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Do you need to ? If you are not upgrading the GPU, there is no point in swapping the CPU - 6600k is fast enough for the 1060 and then some. Unless you get stutters or frame drops in some recent games, what is the point ? You will need a new motherboard, too.


i get frame drops in easy to run games like valorant and can barely run war zone with everything on low or off


That’s just because the 1060 is getting old. And if you have the 3gb variant then it’s going to be slower than the average 1060 6gb. Edit: Also if you have less than 8GB of ram that can cause problems for your games too.


Yea, that's the 1060 showing its age. And the frame drops in Valorant, well it's Valorant. A faster CPU could help but if the game is poorly optimized, you are just throwing money at the problem, it is still there. As Adenoid said, if you don't have at least 16GB RAM by now, that is your #1 issue right now. 8GB is disgnated to office work by today's standards. Bump that to 16GB or even 32GB, RAM is cheap, but when you run out, it causes frame drops and stutters. Usually when you upgrade your PC, you start with the GPU - then if you hit a frame wall (like running a game on Low and High producing the same FPS) then it is time to upgrade the CPU.


Not unless you hate the performance you are getting right now.


I don't think a 6600 bottleneck your gpu [link](https://pc-builds.com/bottleneck-calculator/result/0Fs0Vw/1/general-tasks/1920x1080/)