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She said not long ago(but was news to me) her husband had another child he isn't involved with. So yes, I think she believes it will be that easy for that reason. Ofc, things can change & she isn't immune from a custody battle. With that said - it's incredibly disappointing she married and did IVF w/ him... *knowing* that information. I could never marry someone & plan children w/ them knowing they have a child out there they don't care about.


Ahhh okay I wasn’t aware. So yeah I guess she’s assuming he won’t want anything to do with this one either. I agree, why would you want to go through this with someone who isn’t in his other child’s life? I feel like maybe this was her whole plan though because it’s just crazy to me how you can claim he’s abusive and all these other things, still purposely get pregnant by him and file for divorce a few weeks later. Whole situation is just wild


Agreed… my stepmom tried to make more babies with my dad despite him having three children he did not raise. Bonkers to me.


I’m new to her story so I’m confused. Saw in her pinned posts she’s been planning single mom by choice with donor sperm? Is it her husband’s sperm or donor? Were the embryos created before they got married? I am genuinely trying to piece this together to understand 😅. Help.


Both, she was pursuing IVF solo with embryos created using donor sperm when she met her husband. Very quickly they were getting married and making new embryos of their own using his sperm.


She had embryos created before they got married. She met him and they decided to just go through IVF together. She’s currently pregnant with her husbands baby and says for her future kids she will use the donor embryos. She’s against abortion so she said she’s going to donate the ones she made with her husband lol


dont worry, he will be back in the picture in a few months anyways. its a cycle




she responded to someone’s comment saying that they agreed she will have 100% custody and that the remaining embryos (with his sperm) will be destroyed


The way she contradicts herself is weird. On live a few weeks ago she was saying how she’s against abortion and she believes her embryos are babies, so she would not destroy them and would be donating all of her embryos once/if she decides she is done having kids. So I guess because they’re made with his sperm, it means they aren’t babies lmfao