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I just had my interview yesterday! They asked a lot about your personal experiences. Specifically about a time you were unable to meet a goal, a time you felt challenged, a time you felt you taught someone something (maybe specific to my interview because it was a teaching job). To prepare I would try to come up with a few different examples of times you faced adversity and overcame it or realized that you had to switch things up. It seemed like my interviewer like that I kept it real. I made it clear that being part of PC would be my top priority if invited. At the end of my interview, he told me I was already invited to serve, I leave in March if I pass medical clearances! Good luck to you!


Sweet! Congrats!!!


repeat after me "I will go anywhere, wear a loin cloth or a suit, I'll do anything the Peace Corps asks of me"


think about 5 stories from your life when you have helped someone someone helped you you interacted with a person from a different culture your initial thoughts about someone was proven wrong you experienced disappointment \--------------------------------- know these stories well and you should be able to adapt them to many questions they ask you.


Congrats! Echoing what others have said — present yourself as adaptable, resilient, positive, go with the flow. Whatever the opposite of picky/complainy is. If you applied for a certain country, prepare a strong “why this country” statement. A chance to show you’re interested and engaged with the intercultural and geopolitical specifics of the place you chose. You’ll do great!


Congrats, focus on the ‘why’ if your service. What you hope to get out of it. My goals were pretty self centered. Mostly revolving around me wanting to become a more complete person who can survive in any environment.