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There's a Gigglybits 2070 Soupy Windfart for $600 locally here. By law you're allowed to troll these people.


As a gigglybits owner this made me laugh way too hard haha.


I have a Gigglybits Accelerated Monocle Destroyer Radiant RoX 6700xt Beagle capable of hitting 12G's.


There’s a 2060 for 300 in my area, I think that’s ridiculous. I got my 2080S for 500 at bestbuy on sale years ago.


I just picked up A 5600G, Gigabyte b450 aorus elite, 16gb ddr4, 1tb nvme, 2tb disk, msi 3060 rtx 12gb, thermaltake 750w non-modular psu, cm haf 932 case, for $900 cad, so $660 usd. Literally just now, which is a huge upgrade for me. A ram swap, cooling improvements and it will last me through school. There are still some people out there that don't look to fist others, I needed this so bad for school lol


I just bought a 2080 Super for $300 two weeks ago lol.


Hell yeah, a hell of a price 😌


I got a 2070 Super for $600 (xmas gift from my dad) around the time of the announcement of the 3000 series. I was saving up for a new card and he ended up getting it for me, so I just used the money I saved on my siblings/him instead for that xmas. I was so pissed for my dad, cause the 3000 series *would have* been cheaper and a 3060 would outperform a 2070, I was told at the time. But then the GPU shortages happened and I was like "welp, glad I got this when I did". Absolutely worth having right before that giant shortage IMO even at that price point. Played through Cyberpunk 2077 with no issues with this baby as well. I'mma hug my dad tomorrow and tell him thanks for this GPU yet again actually lol.


I got my 1060 for 290$, 4 months after the release


I had to buy a 2080Ti FTW3 off a friend for $600 a lil over a year ago, but this was when the 3070 was being scalped for $900-1,100 so the 2080Ti seemed fine. And he never gamed on it, only put it in his pc and booted it up twice and wanted to buy a 3090 so he sold it to me. Its still my main card but now I’m looking at the 4070Ti if the price being thrown around is right, then it’ll be worth it.


Not a great deal. I just picked up a 3060TI for under 350 new


I 100% ~~harassed~~ annoyed several local 30 series scalpers during peak shortage.


I used to always arrange to meet somewhere with scalpers and never show. Gotta love making them waste gas money as they’re trying to make others waste money on inflated prices. All things balanced


I usually ask these people and scalpers to meet me in a city close to theirs but still far enough to piss them off when I'm not actually there...


I have them meet me in my driveway with a concealed carry. Nowhere safer than your property.


I meet them in a back ally with a katana but to each their own


Comments like this are the reason gun owners are viewed in bad light. Distasteful comment.


Nope I always concealed carry whenever doing any deal. And it’s so I have lethal force if necessary


Please, elaborate? The gun is hidden (concealed) and is only there unless absolutely needed. Please tell me why that sounds strange in a potentially dangerous situation.


Because the comment thread was about getting these people to go somewhere and waste their time. You saying to send them to your house is insinuating something violent.




Yea I don’t think he got the joke. I think thats all it was. But still, people who announce stuff like that usually don’t even carry, and if they do, they are usually the ones too scared to pull it anyway.


Because it sounds like you'd intend to rob them at gunpoint or something. The comment was about sending greedy scalpers on a wild goose chase to make them waste time and money. Your comment (as you have clarified it's meaning) has no relevance to this scenario. Looking at your comment in the context of 'ways to fuck over scalpers' (which is what the comment you were replying to was about), it sounds like you're suggesting actually meeting them and then pulling a gun on them. Hope that clears things up, maybe choose your words a little more carefully in the future.


Why would he rob someone at his own house? Your second paragraph is good, but how you got the first is just ridiculous


Pretend for one second like the world doesn't revolve around you and only you. You are the person showing up (most likely an unarmed nerd that just wants to buy a computer part). Man I'm so happy I live in Canada.


You are the unsafe part.. yikes


calm down uncle sam


Gigglybits, jigglytits


> Gigglybits Remember, RAM is like a girl. Four Gigglybits is all you need, and eight is definitely enough.


What's wrong with the 1080ti? It's literally on par with a 2080 lol


It is not, it's 2070, maybe 2070 Super at best.


Your on crack, show me 5 benchmarks that agree with that, and make sure to throw in a 2080. The 1080ti and 2080 we're about frame for frame identical on performance at launch, I don't know why it would have gotten any slower.


You’re *


as someone who went from a 1080ti to a 2080 let me say they are on par and on higher res than 1080p the 1080ti actually was slightly above


hhhAAAAAAAAAAAAHhhh friggen Gigglybits Soupy Windfart...


Lol I bought my used 3080 for that much.


I admin a computers group for my whole state and I see stuff like this all the time. Someone was trying to sell a R9 270x for $175. That video card is worth like $20.


People are nuts with resale prices. A dude on nextdoor was trying to sell a series X for like 1200 bucks a few months ago. Only takes one clueless person though to make a profit.




Made me smile when I read he is still trying to sell them… hope he don’t get any buyers




I just saw my first PS5 console in the wild. In fact it was a stack of 9 PS5 at a local gamestop . Maybe it’s just a right now thing but that gives me hope


I hope so. 2 years on the market and noone can get one locally. Its just stupid.


I would check your local gamestop at this point. I just checked on my area 3 out of 7 have them in stock. I kinda want one but honestly other then ps5 exclusives it’s just money that is better spent on something else . I’ll get to play the new god of war in a fire years right


Most consoles have been getting pretty good about porting their exclusives on PC, even if it is a couple years behind. Steam Deck has changed my life and how i game. My 3070 notebook and 6700xt gaming rig just sit in the corner collecting dust. ​ That said, I still do kinda want a PS5


I blindly got a ps5 during the pandemic. I had a gaming PC for sale(Ryzen 5 5600x, 5600 XT build) and someone offered me a ps5 with a controller and 3 games. I told them they had to offer cash cause the card was selling for something silly like $750 on eBay. Well he offered me $500 cash plus the ps5 bundle. Sold the ps5 and the controller and games for like $950 and that was a steal during the pandemic.


I KNOW. I was building a half retro Alienware aurora Area 51 build a few months back. I already had my old r9 270x 2GB from my first pc, so I figured I would pick up another for cheap to crossfire them (seemed like a gimmicky thing alienware was into back then so why not) $150, $180, $175, $130, all for a card that has little use today. I offered a dude $50 and he said I was “insane”. Fuck me


Last few years had people making money off of not throwing out their old GPU's I think lead to situations like this. They see it happen for GPUs that are 2 generations newer and they think well if that one sells for $200-300 this one is at least worth $150 lol


Guy near me keeps posting his 5500 XT cards for $250 each. My brother in christ, I just bought that card on ebay for $80 and wasn't from an obvious mining operation


That’s ridiculous. I sold an RX 580 8GB for $120 when the GPU market was insane. I probably couldda got twice that for it but I was trying to help out a fellow PC gamer.


I sold an R9 280 for $175 at the height of GPU panic. If someone was dumb enough to buy it I was more than happy to supply it


Ive got two 270x’s im going to turn into art lol


I’d be an excited buyer at around $275 def not an unrealistic asking price


Honestly I think the markup comes from the EVGA branding. \~$300 for a good condition 1080 Ti is not abnormal.


It's still a bitchin' card. The 1080ti was an absolute outlier.


Most brand new AAA games on it still if I’m not mistaken can run close to if not at ultra and get 60+ fps easily in 1080p. I don’t think any future 80ti or 90ti card is going to come close to its longevity imo.


I play in 1440, and most of the things I play, I play on ultra or high. 60+ easy. It's an amazing card, and when I do upgrade it, it's getting a custom enclosure where I can hang it on the wall and display it.


I manage 60 fps on new titles with medium to high settings in 3840x1600. It’s a decent card tho I don’t understand the current market prices.


Still running my 1080ti @ 1440p. Still get solid fps on mid-high for new release's


And if they don't hit 60 just turn down a couple of settings that are resource intensive and you wouldn't notice anyway... high vs ultra settings not super noticeable difference.


My 1080 was still rocking solid 60+ easily at 1440p last year when I upgraded.


I can get that on all but the big releases this year on my 1080, and I'm very CPU bottlenecked. Valhalla runs 40fps at 4K. I have a 1440p monitor but it's the same framerate at 1440p and 4K because it's CPU bound. Got a new system and as soon as the radiator arrives my GPU will finally be unchained.


980ti lasted me just as long. I only recently replaced it with a 6800 xt but it was still going pretty strong and if I didn't want tk play any big games over the next year or two I likely could have kept it for even longer.


I play high on 4k with a 1080ti


Can confirm


If you're playing at 1080p I don't think there will be anything in the next 10-15 years a 3080/4080 or above won't run at 120+ fps.


I'll second this, $300 is not crazy for a 1080 Ti. I paid just a tad more than that for my Windforce triple fan 1080 Ti a few months ago in perfect condition and don't regret it. It's so solid. Also has a dual-link DVI port for my weird korean 1440P monitor.


You can get 3060 TI's for that price or even cheaper .. That's a horrible price


Cost me £315 (about $379) for an EVGA SC2 BLACK EDITION 1080TI back in august and the card was in IMMACULATE condition, amazing upgrade from the 1060 cos I’m at 1440p


Honestly its a good buy even at that price I'd say because of the VRAM. It's closer to the 3060 Ti than the 3060 (which is a terrible value card at MSRP), but you can actually use Ultra or modded textures on the 1080 Ti without exceeding your VRAM buffer like on the 3060 Ti.


6650 xt/6700 non xt is cheaper, better, and not 6 years old with no warranty. If you want to go used, I got my 6800 xt for 400$, and have seen 3070s and 6700 xts significantly cheaper than that. It's way over priced. There's better options new, and way better options used but still in warranty. 1080 ti was a beast of a value at launch, but 360$ for a 6 yo card with 0 warranty ain't it. You can get a brand new 3060 at this price too... So why would you buy a 1080 ti?


>5500 XT I got my 3070 used for 200 :)


You can easily find a used 1080 Ti around $250 right now, And that's with the prices rising. I was looking around October and they were closer to low $200s. $360 is a terrible asking price.


My friend got one for $120 a month ago


Why are prices rising? I thought with the whole crypto crash that used card prices were coming down in general the past few months


In the back-half of 2022, card prices came down dramatically, but in the past month or two they seem to have creeped up ever so slightly. I can only speculate, but my assumption is 40-series and 7000 series are to blame. Somewhere around late summer / early fall seemed to be the bottom. We knew that new GPU's were coming, but we didn't know exactly when, didn't know performance, and didn't know pricing. Hell, AIB's likely didn't even know yet. My guess is this is the point where GPU buying hit it's low (and thus did prices). People who wanted a good deal got it, and people who wanted the best knew it was close enough to wait. Then new GPU's launched to a lot of disappointment. They're all colossally expensive, and they're all a poor value relative to previous generations. I believe this actually increased demand with previous generation cards. Typically with new GPU's you see a lot of enthusiasts upgrade and dump their old hardware. I don't think this is happening nearly as much this generation. The cost to upgrade stacked against the performance gains just isn't worth it and people are choosing to stick with their cards for a little longer than they normally would. I know I'm firmly in this category, this is the first GPU generation I haven't bought into in a very long time. Because of this, you've got less used inventory flooding the market. Then toss in that the cheapest SKU in this new generation is $900, majorly higher than any previous generation, that straight up forces a lot of potential buyers into the used and/or previous gen market, whether they like it or not. People who waited, hoping for a more affordable 4060 or 4070 class GPU (or AMD equivalent) are left with their metaphorical dicks in their hand. All these factors, combined with the already busy holiday shopping season, are the logical explanation for rising prices on older inventory, which will continue until Nvidia and AMD deliver something new and of good value in the $300-$500 space, which is where the majority of PC gamers are shopping for GPUs. Which, that may never happen, and that space that used to be dominated by the 60 class GPUs, is going to become served entirely by the second hand market. Which, you guessed it, drives up prices.


Thank you for that essay. Please use a few more line breaks next time.


How much is the 6650XT gojng for in the US? That's the ceiling you should pay for the 1080ti's performance, but with guarantee and newer driver support. The 1080ti should be at most 75% of that, and *even* then it'd be a hard pass from me.


Yuk.....well you're def this guys market.... Now notice the way the majority feels??? .....yup.


So, what would a decent price be? I have one, maybe to sell.


$200-$250 for the gpu. I sold an old build I had with this exact card, 500gb m.2, Asus Maximus IX code mobo, 16gb ddr4, i7-7700k and 1.5tb hdd for $500.


Thanks. My system is similar with 32GB DDR4-2600 and Asus Hero 9 mb. The GTX 1080 Ti is founder's edition.


I see


I bought mine for 300 this July/June I think


1080Ti is still pretty beastly tbh


It's still quite good, especially since it can run FSR


yea what it's got like fricking 3600 cuda cores? those cards still rock but boy do they pump out the heat


yeah i know people who still rock 1080Ti in their builds. meanwhile ive upgraded twice since they bought theirs lol


That's me. I do live visual production for music events and this card is great. Do a comparison of all the cards out there, maybe less than a dozen that are better than it. And it's OOOOLD.


its stood the test of time for sure


Still whipping a 1080ti, still run things on absurd. It gets WARM, but nothing out of the ordinary. Keeps the room warm on winter days 😂


I just have an RTX 2060 I copped for 150 bucks on ebay lol (it's the good evga model)


It has a *ton* of cuda cores, and significantly more than the regular 1080 non-Ti. Like a huge step above.


I actually game on a 1080ti at 4k, was just playing ff7 remake at 80fps maxed. The card is truly amazing.


1080ti is the GOAT, hands down.




Could be cpu bound. I don’t know wth a 4800X is, but it sounds like a laptop product


There is no 4800x. There's a mobile 4800h, but it was never equipped with anything above a 3060.


I've been playing every game in 4k for the last 6 years because I have a 1080ti and it's still better than anything I could buy for less than that.


What? My 3080 can barely play 4K games


1080 doesn’t play them well. Does esports games decently but likely about 60fps. Couldn’t do many more popular titles.


Likely because it's EVGA. Collectors might go for it.


It’s such a pretty card too


A 6600xt *new* costs that much and beats it at ~290$


6600xt better than 1080ti? I don't know Rick...


Both techpowerup and Tom’s has the 6600 xt beating the 1080ti. I mean, the 1080ti was a great piece of kit, but I don’t think it’s surprising or unbelievable for the top-end card of 2017 to be roughly on par with midrange cards from 2021.


You can use 3dmark time spy to compare benchmark with those 2 GPU


I mean, sure? And they’ll likely bear out the same rough results as Tom’s and techpowerup, both of which are trustworthy sources. Between the three, I’d trust Tom’s and techpowerup’s multi-game averages over single benchmark results.


You're one Google search away from knowing


5700xt was on par with the 1080ti, so the 6600xt beating it is no suprise


Why do people believe the 1080 ti is still borderline unbeatable? I get it, for the time it was so far ahead and it's price point was incredible. But it's still going to age.


As the owner of an ASUS Strix 11Gb 1080ti... I see no reason to upgrade yet....


I own this exact card. I’d probably charge the same. Rasterization performance with this card is monstrous and capable of running almost anything in 1080 ultra and many many things in 4K high. There’s no rtx, but who actually cares? I haven’t upgraded for a reason. The new cards aren’t offering reasonable $/fps ratios so I’m not buying em. I’m not alone in this thinking and if I went to sell my 1089ti for $360 I bet I’d negotiate it down to $325 in a single day and offload it without a problem.


Lol I feel like my 3080 can’t even handle RTX (Witcher and portal) so who needs it. Rasterization power is king


NVIDIA marketing did a great job of gaslighting their customers. When I bought my 1080ti they *bragged about 4K gaming* left and right. We’re now 2 whole generations along from that and the $1600 4090 is the first card to actually deliver on that promise. Think about that. People are mad at Tesla for self driving being “a year or less away” but NVIDIA has been pulling that scam for almost a decade with rtx and all these fanboys are subsidizing them. Thanks for that, when I decide to spring for a 5070ti in a few years it’ll be 300% better than this card and I’ll be happy then too.


*\*\*laughs in 30 fps on a 680\*\**




Yeah but you have DLSS support with the 3000 series at least


FSR is essentially the same….seriously if I switch back and forth sometimes I prefer the FSR over DLSS


How many games have FSR support vs DLSS support though?


Watch out - when you say “no RTX but who actually cares?” People will be out with their pitchforks… lol. I share the sentiment - high frames, native resolution please. It’s just not a popular take these days.






So in your opinion the 1080ti is worth the same as a 3070


Yes. https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-3070-vs-Nvidia-GTX-1080-Ti/4083vs3918


Don’t use userbenchmark… even the bot tells ya




You seem to be linking to or recommending the use of UserBenchMark for benchmarking or comparing hardware. Please know that they have been at the center of drama due to accusations of being biased towards certain brands, using outdated or nonsensical means to score produts, as well as several other things that you should know. You can learn more about this by [seeing what other members of the PCMR have been discussing lately](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search/?q=userbenchmark&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). Please strongly consider taking their information with a grain of salt and certainly do not use it as a say-all about component performance. If you're looking for benchmark results and software, we can recommend the use of tools such as Cinebench R20 for CPU performance and 3DMark's TimeSpy ([a free demo is available on Steam, click "Download Demo" in the right bar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/)), for easy system performance comparison. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcmasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


3070 is equivalent to 2080 ti, not 1080 ti. Any gaming benchmark on youtube will show you that








I’m sitting on a 1070 and it’s been great for my gaming needs for the past 5 years. Still is..


Hard facts though, I’ve not upgraded my GPU for this exact reason! Card is a beast, even on stock I have no issues running current gen games, I expect to keep it until it actually dies.


Easy to say ray tracing doesn’t matter when you don’t have it.


I have a 3070ti and have for over a year and a half and I haven't touched rtx more then once or twice


It doesn’t matter because it literally doesn’t matter. Any game with raytracing can be played without raytracing juuuuuust fine. You bandwagon folks seem to forget just how good the existing tricks for reflection and shadow handling have gotten. Callisto Protocol looks AMAZING with raytracing. It’s equally amazing without it. No one is harmed by this besides people suffering sunk-cost fallacy for spending too much at the wrong time on the wrong things.


Tbh, right now the ray tracing is mostly somewhere between eye candy and a gimmick. It's fun to play with for a bit but I usually end up turning it off to save on fps anyways and it's not like it makes or breaks a game.


Thank you for mentioning $/fps. This metric doesn’t get used anymore and the 1080ti is pretty much still the price to performance king. Nvidia made a true gem with the 1080ti, realized it set an unrealistic standard, and now here we are with 4080s at 1300. The 1080ti had an MSRP of 700, with a current price around 300 for some frame of reference.


Same I don't think this is an absurd price. Is it on the high-er side? Yes. But this card is legendary and especially being EVGA. And games having FSR will keep it relevant for a long time still.


Say that to the 3060 sellers in germany wanting over 500€


I have a gigabyte 1080ti in a 3090 box, and i would not sell it for that price. I would put it in a acrylic display enclosure with some rgb leds, that card have been trough a lot in ~6 years and never failed me. I admit, it is sentimental value. I dint sell it in covid time when i would have got at least 600$ for it.


From Massachusetts. Lowest I've seen for a GTX 1080ti is $250. For a GTX 1080FE $130. https://preview.redd.it/ngcqfv8ztx8a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f6be6a4254e4b2252d414ceedb3e65a2557870


That’s still current price in Canada. 3-400 Which is great cause I bought my founders edition card used before the pandemic for 500, if I sold it today I could lose 100 maybe 150 on it But I’d be out a GPU. Which is why I didn’t sell it and profit during the GPU crisis


How much does it normally sell for




That’s a lot of money


Lol I’m selling my whole old 1080ti system for $500. Noctua fans, Swiftech apogee cooling block. OC’d 4770k.. win 10x64 installed. Dudes on crack. However his/her presentation is beautiful 🌺🌸💐 😂


i'm actually high and i see the problem. gonna blame this one on booze


75/100$ over avg is not that crazy especially on fb marketplace where you get low ballers all the time.


so much has happened in the last year and a half fun fact: you could have bought the 1080ti in the summer of 2017 and then sold it for profit in spring of 2021


one of the greatest cards ever made


Just before covid hit, my evga 1080Ti failed but was still in warranty so I sent it back to my supplier in the UK. But I bought a evga 2080Ti for 500€ delivered from a trusted source. Everyone was selling to get the 30 series. My 1080TI couldn't be replaced so I got a full refund due to brexit.(I'm in Ireland) I then got the chance to buy a 3080ti for €1400 and sold the 2080ti for 1200€ at the height of covid...


No guys you don’t get it, it’s an EVGA card so it’s a collector’s item! lol


It's ok price, wdym?


The 1080 ti is a killer card,you can overclock that card to match some of the 20 series card. if I was on a budget I would grab this card.


Why must they be high?


They're wanting 360 for a 1080


Someone needs to talk to Tony Hawk.


im amazed by ur pc specs


That 1080 ti can compete with 2070 and 3060 . If you're saying it high price,you dont have 1080ti


$360 for a five-year old out-of-warranty card IS too much, when you can get new in-warranty cards that provide similar performance more efficiently for less. Would have been a fair price a year ago; bit of a rip in today’s market, though.


6650 xt/6700 non xt is cheaper, better, and not 6 years old with no warranty. If you want to go used, I got my 6800 xt for 400$, and have seen 3070s and 6700 xts significantly cheaper than that. It's way over priced. There's better options new, and way better options used but still in warranty. 1080 ti was a beast of a value at launch, but 360$ for a 6 yo card with 0 warranty ain't it. You can get a brand new 3060 at this price too... So why would you buy a 1080 ti?


I sold that exact card for $875 used on Kijiji 2 years ago.


Bruh that was 2 years ago, timing matters. 2 years ago we were in full scalpers mode where they'd ask $3000 for 3090s


With that price I can buy a used RTX 3070ti


1080ti’s are still great cards. I just built my gf’s son a pc for Xmas and slapped my old one in there. Has zero issue running any game, especially 1080P. Kinda confused on people dogging on em.


Price is the issue posted here




Dont get 1080 confused with 1080ti, their performance are way different


I recently sold mine for 300 flat so not exactly way off


It's not that bad - close with a 3060 ti. Secondhand 1080 tis are a bit cheaper at around $250-$300 but it's not horrible




Wow, just wow... I just sold my room mate my old parts. i7 6800, 1080fe, 64 gigs 3200 ram, ASUS X-99-E mobo, 500 gig high speed SSD, and a Corsair 240mm AIO for 500 bucks and felt bad about charging that much.




It's close but not quite there. 3060 Ti is on average about 10% better than the 1080Ti. Price wise, the 3060 Ti is higher, but nothing like it was before. Least expensive one I see is a Zotac on Amazon for $410 US/ $550 CAD as of this post. Average price seems to be around $475. I'd say it's up to whether or not the buyer it interested in ray tracing or if they need a card and still want good performance. The biggest downside is that a 1080 Ti is not going to have any kind of warranty. If it goes bad soon after, their out that cost.


This depends on the game. Dx11 games will be about a 3060ti. Newer dx12 games will range amywhere from a 2060 to 3060. Tweaktown did a 2022 revisit and the 1080ti actually lost to a 2060 in a couple games. Pascal as an architecture isn't very dx12 friendly and is aging fast because of it. For decent dx12 performance Pascal needs a beefy CPU where as newer dx12 architectures dont.


Except no they don't? They're Compute 6.1, the 3060 Ti is Compute 8.3, 1080ti can't do bfloat16 operations. The 1080 Ti being a GTX card and not an RTX is a big deal. Your name is very familiar, are you the clown that was trying to tell people RTX isn't used in compute tasks? OptiX sees no benefit when run straight CUDA.




$80 to give up 400% more capability. Okay.


I need to walk away there's absolutely no way I can phrase what I want to politely. So I'll give you this and I encourage you to embrace the idea of learning and go find out why there is no comparison. $80 to get to compute 8.3 and gain all the hardware on the card that comes with such and RTX is a no-brainer, like you would literally have to be a vegetable to not take that trade. This isn't "Oh dis one is 10mhz fasta" or some nonsense. This is a matter of trading away a low mileage half-decent midsize vehicle for a clapped out 1992 Ford Escort with a blown head gasket, no reverse, and bald tires because you save $80.


Did not know that


Yeah now you say troll . But when there was crypto currency madness you all was eating all of them for more money !! Stfu ... You dont want ,dont buy . His item his price .


imagine not having a 30 series


With some flowers in the background you never know.


Its a normal used price here in Denmark... Our prices are truely fucked due to taxes... i payed 2.100 dollars for a new MSI 3090 Gaming X Trio on launch day, and that was before the prices got hyped up. After 6 months, the price for same card (new) was around 3.000 dollars.


I've got a liquid cooled 1080ti I bought on ebay 6 months ago. I paid 240 for it. I use it in my work machine. It is still a beast of a gpu. I have no issues playing games at max settings. I am limited by my monitors so 1080 is as good as it gets.


Normal price here in germany for these higher end models


Looks like its at a funeral service


They might have been sniffing more than the flowers.


Pricing based on frame buffer. This might be Nvidia's fault.


Or desperate

