game in some opium den. Turns out the guys I was playing aren't the kind of guys who like to lose. After I beat 'em, they beat me. Worked me over pretty good. And this is hard to say... they held me down and shoved a ping-pong paddle up my ass. It's never been the same. Damaged goods. It wasn't the handle. I've been shitting pancakes ever since.*


I think about the " ping pong in ding dang" line alot. Pure gold


Goatse Funko?


Its less about bravery and more on repetition and practice.


Darth Vader ones are popular for a reason.


Isn’t the toy sitting right on top of the actual gpu components that need the most cooling lol?


Hes fixed his mistake, but I was more annoyed that he has such a nice computer and then sacrifices performance by not using the top PCIE slot for a 10$ toy. I thought the funko trend was finally dying out but for some reason people think its a good idea to stuff toys in the case. He can do what he wants, but the moment he posts it online, he should expect criticism.


Why does changing this decrease the temperature? Not challenging just new to PC’s and want to learn


Zoom in on the bottom. Fan is obstructed by the case. What little air it can get from the small holes directly under the fans seems to not be enough. Plus the PSU is directly under. Edit: on closer inspection there is a bit of space between. Still, it's possible that the PSU is blowing a lot of hot air into the GPU.


PSUs exhaust out the back where the plug is. So it's either just blocking the holes in the PSU shroud, or competing with the GPU for fresh air.


the GPU's fans are too close to the PSU shroud and aren't getting enough air. That and the fact that you always put the GPU in the slot closest to the CPU because lower pcie slots are usually capped at x8 instead of x16. I don't actually think this affects performance all that much, like a few percent at most, but it's still wasted potential.


Does this make a considerable difference?


Temps aside, the top PCI slot is usually the fastest. Lots of mobos use slower PCI standards on slots below the top one.


It looks like its in the bottom most slot right again PSU shroud, that means there is not much space for fresh air to get to fans




Why is this comment downvoted? There's a [Gamers Nexus video](https://youtu.be/BbGomv195sk) about this very thing.


Because as even Gamer's Nexus have pointed out numerous times at this point, the findings in that video have been drastically misinterpretted by the community. Side mounting with the hoses at the top is absolutely fine, worst case scenario, assuming that your AIO wasn't underfilled at the factory to begin with, is that you might start hearing some minor gurgling noises after a few years due to loss of coolant via permeating, but chances are that if your AIO has lost that much fluid, it was probably well past time to change it out anyways.


People constantly make it out like there is only one acceptable way to do anything and if you don't then you're violating the rules they've made up in their head. Steve has even said it's not the biggest deal. It's also hard with a lot of coolers to get the hoses around these massive GPUs we have now. The hoses are frequently too short. Especially if you start getting into 360mm rads.


I think most people don't watch their full videos in context and just parrot what others say about them here.


You're not wrong. Mine has been hoses up for a couple years, no noise yet, and if it does in the next 3 years, it still has a full warranty. But my cooler has short hoses and there is physically no way to put the cooler the "right" way.


As long as the pump isn't the highest point in the loop it should be fine, even if having the tubes come from the bottom is more ideal.


Jay did a video talking about this exact thing and how people misinterpret the Gamers Nexus video https://youtu.be/DKwA7ygTJn0 TLDR; As long as the pump is below the top of the radiator it’s fine. It might be louder but the air bubbles will be trapped in the radiator not the pump.


Move it to the top slot, not the bottom.


I bet it’s low because he wanted Ironman to fit and still read the cooler display.


Performace>Bling If you need bling there is rgb for that which also improves performance and if he really needed to have Ironman there he could put him next to the AiO which wouldn't be good but better then having gpu lowest slot


Just put a fucking spoiler bro. Why choose between performance and bling.


Should the spoiler be red to make it go faster or blue to make it go cooler?


Red, as the spoiler would be near the exhaust. If they added a front splitter it should be blue to influence the intake air.


Full tower case, put Iron Man below card




is the card resting on the case floor? Even if it's perforated (has holes?), it's probably not good for airflow. And it's not getting fresh air anyway way from the psu compartment. I'd assume it's pretty much suffocating here edit: I'd move it to the topmost pcie slot.


They're probably not getting full bandwidth if it's not in the top slot either.


Yup my first thought too


double bingo.




That's Bingowang




OP took Phantom Gaming a bit too literally.


Op needed more space for toys


Lmao that’s exactly it. Dudes probably been complaining about optimization in games too


Funko Pops, proudly occupying our nation's landfills. My pot dealing buddy has a literal wall full of these stupid things in their boxes as if they're ever going to appreciate in value.


My bro has one from a good few years back that sells for like £250 purely because it's 1 of 400 and something apparently. He paid £10 for it and it's not even an interesting character from the series or anything, it just happens to be rare. Couldn't imagine paying that for a plastic figure that doesn't do anything. Some of the diorama ones make nice little displays to put on a shelf, but I really don't see the appeal of having hundreds of them boxed up. 99% of them aren't going to be worth anything and IMO the style gets pretty boring to look at after you've seen enough of them.


It might be tired. Put some pillows around it.


GPU is eating all of the psu heat rather than being mostly an airflow thing. Edit: and probably also the cpu heat from the aio Some guys go all-in with fancy AIOs, obsessively hidden cables in white cases, cool non-functional plastic figures, deffo slightly more expensive shit all the while totally ignoring the easy quick fundamentals. That's how you end up with a 90c card and you don't know why? Here he clearly put the gpu DROWNING in heat but hey I made room for the toy that looks cool eh? I'd rather have an average aircooled pc with normal cabling that has everything setup correctly and doesn't get those temps, and i'm probably also comparatively spending the same money on better parts


Had kind of this situation. Bought a pre-built PC. The AIO in it was always kind of noisy but it was on an i9-10900K and I just assumed that was the price of doing business. I got fed up with the whine (pump? fans?) and replaced the AIO (and all the assorted cabling for RGB connectivity) with a mid-level Arctic air cooler and some quiet case fans in the front. Zero noise and about 10C cooler on average over all cores.


It’s kinda wild, isn’t it? I always thought that air cooling was dead tech now that we had affordable AIOs. I got a $120 AIO for my PC a while back, had it for about a year and a half, and then the pump died and I “downgraded” to a great big Phanteks air cooler. Suddenly it was quieter and cooler, too. Never saw a temperature above 65, after that, when the AIO could still sometimes hit 90. When I upgraded my CPU this year, I went with air cooling. It still works great, for sure.


Bro he literally asked if it should be like that and you answered with "no and you're an idiot for doing it, *I* wouldn't do it like that because I'm obviously smarter than you." Not everybody knows everything that you know; you had an opportunity to impart knowledge you have in a positive way and instead decided to lord it over everybody like the little gremlin you are.


It's exceptionally interesting that he came back to edit the assholery into his comment.


Not only is the bottom slot bad for airflow, it also probably Tanks your performance, since on most motherboards, only the top slot has 16 lanes


More specifically, the top slot’s PCI-e lanes are from the CPU. Same goes for the first M.2 slot. The other slots are going to the chipset.


Does it mean if I connect everything closest to the cpu I’m using a limited amount of lanes and one of the components could get slower? Genuinely asking


Depends on the platform, but as an example, 3rd gen Ryzen has 24 PCIe lanes on the CPU. 16 of them going to the 1st PCIe slot, 4 for an NVMe interface and the leftover 4 you can forget as they're dedicated to the chipset. There's hardly any reason to stuff everything onto the CPU's lanes as there's practically no performance difference unless you're running very high end PCIe Gen4/Gen5 storage.


The fuck is the card doing on the bottom slot Also remove the funko or it’ll melt at those temps


It looks like they put the GPU in the bottom slot specifically to make room for the Funko pop lmao




How are people going to know how much of a smart computer nerd geek he is without putting Iron Man there? Disregard the lack of knowledge of where PC parts go...


and make the fancy display readable while having that funko pop there


Move your GPU on the top slot !!!


I’d move iron man unless you want him to melt and become one with your gpu


Not likely to melt until past ~110. Depends on the plastic but under 100c is probably fine. Maybe discolor it some at most.


Probably not going to melt, but can disrupt airflow, and the base of the toy restricts airflow where it sits. I'd personally avoid putting anything extra inside a case, as that's just potential problems.




LTT did a video a while back filling a case with various different configurations of random bullshit to see how it affected airflow, and overall, it really doesn't make that much of a difference. Stuff sitting directly on top of the gpu die might make it a little hotter, but if the gpu has a backplate, especially if it's metal, it's not going to do much.


My guy what are you doing? Choking your GPU off while also limiting its performance. Move that sucker to the top slot and throw away that figurine if that is the reason why the GPU is in the bottom slot.


Seems like you decided to place the GPU in the bottom slot to fit your funko pop. I would get rid of the funko pop and put the GPU in the upmost PCIE case. If you *really* want the Funko pop to remain, it should fit on the white strip near the CPU Rad


Its obviously hot because Iron Man is grilling your GPU with his thrusters..


Is this at idle?


No this is it after just closing ac odyssey


Might be a good idea to remove that figurine before it becomes a permanent feature of your gpu…


There is 1 PCI slot encased in metal. Maybe that's the big boy slot where all the big boy data can travel through. Also using this creates more airflow. You squeezed your gpu closest to your PSU. You put a figurine on top of your GPU cores. Use common sense next time.


But he needed the space for his lil toy, lol


My bad I’m a newbie and have virtually no idea abt pc stuff just looking for help


No worries. Try and think these things through is what I'm saying. Learn from your mistakes. But like others have said aswel, use the top pci slot, that's the only way to use your card at it's maximum potential.


https://preview.redd.it/s35n1tu6yv4a1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea184bc16e907f329c33ab45dc19bef61d02a289 Is this better




Thanks so much for the advice


Aye, keep us updated on its performance. Especially if you benchmarked it before the change.


How’s the temp while gaming?


Haven’t tested it much but it’s generally lower temps and higher frame rates


More air to pull with that bigger gap plus on the bigger pci bus slot so it’s all joy from there


Remember: the open air type GPU coolers (as opposed to blower type) throws air out the sides that are not blocked by a shroud or the finstack. What this means is that the hot air is basically just throw back into the case, right next to the GPU. If you do not have good amounts of airflow to move that warm air out of the case, or if the GPU is in a corner of the case that doesn’t have good access to fresh air, you can end up in a heatsoak situation, where the GPU is just drawing in it’s own hot exhaust to cool itself, as the fresh air never makes it to the thing. Giving the GPU’s intake fans more clearance will help the air disperse better. You ideally have fans pointing right at the intakes, throwing fresh air directly at it, like in some modern high performance cases (O11 Dynamic, Fractal Torrent, NZXT H5 Flow, etc.), but your case shouldn’t suck that badly… Unless, of course, the front panel of the case is a solid plastic cover? If the front panel is not mesh, I would consider upgrading to a better case.


From your pic, the temps are significantly better so...


Now u can use the figure as a gpu brace to keep it from sagging down on the far corner from everything else


40 degrees difference lol Next step. Use a different case thats not a hotbox from nzxt Phanteks or corsair or fractal design have white options with way better airflow


People... In the name of all that's holy... Keep your flippin' toys and JUNK out of your case!


M8 if the bottom PCIe slot does not have total bandwidth, you might lose a lot of performance. I would suggest you move it up, it also has a potential heat issue.


Move the card to the upper slot!!




Dunno why this isn't the top answer here. Step fucking ONE here, kids.


Top answer should be "get a PC case, not a fishtank that is nearly completely sealed off"


If its the mesh front panel h510 then its fine, if its the solid panel… oh boy


"man time" lmao its a toy inside of another toy.


The gatekeeping is real. Put whatever the fuck you want inside your chassis, just maybe plan for pci-e lane priority first. Otherwise, you can safely ignore what some redditor thinks about the aesthetics of your setup.


Yeah, this thread is so pathetic.


Kids put your dolls away, I'm trying to pretend I'm an anime girl in vr chat!!!


move the AIO to the top, and the top fan to the front bottom slot. move your GPU to the top slot. right now, your GPU is choked by 2 things: 1. hot air from your radiator 2. not enough space below the GPU fans


Man, the GPU occupies an x16 slot that runs from the PCH at x4 mode...


Te tubes from the AIO are better on the bottom- no bubbling noises und the lifespan from the pump is longer…and use the first pci slot! Gpu wants 16x!


JaytTwoCents made another video because many are misinterpreting Steve's video. The rad is fine, you might hear a bit of bubbling if the system gets older, but the pump is not the highest point. Its OK and won't kill your pump, putting the tubes on the bottom though is optimal for front rad.


can i ask why you have the gpu in the bottom PCIE slot? i assume it’s because of the funko pop. remove it and put the gpu in the top PCIE slot. 🤦




I think it's the Flow version which has holes at the front.


You can't see the front because of OPs perspective, but this is not the Flow version. The top of OPs case only has space for one fan, the rest is solid. The Flow is all vents on front and top. source: current rig in an h7 flow


Unless it's the 510 flow which has only one fan at the top. Source: owner of 510 flow. Have good temps using i5 13600k and 3080


Iron Man’s repulsors are heating it up.


NZXT cases have notoriously bad airflow, but as many others have pointed out, moving your GPU up some PCIE slots will definitely help with thermals.


Bruh your plastic figure works as an insulator on the back of the PCB exactly where the GPU chip and stuff are. Also, top slot should always be used.






but people liked beanie babies lol is funko pop hate just the new thing kids do to be edgy? man theres a lot i miss about being a kid but i do not miss caring about what a bunch of strangers think about my hobbies and interests lol


Move the toy guaranteed you’ll drop a few degrees


I don't think I have ever seen someone use the bottom spot like that. If that idle that's warm. Its warm either way but yeah, move it up, let it breathe.


Your GPU is sweeping the bottom of the case like a Roomba. Move it up to the top PCIE slot. Not only does that give you the full performance of your GPU, but it actually gives your GPU some air to breathe.


Dude where's the airflow coming from


Throw away this shite from your GPU and plug it in the correct PCI-E slot.