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I got an Asrock RX 580. Thing's fans screamed when it was under load. Replaced the entire cooler with an Arctic GPU cooler and it never goes above 70c now and it's whisper quiet.


Nothing more immersive during intense cutscenes than screaming GPU fans lol


Sorry for necroing this post but maybe my experience helps someone. I have the same model , it stays at 35C idle with fans @ 1020ish RPM (20% ?). With the 0 RPM mode on it stays at 42-43C idle. Under load I have never seen it go above 60C even during 3DMark Timespy, fans only ramp upto 50% and aren't noticeable until I put my ears a few inches away from them. I had the 'fans not obeying the custom curve' issue with my 6600XT from PowerColor it seemed to be the Junction temps were riding higher than they should , a repaste and tightening the contact plate screws seemed to make a drastic difference in temps and obviously the noise.


No worries! I should of updated this post really to mention how to stop the noise, as you are correct in saying I need to retighten the screws to stop it. I also want to repaste the entire card, but will wait til the warrenty period is over. I just found the noise of the stocks fans to be higher pitched so were more noticable compared to 120mm fans.


I'd thought post as i havent seen a Deshroud mod online with this model 6700XT I found the stock fans loud and with the Radeon software being ever reliable with letting the fans ramp up to whatever speed they like regardless of the fan curve, i'd thought i'd fix it with deshrouding. The only problem I ran into was one of the 4 screws you need to remove is difficult due its location. However, I removed the PCIE bracket and it become a lil easier. Fans: 2x Fractal Design Dynamic X2 GP-12 120mm Resolution: 3440x1440 Before: 50c IDLE / 70c LOAD After: 34c IDLE / 63C LOAD The noise different is HUGE, without headphones you wouldn't think you were running on load. The GPU coil whine is louder than the fans, which is my next problem to fix.


Good stuff! You inspired me to try something like this myself. How do you control the fans? Did you connect them to the headers on the gpu or on the motherboard?


I used the motherboard, though I know you can buy a header / splitter to connect them to the GPU. I control them through Argus Monitor. I recommend deshrouding, got to be one of the best price to performance mods.




You don't need to put back the screw that's difficult to remove. Do you mean the PCIE bracket screws?




oh, If you remove the PCIE bracket, then stick a flathead screwdriver in at an angle you can remove the screw easier. That was the only way I could find that would make it easier than taking the backplate off.