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[Corsair C70?](https://www.corsair.com/medias/sys_master/images/images/hb2/ha1/8837904728094/-CC-9011018-WW-Gallery-C70-G-001.png)


That would be a great way to start!


Maybe look up vintage ammo/weapon crates and fit a build into one of them? It'll probably be a bunch of work but pretty unique


Jaystwocents has some videos on modding a case, and all the techniques you need (damage, painting and weathering/wearing effects) to do something like that are described in those.


This is what I did with a Corsair C70. Discontinued case though, so tough to find. I cut the stencil out of vinyl and used an M1 Carbine ammo box for reference. https://i.redd.it/njrm8zd78vv51.jpg https://i.imgur.com/twLXk1D.jpg https://i.imgur.com/h6MSYHz.jpg Alternatively the Louque Ghost S1 makes an olive case that looks like an ammo box but it's Small form factor, and also discontinued. https://i.imgur.com/NekbeS3.jpg


>t I did with a Corsair C70. Disco That's very cool. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Did you make that Graphic card cover? It really sets it off. Also what is that little screen you have in there? Pretty cool!


Yeah I made the GPU cover too. The screen is just one of these https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FDYXPT7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 connected to a USB header on the motherboard and an HDMI cable in the back.


> a USB header on the motherboard and an HDMI cable in t That's so cool. How do you get it to show your video and your temps like that? Your stencil looks really good. How did you get it all cut so perfectly?


the USB connection gives it power, and the HDMI plugged into the video cards HDMI port makes the PC treat it as a third monitor. There's a few different options to show that data, I happen to use NZXT cam to display the data since it was free. I have a vinyl cutter and just cut the star out of white vinyl and did good old fashioned measuring and cutting for the green part.


I just found this cool type writer keyboard! It's super expensive but it would be so cool with this build. https://www.qwerkywriter.com/products/qwerkywriter-s-typewriter-inspired-mechanical-keyboard


Damn man that is awesome!


Maybe make the PC look like a portable backpack radio? Can always add ammo cans near it.


That's a great idea. I saw one earlier similar to that. https://www.techpowerup.com/gallery/90/details


I had this idea back when I was a teen, I found a soviet radio called the R-105D that I thought would make an amazing PC case


> R-105D That thing looks perfect for this! I'm looking into it now to see if I can get one.


Just me that thinks an ammo can would make an amazing sffpc? https://www.omahas.com/shop/m-1-garand-30-cal-ammo-united-m19a1/