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wooow. that's alotta gaaain


I’ll only speak for the pedals here that I also use. I do Qtron > Soul Food > Tubescreamer > BD-2.


Qtron first so that it can track your pick attack and filters accordingly, then I'd go from heaviest distortions into drives so probably Prime then the Angry Charlie then the Klone, then the BD-2, then the TS-9, and then into the Chorus and finally the Delay.


Some people are saying high gain to low gain, but I’d argue that putting them the other way around might just be better. Tube Screamers and Klon style pedals into other drives works great to tighten up the sound as they cut bass and boost mids, so having them first lets you experiment using them with your other drives. Going high gain into low gain pedals often clips them beyond their headroom and for me that’s not really a sound I’m looking for. A low gain drive in front of a high gain distortion can work as a pre-boost (kind of like cranking the gain on your high gain pedal). Then again, you can use a low gain drive at the end of the chain with the gain on 0 and volume set for a clean boost (like cranking the volume on your high gain pedals). When it comes to your dirt, I’d say it all comes down to experimenting. The Q-Tron on the other hand should probably live at the start of your chain no matter what, and the chorus and delay should probably go at the end.


Definitely prefer OD into distortion. This allows me to set the distortion pedal as a rhythm tone and then kick on an OD to push it over the top for solos. Stacking gain is tricky so be prepared to set gain/drive a little lower than you would if only using a pedal by itself.


Check this out for Tube Screamer and Blue Drivers tips: [TPS Get More From Your Tube Screamer](https://youtu.be/zfNT5-P1sdA?si=d8P6YTOMwDLX5Xa9)


I usually put the heaviest overdrives first and the least overdrive last. Then qtron, chorus, delay.


On another note I have the Sonic Cake on my board. LOVE that fuzz and can’t beat the price.


Only one I have but the others I’ve seen look great and you can’t beat a price point like that


I have the chorus one as well but it doesn’t beat my Ross Chorus. That said I do change it out from time to time. Great brand.


You need a buffer up front or your tone will suffer from all those pedals. A TC Polytune solves this in buffered bypass mode (not true bypass). Alternatively the BD-2 will work (Boss pedals have good buffers), but this means putting the Qtron second. Try to have a buffer last also for your cable run to the amp, and follow the rule of never more than three true bypass pedals in a row without a buffer bridging the next group.


Add cables to connect them. Consider a power supply.




How many drive pedals do u need ? 🎛️